
Full 7.1.5 Rogue Guide (Assa Out Sub) (PvP PvE)

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Post Posted: 24-06-2018, 07:49:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Select Your Specialization

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Leveling Section

Experimental Builds

in-depth Subtlety Analysis

Best in Slot Legendary and Stuff (that you shouldn't worry about if you're new)

your main Enhancements depends on the Specialization/build that you're playing on,

even versatility could be used for certain subtlety builds

remember, agility has priority over all enhancements


Macros: sfeanth, deastep, sappor
~ they clean up your UI quite well

Assassination PvP/PvE Classic Talents
get all the critical strike you can, after reaching 120% mastery. then a little haste.
also efficient for multi-target

level 15: Master Poisoner; a huge part of our damage relies on poison and its application, so it would be wise to get the most out of it.

level 30: Subterfuge;
shit happens, we sometimes forget to apply silence on a caster, or sometimes we are forced out of stealth, so this is a plan B, stronger than the A.

level 45: Vigor;
Assassination, like it or not, is always thirsty for energy. simply, whenever we don't have enough energy, we're disabled.

level 60: Cheat Death or Elusiveness;
we're pretty squishy so we might die quickly. nah, who am i kidding, fury warrior can kill you in 3.6 seconds in PvP.

level 75: Either;
thuggee is good for PvE and leveling, prey on the weak offers a stronger burst, internal bleeding if you have serious energy management problems.

level 90: Alacrity;
haste can be useful. period.

level 100: Either;
venom rush if your energy-management is ***, marked for death upgrades your burst and utility, death from above gives great mobility. (and an easier way to spam your creeping poisons on players. :3)

Assassination PvP/PvE Classic Honor Talents
Row 1: Either; use relentless if you're an orc

Row 2: Either;
but remember to use sparring in Melee fights

Row 3: Cut to the chase;
are you tired of chasing fire mages as they're running around like a headless chicken while they should be dead? well, pick this. put them to rest.

Row 4: Unfair Advantage;
"how tf rupture tick deal 200k damage?!"

Row 5: Deadly Brew;
simply beautiful.

Row 6: System Shock or Creeping Venom;
use system_shock to achieve the ultimate burst, creeping poison is stronk.

Assassination PvP/PvE Classic Rotation
go stealth & apply poison.
1- initiate the opener with Garrote (and cast Vendetta if available)
2- cast 1
Mutilate (and/or Cheap Shot if necessary)
3- cast
Rupture [remember, spending more combo points in rupture only increases its duration, not its tick damage]
4- cast 1 or 2
Mutilate again, so you get 3-5 combo point
5- cast
Kingsbane if available.
6- cast
Envenom [you may cast envenom with 3 to 5 combo points. you need to keep envenom's buff up (especially) in PvE.]
9- keep auto attacking for poison application.

10- Re-apply your bleeds when they end, farm CP, spend CP on
envenom and rupture

refresh rupture when it's about to fade away,
refresh garrote if target is likely to escape from your range,
cast envenom when your rupture, garrote and poison are applied to target.
cast poisoned knife to pull mobs in PvE or to keep wound poison applied to players in PvP
try to keep up envenom's Buff active as you auto attack.
Envenom Buff should be present during kingsbane. keep envenom buff applied during kingsbane.

Assassination PvP/PvE Agonizing Talents
get all the critical strike you can, after reaching 120% mastery. then a little haste.
also efficient for single-target

level 15: Master Poisoner or Elaborate Planning; With Master poisoner you can further increase the effect of agonizing poison, Elaborate Planning further increases your damage output.

level 30: Subterfuge;
shit happens, we sometimes forget to apply silence on a caster, or sometimes we are forced out of stealth, so this is a plan B, stronger than the A.

level 45: Vigor;
Assassination, like it or not, is always thirsty for energy. simply, whenever we don't have enough energy, we're disabled.

level 60: Cheat Death or Elusiveness;
we're pretty squishy so we might die quickly.

level 75: Either;
thuggee is good for PvE and leveling, prey on the weak offers a stronger burst, internal bleeding if you have serious energy management problems.

level 90: Agonizing Poison;
note: this poison benefits from your artifact traits and passives. agonizing poison is superior to deadly poison in single target situation.

level 100: Either;
venom rush if your energy-management is ***, marked for death upgrades your burst and utility, death from above gives great mobility.

