
[REJECTED] [Rogue][Sub] Gloomblade/Backstab tooltip incorrect and missing modifiers

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Post Posted: 06-06-2020, 07:40:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Incorrect tooltips and missing modifiers.

First things first, when it comes to abilities scaled based on weapon damage, I'm pretty sure versatility gets included in weapon damage, so it doesnt need to be added separately. If I'm wrong then its even more damage, but I think those green numbers like x120% get increased with versatility. And small trait benefits could be addition instead of multiplier, but the difference is not that much, instead of 1.1*1.05*1.04 it would be just 1.19.

Gloomblade tooltip and average damage unbuffed: (368,981 tooltip) (437,858 avg dmg)

Formula for Gloomblade:
50,486.5‬ (avg weapon damage, with versatility) * 5.75 (gloomblade modifier) * 1.27 (sub rog modifier) * 1.1 (10% dmg trait) * 1.05 (5% dmg trait) * 1.04 (4% shadow dmg trait) * 1.25 (25% dmg on backstab/gloomblade trait, got one relic) = 553,569 (tooltip should be this much)
First 3 are shown on the tooltip for some reason, the rest isnt: 50,486.5 * 5.75 * 1.27 = 368,677.6

As you can see on screenshot, average damage of gloomblade unbuffed was 437,858 on Raider Training Dummy which has no resistances.
I think whats missing here is 25% damage from the last modifier. Since if you do the math, but exclude that, you would get number 442,855 which is about as much as it does. So, trait 25% dmg doesnt work.

Gloomblade instanced PvP: (176,004 tooltip)

Formula for Gloomblade PvP:
20,085 (avg weapon damage, with versatility) * 5.75 (gloomblade modifier) * 1.27 (sub rog modifier) * 1.1 (10% dmg trait) * 1.05 (5% dmg trait) * 1.04 (4% shadow dmg trait) * 1.20 (20% dmg on backstab/gloomblade trait) = 211,417 (tooltip should be this much)

Same thing here, if you take off those 20% from backstab/gloomblade trait, you get the current tooltip.


Backstab tooltip and average damage unbuffed: (385,409 tooltip) (274,362 avg dmg)

Formula for Backstab:
50,486.5‬ (avg weapon damage, with versa) * 5 (backstab modifier) * 1.27 (sub rog modifier) * 1.1 (10% dmg trait) * 1.05 (5% dmg trait) * 1.04 (4% physical dmg trait) * 1.25 (25% dmg on backstab/gloomblade trait, got one relic) = 481,364 (tooltip should be this much)

Same thing here, if you take off those 20% from backstab/gloomblade trait, you get the current tooltip.

385,409 * 0.68 (dummy armor) = 262,078.12 (which is pretty close to average damage on screenshot)
But it should be:
481,364 * 0.68 (dummy armor) = 327,327.52‬

Backstab instanced PvP: (153,047 tooltip)

Formula for Backstab PvP:
20,085 (avg weapon damage, with versa) * 5 (backstab modifier) * 1.27 (sub rog modifier) * 1.1 (10% dmg trait) * 1.05 (5% dmg trait) * 1.04 (4% physical dmg trait) * 1.20 (20% dmg on backstab/gloomblade) = 183,840 (tooltip should be this much)

Same thing here, if you take off those 20% from backstab/gloomblade trait, you get the current tooltip.

Didn't test these yet in arena, but assuming its same issue, not all modifiers are present, and tooltips show precise amount of damage they deals.
If you wanna analyze, here are 2 skirmishes where I used Gloomblade, do the math:



Conclusion The Quiet Knife trait doesnt work.
Also, please correct me if I made mistake somewhere and I will redo calculations.

Last edited by djordjebre96 on 07-06-2020, 10:20:14; edited 4 times in total
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Post Posted: 09-06-2020, 16:57:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First 2 pictures are of a naked rogue with just artifact weapon and 0 traits, tooltip and damage are the same

Next 2 pictures are again naked rogue with just artifact weapon and 1 trait (4% damage increase (Shadow fangs)), tooltip and damage are the same

Last 2 pictures are again naked rogue with just artifact weapon and 14 traits among which the 4% increase and 3/3 Quiet knife, tooltip and damage are again the same

So bottomline, Quiet knife trait works correctly as for your speculation that it isnt doing enough damage, I dont see a single thing in your report that would prove that. Overall a very good and detailed report, but you didnt show me a single thing that would be wrong other than your 'tooltip' showing a different number.

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