
[EN][Guide][PvE] BiS Discipline Priest 7.3.5

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Post Posted: 23-08-2018, 15:34:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

BiS Discipline Priest 7.3.5 PvE Guide

Hello, I’m here to bring you a simple straight to the point guide on playing a discipline priest in PvE on 7.3.5 patch. For myself I’ve been playing priest since WOTLK days all through the expansions, today I play a horde blood elf priest named Mind.


  1. Dungeon

    1. Stat Priority
    2. Talents
    3. Legendaries
    4. Trinket Ranking

  2. Raid

    1. Stat Priority
    2. Talents
    3. Legendaries
    4. Trinket Ranking
    5. Tier sets: 19/20/21

  3. Artifact

    1. Trait Priority
    2. Relics
    3. Netherlight Crucible

  4. Spell Usage

    1. Single target healing
    2. Multi-target healing
    3. Damaging abilities

  5. Consumables, Enchants and Gems

    1. Consumables
    2. Enchants
    3. Gems

  6. Notes / Tips / Additional Info

    1. Abilities & Talents
    2. Legendaries

1. Dungeon

1a. Stat Priority

Intellect > Haste (30-40%) > Critical (30-40%) > Mastery (40-50%) > Versatility (3-7%)

1b. Talents

Level 15: Twist of Fate
Level 30: Angelic Feather
Level 45: Shining Force
Level 60: Mindbender
Level 75: Shadow Covenant
Level 90: Purge the Wicked
Level 100: Grace

1c. Legendaries
1. Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (Neck)
2. Soul of the High Priest (Ring)
3. Velen's Future Sight (Trinket)
4. Sephuz's Secret (Ring)
5. Muze's Unwavering Will (Wrist – holy spec)
6. Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon (Waist)
7. Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont (Wrist)
8. Celumbra, the Night's Dichotomy (Crafted shoulder)
9. Estel, Dejahna's Inspiration (Chest)
10. Insignia of the Grand Army (Ring - high tier traits)
11. Inner Hallation (Shoulder)
12. Xalan the Feared's Clench (Hands)
13. N'ero, Band of Promises (Ring)
14. Norgannon's Foresight (Feet)
15. Kam Xi'raff (Head)
16. Insignia of the Grand Army (Ring - low tier traits)

1d. Trinket Ranking
1. Aman'Thul's Vision (Argus the Unmaker - Antorus) (Legendary)
2. Velen's Future Sight (Legendary)
3. Unstable Arcanocrystal (Withered J'im - World boss)
4. Norgannon's Prowess (Argus the Unmaker - Antorus)
5. Eonar's Compassion (Argus the Unmaker - Antorus)
6. Terminus Signaling Beacon (Admiral Svirax - Antorus)
7. Tarnished Sentinel Medallion (Huntress Kasparian - ToS)
8. Highfather's Machination (Asara, Mother of Night - Antorus)
9. Acrid Catalyst Injector (Kin'garoth - Antorus)
10. Ishkar's Felshield Emitter (Admiral Svirax - Antorus)

*Based on HPS output and end-game content
*Assuming all trinkets are the same ilvl

2. Raid

2a. Stat Priority

Intellect > Haste (30-40%) > Mastery (60-80%) > Critical (30-35%) > Versatility (3-7%)

2b. Talents

Level 15: Twist of Fate
Level 30: Angelic Feather
Level 45: Shining Force
Level 60: Mindbender
Level 75: Sanctuary
Level 90: Purge the Wicked
Level 100: Evangelism

2c. Legendaries

1. Velen's Future Sight (Trinket)
2. Soul of the High Priest (Ring)
3. Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (Neck)
4. Xalan the Feared's Clench (Hands)
5. Sephuz's Secret (Ring)
6. Muze's Unwavering Will (Wrist – holy spec)
7. Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon (Waist)
8. Estel, Dejahna's Inspiration (Chest)
9. Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont (Wrist)
8. N'ero, Band of Promises (Ring)
9. Inner Hallation (Shoulder)
10. Celumbra, the Night's Dichotomy (Crafted shoulder)
11. Insignia of the Grand Army (Ring - high tier traits)
12. Norgannon's Foresight (Feet)
13. Insignia of the Grand Army (Ring - low tier traits)
14. Kam Xi'raff (Head)