Assassination PvP/PvE Agonizing Honor Talents
Row 1: Either; use relentless if you're an orc

Row 2: Either;
but remember to use sparring in Melee fights

Row 3: Cut to the chase;
are you tired of chasing fire mages as they're running around like a headless chicken while they should be dead? well, pick this. put them to rest.

Row 4: Unfair Advantage;

Row 5: Deadly Brew;
simply beautiful.

Row 6: System Shock or Creeping Venom;
use system_shock to achieve the ultimate burst, creeping poison is stronk.

Assassination PvP/PvE Agonizing Rotation
go stealth & apply poison.
1- initiate the opener with Garrote (and cast Vendetta if available)
2- cast 1
Mutilate (and/or Cheap Shot if necessary)
3- cast
Rupture [remember, spending more combo points in rupture only increases its duration, not its tick damage]
4- cast 1 or 2
Mutilate again, so you get 3-5 combo point
5- cast
Kingsbane if available.
6- cast
Envenom [you may cast it with 3 to 5 combo point. you need more of envenom buff's uptime in PvE]
7- keep auto attacking for poison application.
8- Re-apply your bleeds when they end, farm CP, spend CP on
envenom and rupture

refresh rupture when it's about to fade away,
refresh garrote if target is likely to escape from your range,
cast envenom when your rupture, garrote and poison are applied to target.
cast poisoned knife to pull mobs in PvE or to keep wound poison applied to players in PvP
Envenom Buff should be present during kingsbane. keep envenom buff applied during kingsbane.

Assassination PvP Bleed Talents
1 mistake = death
level 15: Hemorrhage; increases bleed damage. ain't that nice for this build?

level 30: Nightstalker;
just listen :3

level 45: Deeper Stratagem;
we're about to make a super viable bleed build, and this one is a necessity.

level 60: Cheat Death or Elusiveness;
we're pretty squishy so we might die quickly.

level 75: Internal Bleeding;
this one is also required.

level 90: Exsanguinate;
you don't have time to wait for a 28 seconds rupture? well... that's a long wait. let's shorten it to fit in our hemorrhage duration.

level 100: Marked For Death;
just to make use of our nightstalker.

Assassination PvP Bleed Honor Talents
Row 1: Either; use relentless if you're an orc

Row 2: Either;
but remember to use sparring in Melee fights

Row 3: Cut to the chase;
are you tired of chasing fire mages as they're running around like a headless chicken while they should be dead? well, pick this. put them to rest.

Row 4: Unfair Advantage;

Row 5: Deadly Brew;
simply beautiful.

Row 6: System Shock or Creeping Venom;
use system_shock to achieve the ultimate burst, creeping poison is stronk.

Assassination PvP Bleed Rotation
go stealth & apply poison.
1- initiate the opener with Marked for Death and cast Rupture directly from stealth.
2- cast 1
3- cast 1
4- cast
5- now cast
Kidney shot (with 4-6 combo points)
6- cast
Exsanguinate and now simply disengage from target.

7- when your bleeds ended, refresh garrote, and farm 4-6 combo points with mutilate...

8- cast
Kingsbane if available.
9- cast
Envenom with 4-5 combo point.
10- keep auto attacking for poison application.

re-apply hemorrhage, garrote and rupture when they ended.
you can stack you envenom and poisons inside your bleed damage duration too, but it's either overkill or suicide.
cast poisoned knife to keep wound poison applied to players in PvP
Envenom Buff should be present during kingsbane. keep envenom buff applied during kingsbane.

