
Huge Issuses with battlegrounds
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 17:23:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Players syncing 2 or 3 parties,it is posible because of the low activity in random battlegrounds.Not illegal,but if using an addon to sync is it still legal?
2.If one party or players ends up in the oposite team,they log out,stay AFK,stay AFK and avoid anti-AFK system,play but troll the team-don't atack their buddies don't heal teamates atacked by their buddies etc...In other words wintrade.
3.Different premades from different guilds aliance or horde do not play against eachother,if one guild is running premades the other doesn't enter the same battleground ever,i belive they are syncing or are on Discord together organising.
If by any chance it happens see point 2.....
4.Players that go offline need 5 minutes to get kicked from the battleground.
5.Players exploiting some bug were they end up like 12-13 vs 8-9 in 10 man battleground.,it happens only when there are 2 parties synced.
All these issues are putting the few pvp players away from battlegrounds with a very fast rate,which makes it even easier for people to sync several parties,which makes the problem worsen.

Only solution is disable join in party for random battlegrounds and/or make all battleground
teams 50/50 crossfaction.Make offline players able to be reported or get kicked from the battleground in 1 minute.

Please anyone who agrees support this topic with a +1.

Last edited by mirkocroatia on 10-11-2019, 18:04:10; edited 2 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 18:12:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-1, this is a total bullshit
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 18:18:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Of course the leader of the most active in the mentioned above activities guild will dislike my post.I want opinions of normal players.
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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 18:20:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello mirkocroatia,

1. Any AddOn that's allowed on official servers is, unless otherwise noted, allowed on our server.

2. Provide proof of it (screenshots/videos) and the players doing so will be punished if you report them on our forums:

3. Again, playing premades is not forbidden as long as they go by the rules. If they do shady things, report them.

4. Once again, provide proof of this and report it. It's a punishable offense.

5. Try to figure out how to do this exactly and report it as a bug, our developers will look into it and fix it.

In the end, I disagree about disabling premades for BGs just because of a few people misusing the system. Many players, myself included, queue for Battlegrounds with friends to have fun, not to abuse the system. It's better to get rid of the Black Sheep than to punish the entire BG playerbase for something only a minority does.

Best regards

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Last edited by Sarah on 10-11-2019, 18:21:48; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 18:25:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Providing proof will be extremely hard even impossible,i would have done it already,how to report a player that is offline or is playing,but imitating playing as explained in point 2,how many reports from different Bgs i need to send for a player that is afk in BG and gets kicked,but always afks if it happens to be against his buddies???.As for point 4-players that are afk can be reported and kicked in 1 minute,wile offline players can not,so it makes it very easy to wintrade wihtout fear of ban,or you are saying that if i report player that is offline for 5 minutes in battleground he will get banned?

Last edited by mirkocroatia on 10-11-2019, 18:32:33; edited 1 time in total
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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 18:29:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you can provide proof of multiple offenses, then yes.

Random disconnects can happen, so a single screenshot won't do it, but if a clear pattern can be seen (3+ screenshots from the same day for example) then yes, it is punishable.

Also I don't see the problem of providing proof of obvious trolling in these modern days. I can start recording videos through GeForce Experience with 1 button press, if I see any off behavior, I hit the hotkey and start recording, then upload it to YouTube and voila, I have my proof. Video recording software exists in masses these days, and even free versions would be sufficient for provide proof.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 18:47:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all they are not always from the same guild,some are guildless on purpose,some are from different guilds,that doesn't mean they are not together on Discord.So first i'll have to proove that they play premades together most of the time,than i ll have to proove that when his buddies atack me and a healer doesn't heal me on purpose?Or he just runs forward healsh himslef a bit,dies and stays afk 1 minute in graveyard and repeats?And many more examples..Also how to proove that aliance premades of certain guilds never play against horde premades of certain guilds?As i said almost impossible.
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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 19:15:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First off, I'd like to thank you for trying to improve the PvP community and the system here at Freakz WoW. Happy to see you trying to help and contribute to the server. However, I must also point out, that this is a horrible idea. Let me first address the points you've made, simillarly to how Sarah did it, and then I'll furthermore explain why disabling premades would be a pretty devastating blow to the PvP here at Freakz:

Q: Players syncing 2 or 3 parties,it is posible because of the low activity in random battlegrounds.Not illegal,but if using an addon to sync is it still legal?

