
Shadowlands - Fury Warrior PvE

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Fury Warrior PvE


This guide will serve as a walkthrough of the DPS Spec "Fury".

Warrior Information

Fury is one of the 2 dps specializations that warrior mains can choose to play, its second option being Arms. Fury compared to Arms is a more fun and alive spec, having to make split decisions, changing up your rotation due to RNG and having to continually be on top of your abilities to maximise it.

All warriors have a spending tool which is called Rage. Rage fuels our abilities and allows us to maximise the output of our abilities. You have to watch out as overcapping or being rage chocked will lead to your rotation not being as fluent as it should be.

As a fury warrior you will want to stack the following stats
Strength > Haste > Mastery > Crit.

Strength will give you more DPS and its also proportional to ILVL of your gear. Haste is needed to get more procs of Rampage in order to have a higher uptime on your Enrage, mastery will increase the damage done while enraged

Lets look at the changes made to Fury warrior in patch 9.1.5. Changes taken from Icy Veins

-Hack and Slash (Conduit) effect increased by 100%.
-Auto attack damage has been increased by 43%.

These changes are very positive buffs since we run Hack and Slash on Single Target encounters.

For our Legendary we have 2 choices we can run. These options are really dependent on your encounter but you can alternate between Signet of Tormented Kings or Deathmaker. I will explain my personal preference later on in the guide as we get to the Legendary portion of it


For our talents we have 2 different set of talents we can run, I will explain each talent and why you want to choose it and where its best to pick it(that being ST or Mythic Keystones)

For our Single target we want to have the following options:

Level 15: You run Sudden Death due to it having a random chance of it giving you a free cast of Execute. This is giving you more damage on ST output, Sudden Death Execute triggers are also usable on any target no matter what their health is. For this row you can also try running Fresh Meat but personally I do not recommend it since you normally have 1 target to focus on and Fresh Meat enrages you everytime you use Bloodthrist on a new target

Level 25: You want to run double time due to its increased mobility. This will give you 2 uses of Charge. Charge generates 20 rage and can be used to quickly get to a target. On this row you can also run Impending Victory. Impending Victory will heal you for 40% of your maximum health and its great for surviving. Storm bolt does not have much play in Single Target since bosses can not be stunned

Level 30: On this row you run Frenzy. Frenzy is a stacking mechanic, everytime you cast Rampage you gain 1 stack of Frenzy. Frenzy increases your haste by 2% for 12 seconds stacking up to 4 times. Warning, if you use rampage on another target the stacks of Frenzy will reset. On this row you can also run Massacre but on ST its not really of any use since most of the time you have to wait for 20% to Time warp to get the most out of it

Level 35: You run Warpaint on all scenarios no matter what it is. Warpaint has great use in ST and Mythic Keystones due to you being enraged most of the time. What Warpaint does is decrease all damage taken by 10% as long as you are enraged. The only other potential choice here is Bounding Stride due to it increasing your movement speed by 70% when using Heroic leap. Personally I always run Warpaint

Level 40: On this row your only option is Cruelty. Cruelty is a passive talent, it increases the damage of Raging Blow by 20% and gives you a 30% chance of resetting Raging Blow when used. All of this happens when you are enraged, which is basically 99% of the time during a fight.

Level 45: Here you only run Bladestorm. Bladestorm has great synergy with Signet of the Tormented King and is the only performing option right now in m+ since you use it as a main burst in big packs of mobs

Level 50: You run Anger Management on both ST and AoE. Every time you use a Rage spending ability you reduce the damage on Recklessness by 1 second, Recklessness = main CD. Its currently the only performing option.

For our AoE setup we run different talents. Your AoE talents should look something like this

Level 15: You run Fresh Meat due to it enraging you everytime you use Bloodthrist on a new target. This benefits both Cruelty and Warpaint

Level 25: You want to Impending victory Impending Victory will heal you for 40% of your maximum health and its great for survivability. Alternatively you can run Storm bolt, this is due to it being another form of Crowd Control in your arsenal as it stuns a target for 4 seconds.

Level 30: On this row you run Massacre due to it having the most potential in m+. Massacre allows you to use execute at 35% of the enemies HP which allows you to easily melt the enemy mob, its better than frenzy as you consistently change targets throughout dungeons

Level 35: You run Warpaint on all scenarios no matter what it is. Warpaint has great use in ST and Mythic Keystones due to you being enraged most of the time. What Warpaint does is decrease all damage taken by 10% as long as you are enraged.

Level 40: On this row your only option is Cruelty. Cruelty is a passive talent, it increases the damage of Raging Blow by 20% and gives you a 30% chance of resetting Raging Blow when used. All of this happens when you are enraged, which is basically 99% of the time during a fight.

Level 45: Here you only run Bladestorm. Bladestorm has great synergy with Signet of the Tormented King and is the only performing option right now. Bladestorm turns you into a fidget spinner, doing AoE damage and generating rage over its duration.

Level 50: You run Anger Management on both ST and AoE. Every time you use a Rage spending ability you reduce the damage on Recklessness by 1 second, Recklessness = main CD. Its currently the only performing option.


For our legendary section we have 2 options. Our options are Signet of the Tormented King and Deathmaker.

Deathmaker drops from Amarth, The Harvester. The Necrotic Wake. You craft this on the slot for your Back and use the Haste + Mastery combo

Signet of Tormented Kings drops from Stone Legion Generals on all difficulties. You craft this on the slot of Ring and use the Haste + Mastery combo

Lets compare their uses. First we have Signet of the Tormented King. The abilities bladestorm, recklessness, or avatar randomly casts one of the other two abilities at reduced effectiveness. Overall you would think that this is a RNG legendary, to a certain point it is. Our other legendary is Deathmaker, this legendary has a 30% chance to apply the Siegebreaker effect to your target for 6 seconds from casts of Rampage.