Assassination PvP/PvE System Shock
get all the critical strike you can, after reaching 70% mastery. then a little haste.
this build should be used when you don't have much mastery.

level 15: Elaborate Planning; i believe this is the wisest choice. you will see why, in the rotation.

level 30: Subterfuge;
shit happens, we sometimes forget to apply silence on a caster, or sometimes we are forced out of stealth. so this is a plan B, stronger than the A.

level 45: Vigor;
Assassination, like it or not, is always thirsty for energy. simply, whenever we don't have enough energy, we're disabled.

level 60: Cheat Death or Elusiveness;
we're pretty squishy so we might die quickly.

level 75: Either;
thuggee is good for PvE and leveling, prey on the weak offers a stronger burst and helps your team take healer out faster, and get internal bleeding if you have serious energy management problems.

level 90: Alacrity;
since you aren't a 'normy' brain dead assassination rogue anymore, you must use this to ensure a smoother combo.

level 100: Death From Above;
the purpose of this build.

Assassination PvP/PvE System Shock Honor Talents
Row 1: Either; use relentless if you're an orc

Row 2: Either;
but remember to use sparring in Melee fights

Row 3: Cut to the Chase;
to catch up with a running monk or spriest.

Row 4: Unfair Advantage;

Row 5: Deadly Brew;
simply beautiful

Row 6: System Shock;
system shock added to death from above? lol (it's not dealing as much damage as it should be dealing. quicksand fix plz)

Assassination PvP/PvE System shock Rotation
go stealth & apply poison.
1- initiate the opener with Garrote
2- cast 1
Mutilate (and/or Cheap Shot if necessary)
3- cast
Rupture [remember, spending more combo points in rupture only increases its duration, not its tick damage]
4- cast 1 or 2
Mutilate again, so you get 3-5 combo point
5- cast
Kingsbane if available.(and cast Vendetta if available)
6- cast
Death from Above [you may cast it with only 5 combo points in pvp, but 3-5 combo points in pve. you need more of envenom buff's uptime in PvE]
7- keep auto attacking for poison application.
8- Re-apply your bleeds when they end, farm CP, spend CP on
envenom / Death From Above and rupture

refresh rupture when it's about to fade away,
refresh garrote if target is likely to escape from your range,
cast envenom when your rupture, garrote and poison are applied to target.
cast poisoned knife to pull mobs in PvE or to keep wound poison applied to players in PvP
Envenom Buff should be present during kingsbane. keep envenom buff applied during kingsbane.


Macros: sfeanth, pure slash, gosap
clean up your UI!

Outlaw PvP/PvE Classic Talents
get all the critical strike you can, after reaching 50-60% mastery. then a little haste.
not optimal in PvP, but it's good™.

level 15: Quick Draw; it's a legit and viable choice.

level 30: Grappling Hook;
some mobility. always helps.

level 45: Deeper Stratagem;
helps to manage combo points and increases finisher damage.

level 60: Either;
iron stomach to help healer or help yourself to solo, elusiveness reduces your squishy-ness, cheat death if you think you're going to get one-shotted

level 75: Either;
use parley for leveling and questing, prey on the weak is useful for certain mythic dungeons, Dirty tricks helps you with energy

level 90: Alacrity;
you're constantly spending combo points, so this is quite helpful.

level 100: Marked For Death or Death From Above;
marked for death increases your burst capability and utility, Death From Above increases mobility.

Outlaw PvP/PvE Classic Honor Talents
Row 1: either; but go relentless if you're orc

Row 2: either;
but remember to pick sparring for Melee fights

Row 3: Boarding Party or Cut to the chase;
both are mobility, you can choose one, but keep in mind, the beheaded chicken might run further without Cut To The Chase.

Row 4: either;
go Turn The Table if you're an orc with relentless.

Row 5: Control is King;
you'll gain huge amount of energy during combat.

Row 6: Dismantle or Plunder Armor;
Disarm can be extremely useful versus bursty melee, plunder armor helps you with your burst.

Outlaw PvP/PvE Classic Rotation
stealth up!
1- initiate with Ambush (OR Cheap Shot if necessary)
2- cast Saber Slash
3- cast Pistol Shot if it's free (Opportunity Proc)
4- cast Roll The Bones
5- cast Saber Slash and Pistol Shot until you get 5-6 combo point
6- cast
Run Through (Run Through is your combo spender)
7- gain more combo point by casting Saber Slash and Pistol Shot on proc.
8- Refresh Roll The Bones with 3-4 combo point

farm combo, spend combo, farm combo, refresh RtB, farm combo, spend combo

Turn Blade Flurry ON when more than 2 enemy targets nearby. disable it if only 1 target exists.