A: As Sarah mentioned - if the AddOn is Blizzard approved, and is a part of the game in the retail WoW, then it will be allowed here aswell.

Q: If one party or players ends up in the oposite team,they log out,stay AFK,stay AFK and avoid anti-AFK system,play but troll the team-don't atack their buddies don't heal teamates atacked by their buddies etc...In other words wintrade.

A: If you have names of these players, I'd be very happy to investigate the issue. As Sarah mentioned, some proof would be nice, but I'd also be grateful if you could PM me a list of the names of the suspects, and I'll investigate this issue a little bit more carefully, myself. Much like you, I am also (or was at least) a very PvP oriented player, and I've always strived to make the PvP community healthy and the PvP environment enjoyable for everybody. If anybody is breaking rules or projecting extremely disruptive behaviour, which results in the quality of our PvP environment to fall, I'd be more than happy to punish them accordingly.

BUT with the required investigation. No punishment will ever be issued according to personal beliefs, somebody else's claims or a one-time event (such as a DC or something preventing a player to play one battleground, then being banned for the eternity of their lifetime).

Q: Different premades from different guilds aliance or horde do not play against eachother,if one guild is running premades the other doesn't enter the same battleground ever,i belive they are syncing or are on Discord together organising.

A: This seems like an assumption on your point, more than a researched claim. I highly doubt anybody cares enough to bother tryhard syncing several premades, especially from different guilds, different factions, just so they could faceroll the opposing team in a battleground, in which the best possible reward is some low tier gear. If however, you can give me more insight on the situation, Id be happy to investigate.

Which guilds? What players? At what time? On which Discord server?

Feel free to respond to these in the PMs, so you dont have to "bash" any guild or player on the forums, as that is technically against our rules, and also doesnt seem very honourable (especially since its just an assumption at this point).

Q: Players that go offline need 5 minutes to get kicked from the battleground.

A: Yes, this is intended, so if a player disconnects cause of technical issues (which happens - we've all been there), they don't get thrown out and are inflicted with the Deserter debuff.

Q: Players exploiting some bug were they end up like 12-13 vs 8-9 in 10 man battleground.,it happens only when there are 2 parties synced.

A: Do we have any screenshots of that? I know it used to happen on some occassions, though I dont believe it's cause of 2 parties being synced at all, as I don't have any ideas how that could be relevant to how the system works. Does it still happen? Can I get some screenies or proof?

Long story short, there are loads of casual guilds premading when they are bored, or they are just testing out the PvP environment, and it's important we enable them to play as a team. The PvP community at Freakz is already somewhat small, and suffering from numbers, and we definitely dont want it to get any worse (which this update would make it btw).

Kind regards,
GM Topgun

Last edited by topgun750 on 10-11-2019, 19:16:50; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 19:40:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

From today.I got the que pop for this BG,pressed join instantly and it said-battleground is full.I rejoined,5 minutes later in queue i entered the same battleground i guess,but on the oposite team.It was 13 vs for 5 minutes it was 13 vs 9 because i rejoined instantly in RBG queue.Double premade on aliance side....

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 19:49:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mirkocroatia wrote:

From today.I got the que pop for this BG,pressed join instantly and it said-battleground is full.I rejoined,5 minutes later in queue i entered the same battleground i guess,but on the oposite team.It was 13 vs for 5 minutes it was 13 vs 9 because i rejoined instantly in RBG queue.Double premade on aliance side....

Or maybe someone just left the BG? -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 19:56:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Even so.13 vs 10 in 10 man BG???
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 20:00:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mirkocroatia wrote:
Even so.13 vs 10 in 10 man BG???

Anyway, it's a server-side bug caused by cross-faction, people aren't abusing it because there's literally no way to do it.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 20:02:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dunno,i see it only with double premades.And everyone knows the names of the guilds that sync premades.....
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 20:04:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mirkocroatia wrote:
Dunno,i see it only with double premades.And everyone knows the names of the guilds that sync premades.....

I still can't see the second premade in the screenshot you shared, am I blind or is there none? :^)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2019, 20:05:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

For what reason would we ever sync with other guilds which where everyone pretty much hates each other. Also come on man its a private server, do you really think that anyone would keep up the effort with joining discord to sync ? like if you think about it there is no reason to.
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