
[EN] Protection Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth 7.3.5

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7.3.5 Protection Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth


Hello everybody,

My in-game name is Meow, I'm playing since wotlk on a lot of servers and on this server I was in 2-3 cool guilds with several wins at pve events and a lot of realm first, including Realm First Kil'Jaeden.

I've created this guide after receiving so many questions about protection stats/rotation/gear, even raids/m+ mechanics for protection paladin. I hope that this guide will give you a better point of view over this spec and class.


Only 6 races can be played by a paladin:

  • Draenei, Dwarf, Human and Lightforged Draenei at the Alliance.
  • Blood Elf and Tauren at the Horde.



  • Heroic Presence - Increase strength, agility, and intellect by 425 at lvl 110.
  • Gift of the Naaru - Heals the friendly target for 20% of the caster's total health over 5 seconds. 40 yard range. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Shadow Resistance - Reduces Shadow damage taken by 1%.


  • Might of the Mountain - Critical Strike damage and healing increased by 2%.
  • Stoneform - Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and reduces all physical damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.
  • Frost Resistance - Reduces Frost damage taken by 1%.


  • The Human Spirit - You gain 2% more from all secondary stats "Haste, Crit, Mastery, Versatility" from all sources.
  • Every Man for Himself - Remove all stun effects has a 2 minute cooldown, shares a 30 second cooldown similar effects (trinkets).

Lightforged Draenei

  • Light's Judgment - Call down a strike of Holy energy, dealing Holy damage to enemies within 5 yards after 3 sec. (scaling with your stats)
  • Light's Reckoning - Erupt with Light upon death. Deals Holy damage to enemies within 8 yards and heals allies. (scaling with your stats)
  • Holy Resistance - Reduces Holy damage taken by 1%.


Blood Elf

  • Arcane Acuity - Increases critical strike chance by 1%.
  • Arcane Torrent - Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds and restore 1 Holy Power, 1.5 minute cooldown.
  • Arcane Resistance - Reduces Arcane damage taken by 1%.


  • Brawn - Critical strike damage and healing increased by 2%.
  • War stomp - Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds with 0.5 second cast time and 1.5 minute cooldown.
  • Endurance - Increases your stamina by 1283 at lvl 110.

Top races order by survivability:

    1. Tauren = Dwarf
    2. Human
    3. Lightforged Draenei
    4. Blood Elf
    5. Draenei


In order to understand what talents to use in a encounter you have to read the tooltype of you spells and talents and see what is the priority for the raids/m+.

    Tier 1:

  • Holy Shield: top choice for raids and for some m+ where you have a lot of magic dmg.

  • Blessed Hammer: top choice for m+ and large groups of mobs.

  • Consecrated Hammer: situational choice for raid, where you must move a lot (aka, not being able to stand in consecration) and also mitigate the incoming dmg.

    Tier 2:

  • First Avenger: top choice for m+, useful to keep aggro, take a lot of mobs and do a lot of dmg.

  • Bastion of Light: situational choice for raid, when you must do random soaks and you cannot handle the mitigation up as needed.

  • Crusader's Judgment: situational choice, if you do not have gear and you need to have mitigation up as much as possible. Can be used to do the healer's job.

    Tier 3:

    Tier 4:

  • Blessing of Spellwarding: top choice for raid/m+, basically you ignore any inc magic dmg.

  • Cavalier: situational choice, if you need to move a lot for long distances.

  • Retribution Aura: If you are looking to maximize your dps, maybe this can help.

    Tier 5:

    Tier 6:

  • Aegis of Light: Situational choice for raid, if you have to mitigate a mechanic over the raid.

  • Consecrated Ground: Situational choice for m+, if you have to kite the mobs.

  • Judgment of Light: Top choice for raid/m+, a really nice passive heal for raid/party.

    Tier 7:

  • Righteous Protector: Top choice for raid or if you want to do the healer's job.

  • Seraphim: Situational choice, good for dps. Can be useful in raid vs one shot mechanics.

  • Last Defender: Top choice for m+, if you are pulling +10 mobs or in raid if the adds don't die fast.

    Talents builds:

    Talents for m+:

    Talents for raid:

    Talents for dps:

    Talents to survive or to do hps:

4.Netherlight Crucible & Relics

Netherlight Crucible:


5.Rotation & CD's

Rotation priorities:

Avenger's Shield > Judgment > Consecration > SotR > Survivability CD's

Do NOT spam SotR, you will lose % dmg reduction and comparing to monks, we don't have mitigation up all the time.

Survivability CD's priorities:


  • Secondary stats priority:

  • For survivability: Haste > Mastery > Critical > Versatility

    Haste is the go to stat for survivability as it reduces the CD of all the spells from rotation and in combination with mastery you can be pretty unkillable.

  • For dps: Critical > Haste > Mastery > Versatility

    Critical chance gives us Parry chance, and if you Parry an attack you can have a proc of Avenger's Shield, therefore you can do more dmg.

6.Gems, Enchants & Consumables

7.Best Legendary & Trinkets

Thank you!

Retribution Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth 7.3.5
Protection Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth 7.3.5
Holy Paladin Guide PvE | In-Depth 7.3.5

Last edited by Flashmoo on 09-08-2020, 19:56:34; edited 15 times in total
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