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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-01-2019, 10:19:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello I have a frost DK. 901 ilvl

Haste : 24%
Crit : 27%
Mastery...:30%.. I know I know its shit but it was unholy previous that why it has more mastery I'm working on it to reduce it. But my question is how can I do steady high dps? When I start killing bosses in NH or ToS or anything my dps starts off great pillar of frost and stuff goes above 600k dps and slowly gets under 400k wich is very shit for 901 ilvl. Can someone experienced fr dk tell me what am I doing wrong?

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 01-01-2019, 20:57:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello balvor,

I'm an experienced Frost DK main through the entire Legion expansion from retail, I'll try to give you some things to improve on.

First of all, Frost DKs have received major nerfs in patch 7.2.0 (which continue to affect them badly in 7.2.5) - my DPS dropped from almost 1 million to 600k on retail after the patch. While this is a major setback, it's not necessarrily the end for the spec.
The following nerfs are what really hurt the spec a lot:

1) The Blast Radius trait which increased the damage done by Howling Blast (our strongest ability in 7.1.5) has been nerfed from 10% per rank to 6% per rank (Which means that at 6/6 you only have a 36% damage increase anymore, down from 60%)
2) The Tier19 4-piece set bonus has been nerfed to only provide 6 Runic Power (down from 8) anymore when consuming a Rime buff with Howling Blast - while it may seem minor, this greatly affects our Breath of Sindragosa uptime
3) The head legendary (if you had it) only increases Howling Blast's damage by 20% anymore (down from 40%)

This greatly reduces the damage output of our hardest hitting ability, forcing us to having to use something else as our main damage source instead, more on that further below.

Now, the above things considered, a lot of things depend on your gear, Frost DKs are one of the most gear-reliant specs in Legion, it's all about min-maxing your stats - it would've been nice if you had linked your armory, that way I could've given you better and more detailed advice about the following information.

Most importantly, don't lower your Mastery even further, it is already too low, not too high. You should be aiming for a minimum of 40% Mastery, while also having 25% crit (not more or less, pretty much want exactly 25%) and 30% Haste. Now this is very difficult to do. It will become easier with the new items from Tomb of Sargeras, but with the current gear pool, as a non-donator, you'll struggle with this. You're going to need luck with item drops and get many sockets to help you out here. It can also help to rely on temporary stat buffs by items such as Memento of Angerboda from Maw of Souls, or Aluriel's trinket Entwined Elemental Foci from Nighthold. An item you want to be aiming for when Karazhan becomes available as a Mythic+ dungeon will be the Eye of Command from Upper Karazhan. (It gives a "permanent" crit bonus as long as you keep attacking the same target - ideal for the cleave damage style of Frost DKs)

There are two possible playstyle for Frost DK this patch, one being the 7.1.5 style using Breath of Sindragosa, the other being an Obliterate/Froststrike oriented "Machine Gun" build. Which one you should use heavily depends on your gear, which is why I'd like to ask you to provide a link to your armory, additionally please tell me which legendaries are available to you. Generally speaking it's unlikely that you still fulfil the requirement for Breath of Sindragosa with an ilvl of "only" 901 - due to the Runic Power generation nerf you need more Haste now to regain the rune quickly enough.

As a rule of thumb I can recommend these legendaries:

For Breath of Sindragosa:
- Seal of Necrofantasia
- Koltira's Newfound Will
- Toravon's Whiteout Bindings

There are 3 recommendations because Koltira's beats Toravon's on fights with minimal movement requirements (e.g. Krosus)

For "Machine Gun":
- Toravon's Whiteout Bindings
- Cold Heart (New 7.2.5 legendary)

The new Cold Heart legendary deals Shadowfrost damage when you use Chains of Ice (scales with Shadow and Frost damage multipliers), and this is why you need a high amount of Mastery even for this spec. At your ilvl, with roughly 40% Mastery and if you additionally have Toravon's Whiteout Bindings, you can deal over 3 million damage (critical strikes) with the Cold Heart legendary when it's at 20 stacks.

If you could tell me more about your character, I will gladly help you pick the style most suited for your gear and will explain how it works for you. I hope that you find this information useful!

