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Fury warrior guide 8.3.0
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Fury Warrior
Fury Warrior 8.3.0 Guide
Core Abilities
Best In Slots
Enchants and Gems
Priorities raging blow procs and execute procs they’re free dps and free fury
Hello everybody my name is Connover and ill give you insight into fury warrior and how it should be utilized in raids and dungeons.
In 8.3 we have a new system called corruptions.You can read more about corruptions
Core Abilities
Recklessness=Main cooldown ability gives 20% crit increase and 100% fury generation
Raging Blows=Main offensive ability.
Rampage=Rage dump Your hardest hitting ability
Siegebreaker=15% Increased dps against one target
Whirlwind=Aoe Ability,makes your abilities do AoE damage for next 2 abilities
Dragons Roar=AoE ability,Slows enemies by 50% for 6 seconds.
Bloodthirst=Heals you for 5% of your max health
Recklessness increases your critical strike chance by 20%.This is one of your cooldowns and crucial to the rotation.
Single target rotation
Potion(used at beggining of the fight ),Recklessness,Trinket,Charge,Siegebreaker,Whirlwind,Raging Blows*2,Bloodthirst,Rampage,Dragons Roar.Execute when it procs.
This is the opener which builds up to your rotation until your cooldowns are available again.Rotation is using Raging blows and rampage.Also use the procs from raging strikes and execute for a better source of fury
AoE rotation is similar to Single target rotation.The ability Whirlwind makes your single target abilities do AoE damage.
Charge,Siegebreaker,Whirlwind,Raging Blows*2,Whirlwind,Rampage,Dragons Roar Execute when it procs and you repeat.
Extra tip
Use a macro for your opener.
The macro i use is
/cast Battle potion of Strength./cast Recklessness./cast Vial of Animated Blood./cast Charge
Priorities raging blow procs and execute procs they're free dps and free fury
Core Abilities
For corruptions i personally recommend running 1
Twilight Devastation
due to the amount of AoE dps you can get.For the rest of the corruptions I will be maxing out on Severe. Severe gives us a flat increase on our Critical Strike depending on the rank. For rank 1 it is 6%, rank 2 is 9% and rank 3 is 12%.
For Essences i recommend running Life Force as a major and for minor Iris and Crucible of flame as well as Breath of the Dying.Crucible of flame can also be swapped for Lucid Dreams if you require the extra versatility.
For the first talent we run
Endless Rage
.This gives you 6 rage whenever you enrage.
For the 2nd talent we run
Double Time
.This allows you to use your Charge ability twice and it reduces the cooldown of Charge by 3 seconds.You can also run Storm Bolt.Storm bolt is a stun ability which deals 1.3k dps and stuns enemy for 4 seconds.The downside to Storm Bolt is that its GCD(Global Cooldown) and it interrupts your rotation leading to dps loss.Take storm bolt if your group doesn’t have hard CC
For the 3rd talent we run
Sudden death
.Sudden death allows for your abilities to proc Execute and it can be used on any target regardless of their health.This is going to give a dps boost and a good source of burst for your rage.
4th talent you want to run
.This allows you to take 10% reduced damage while you're enraged.You will be enraged most of the fight as you have a good source of fury that incomes from your rotation and its a good passive defense ability.
The 5th talent is
.This talent makes your Rampage to cost 10 less rage and it deals 15% increased damage.
6th talent is
Dragon Roar
.Dragon roar is a AoE ability which does 14k dps and it reduces the enemies movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.This is a better alternative to bladestorm as it.
For the last talent you want to run
.Siegebreaker breaks the defense of the enemy dealing 7k dps and for the next 10 seconds against the target you do 15% increased dps.
Best in Slots
For the head piece you will want
Greathelm of Phantasmic Reality
.This is dropped from Shrine of The Storm or can be bought with 200000 Titan Residuum.
For the shoulder piece you will want
Writhing Spaulders of Madness
.This is dropped from Temple of Sethraliss or can be bought with 200000 Titan residuum
For the chest piece you will want
Breastplate of Twilight Decimation
.This is dropped from Abyssal Commander Sivara (Raid: The Eternal Palace)
For the Weapons.The absolute BIS will be
Devastation's Hour
in main hand and
Geti'ikku, Cut of Death
.This is dropped from King's Rest (Mythic+ or Weekly MN+ Cache)
For your back i recommend
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve
For Wrist i recommend
Bracers of Phantom Pains
For Hands i recommend
Mirage-Weaver's Gauntlets
For the waist i recommend
Dark Crystalline Girdle
For legs i suggest going
with Fleetwreker's Greaves
For feet i recommend
Sabatons of Malevolent Intent
For rings i recommend the following.These rings are a must have.The first ring is
Logic Loop of Recursion
.The 2nd ring is
Ring of Collective Consciousness
For Trinkets i will run Ashvane's Razor Coral which is dropped by Lady Ashvane in The Eternal Palace and i will also run Vita-Charged Titanshard dropped from Ra-den in Ny'alotha.If you cant get these trinkets i recommend running Gore-Crusted Butcher's Block dropped in Waycrest Manor Mythic+ or Weekly MN+ chest.Rezan's Gleaming Eye is also good this is dropped in Atal;'Dazar Mythic+ or Weekly MN+ chest
The Traits for these are the following:
The stats for Fury Warrior are:
Critical Strike > Haste > Versatility > Mastery
The best races for fury warrior are:Blood Elf>Orc>Human and Tauren.
This food will give 93 critical strike for 1 hour
This flask will give 360 strength for 1 hour
This potion will give 1215 strength for 25 seconds
Enchants and Gems
For this genuinely its personal prefference.In order to maximise this you need to look at your stats and see what it is you are missing.I recommend going for Crit highest enchant or Haste highest enchant.I would personally go for one Crit one Haste for a good balance
For Gems i would personally run the Crit gems as i like my abilities to hit as hard as possible.
Last edited by
on 07-11-2021, 11:22:17; edited 17 times in total
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