
Herbalism and Mining nodes spawns

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Post Posted: 02-04-2020, 18:56:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: No direct link to a specific thing, as this bug report is about most, if not all herbalism and mining nodes on Broken Isles and Argus.

Bug description:
I noticed that herbalism and mining nodes have way less spawns since the patch 7.3.5 launched, so i decided to dig into it a bit. I didn't test for all nodes, but the ones i did test show pretty definitive answers.

Wowhead pages for herbalism and mining nodes contain maps with all spawn locations of said nodes. When comparing those maps to the ones on Freakz database it's obvious that we have way less spawns for all types of nodes. (keep in mind that there have been no changes to the number of spawn of any of these nodes between patch 7.3.5 and current 8.3.5 retail, so this comparison is not compromised in any way)

Pretty easy to test out, but i'll provide links to a few nodes, as well as a side-by-side screenshot of maps for Fjarnskaggl because that one shows the difference very clearly.

I have also provided a link to a video of a farming guide I found on YouTube of a guy that uses a gathering addon that shows spawn locations on your world map after you collected a node. His map corresponds perfectly with the Wowhead map and the video was uploaded when Legion was still live on retail.

    Starlight Rose: Freakz VS Wowhead - note how even if both maps look pretty similar (they are both absolutely packed with spawn locations) on Freakz site there are 381 spawn locations in Suramar, compared to 825 on Wowhead. Also note the huge difference in spawn locations on Broken Shore and the complete lack of spawns in other Broken Isles zones on Freakz.
    (btw there might be another thing wrong with this one since it says total spawns number is 538, but when combining the spawns in Suramar and Broken Shore we get: 381+16=397, which is nowhere near 538)

    Aethril: Freakz VS Wowhead - this one is pretty weird, there are actually more spawn locations in Azsuna on Freakz compared to Wowhead (123 vs 118), but again, a complete lack of spawns in other Broken Isles zones (Broken Shore being a big chunk of total spawns on retail)

    Foxflower: Freakz VS Wowhead - this is just following a pattern at this point. Less spawn locations in main zone and a complete lack of spawns in other zones.

I think we can move on to mining nodes now, you can check the rest of herbalism nodes yourself, those 3 are just here as proof that something is wrong.

    Leystone Deposit: Freakz VS Wowhead - again following the pattern set by the herbalism nodes with the exception that this node spawns correctly in every Broken Isles zone, but the number of spawns is infinitely smaller (901 on retail compared to only 79 on Freakz in Azsuna)

    Empyrium Deposit: Freakz VS Wowhead - I just included this one to show that Argus zones are not spared when it comes to lack of nodes spawning.


The video i mentioned earlier - you should probably try to be quick with the pause button as he shows the map 1 second after the timestamp i linked and it stays on his screen for only 2 full seconds

Last edited by ropperogue on 02-04-2020, 19:03:26; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-04-2020, 10:19:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i can confirm....i am using gathermate and the nodes do not re spawn ( most of them ) also there are wayy less of appears they somehow managed to pool the shouldn't be like that any way

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Post Posted: 28-05-2020, 12:56:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I confirm this is happening too with fishing nodes throughout all of broken isles
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Post Posted: 16-06-2020, 12:37:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Are rank 3 Herbalism ranks also bugged? I'm getting way less herbs then I usually did in 7.2.5, especially Aethril which now only gives me 2-3 per node, despite me having rank 3 already unlocked.
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Post Posted: 16-06-2020, 16:26:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Solareclipse wrote:
Are rank 3 Herbalism ranks also bugged? I'm getting way less herbs then I usually did in 7.2.5, especially Aethril which now only gives me 2-3 per node, despite me having rank 3 already unlocked.

I think some of them are just rank 3 bugs, others are just normal number of herbs per node bugs. For example, i have all herbs rank 3 and aethril rank 3 never seems to proc (it should have a chance to spawn the same herb you just collected next to you no matter which legion herb you collect). But fjarnskaggl rank 3 works perfectly fine (it gives a 4 second buff that reduces your cast time on mounts). I will need to investigate further and check if those are reported as bugged and maybe create a separate bug report as that is not a part of this one.

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