
[DUPLICATE] [Hunter][Survival] Flanking Strike not exactly fixed after recent fix PVP

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Post Posted: 28-08-2020, 16:00:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Character name:Saenchai,Hunter survival specialisation
Bug description: Previously nor player or pet damage part were getting increased,no matter who the target was attacking-this report

Now only pet damage part is getting increased no matter who the target is attacking

Pet damage part should be increased by 50% ONLY if the target is attacking the hunter.

In ALL other situations player damage part should increased by 50%
For example
-the target is not attacking anything-player(hunter) damage part should be increased by 50%
-the target is attacking other player-the player(hunter) damage part should be increased by 50%
-the target is healing other player or itslef-the player(hunter) damage part should be increased by 50%

So in general one of the damage parts of flanking stike should always be increased by 50% and pet damage part should be increased only if the target is attacking the player

The target is attacking another player but the pet damage part is increased by 50% not the player's


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Post Posted: 18-10-2020, 21:53:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thank you for your report.

Trello fix report has been amended with a new formula witch fits your description.

New trello report:

If you going to have any more questions or additions please DM me or Cyberlink.

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