
[Open World] Strange movement added to mobs in the 12-13 apr builds....

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-04-2022, 15:20:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Character name:Evanir
Bug description: Melee mobs move away from player if the player gets too close. They move outside the melee range of the player but the mobs still use their melee abilities. This is repeated every few seconds if the player doesn't stand at a good distance
Proof: Simply get close to a mob. Wait until it's close and attacks and make 1-2 steps toward it and it will move outside player melee range in 1-2 sec. It's more easy with mobs that have larger hit boxes.

Mobs should not move if they can attack the player.

Please stop adding strange mob behavior that doesn't exist on live. And if you have time to add this stuff in the game please fix the disengage from combat/HP regeneration of mobs outside dungeons. At least add a few seconds of delay before a mob regenerates HP when it stops fighting.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2022, 13:49:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirmed and this has been going on too long. Makes tanking suck. It also seems to happen in some instances to a lesser degree with some mobs. So tanking with a DK, can't deathstrike which is kind of game breaking, or can't melee interrupt on a paladin.

You can alter the way you play to work around this but it does make the game a lot harder and more annoying. How this bug has survived this long is beyond belief. Probably makes paladin healing and melee in general a lot less fun.

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