Best regards

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-01-2019, 06:17:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thank you for providing this guide/info about the class and stats. The armory link you requested for further help :
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-01-2019, 07:51:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It is not to over for haste 30%? I dunno but i got hard to make haste 30% with mastery up for 40% . Can you give me suggestion too for my FDK? I prefer stick with BoS atm . i have all legendary expect the new one from this patch .
Here my armory
I have :
Crit 26
Haste 20
Mas 40
Versa 2
Ohyeah i use toravon bcause its save my burst and dps still great for single target . but for aoe is suck . my trait weapon is 49 now

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 05-01-2019, 01:19:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello again balvor,

First thing I've noticed is that you are using some items (Chest and Boots) with Versatility on them. Never do this. You should only have Versatility on tier pieces where it can't be avoided. On normal items, NEVER use Versatility. Rather use another item that has any of the other secondaries, even if it's a few item levels lower.

I also recommend you to urgently switch the trinkets to some that improve your important secondary stats. Try farming Maw of Souls in Mythic+ for Memento of Angerboda, it's a much better choice than your Terrorbound Nexus.

Since you have Koltira's Newfound Will I recommend you to stay with Breath of Sindragosa build for now, with these talents:

That will allow you to maintain your breath for a noticably longer time. (Breath will be your main damage dealing ability now instead of Howling Blast)

Try to obtain 4 pieces of Tier 19 from Nighthold, their bonus greatly benefits this playstyle. For relics, you preferably want 3 relics that improve the trait "Cold as Ice", further amplifying your Breath damage.

About Tomb of Sargeras and its Tier set: Tier 20 is relatively weak compared to Tier 19 and I recommend to only switch from T19 to T20 once you can get the 4-piece bonus of T20. The 2-piece bonus on its own is really weak and can't compare against the powerful T19 effects. So even though you can already have 2 pieces of T19 (Head and Hands), you shouldn't be using them if you have T19 items in the same slot. Of course, if you don't have T19 in those slots, but you have the 2 T20 pieces, then go for it. It's better than nothing.

Best regards


Hello danz2003,

I would recommend you to use Koltira's Newfound Will and Seal of Necrofantasia as legendaries. Replace your Valkyr Ascension Signet ring for SoN. Maybe try finding an item with Haste and Mastery in any slot in which you currently haste Crit+Mastery and swap it out. 20% Haste is definitely too low. You don't absolutely need 30%, many players back then ran around 27%, 30% is a personal preference of mine as it allows a bit of room for potential errors, allows you to maintain your breath in last second after a movement phase or when having to use 1 GCD on something like a Death Strike if Dark Succor is up. However, 20% is definitely too low and will cause you to drop Breath due to not being able to spend runes fast enough (and wasting runes while Hungering Rune Weapon is active due to them refilling faster than you can spend them.)

It's good that you have Convergence of Fates - this trinket will potentially allow 3 uses of Hungering Rune Weapon while Breath is active.
However, your second trinket should be replaced by something that boosts your Haste. Considering the rest of your gear, the Cradle of Anguish trinket from Demonic Inquisition would be a good choice once it's fixed. Please don't make the mistake of using Draught of Souls though, should you have that, that trinket is not suitable for Frost DKs.

I would recommend you to run the standard Breath of Sindragosa talents:

With your Convergence of Fates and Seal of Necrofantasia being available you should have no need to use Horn of Winter. (Maybe until you get your Haste up, run some tests on a dummy and see if you can manage to maintain breath with the gear setup that you have, if not, try using Horn of Winter and see if that helps - this issue will sort itself out with a bit more haste)

Best regards

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-01-2019, 04:14:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hi thanks for advice . i already try reach haste to around 25-27% . my damage is quite balance in dummy bcause we dont have to many move . i can hold up my BoS until 1 min+ with talent you suggest .
here my stats for you talent advice is
crit 23
haste 27
mastery 39
and oh yeah is better i use my item now or i should use my old tier 19 for 4 pcs? bcause set ToS 2pcs still bug . but if i use 4 set Nh i think my mastery will fall drop too 28% (i still dont have match and mix for better gear)
my trinket is use memento and CoF for now bcause i dont have any good trinket for now . i have Entiwined Foci . should i use that Foci or i stick with my memento?

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