
[DUPLICATE] [Druid][Guardian] Brambles + Rage of the Sleeper + brambles' internal cooldown.

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Post Posted: 12-09-2019, 05:21:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Before we start discussing about the problem i want for everyone to understand what ICD or internal cooldown mean.
An internal cooldown (or ICD) is the cooldown on several abilities usually found on items. It exists as a regulator to prevent specific chance-to-proc abilities from being active at all times.

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Brambles should have a Internal Cooldown per player and it is a sec. Right now it doesn't have one. For example if you have multiple dots effect on a guardian druid brambles right now on freakz proc from each dot dmg and has no Cooldown whatsoever. As you can see (y ik it's a 8.2 version of it but i don't think blizzard had any plans on changing brambles tooltip) on timer it says 1 sec between the reflect as for brambles shield it has just 0.1sec cds.
Rage of the Sleeper Guardian Druid artifact spell it works exactly as brambles It procs multiple times at once.
Proof: I made several tests and i killed myself in 3-4 sec the delay it was bcs timing between mouse clicks on pause button - This thing it works on reflects such as holy shield or fast attacks as barrage( hunter talent ). As you can see i made a test from my hunter and artifact + brambles did 6 hits in 1 sec legendary legs heals me for 3% HP every 1 sec so it's easier to see the problem and barrage did just 12 hits. i think it should have a ICD on player/npc but if it's another player/npc it should do another proc and have a different ICD for each npc/player. Sorry but i couldn't find an inDepth tooltip for rage of the sleeper bcs on live it's not on ask mr.robot anymore. -

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Post Posted: 16-09-2019, 17:46:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dude, you gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers:

Update @ 16-09-2019, 18:46:44

EDIT: Here's 1 without GM characters. Turns out in reality Paladins don't win the duel.

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Post Posted: 30-09-2019, 21:41:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This was already reported and explained in details.
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