
[FIXED] [Death Knight][Unholy][PvP] Crypt Fever
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-04-2020, 18:03:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:

Bug description: Crypt fever procs 5-10 times per BG against 1-2healers in enemy team (And I'm trying to apply wounds to as many targets as possible bcs its most beneficial for crypt fever). This talent should be very strong in this tier, currently it's preety much not working. From what I found only change to crypt fever in 7.3.5 is its damage scaling lowered to 100% AP instead of 200%, proc rate unchanged. It used to deal even 15-20%(I have screens with 60mil+ damage of Crypt Fever alone in 7.2.5, hundreds of procs, but it's not so easy) of total Unh damage in BGs against healer stacking teams.
edit. I did some tests in duels and noticed it never procs if target is 100% hp.

Proof: ---> below 1% from almost 100mil dmg dealt, only a few procs, applying wounds to multi targets ---> same as above ---> wowhead change notes screenshot ---> highest crypt fever in 7.2.5 i've achieved, but 10-15% of total dmg was normal in 99% of pvp activities


Last edited by thekjukamber on 01-04-2020, 19:00:53; edited 13 times in total
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Post Posted: 01-04-2020, 21:59:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thekjukamber wrote:
It used to deal even 15-20%(I have screens with 60mil+ damage of Crypt Fever alone in 7.2.5, hundreds of procs, but it's not so easy) of total Unh damage in BGs against healer stacking teams.

U did when it used to be the most bugged and broken spell on this server and we played like that since legion came out because of reasons xDDDDDDD

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-04-2020, 23:10:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Iplayferal wrote:
thekjukamber wrote:
It used to deal even 15-20%(I have screens with 60mil+ damage of Crypt Fever alone in 7.2.5, hundreds of procs, but it's not so easy) of total Unh damage in BGs against healer stacking teams.

U did when it used to be the most bugged and broken spell on this server and we played like that since legion came out because of reasons xDDDDDDD

Yep I'm aware it was overtuned by a lot. But in its current state, talent does preety much nothing(800k with 100mil dmg done? please.) and it doesn't look like blizz had such intention.


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Post Posted: 02-04-2020, 03:29:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

crypting fever is working fine now u just got used on bugy 725 with crypting doing 30% of unh dk damege . this is how it should be u can see unh dk doing pvp on youtube .
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-04-2020, 04:29:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello everyone,

Spell was bugged in way that it had proc from 7.1.5 (100% proc on healing spell) but damage from 7.2.5 - NOT OK!!!

Right now this spell feels weird. It proc chance is super low, and it shouldn't be like that.
I will do more testing but, I'm 90% sure it isn't working as it should be.

Proof that it should proc way more than it is proccing rn on server (check that dmg abilities)

Kind regards,


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-04-2020, 08:08:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dear unholy DKs, you all just got used to being carried by that bugged passive ability that used to deal 60% of your dmg done, now when its actually working fine and doing 5% dmg you are whining, i think its just l2p issue we got over here...
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-04-2020, 11:35:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

healzbot wrote:
Dear unholy DKs, you all just got used to being carried by that bugged passive ability that used to deal 60% of your dmg done, now when its actually working fine and doing 5% dmg you are whining, i think its just l2p issue we got over here...

Dear complainer,
First of all, the crypt fever was doing roughly 10-15% dmg on heavy healing teams back then, unless u really focused on spreading wounds on literally everyone, that one screenshot is highest damage in a bg vs 10+ healers who were jumping around and healing each other for 20minutes straight while affected by CV and even there its 30% of total dmg done (which is still quite a lot and I managed to do it only once, usually when I played like this, it was still somewhere between 5-15% of dmg done).
Now it deals not 5% of damage done (even if trying to spread wounds), but 0.5%. It preety much doesn't work at all, thats why report was created. Everything is in screenshots, hope someone will come with a video soon. Talking about how broken it was before isn't the topic here.