2d. Trinket Ranking

1. Velen's Future Sight (Legendary)
2. Aman'Thul's Vision (Argus the Unmaker - Antorus) (Legendary)
3. Carafe of Searing Light (Varimathras - Antorus)
4. Eonar's Compassion (Argus the Unmaker - Antorus)
5. Unstable Arcanocrystal (Withered J'im - World boss)
6. Norgannon's Prowess (Argus the Unmaker - Antorus)
7. Terminus Signaling Beacon (Admiral Svirax - Antorus)
8. Highfather's Machination (Asara, Mother of Night - Antorus)
9. Tarnished Sentinel Medallion (Huntress Kasparian - ToS)
10. Acrid Catalyst Injector (Kin'garoth - Antorus)

Mana Trinkets
1. Carafe of Searing Light (Varimathras - Antorus)
2. Fluctuating Energy (Mana Devourer - Karazhan)
3. Darkmoon Deck: Promises (Created via Promises Deck - Darkmoon Faire)
4. Amalgam's Seventh Spine (Amalgam of Souls - BRH)
5. Ephemeral Paradox (Elisande - NH)

*Based on HPS output and end-game content
*Assuming all trinkets are the same ilvl

2e. Tier sets: 19/20/21

Tier 19
T19 2-set bonus
T19 4-set bonus

Tier 20
T20 2-set bonus
T20 4-set bonus

Tier 21
T21 2-set bonus
T21 4-set bonus

Top priority is tier 21 which is worth +30 ilvl while second priority is getting tier 20 which is worth +25 ilvl.

Optimal: Tier 20 2-set + Tier 21 4-set

Shoulder - Mantle of Blind Absolution
Chest - Robes of Blind Absolution

Head - Gilded Seraph's Crown
Back - Gilded Seraph's Drape
Hands - Gilded Seraph's Handwraps
Legs - Gilded Seraph's Leggings

3. Artifact

3a. Trait priority

1. Will of the Conclave
2. Confession
3. Lenience's Reward
4. Tyranny of Pain
5. Aegis of Wrath
6. Share in the Light
7. Power of the DarkSide
8. Sins of the Many
9. Barrier for the Devoted
10. Vestments of Discipline
11. Taming the Shadows
12. Speed of the Pious

3b. Relics
1. Confession
2. The Edge of Dark and Light
3. Lenience's Reward
4. Borrowed Time
5. Shield of Faith

3c. Netherlight Crucible

Tier 1 traits
Standard +5 ilvl for each relic.

Tier 2 traits
1. Light Speed (Light)
2. Master of Shadows (Void)
3. Murderous Intent (Void)
4. Infusion of Light (Light)
5. Shadowbind (Void)
6. Chaotic Darkness (Void)
7. Torment the Weak (Void)
8. Dark Sorrows (Void)
9. Secure in the Light (Light)
10. Refractive Shell (Light)
11. Shocklight (Light)
12. Light's Embrace (Light)

Tier 3 traits
Refer to the Relics section.

4. Spell Usage

4a. Single target healing

1. Power Word: Shield
2. Plea
3. Shadow Mend

4b. Multi-target healing

1. Power Word: Radiance

4c. Damaging abilities

1. Penance
2. Shadow Word: Pain / Purge the Wicked
3. Smite
4. Shadowfiend / Mindbender

5. Consumables, Enchants and Gems

5a. Consumables

Flask – Flask of the Whispered Pact (Intellect)
Potion - Ancient Mana Potion / Leytorrent Potion (Mana), Potion of Prolonged Power (prepot) (Stats)
Food - Azshari Salad (+375 Haste), Nightborne Delicacy Platter (+375 Mastery)
Augment Rune - Defiled Augment Rune / Lightforged Augment Rune (Stats)

5b. Enchants
Neck - Mark of the Claw (Critical + Haste proc)
Ring - Binding of Haste (+200 Haste), Binding of Mastery (+200 Mastery)
Cloak - Binding of Intellect (+200 Intellect)