Overall from my playtesting on both PTR and Live realm I prefer using Signet of the Tormented King. Signet of the Tormented King allows more "fun" in your rotation and it also increases you max uptime of Recklessness and Avatar. Its also a perfect choice on M+ as having Bladestorm at a higher uptime will make your recount look beefier. You can run Deathmaker but do so at your own risk.


Signet of Torment Kings cancel macro. Will call this Bshout
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast Battle Shout

Charge macro + Heroic Throw. Ill refer to this macro as Charge1
/cast heroic throw
/cast charge

Covenant + Soulbind

For our Covenant I strongly suggest you run Night Fae. It might sound silly at first but Night Fae gives you many buffs and utilities overall as well as good active buffs.
For your Soulbind I personally run Dreamweaver in both Raids and Mythic Plus due to Dreamweaver's ability called "Field of Blossom". Field of blossom creates a circle where you casted Ancient Aftershock and if you stand in it it grants you 15% haste.

For the soulbinds i run the following combination I run 2 potency conduits for maximum DPS output.


For our potency conduits we can play a bit with them. We have the option of the following conduits

Destructive Reverberations : Ancient Aftershock has its cooldown reduced by 15% and has its Damage increased( % based on the ILVL of conduit). I personally run this for AoE scenarios.
Depths of Insanity : This conduit increases the uptime of Recklessness (I run this in both M+ and ST)
Hack and Slash : This is a great conduit for both m+ and ST as this gives rampage a chance to refund 1 charge of Raging Blow back.

Depending on the key you can choose to run Destructive Reverberations + Depths of insanity ( if theres a lot of mobs) or if the ST fights are more intense you can run Destructive Reverberations + Hack and Slash.

For our Finesse Conduits I run Inspiring Presence. This is great in both m+ and raids as it increases the % of maximum HP given off of Rallying Cry.

For the Endurance conduits you have the option of Brutal Vitality or Stalwart Guardian.

Stalwart Guardian decreases the cooldown of Enraged Regeneration (once you cast this ability you get 30% reduced damage taken and the healing of Bloodthrist is increased by 20%), great for burst healing and as a situational defensive.

Brutal Vitality is a defensive conduit which scales off of your damage output. It gives a % of damage dealt to enemy mobs to your Ignore Pain (a mini shield which costs rage and ignores some damage with a minimal CD).


Overall the rotation for Fury Warrior is different from BFA. This is due to your opener maximising on getting as many hits of raging blow on your target before using Recklessness for it to maximise your Rampage hits.

If you run Signet of Tormented Kings you will need a macro to cancel Bladestorm. Use this macro as it binds a utility spell(battle shout) to Bladestorm and it will never cast Battle Shout unless you press the macro twice.
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast Battle Shout

For the overall rotation we have to follow this order of abilities.

Single Target example

Potion of Spectral Strength>Charge1>Raging blow> Raging Blow> Bloodthrist > Ancient Aftershock>Recklessness (if bladestorm procced use Bshout) > Rampage > Raging Blow > Bloodthrist > Whirlwind. This is what your opener should look like ideally. You can have 1 charge of Raginb Blow immediately into Bloodthrist to follow into Recklessness to rampage. You always want to get to 60+ rage then use recklessness to maximise the time used in Recklessness Window. If you get Sudden Death proccs imediately use them as its free rage and saves time on the buildup to 60+ rage.

Potion of Spectral Strength(optional depends on size of pack) > Charge1>Whirlwind >Ancient Aftershock (Stay in circle to benefit from Haste)> Raging blow > Raging Blow > Whirlwind> Bloodthrist> Recklessness (Use Bshout if theres less than 3 mobs) > Rampage > Whirlwind > Raging Blow > Bloodthrist > Whirlwind. This is what your opener should look like ideally. You can have 1 charge of Raging Blow immediately into Bloodthrist to follow into Recklessness to rampage. You always want to get to 60+ rage then use recklessness to maximise the time used in Recklessness Window. You always use whirlwind during AoE rotation due to it making 2 of your next attacks hit 2 targets. Its vital you use as many whirlwinds as you can in order to cleave and spread your damage out evenly.

Your main focus is to get as much rage (70 or more rage is fine, do not overcap to 90). Dump all this rage using Rampage.
Prioritize using Raging Blow as much as you can during your rotation.
Keep bloodthrist at 100% uptime during the fight to benefit from healing
Use Ancient Aftershock on cooldown(this means at all times)

Enchants + Buffs

Back Enchant : 30 stamina
Chest Enchant : 30 primary stats
Hands Enchant : 15 strength
Ring enchants : 16 haste x2
Main weapon : Sinful Revelation
Off weapon : Celestial Guidance

Buffs on Weapon can be the following

Shaded Sharpening Stone.
You can use Shadowcore Oil as a substitute

You use Potion of Spectral Strength (it gives a lot of strength for 25 seconds) and Spectral Flask of Power.
Food you want to run is Tenebrous Crown Roast Aspic(Haste food) or Iridescent Ravioli with Apple Sauce(mastery food).

If you have Sockets you have a choice between Haste Gems or Mastery Gems. Depends on which stat you are missing the most, i run haste enchants for now since my mastery is very high.

Additional Information

My warrior =

If you want you can PM or create a bug report regarding Warrior and it will be checked out

Last edited by Connover on 02-06-2022, 12:37:47; edited 10 times in total
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