Outlaw PvP/PvE SwordMaster Talent
get all the critical strike you can, after reaching 50-60% mastery. then a little haste.
Make Sure to Read the Rotation.

level 15: SwordMaster; this changes the world as you know it, BITCONNNEEEE---

level 30: either;
they're all mobility.

level 45: Deeper Stratagem;
helps to manage combo points and increases finisher damage.

level 60: Either;
iron stomach to help healer or help yourself to solo, elusiveness reduces your squishy-ness, cheat death if you think you're going to get one-shotted

level 75: Either;
use parley for leveling and questing, prey on the weak is useful for certain mythic dungeons, Dirty tricks helps you with energy

level 90: Killing Spree;
it's actually viable. read rotation.

level 100: Marked For Death;
you REALLY want to ReRoll your bones with this build. :3

Outlaw PvP/PvE SwordMaster Honor Talents
Row 1: either; but go relentless if you're orc

Row 2: either;
but remember to pick sparring for Melee fights

Row 3: Boarding Party or Cut to the chase;
both are mobility, you can choose one, but keep in mind, the beheaded chicken might run further without Cut To The Chase.

Row 4: either;
go Turn The Table if you're an orc with relentless.

Row 5: Control is King;
you'll gain huge amount of energy during combat.

Row 6: Dismantle or Plunder Armor;
Disarm can be extremely useful versus bursty melee, plunder armor helps you with your burst.

Outlaw PvP/PvE SwordMaster Rotation
stealth up!
Do NOT cast Pistol Shot even if it was free (even if Proc). unless Either it's the artifact's BlunderBuss proc, OR wrist Legendary proc.
1- initiate with Ambush (OR Cheap Shot if necessary)
2- cast Saber Slash
4- cast Roll The Bones (cast Curse of the DreadBlades if available)
5- cast Saber Slash until you get 5-6 combo point
6- cast Run Through (Run Through is your combo spender)
7- gain more combo point by only casting Saber Slash
8- Refresh Roll The Bones with 3-4 combo point
farm combo, spend combo, farm combo, refresh RtB, farm combo, spend combo
Turn Blade Flurry ON when more than 2 enemy targets nearby. disable it if only 1 target exists.
when the Roll gave you SHARK INFESTED WATERS (critical strike chance buff), cast your Killing Spree
this way, Killings Spree deals significant damage while dodging some mechanics and/or area of effect spells.

Outlaw Slice'n'Dice Talents
for PvE. you need to get +85% mastery and fill up critical strike after that.
in PvE, outlaw's mastery must be high so auto attacks and passive can deal good damage, but in PvP, mastery is extremely Low, hence we use it another way
by the way, completely forget about casting pistol shot in melee range. unless it's blunderbuss

level 15: PvP: SwordMaster; you really need this. only swordmaster.

level 30:
PvP: Acrobatic Strikes; quite important to sustain damage, especially for when the enemy tries to kite you.

level 45:
PvP: Vigor; We Need even more energy to sustain the damage output

level 60:
PvP: either; but i may suggest elusiveness because you might accumulate too much energy with no use. spam feint then.

level 75:
PvP: either; it really doesn't matter.

level 90:
PvP: Alacrity; more haste means more sustain damage and more energy to spend.

level 100:
PvP: Slice and Dice; the star of our show. it's better than what you think. legion has not killed it.


level 15: PvE: Ghostly Strike; this 10% affects your mastery, auto attacks and saber slashes.

level 30:
PvE: Grappling Hook or Hit and Run; your auto attacks(mastery) range is not increased with acrobatic strikes. taking acrobatic strikes will fool you.

level 45:
PvE: either; you might be surprised, but in PvE and with proper build, having a burstier artifact can help way more. for example, i take anticipation.

level 60:
PvE: either; however, i suggest elusiveness, because you won't lack energy and you can help your healer by avoiding AoE stuff.

level 75:
PvE: either; but i may suggest parley to dodge some mobs in dungeon.

level 90:
PvE: Alacrity; more haste means more sustain damage and more energy to spend.

level 100:
PvE: Slice and Dice; you need specific amount of mastery and perhaps a nighthold trinket in order to surpass [roll the bones] with this build.

