
[REJECTED] Stuck at Suramar quest chain(with much more information this time)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-02-2019, 21:08:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: Good Suramaritan

Bug description: Strange bug happened in my suramar quests and it made a huge problem in middle of my quest chain and i can't continue it to get Good Suramaritan

Can't get quest from top floor of sanctuary
Can't get quest from bottom floor of sanctuary
Portal on top of sanctuary is activated
Scroll of the An old ally quest is empty

My in game nickname: Dkmmd-felsong

These are my proofs that shows i'm on the first chapter of the chain and can't get any quest from the chain
First of all i contacted a game master, he helped me for a bit but not that much to solve my problem he gave me a wrong information but it ended up on giving much more information about bug to me.
Well lets get into this

So the problem starts with the quests after completing Shal'aran actually an entire part of chain is missing and that quest is An old ally this is the first quest of Kel'danath's Legacy and this chain is part of Nightfallen but not forgotten achievement and the first part of this chain(An old ally) is missing and can't get it from quest giver that should be First Arcanist Thalyssra and the point of this quest chain(Kel'danath's Legacy) in suramar quest chain is being Condition for Tapping the leylines this quest is start of An ancient mana(first part of Good Suramaritan) and for making sure its the start of it you can easily go to Good Suramaritan page by clicking on name of it then choose the An ancient mana part that supposed to be The Valewalker's Burden then just continue clicking on first quest of the chain you'll end up on Tapping the leylines then check the Conditions and i need this bug to be fixed, so this is the all information you required i guess and for simplifying it an entire part of my quest chain for suramar is missing

Note: I'm completed the Survey Says... already and that was my last quest inside the sanctuary and the next quest that i should complete as you see Here in Wowpedia my next quest is Tapping the leylines which is i can't start it cause of that bug

This is my first and main theory for my bug

And the 2nd theory of mine that has chance to be my problem is This thing that happened to someone else too

Hope you'll be able to fix it, Thanks!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-02-2019, 23:35:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Can confirm this is indeed bugged. After going to Anora Hollow, nothing happens and you never get past the "Explore Anora Hollow" stage of the quest.

Update: It appears that if you accept the quest and interact with the npc that gave you the quest in Shal' Aran, it autocompletes.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-02-2019, 22:07:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thank you dude you helped me a lot i found the quest

for other players if this bug happened to you just simply go to subject 16 quest and find it he will give you quest line of Kel'danath's Legacy and for the first quest of an ancient mana just do what this nice guy said to me

thanks for help and i hope this bug will be fixed soon as possible

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