Last edited by thekjukamber on 02-04-2020, 11:41:11; edited 4 times in total
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Post Posted: 02-04-2020, 14:06:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thekjukamber wrote:
WoW Freakz spell link:

Bug description: Crypt fever procs 5-10 times per BG against 1-2healers in enemy team (And I'm trying to apply wounds to as many targets as possible bcs its most beneficial for crypt fever). This talent should be very strong in this tier, currently it's preety much not working. From what I found only change to crypt fever in 7.3.5 is its damage scaling lowered to 100% AP instead of 200%, proc rate unchanged. It used to deal even 15-20%(I have screens with 60mil+ damage of Crypt Fever alone in 7.2.5, hundreds of procs, but it's not so easy) of total Unh damage in BGs against healer stacking teams.
edit. I did some tests in duels and noticed it never procs if target is 100% hp.

Proof: ---> below 1% from almost 100mil dmg dealt, only a few procs, applying wounds to multi targets ---> same as above ---> wowhead change notes screenshot ---> highest crypt fever in 7.2.5 i've achieved, but 10-15% of total dmg was normal in 99% of pvp activities


Try to coverage all fixes between patches and also during the 7.3.5 patch, not only the spell itself in order to make a solid bug report.
Usually blizzard make hotfixes for pvp that are not announced in official patch notes.
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Post Posted: 10-04-2020, 19:12:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The damage is too low.

Here you can find the hotixes:

There is none for Crypt Fever on 7.3.5 from what i found.(the hotfixes happened in 7.2.5).

Here is a video from January 15 2018 (minute 11:30):

Here is another video from May 2 2018 (minute 13:05):

As you can see the damage is the same between January 2018 and May 2018, meaning no action was taken on Crypt Fever on 7.3.5

Conclusion: Damage is 50% lower, it should be double. At the moment, the damage is ~52k at 937 ilvl.

PS: Correct me if I am wrong, this is what i found.

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Post Posted: 11-04-2020, 06:58:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I was just done basic googling and found this 7.3 hotfix that may have been the cause of this conundrum.

"Crypt FeverCrypt Fever damage reduced by 25%."
"PvP template Strength reduced by 2%."

Hope this helps

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Post Posted: 11-04-2020, 10:19:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I think that the formula is 100% * Attack power * multipliers. According to wowhead it was first reduced to 133% * Ap in 7.3 and later on reduced to 100% (the 25% nerf).
with concordance and fallen crusader you get ~35k AP.
next you have 50% mastery and 20% versa + some hidden dk aura.
So without the hidden aura your Crypt fever's max dmg with all proccs should be 35k * 1.5 * 1.2 * 0.92(other person's versatility dmg reduction)
That's ~ 58k max tick.
Again.. dk could have some hidden aura. In my char screen for autoattack with no gear I see a 115% multiplier. So that could be it.
So with that multiplier the max tick dmg should be ~ 58 * 1.15 = 66.6k on 0 dmg reduction and spell resistance.

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[Blood DK Masina ]

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Post Posted: 11-04-2020, 18:32:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The damage part works , after a lot of damage nerfs throughout the patches , avg normal hits being 50-60kish and Crits around 80-100k depending on procs from traits / weapon enchant is fine .

I did quite a lot of test today and previous days on it . Recetnly today I played 1 arena against a Resto Druid / Affli lock comp and Crypt fever procced 4 times in a 1+ min arena fight with wounds being almost 100% uptime .

I'll do a bit more research to find out how exactly it should proc , since 7.3.5 and 7.2.5 simcraft don't display it's proc chance per direct heal/hot casted on the target .

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Post Posted: 11-04-2020, 19:30:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've noticed proc chance got reduced not only on dks but on other classes as well. For example priest prayer of mending procs 2x less than it used to in 7.2.5. Maybe it is just a global proc rate chance reduction for all spells xD
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Post Posted: 12-04-2020, 09:22:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This Crypt fever issue is very sensible.
If it will proc too much against hots, it will make Mw monks and resto druids unplayable in pvp.. just like last patch.
All I know is it shouldn't proc every second against hots.
That's how it was in 7.1.5 - low dmg every 1 second.. and then Blizz tought it was too powerfull and nerfed it .. increased the damage but lowered the proc chance. This automatically means that it shouldn't proc every second like before against hots.

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[Blood DK Masina ]

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Post Posted: 13-04-2020, 10:44:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No , it should have an Hard set 3 second ICD , so it can't proc every second , but from previous patch notes I see the description states " Whenever enemies are healed while affected by your Festering wounds they take %AP in shadow damage " and it recieved an 30% proc chance nerf so Idk how to interprete this . I suppose before it was 100% , now it should be 70% proc chance with 3 sec ICD ?
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