Outlaw Slice'n'Dice Honor Talents
Row 1: either; it doesn't matter.

Row 2: either;
use sparring for melee fights.

Row 3: either;
Cut To The Chase is suggested.

Row 4: Turn the Tables;
increased sustain damage.

Row 5: Take Your Cut;
you'll be casting slice and dice quite often, so this should help you.

Row 6: Plunder Armor;
since your damage is too sustained, you NEED some burst to survive. stack this well with curse of the dreadblades.

Outlaw PvP Slice'n'Dice Rotation
stealth up!
1- initiate with Ambush (or Cheap Shot if necessary)
2- cast Saber Slash once
3- cast Run Through
4- cast Slice and Dice with Refunded combo points (for a 12sec SnD)

5- cast 2 Saber Slashes, (and BlunderBuss if available / NEVER CAST PISTOL SHOT IN MELEE RANGE)
6- cast Run Through, (always cast Run Through with 3-4 Combo points)
7- cast a Saber Slash, so you have 2-3 combo points.
8- cast Slice and Dice with 2-3 Combo Point. (always cast Slice and Dice with 2-3 combo point)

9- Repeat step 5 and 6, (with adernaline rush and plunder armor if available)
10- when Slice and Dice buff is about to fade, do step 7 and 8.

remember, casting 1 saber slash is enough during curse of the dreadblades burst.

note: it might seem weird for you now,
but this build is all about rapid and sustained burst of damage, followed by passives such as Take Your Cut and Greed trait.
seems stupid and not functional? try it in a skirmish.
Low Combo Run Through will increase the rate at which you cast Run Through, which triggers Greed artifact trait.
Low Combo Slice and Dice will increase the rate at which you cast Slice and Dice, which results in more Take your Cut uptime.
you can keep Blade Flurry active 24/7, it won't affect your rotation at all.
having more energy also means much more control. you would have no problem CCing enemies when needed.
all while your saber slash is dealing massive damage.
remember to optimize and use your survivability spells more efficiently. especially Cloak of shadows that can heal you for massive amount.
you can also choose disarm to become the ultimate cancer versus fury warrior.

Outlaw PvE Slice'n'Dice Rotation
stealth up!
1- initiate with Ambush if possible (or Cheap Shot if necessary)
2- cast Ghostly Strike once,
3- cast Saber Slash
4- cast Run Through
5- cast Slice and Dice with Refunded combo points (for a 12sec SnD)

5- cast Saber Slashes, (and BlunderBuss if available), until you have 4-5 combo points.
6- cast Run Through, (always cast Run Through with 4-5 Combo points)
7- cast and apply ghostly strike if its debuff is about to fade. (or simply use Pure Slash Macro)
8- cast a Saber Slash, so you have 3-4 combo points. (if and only IF you somehow don't have enough energy for saber slash, cast a free pistol shot)
9- cast Slice and Dice with 3-4 Combo Point. (always cast Slice and Dice with 3-5 combo point)

10- Repeat steps 5, 6 and 7 (with adernaline rush if available)
11- when Slice and Dice buff is about to fade, do step 8 and 9.
12- remember to keep Ghostly Strike applied
remember, casting 1 saber slash is enough during curse of the dreadblades burst.

note: it is EXTREMELY VERY HIGHLY recommended to take an item like nightblooming frond or an item with chance-on-hit effect.
you should manage your Blade Flurry. use it when more than 2 targets are present. avoid ninja-pulling.


Macros: Subdance, Substrike, saqqed
~ clean tf out of your UI!

