
Getting kicked after 15 secs

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(since 22-04-2024 18:54)
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Post Posted: 01-02-2020, 21:03:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So I downloaded/re-downloaded the launcher like 10 times already and I still get kicked from the server when I log in..Could anyone tell how to fix this?
P.S I don't have a firewall nor anti-virus,and I can't uncheck the read only [Windows 7].
Thanks in advance.

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[Inner Voice]

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(since 21-05-2023 08:36)
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Post Posted: 01-03-2020, 12:10:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Open your Task Manager and close all processes related to World of Warcraft and Freakz Launchers, then restart your computer.
If you're using Windows 10, check your Firewall settings, a recent update has caused those to reset for many users, which may cause your launcher to be blocked.
Should that not work, try the following solutions (one by one, not all at once!)
- Redownload the launcher
- Remove the Read Only property from the ENTIRE game folder
- Set all launcher_freakz and WoW executables to run with administrator privileges
- Delete the WTF folder
- Move the WoW client to another location on your hard drive, for example the Desktop (And most importantly, the error tends to happen when it's not on the C: drive)
- Delete launcher_freakz-64.exe, launcher_freakz-64.dll and Wow-64.exe
Make sure to follow all of the steps correctly!

Common mistakes are:
- Not removing read only or only doing so from the Data folder (The not using launcher issue, if client related, comes from Interface and/or WTF)
- Not setting ALL launchers and WoW exes to run as admin, or doing right click and clicking run as admin on the launcher (which would only run the Freakz launcher, but not WoW, as admin, and only once)
- Having the client on a different hard drive or partition than C:\(Not sure why this causes the problem, as it doesn't do so on every PC, but it was the reason on my Windows 7 laptop for example)


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