
[REJECTED] [hunter][Marksmanship] feet of wind talent from artifact weapon doesn`t work

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-08-2020, 17:03:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link: (wowhead link)
Character name:Rngbaseddmg
Bug description: should give you 50% dodge chance and give you immunity to snres, when Aspect of the Cheetah is activated, but doesn`t do either.
Proof: Can easily be tested.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-08-2020, 18:24:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Actually it does give you immunity to snares, but doesn't remove existing ones which is working as intended ! But it doesn't give you the 50% dodge chance which would really ruin the day of those rogues and dhs who always use evasion/blur vs a hunter... By the way the rogue bugs and bugs on others classes that work to rogue's advantage are so ABSOLUTELY ridiculous that when I made my rogue and started random battlegrounds I had (AND STILL DO) a 75% win rate over a 100+ games, that is only one loss/draw/disconnect or server crash for every 3 victories, making my real win to loss ratio more like 85% win to 15% loss and I'm never ever premading AND I've seen a few rogues who play even better than me, try to imagine winning a battleground against them (for anyone wondering - Gymthot is my rogue -, you know you got owned -... Anyway, just once again the old shit with private servers... The specs that require the maximum skill, careful positioning, planning, subtlety and setup, AND can enable you to absolutely destroy and own the enemy @ an unprecedented rate aren't working thus greatly lowering the skill cap for pvp and making it retard friendly and allowing terrible players to actually compete to some extent with the great ones... I should be able to win 1x3s not because I play a bugged or an overpowered spec but because I'm orders of magnitude better @ the game than my opponents...
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-08-2020, 07:55:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So, for example, when a paladin has immunity to snares, with hand of freedom, he removes previous slows and any other slows cannot be applied for the duration of hand of freedom, but , you are telling us that, when we use aspect of cheetah on hunter, immunity in this case means that we should get immunity only on future snares? doesnt have any sense, and more than that the spell says it gives you immunity. The word immunity means that you should be able to break free from a snare the moment u press the ability and become immune to that snare untill the aspect runs off, otherwise it would pe pointless. I stress on the word immunity, it is not a simple freedom from movement imparing effect, which after you press it and frees you, the same movement imparing effect can be reapplied. Anyway that is my point of view. If anyone has any other opinions they are more than welcomed. But, I stress out the fact that, we are at the end of exapansion and yet some major bugs for many classes are still unrepaired. I know its a private server, but freakz showed a high standard over time when it comes to how close it gets to how a pv server should look like. Taking into consideration how high prices are for donations, we would expect somewhat more care on some crucial bugs. I am for one a donor as you say on this servers, so this is my perspective on things. Donated over time more than 2000$. Maybe others donated triple this amount, the idea remains valid. Sorry I dont want to offend the server, just my opinion. I am also an old player, playing this class for more than 10 yers, with arena rating constantly over 2.2k rating, apart from this expansion where i finished doing arenas as a hunter, so in many ways i m speaking from a relatively good experience on the class.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-09-2020, 15:16:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Snare effects are a form of crowd control that reduce a victim's movement speed, preventing them from effectively maneuvering in combat. There are 2 types of snares: area-based snares, such as [Ice Trap] or [Earthbind Totem], and debuff-based snares (also called Slows), such as [Crippling Poison] or [Piercing Howl].

Aspect of the Cheetah grants you 50% Dodge chance and makes you immune to snares.

I will try to make a video for further proof, but I still cant believe this is not confirmed yet.

Last edited by alextoma442 on 07-10-2020, 07:47:58; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 19-10-2020, 13:50:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Thank you for your report. The 50% dodge works great. You can track your dodge chance via deja stats addon.


As for the snare removal. There is no reason to believe that it can remove existing snares. Spells like hand of freedom has a mod that actually allows it to do so while Feet of Wind does not.

Here is hand of freedom attribute that feet of wind is missing:

If you do find a video proof of feet of wind removing existing snares please make another report.



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