Subtlety PvP/PvE Classic Talents
have fun hunting
level 15: Master of Subtlety; a nice and reliable damage increase. you may pick gloomblade too.

level 30: Subterfuge;
just to compensate for your failures and to give your dance a lil boost.

level 45: Vigor;
it sucks to run out of energy right in the middle of fights

level 60: either;
however, i may suggest soothing darkness versus sustained DPS

level 75: Prey on the Weak or Tangled Shadows;
you really don't want to farm diminishing returns, so take either of these two.

level 90: Premeditation;
You'll need combo points in order to properly damage. so he'we'go.

level 100: either;
it changes your play style and makes it harder for me to write rotation in the next part, aye. yolo.

Subtlety PvP/PvE Classic Honor Talents
Row 1: either; *** me. go relentless if you're orc.

Row 2: either;
use reinforced armor to compensate for the Bargain* a bit, hardiness versus other sub rogues and arcane mage, sparring for melee.

Row 3: either;
you can choose to put the bloody mages to rest, but you can just walk in stealth to do that, gently.

Row 4: either;
choose smoke bomb if you REALLY know what you're doing. i, myself, can't use it at maximum efficiency.

Row 5: Cold Blood;
you'll cut a good chunk of warlock's health, but don't get cocky. it's like throwing wet noodles.

Row 6: Thief's Bargain;
vanish every 30seconds, seems useful, is useful.

Subtlety PvP Classic Rotation
stealth up!
apply Symbols of Death and Cold Blood (or simply use subdance macro)
1- cast two Shadowstrikes (or Cheap Shot if needed)
2- cast Nightblade with 4-5 combo points (keep Nightblade applied. combo point only increases its duration)
3- try to cast Shadowstrike. if your subterfuge already faded, cast Shadowdance. (or... use subdance macro)
4- cast Shadowstrike until you got 4-5 combo points.
5- cast Eviscerate (or cast Death From Above if you pick it)
6- cast Marked for Death (if you don't have that talent, simply farm combo points by casting 2 Shadowstrike in Shadow Dance)
7- cast Eviscerate with 4-5 combo point
ReApply Shadowdance and keep it applied when performing the rotation
use subdance to properly: cast and use Shadow Dance without wasting any stack, cast symbols and cold blood, enter stealth.
use substrike to cast shadowstrike if shadow dance/stealth is active, and to cast the normal backstab/gloomblade if not.

Subtlety PvE Classic Rotation
stealth up!
apply Symbols of Death (or simply use subdance macro)
1- cast Shuriken Storm if 2 or more targets are present, cast one Shadowstrike/Backstab otherwise.(or Cheap Shot if needed)
2- cast Nightblade with 1-5 combo points, (1-3 on trash, 4-5 on boss)
3- cast Shuriken Storm if 2 or more targets are present, cast two Shadowstrike/Backstab otherwise. (or... use saqqed macro)
4- cast Eviscerate when you applied Nightblade to all targets.
5- simply farm combo points by casting 2 Shadowstrike in Shadow Dance or a Shuriken Storm
6- cast Eviscerate on target with low hp
7- Re Apply your Nightblade to mobs, depending on their total health.
ReApply [color=yellow]Shadowdance and keep it applied when performing the rotation[/color]
use subdance to properly: cast and use Shadow Dance without wasting any stack, cast symbols and cold blood, enter stealth.
use substrike to: automatically cast shadowstrike if shadow dance/stealth is active, and to cast the normal backstab/gloomblade if not.

remember to keep Symbols of Death active
remember, in PvE, you can use Marked for Death on low health mobs so you it resets quite often.

Subtlety PvP Stalker Talents
inferior to the classic in Arena, but it's more fun in BG
level 15: Master of Subtlety or Weapon Master; Weapon Master might seem underpowered, but it's not about DPS at all. it's about being unpredictable. to be able to kill someone with 1 eviscerate cast.

level 30: Subterfuge;
to maximize your shadow dance uptime and surviviblity.

level 45: either;
yes. either. even anticipation can be useful. however, i may suggest deeper stratagem.

level 60: Soothing Darkness;
you have high shadow dance uptime with this build and lots of HP. it's just common sense.

level 75: Prey on the Weak or Tangled Shadows;
you really don't want to farm diminishing returns, so take either of these two.

level 90: Premeditation;
You'll need combo points in order to properly damage. this talent is essential for this build.

level 100: Marked for Death;
they don't expect 2x eviscerate.

