
[Howling Fjord] Adding Injury to Insult

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Post Posted: 26-04-2020, 22:09:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: Adding Injury to Insult [ID:12481]

Bug description:
After doing all the quests possible to me (not bugged or blocked) in Howling Fjord, I decided to make another check of all the quest-givers to verify if I had skipped any quest or not.
So I discovered that for some reason the quest The Ambush was available from Sergeant Gorth, even if the quest required to unlock it is buggy (already reported here: link).

Completing The Ambush, the NPC Lydell give me the quest that is the subject of this topic.

In this quest the problem is that, after using the Vrykul Insult on Bjorn Halgurdsson, you get the Bjorn Halgurdsson insulted credit and he start to attack you, but, when you reach Lydell followed by Bjorn Halgurdsson, him and his troop does not starts to attack the mob, and so you not get the credit for the quest.

I tried to kill the NPC where he spawn and near the quest-giver, but in both cases I haven't gotten the credit for the quest.

And now Sergeant Gorth no more give me the quest Baleheim Must Burn!...


How it should work:

Last edited by Adem on 26-04-2020, 22:15:46; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 27-04-2020, 04:16:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Killing the quest npc wont give quest credit

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