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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2021, 02:57:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Character name:RedLotusEUB
Bug description: Quests in the game lvl80 and above.
Proof: Pretty much my terrible experience in the last 3 days of trying to figure out wtf is happening in the game.
So after hitting lvl 90 I asked the guild that recruited me where to lvl up after I hit lvl 90. They told me go to Draenor by doing somekind of quest. The intro quest was fun and everything was fine up until the story cutscenes transported me to the Frostfire Ridge. Keep in mind that I'm still new to the game and simply I have yet a lot to learn. So I end up in Frostfire Ridge. Go though some cutscenes and boom. I have my own encampment. Everything if fine and I gather all of the available quests and to my amusement half of them are bugged from what I heard the quests in Draenor are kind of messed up and not coded correctly so at one quest the NPC tells me to blow some animals with gun that he gave me but in reality I receive no such gun and the quest is doomed to not be completed. Another one is telling me to go inside a mine. Sadly the mind is blocked by barrier bade out of indestructable materials. Another quest to go in the drain. Another one wants me to gather plants and at this point you get it. The rest of the quests are doable but only if you have party of 3 and you tryhard the shit out of the quest since it gives you task to kill elites which deal massive damage and have 50k HP and for lvl 90 thats a bit not so good idea. The rest of the quests are simple but few and are not enough for you to lvl up. There's also Bonus Objectives which are nice way to earn gold and exp but sometimes the requirements to finish them involve mechanics which are also bugged ( animations ) which are not happening and with that you can't finish those tasks. Then it gets even funnier when you get to other parts of the map where it tells you to talk to NPC which it doesn't exist but it should if you upgraded the camp that you are in. But how can you upgrade it and thats amazing question... You can't. There's no upgrade station and simply another quest in the trash. Then I gave up and went to try out the Legion stuff as the people in the guild I'm in told me to do. Sure enough they told me to meet WarChief but no such NPC was found. Then I searched in youtube and found out how to start the expansion for the Broken Isles. I did finish one easy quest and then watched amazing cutscene. After that cutscene I received another quest telling with the name "Fate of the Horde" ( since I'm with horde character ). Went to the destination marked on my map and again the quest was bugged. I was supposed to see interaction of the NPC's with one another and dialogue to occur. No such thing happened. This time not only quest but whole expansion down the drain it goes. So I said to myself screw this and went to Pandaria. I finished couple of quests and simply I was thinking finally everything will be fine. Up until i got 5 quests.. All around the same place in Strongarm Airstrip located in the Jade Forest. So what those quests involve you might be interested and I will tell you with honest heart my dear friends that read this so far. Simply kill 15 enemy's , kill one mini-boss in cave and gather or find parts of statue and more. Simply the parts of the statue were there but you couldn't interact with them. Then you go to the area where the npcs''s and the mini-boss are located and surprise.... they are not even there , they are not even spawned. They are simply gone. So I started to ask myself WHAT THE F AM I SUPPOSED TO DO. And to this question I answered myself in my head "IDK". So I went to the discord server for answers of this mess and one of the mods or idk master something was his or her idk title and I was given link to this forum. So I'm here trying to find answers. I would appreciate if I can find fix to those problems which or not involving me quiting the game or doing something like suggesting me to get good since thats not skill issue. Thats about it.

Thanks for reading my ranting and I hope at least it was funny to read new player being confused af of things that are issues with mechanics or bugs. And also if anyone is asking, yes my game is fully downloaded.

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Post Posted: 05-06-2021, 04:34:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


If you're still trying to level up, you have to do the corresponding zones. What level are you and what is your character's name?
Regarding MoP and WoD, it is true the questlines are mostly not scripted so the safest bet is doing bonus objectives until you hit the corresponding level to move onto Legion. You should start your Legion quests after level 100. In Legion, various questlines also have breaking points (as our main focus is BFA) so there I would again advise Bonus Objectives. However BFA questlines are working fine.

So again, please provide your characters name so I can check up on quests you've done and advise you where to continue.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2021, 04:58:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Its written right there. In the beginning of the post.... RedLotusEUB 110 LVL Warrior. Kind of hard to miss it.

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Post Posted: 05-06-2021, 05:16:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I apologize, I read wrong due to the upper case letters.

Now that you're level 110, you're actually ready for BFA content. There is no need for you to concern about neither the Legion, nor WoD/ MoP questlines.
I see you already started the BFA Intro. Your next quest is The Speaker's Imperative and from there on you can follow various guides (I recommend Gamepedia guides) for the zones in order to unlock World quests. Remember, that when you start questing in a zone (for example Vol'dun Storyline) you can't start another zone before you finish the one you've chosen. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to either create an ingame ticket or a forum topic.

Good luck!

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