Subtlety PvP Stalker Honor Talents
Row 1: either; fu-

Row 2: Reinforced Armor;
for a very soothing darkness

Row 3: either;
i really want to sleep so forgive me for not typing that shit over and over again.

Row 4: Shadow's Caress;
you really need to sustain your damage output and defense.

Row 5: either;
because it does not matter if you want 0.1% DPS increase or 0.11%

Row 6: Phantom Assassin;
this helps you connect your shadow dances to form a eternal cycle of self-healing and damage

Subtlety PvP Stalker Rotation
stealth up!
apply Symbols of Death (or simply use subdance macro)
1- cast two Shadowstrikes (or Cheap Shot if needed)
2- cast Nightblade with 4-5 combo points (keep Nightblade applied. combo point only increases its duration)
3- try to cast Shadowstrike. if your subterfuge already faded, cast Shadowdance. (or... use subdance macro)
4- cast Shadowstrike until you got 4-5 combo points.
5- cast Eviscerate (or cast Death From Above if you pick it)
6- cast Marked for Death (if you don't have that talent, simply farm combo points by casting 2 Shadowstrike in Shadow Dance)
7- cast Eviscerate with 4-5 combo point
8- REPEAT 1 & 2 + 4 & 5
ReApply Shadowdance and keep it applied when performing the rotation
use subdance to properly: cast and use Shadow Dance without wasting any stack, cast symbols and cold blood, enter stealth.
use substrike to cast shadowstrike if shadow dance/stealth is active, and to cast the normal backstab/gloomblade if not.

Artifact Path



First: Surge of Toxins
Second: Bag of Tricks
Third: Blood of the Assassinated



First: Greed
Second: Blunderbuss
Third: Blurred time (+ Hidden Blades for PvP)



First: Embrace of Darkness, then Finality
Second: Catlike Reflexes and Ghost Armor, then Shadow Nova
Third: Akaari's Soul

Here: link - is a sample picture by picture tutorial for your Rogue UI / Addon Settings

VirusTotal: Clean

Addons: (download for 7.1.5)
Lorti UI
Leatrix Plus


OUTLAW PvP Dread Cannon; offers massive burst and extreme survivibility. good for BattleGrounds.
Macro: DreadCannon

Be Hyper Active and Enable action camera for best experience. (/console actioncam full/off)

SUBTLETY PvP Little Boy; just a test kit for massive nuclear burst. it might as well fail, but still killing people.

use your creativity, but please give up if it sucked.

for leveling, i strongly suggest Outlaw specialization.
assassination got low energy pool,
and subtlety leveling might not be what you've been expecting.

Outlaw on the other hand, has great single target and Area Of Effect damage (blade flurry),
plus utilities such as grappling hook, parley, gouge, riposte and bribe,
making it the most sensible choice across other specializations.

Leveling Talents and Why:

level 15: SwordMaster;
you're going to cast saber slash anyway, why not double the damage and it's AoE?

level 30: Grappling Hook;
extremely useful in leveling.

level 45: Vigor;
you need energy to perform long rotations.

level 60: Either;
iron stomach if you don't have any potion or food, elusiveness if you're low on armor, cheat death if you NEED TO pull a huge number of mobs in order to complete objective.

level 75: Parley;
extremely useful and a life saver. explained separately.

level 90: Killing Spree;
you NEED it to get rid of a mob crowd.

level 100: Marked For Death;
you'll end up casting this on low Hp targets and execute all mobs in a chain.

Only cast pistol shot with proc when you're out of energy,
Only cast pistol shot when target is not in melee range.

- > why not quick draw: it slows down your rotation and you will not be able to take down mobs as easy as it should be.
- > why not ghostly strike: it slows down your rotation and only affects one target per cast, it also has low damage. so just a waste of GCD.