5c. Gems
Saber's Eye of Intellect (+200 Intellect) > Quick Lightsphene (+200 Haste) > Deadly Deep Chemirine (+200 Critical)

6. Notes / Tips / Additional Info

6a. Abilities & Talents
Power Word: Shield - Use on cooldown, can be held for a specific player if a large amount of damage is about to occur.
Power Word: Radiance - Replaces the use of Plea when 5+ Atonements are active as Plea starts becoming less mana efficient, can be used for applying multiple Atonements quickly.
Shadow Mend - Becomes better than Plea if the target will get the full heal and 5+ Atonements are active, use when targets are low health.
Penance - Use of cooldown, only delay casting if damage is going to occur in the next 3-5 seconds while you have Atonements already prepared. Do not cast if below 20% mana and you need mana to prepare Atonements.
Smite - Used as a filler ability.
Shadow Word: Pain / Purge the Wicked - Keep active on the boss all the time, can be used on ads if they take the full duration of the DoT if not then it’s not worth the mana.
Light's Wrath (artifact ability) - Becomes a very powerful healing cooldown when used correctly, becoming increasingly better the more Atonements are active.
Power Word: Barrier - Our utility cooldown which can provide 25% damage reduction if grouped, becomes a second healing cooldown when combined with N'ero, Band of Promises (ring legendary).
Shadowfiend / Mindbender - Don’t forget it’s not just a damage cooldown but also a healing cooldown as it heals all targets with Atonement active.
Rapture - Used to apply a large amount of Atonements.
Plea - Primarily used for applying Atonements and not the actual heal.
Fade - Very useful 30 second cooldown which provides 10% damage reduction from Vestments of Discipline (artifact trait) when you use Fade.

Schism – Becomes very powerful when combined with an on-use trinket (e.g. Draught of Souls) or Light's Wrath (artifact ability) . Regardless of providing higher damage and healing output Schism isn’t recommended due to high maintenance and mana cost.
Dominant Mind– Very useful in bolstering affix mythic+'s since it doesn’t get stacks due to the target becoming friendly.
Mindbender – Use when you want to provide higher damage and healing output when you don’t need the extra mana gained from Shield Discipline (highest mana regen talent).
Power Infusion - Situational cooldown which becomes essential where extra mana and haste are needed to prepare for upcoming heavy burst damage.
Divine star - Use on stack-heavy encounters instead of Halo.
Grace - Use on encounters which require frequent spot healing.

Overall discipline priest in raids provides excellent burst healing with mediocre sustain healing, when our cooldowns are properly prepared and timely correctly we can heal the whole raid from 10% to 100% health, while the only limitation to our healing is mana and how much we can cast Power Word: Radiance.

6b. Legendaries

N'ero, Band of Promises - One of the best legendaries when an encounter requires players to stack, best used in combination with Castigation.
Velen's Future Sight - The highest healing output legendary, very powerful in combination with N'ero, Band of Promises.
Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon - Very powerful legendary but at the cost of being mana consuming, if mana isn’t an issue then this provides a great increase in both healing and damage output. Amplifies the performance of Penance by increased usage which in turn increases our Castigation talent and Confession trait.

In collaboration with Luxanna


Last edited by Mind on 19-08-2020, 08:46:03; edited 14 times in total
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Post Posted: 28-08-2018, 16:44:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

good job -

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[Mentally Stable]

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                Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  I have 
Post Posted: 22-09-2018, 04:55:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thanks for this helpful Guide -

I think this would help many ppls when they play first time disci priest :3 and its nice for me cz I make now a new priest on Legion -

Hey stalker! ♥
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Post Posted: 22-02-2019, 16:05:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

any update for 7.2.5?

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[Barney The Dinosaur]

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Post Posted: 28-02-2019, 15:57:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hey abbasgon, I've thought about making a guide for discipline for 7.2.5, but I feel like Im not good enough at playing the spec to make a proper guide, instead you can check out the joshpriest guide that is linked somewhere here in the subforum. If you have some questions you can always PM me.

XXX Barney

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