Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: ---
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Follow spells must share same diminishing returns!
Dovada / Proof:
--[[ TAUNT ]]--
[ 355] = "taunt", -- Taunt (Warrior)
[53477] = "taunt", -- Taunt (Hunter tenacity pet)
[ 6795] = "taunt", -- Growl (Druid)
[56222] = "taunt", -- Dark Command
[62124] = "taunt", -- Hand of Reckoning
[31790] = "taunt", -- Righteous Defense
[20736] = "taunt", -- Distracting Shot
[ 1161] = "taunt", -- Challenging Shout
[ 5209] = "taunt", -- Challenging Roar
[57603] = "taunt", -- Death Grip
[36213] = "taunt", -- Angered Earth -- FIXME: NPC ability ?
[17735] = "taunt", -- Suffering (Voidwalker)
[58857] = "taunt", -- Twin Howl (Spirit wolves)
--[[ DISORIENTS ]]--
[49203] = "disorient", -- Hungering Cold
[ 6770] = "disorient", -- Sap
[ 1776] = "disorient", -- Gouge
[51514] = "disorient", -- Hex
[ 9484] = "disorient", -- Shackle Undead
[ 118] = "disorient", -- Polymorph
[28272] = "disorient", -- Polymorph (pig)
[28271] = "disorient", -- Polymorph (turtle)
[61305] = "disorient", -- Polymorph (black cat)
[61025] = "disorient", -- Polymorph (serpent) -- FIXME: gone ?
[61721] = "disorient", -- Polymorph (rabbit)
[61780] = "disorient", -- Polymorph (turkey)
[ 3355] = "disorient", -- Freezing Trap
[19386] = "disorient", -- Wyvern Sting
[20066] = "disorient", -- Repentance
[90337] = "disorient", -- Bad Manner (Monkey) -- FIXME: to check
[ 2637] = "disorient", -- Hibernate
[82676] = "disorient", -- Ring of Frost
--[[ SILENCES ]]--
[50479] = "silence", -- Nether Shock (Nether ray)
[ 1330] = "silence", -- Garrote
[25046] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Energy version)
[28730] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Mana version)
[50613] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Runic power version)
[69179] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Rage version)
[80483] = "silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Focus version)
[15487] = "silence", -- Silence
[34490] = "silence", -- Silencing Shot
[18425] = "silence", -- Improved Kick (rank 1)
[86759] = "silence", -- Improved Kick (rank 2)
[18469] = "silence", -- Improved Counterspell (rank 1)
[55021] = "silence", -- Improved Counterspell (rank 2)
[24259] = "silence", -- Spell Lock (Felhunter)
[47476] = "silence", -- Strangulate
[18498] = "silence", -- Gag Order (Warrior talent)
[81261] = "silence", -- Solar Beam
[31935] = "silence", -- Avenger's Shield
--[[ DISARMS ]]--
[91644] = "disarm", -- Snatch (Bird of Prey)
[51722] = "disarm", -- Dismantle
[ 676] = "disarm", -- Disarm
[64058] = "disarm", -- Psychic Horror (Disarm effect)
[50541] = "disarm", -- Clench (Scorpid)
--[[ FEARS ]]--
[ 2094] = "fear", -- Blind
[ 5782] = "fear", -- Fear (Warlock)
[ 6358] = "fear", -- Seduction (Succubus)
[ 5484] = "fear", -- Howl of Terror
[ 8122] = "fear", -- Psychic Scream
[65545] = "fear", -- Psychic Horror
[ 1513] = "fear", -- Scare Beast
[10326] = "fear", -- Turn Evil
[ 5246] = "fear", -- Intimidating Shout (main target)
[20511] = "fear", -- Intimidating Shout (secondary targets)
[89766] = "ctrlstun", -- Axe Toss (Felguard)
[50519] = "ctrlstun", -- Sonic Blast (Bat)
[12809] = "ctrlstun", -- Concussion Blow
[46968] = "ctrlstun", -- Shockwave
[ 853] = "ctrlstun", -- Hammer of Justice
[ 5211] = "ctrlstun", -- Bash
[24394] = "ctrlstun", -- Intimidation
[22570] = "ctrlstun", -- Maim
[ 408] = "ctrlstun", -- Kidney Shot
[20549] = "ctrlstun", -- War Stomp
[20252] = "ctrlstun", -- Intercept
[20253] = "ctrlstun", -- Intercept
[44572] = "ctrlstun", -- Deep Freeze
[30283] = "ctrlstun", -- Shadowfury
[ 2812] = "ctrlstun", -- Holy Wrath
[22703] = "ctrlstun", -- Inferno Effect
[54785] = "ctrlstun", -- Demon Leap (Warlock)
[47481] = "ctrlstun", -- Gnaw (Ghoul)
[93433] = "ctrlstun", -- Burrow Attack (Worm)
[56626] = "ctrlstun", -- Sting (Wasp)
[85388] = "ctrlstun", -- Throwdown
[ 1833] = "ctrlstun", -- Cheap Shot
[ 9005] = "ctrlstun", -- Pounce
[88625] = "ctrlstun", -- Holy Word: Chastise
[ 7922] = "ctrlstun", -- Charge
--[[ RANDOM STUNS ]]--
[64343] = "rndstun", -- Impact
[39796] = "rndstun", -- Stoneclaw Stun
[11210] = "rndstun", -- Improved Polymorph (rank 1)
[12592] = "rndstun", -- Improved Polymorph (rank 2)
--[[ CYCLONE ]]--
[33786] = "cyclone", -- Cyclone
--[[ ROOTS ]]--
[33395] = "ctrlroot", -- Freeze (Water Elemental)
[50245] = "ctrlroot", -- Pin (Crab)
[ 122] = "ctrlroot", -- Frost Nova
[ 339] = "ctrlroot", -- Entangling Roots
[19975] = "ctrlroot", -- Nature's Grasp (Uses different spellIDs than Entangling Roots for the same spell)
[64695] = "ctrlroot", -- Earthgrab (Storm, Earth and Fire talent)
[ 4167] = "ctrlroot", -- Web (Spider)
[54706] = "ctrlroot" -- Venom Web Spray (Silithid)
[19306] = "ctrlroot", -- Counterattack
[90327] = "ctrlroot", -- Lock Jaw (Dog)
[11190] = "ctrlroot", -- Improved Cone of Cold (rank 1)
[12489] = "ctrlroot", -- Improved Cone of Cold (rank 2)
--[[ RANDOM ROOTS ]]--
[23694] = "rndroot", -- Improved Hamstring -- FIXME: to check
[44745] = "rndroot", -- Shattered Barrier (rank 1)
[54787] = "rndroot", -- Shattered Barrier (rank 2)
--[[ HORROR ]]--
[ 6789] = "horror", -- Death Coil
[64044] = "horror", -- Psychic Horror
[87099] = "horror", -- Sin and Punishment (rank 1)
[87100] = "horror", -- Sin and Punishment (rank 2)
--[[ MISC ]]--
[19503] = "scatters", -- Scatter Shot
[31661] = "dragons", -- Dragon's Breath
[ 605] = "mc", -- Mind Control
[ 710] = "banish", -- Banish