
Rogue for "Dummies" - patch 7.3.5 (Assassination)

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Post Posted: 28-08-2020, 01:22:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello everyone!

Are you tired to do 500k dps sustained in raid and mythic+ dungeons? Are you tired of not beign invited to a raid or dungeon just
because you are a 500k dps rogue? Well now your problems will be gone,because this guide will make you from a 500k dps rogue into a 1.5
mill sustained damage,ez pz.

First of all let s start with the basics:

That is the most important. I developed a build that is nice and simple to use. The stats required to sustain high damage are the
following: 25-30% critical chance,5-10% haste (for the sweet energy combos),above 200% mastery. Well yeah you heard it. You just
need these stats to do damage. Oh but wait! It gets even better. Going further down the line of rogueship well talk about:

Well for:

▪︎Neck you can get from DHT ( Darkheart Thicket )- Chain of the Green Flight .

▪︎Rings I would recommand Ring of Minute Mirrors
( Vaults of the Wardens ) and Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal (from again Darkheart Thicket ).

▪︎Trinkets: Windscar Whetstone ( Court of Stars ) and Shadow-Singed Fang (second boss for Antorus ) or you use the
combo Shadow-Singed Fang and Eye of Command (from Upper Karazhan ).

▪︎Relics: for best combo relics you need to get 3x Master Assassin or 2x Master Alchemist and 1x Master Assassin


-for dungeons: Mantle of the Master Assassin (shoulders) and Zoldyck Family Training Shackles (wrists)
-for raids: Mantle of the Master Assassin (shoulders) and Duskwalker's Footpads (boots)

-PvP : Master Poisoner , Subterfuge , Vigor , Cheat Death , Prey on the Weak , Toxic Blade , Marked for Death

-PvE: Master Poisoner , Subterfuge , Vigor , Cheat Death , Prey on the Weak , Toxic Blade , Venom Rush

-PVP Honor talents you should go with once you reach lvl 50 at honor are the following : Gladiator's Medallion , Reinforced Armor , Maneuverability , Unfair Advantage , Deadly Brew and System Shock .

Second let us talk about rotation:

As for burst and rotation here is the macro for initial burst: /castsequence reset=target Garrote , Mutilate , Rupture , Vanish , Vendetta , Kingsbane (Artifact) , Toxic Blade , Envenom , Mutilate , Envenom and then you continue with Mutilate
and Envenom (5 combo points envenoms not less than 5) untill the Rupture expires from your target then you Mutilate untill 5 combo
points then refresh Rupture and Garrote . Never let Garrote and Rupture fade away from the target. The rest of the time you Mutilate untill
5 combo points and Envenom and do not forget to use Vendetta on cd and after you Envenom because Vendetta restores energy and it s your
burst so don t use it when u are full energy because you cannot get all of the potential out of it. When Vanish comes around again
vanish Garrote because of subterfuge you Garrote does 125% more dmg and out of stealth after you refresh Garrote you Mutilate fast
untill 5 combo points and Envenom but fast so you can use the buff from the mantle of the master assasin which gives you 100% more
crit so you can crit or you can go with Nightstalker for more damage output,the choice is yours.

As per gear get as soon as possible the set from Antorus ,the Tier 21 ( Cloak , Chest , Gauntlets , Leggings ) for the four set bonus from the armor which is very good, because after u get it you will never have problem with energy regeneration and you can cut a little bit of haste to invest into critical and mastery. This gear and set-up is good for PvP and PvE just the talents are different. As for the Netherlight Crucible you can chose the mastery traits or the traits the lead you to Master Assassin .

For enchants and consumables:

-> Neck: Mark of the Trained Soldier - which gives you a base of 600 mastery
-> Rings: Binding of Mastery - which gives you a base of 200 mastery per ring
-> Cloak: Binding of Agility - which gives you a base of 200 agility

-> Flask: Flask of the Seventh Demon
-> Consumable potion (used before you start your burst damage): Potion of Prolonged Power

▪︎Food: Nightborne delicacy platter - which gives you a base or 375 mastery for 1 hour

This is all about assassination rogue hope it s useful and have fun with it!
NOTE: assassination rogues are based on RNG from poison bomb!!!
The outlaw guide is coming soon! So stay tuned!

I wish you, happy hunting!

Last edited by Firetemp95 on 28-08-2020, 01:31:02; edited 2 times in total
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