
[REJECTED] Priest both regular and lvl 45 talent "Mind Control" don't work properlly

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Post Posted: 30-04-2020, 23:48:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bug description: When I try to use normal mind controll, and capture the target, If I try using any spell or atack a mob, the spell breaks, and with the lvl 45 talent, after I engage a mob with my allied controled mob, my mind controled mob breaks free from the spell.

Im not sure if this is a bug that occurs only before lvl 110 (since im lvling with the character still) but before reaching lvl 110 at least, "Mind controll" dosn't work at all.

Update @ 30-04-2020, 23:37:41

Update: lvl 45 talent Mind Controll seems to be working as intended in Burning Steppes while regular Mind Controll wasn't working at all in buccaners near booty bay

Update @ 30-04-2020, 23:48:14

Re-Update: It seems that normal mind control dosn't work when trying to engage in combat, but with the lvl 45 talent, the ability works has intended, so my guess is that regular "Mind Controll" is bugged, at least before reaching lvl 110.

Staff message (LethalFactorLK):
spells start working properly at max level

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