
[REJECTED] [Druid][Feral] Ferocious Bite damage extremely low

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2020, 12:02:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: As a 962 druid, in full burst ( Tiger's Fury[15%], Incarnation[20%], Sabertooth talent[20%], 5 CP + MAX bonus energy consumed, Ferocious bite does 1 mil damage. Thats ridiculous, my shred spam does more damage than max combo finisher, something is really off about it. Even rake hits harder than full cp ferocious bites. Without burst it hits 600k full cp which is laughable.

Last edited by ZombeSN on 02-06-2020, 12:06:08; edited 2 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2020, 12:31:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In provided screenshot your bite did 1.9m w/o crit meaning if it critted it would deal 4.3m, which seems normal. Only bug regarding bite is that energy cost reduction is messing up bonus damage provided by spending additional energy which makes ~2% difference. Can easily be tested by casting bite with and w/o incar w/o artifact.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2020, 12:45:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You can see below the normal damage , crit damage is 2 mil. You can test it anytime if u have a feral and u will see that the damage is inconsistent and low. All bites from the screenshot were 5 cp full energy
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-06-2020, 21:07:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ZombeSN wrote:
You can see below the normal damage , crit damage is 2 mil. You can test it anytime if u have a feral and u will see that the damage is inconsistent and low. All bites from the screenshot were 5 cp full energy

The only reason damage might be inconsistent is because of this:

At least for me works fine, I can get 4.5M crits or 700k normal hits. Its damage relies on many things, but the numbers seem fine until now.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-06-2020, 21:16:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I done countless maths behind this spell. The formula is 100% accurate.

If you do think it needs to do more dmg please provide calculations. Your report is very lacklustre.


Thank you for all ya'll negative scoring. I got some nice achievements from it.

If you can't handle the truth about your incompetence and wanna burden devs with badly investigated reports. Please carry on.

Just know one thing that devs will always prioritise reports that are well put and made by players that actually know basic spell mechanics.

Last edited by telesto on 05-06-2020, 22:23:10; edited 2 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-06-2020, 23:20:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

9053(attack powa) * 1200%(Ferocious bite when 50 energy used) * 1.43(feral druid modifier) *0.68(armor on dummy) = 105,637

Works fine, Next pls

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[Bubblegum Master]

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Post Posted: 09-06-2020, 12:48:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thanks for taking your time to make this report.

First of all, the bonus damage/energy spent by ferocious bite scales inversively proportional to your max energy up to 60 (not taking into account SotF "Soul of the Forest"), meaning that the full 25 extra energy spent for an extra 100% damage increase will only happen when at or above 60 energy. This will obviously make your FB do inconsistent damage if you simply spam it at 5 CP without care about your energy.

Now that aside, your statement is just not true, and you can't pretend to give prof based on a recount/skada/details, because during your burst you will most likely be skipping FB and push it out of the AF window, which wont show its true potential, now ignoring whether or not you know how to play your spec, the formula for FB is working perfectly fine as of right now, and if i am to compare FB damage vs all other skills damage, FB will generally do double dmg that of shred when not in a burst situation, while on burst they will tend to be on par in terms of raw hits with FB slightly ahead if used correctly for the bonus damage (usually 25-30% higher max crit than your max shred).

aceofspades1 and telesto already stated the obvious, but then again, i will give you a simple example.

Without any relics (that would otherwise modify my FB damage or raw damage), without cds, and without trinkets:
Raider dummy(32% armor dmg reduct)
Shred damage: 330-370k non crit -> 700-900k crit strikes
Bite: 919k non crit -> 1.85mill crit strikes at 5cp with 60 energy+
Bite (true damage range, sub 25-60 energy): 459k-919k non crit -> 920k-1.85m crits

As you can see, non high energy Bites do roughly the same damage of Shred (out of burst), with buffed bites doing double on average.

Now, when bursting, usually you will prioritize Shred over FB (because is far easier to spam and does alot of damage) after applying rip and rake. This will usually push you to use FB after your best damage windows if you are the type of person that just spams shred for its damage, when its a clear damage loss.

Taking the same numbers above, but on burst (without trinkets or Concordance):
Shred will tend to do roughly upwards to 4mill, while bite will do 6mill, again this is IF you use it during the AF window, otherwise your max FB and max Shred will look exactly the same in terms of max hit, since you would've skipped the largest damage increase modifier for your FB.

For reference, on a fully donated druid (with ToS Set, which increases shred dmg based on bleeds), with 2 agility trinkets, using a pot, and been alone on a dummy without lust/hero, and without relics to increase FB damage, nor soul of the forest, your shred will tend to hit upwards to 6-7million while your FB will hit 6-10million maximun critical strikes (depends if used within AF or not), but this will only happen during the AF window while having every other possible buff active. And on average, you will have 1-2mill non crit shreds and 3-4mill max CP + 25 energy FB's

Also, all of this was done without Soul of the Forest or Savage Roar, because it would make it even more obvious, that the damage output is correct

*Rejecting this issue*

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