
[REJECTED] About the recent m+ dmg increase

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 09:00:08 [Bad post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: -
Bug description: based of your example on deepbeard`s dmg, you took the values from 7.2 when modifying the dmg. like for example ground slam:Value: 511874 to 538125 on Normal . you`ll see the wowhead 7.2`s deepbeard having exactly the same dmg on ground slam. This is a huge deal as in 7.2 dungeons get almost twice as hard and m+ weekly cap is at +10 not 15. basically i personaly did a 16mos yday and harbaron pools did insane amounts of dmg. this is not a complain its simply not normal.
Proof: (wowhead link) here you can see harbaron`s ground slam dmg, and yes its a harbaron 7.2+

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 14:35:33 [Bad post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why such an important decision like this one it is taken in such a hurry, without solid profs and debates. To triple the damage done over night it is not an easy thing to swallow, not even by 925+ groups who are doing dungeons just for rating.
Are u sure it should be like this or it is all over again so u can fix it in a few months
Just out of curiousity...u said u dont want fixed affixes on this server for the sake of pve players becouse "it WILL kill pve and m+ farm" ...what do u think last night decision it will do? 900ilvl tanks are getting smashed in m2, most of them will simply qiut. If u think u have too many players on server just use a queue system, not abusing mesures!

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:09:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My two cents on the issue: you didn't think that it's strange at all that people on our server did +31 runs? When on retail the highest keys were 23-24 in 7.1.5? We did not take any modifiers from 7.2, stop complaining about that. If you would've read the topic you'd understand what happened. Damage in mythic+ was scaled with NORMAL dungeons' damage as its base, when it should've been MYTHIC. It's called mythic+ for a reason. Every level it gets higher, the damage compared to mythic0 is increased by a given percentage (which again, ARE FROM 7.1.5, NOT 7.2). It's the same thing that happened with Death Knights, BM Hunters, etc, etc: you got used to a bug that allowed you to overperform by a huge margin. Now we removed that advantage, and all of the sudden you all went crying. I'm not going to say anything more, think about this. I believe Shocker will give you more info on the matter.

Update @ 29-04-2018, 17:09:16

Edit: I just went ahead and searched for highest mythic+ keys on retail from 7.1.5: The highest key I found personally was a +16 done by Method. So me saying that people did +23-24 on retail back in 7.1.5 is just a huge overestimation. You can check out their videos on youtube, +16 was really hard back then. Again: go to youtube and try to find anything beyond +16, because I really doubt it that you'll find anything, atleast I couldn't. So when you tell me that it's normal to run +31 on our servers, please take a step back and think again

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:13:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You don't understand. DAMAGES ARE FROM 7.1.5. Value on normal was 250k, value on Mythic0 was 750k and value on Mythic+ was 250k. HOW THE HELL DO YOU DARE TO SAY THAT WAS OK?!

This is the screenshot from our >>> 7.1.5 <<< spell finder, which reads values directly from wow client.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:14:54 [Bad post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I don't think retail players in 7.1.5 that did 23-24 m had the ilvl our +31 players have, with max stats and bis items, the perfect legendary and sokets! And what about this, was not a fix?
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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:17:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

magda wrote:
I don't think
Not to be rude but nobody really cares about what someone THINKS when it comes to bug fixing. I have shown you PROOF that the damage is correct. Where is your PROOF the damage is incorrect? Please stop posting, thank you

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:20:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Exactly. You are yet to show us any solid proof that people even did 23-24 on retail. As I said, I've spent the last half hour searching on google/youtube, rolling back websites to 7.1.5 to find any info on mythic+ ladders, but I couldn't find anything beyond +16. While you can find even +28 on the current patch on retail.

About That was MELEE damage. Which is NOT affected by THIS fix, which was meant for SPELLS. The two of those I believe have nothing to do with one another

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:26:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) This is a guy I used to run high key with. If you check pre-7.2 szn you'll see that the average high keys were around 20 with an average of 910 ilvl gear. Check wowprogress instead of videos, cause nobody really bothered recording or keeping track of logs in m+

31 was indeed impossible to reach, every dungeon has its own bugs on freakz so it's self explanatory that overgearing allowed us to reach to that point. either way, this fix had to be done

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:28:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ok then if this is how it should be, then it is what it is.

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 16:29:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I am currently investigating whether affected spell damage or not. In case it did, that will be reverted, so the damage will be lowered, but the fix that we did NOW won't be reverted, because this is how it is supposed to work
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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 19:04:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I understand that scaling the Mythic dungeons damage is a normal thing to do, but why not focus on fixing all classes (spells and talents) BEFORE increasing the difficulty of the mythic dungeons? On my paladin I have 3, clearly bugged honor talents which for sure helps the dps and sustainability of my class.

In my opinion, you (as a developer) should have first correct the dungeons by 2x the damage done, and after 1 month or so, correct it to triple (as it should have been from the start), but during this phase, fix all class related bugs.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 19:06:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It is great that they are fixing these things on the server, but at this moment this fix is complicated to accept for the rest of players that do not exceed the item level 900, because now for a +10, they will ask for 910 or 920 item level and no more people will be given the opportunity to participate and the gap between the item level and the player's skill will be larger.

I am not "crying" about those who donate to the server, but I would like there to be a way to control this gap, since sometimes you invite your group to someone of much item level, who has a 925 item and you realize that a player with normal items could be better than him, but with the current system it will be more complicated for the other to get a group.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 21:12:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i totally agree with statement that m+ damage was lower than it should be, but the thing is when you base the whole fix on people farming +30 is where the problem is, see that a regular group of 900-910 ilvl without donnor gear can barely pass the wall of a +19, on the other "people farming +30" its just a ridiculous statement since the ones doing this thing are the minority of player that have a full group of 929 ilvl.

This fix is not about damage being lower on M+, is about the overgeared population who obviously crush M+ like nothing, of course if you compared the two kinds of groups you see that the gap is stupidly big, not only on ilvl but on Healing/Tanking/Dps, its just not fair that the players who work their way to 900 ilvl are getting *** over something they are not even close of achieving.

Go ahead and run a +30 with all 900 ilvl without 925+ mythic titanforged gear before the fix and you will see that the so called farming its impossible.

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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 23:05:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bottom line: no bug.

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