- > why vigor: because you will be constantly casting saber slash and run through and they both cost energy. better to be prepared for some additional mobs.

- > why parley: parley is extremely useful when questing, farming, gathering.
you can sap one target, parley the other one and safely finish objective.
or for when your objective is near a mob who's either bugged or too strong for your level, you disable two of them.
REMEMBER: Parley Removes your stealth. so make sure you've already sapped the first target.

- > why killing spree: it's useful when you're required to end a large number of mobs quickly.
or for when the mobs are too small that they aren't worth your big cooldowns like riposte.

make sure to activate bladeflurry before killing spree.
if targets are medium and not weak, cast a few Roll The Bones before engaging, initiate when you've received the shark buff (critical strike chance)
and cast killing spree while you have the bonus 30% crit. [the thing around my health HUD is an addon called RogueBox.]

- > why Marked For Death: it's extremely useful to finish off mobs. it resets when target dies, so if you use it properly, you can execute a whole crowd of mobs very quickly and swiftly.


>> riposte is your savior in many future mob encounters. do not waste it.
it gives you enough time to fix up your mistakes, run away or sweep out the whole crowd with blade flurry.

>> gouge is very important. you can use it to stop spell casts that are not interrupt-able by your kick.
you can use it to isolate a mob from the crowd attacking you, giving you more time to think, react and damage.

>> do not use grappling hook for casual movement. walk the walk. you'll need grappling hook when you're being rekt by a pack of 100 mobs to escape, or to climb a mountain, or to NOT use the stairs to reach the top floor.

>> make sure there is no [Damage Over Time] effect on you before casting vanish/shadowmeld/stealth.

>> Bribe stronk mobs that you do not wish to fight.

To Be Added

some transmogrification for rogue




-> TEAL ORBS! (use Swift Manasaber as mount)

-> White Supremacy!

if you wonder, no. i do NOT know what the *** i'm doing with my life either.

author's note:

for BEST IN SLOT shit, take a visit to youtube and look at them videos.

Suggested place for your hearthstone (very close to bank, auction house and global portals):
Suggested place for your rotation training (PvE & PvP, Multi Target & Single Target):

if you want me to add things, or if i were wrong somewhere, do not hesitate to reply to this thread. (without quoting, of course)

Protecting Game Settings - Shaman Guide - Rogue Guide - Sneaky Macros

Last edited by nyevid on 11-09-2018, 18:40:34; edited 18 times in total
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Post Posted: 04-07-2018, 18:12:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

next up: full 7.1.5 druid guide? (guardian & feral's broken in PvP btw)
or Death Knight?

tell me in comments or whatever.

edit: seems we're moving to 7.2.5 quite soon.

will update the rogue guide to 7.2.5, but not sure about the shaman one.

edit #2: wow! thank you for the dislike, kokalo223. i'm sure you have your reasons.

edit #3: added Bleed build for assassination.

edit #4,5 and 6: minor fixes.

edit #(i lost count): minor fixes.


Protecting Game Settings - Shaman Guide - Rogue Guide - Sneaky Macros

Last edited by nyevid on 04-08-2018, 20:19:51; edited 4 times in total
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Post Posted: 01-08-2018, 13:29:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)



insight: you never know how you're going to play. everything is random.


insight: you suddenly appear, then you spread your crippling depression.


insight: you suddenly appear, then you do some *** shit.

Update @ 01-08-2018, 14:29:54

side note:

the transmogrifications in my 'guide' are just trash. you can find stuff that are alot better.

here: witness some true tmogs in

Protecting Game Settings - Shaman Guide - Rogue Guide - Sneaky Macros

Last edited by nyevid on 24-08-2018, 19:56:37; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 24-08-2018, 19:56:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


still waiting for the [VALUABLE] mark on this topic.

Protecting Game Settings - Shaman Guide - Rogue Guide - Sneaky Macros
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Post Posted: 11-01-2019, 10:40:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Very useful guide, thanks!

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Post Posted: 11-01-2019, 11:22:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is for 7.1.5 @jewllr ,if u need advices u can contact me ingame when u see me online,Ryangg.

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