
iOS (iPhone/iPad) Games

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Post Posted: 19-12-2012, 18:54:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hey guys, I'm sure it's not only World of Warcraft that we're playing, let alone we're only using our PCs for games.

I think some of you have other consoles (xbox 360, ps3, wii), and of course, some use their iPhones or iPads to play casually every now and then.

Here are some games you might want to try.
I've also included descriptions + my game ID so you can add me if you want.

- It's a popular, Farmville-ish game with a lot of resource gathering and base-defending / base-plundering involved.
- You can join clans and the active/dedicated ones try to protect you; you can do a "revenge" on players that attack your village.

ID: el2mador

- Again, it's like Farmville, but with Simpsons characters and a setting.
- Currently they have a Christmas event wherein you collect coins by visiting the villages of friends, so yep, the more people you add, the more coins you can get each day you visit them.

ID: el2mador

- This is made by Square Enix, and it's a Final Fantasy inspired game. You can hunt monsters which turn to cards - and you use those cards to battle others in PVE (doing missions), or PVP (fight the card decks of other players).
- They have huge bonuses to having people added
(a) each player you add gives you 50 points that you can use to get hunting or pvp tickets
(b) for mass inviting, you and the player you invited get rare cards

This link is mine - if you click and download the app on your iPhone/iPad = we'll both get rare (strong cards), so please let's help each other out.

When asked for an INVITATION CODE - use this - SN28515

- This game is very similar to DOTA especially skill sets (2 active spells, 1 passive, 1 super skill). There are over two dozen heroes to choose from and you can either play 3v3 or 5v5 against the computer, teamed with other players, or fighting against other players.
- You also gain ressurection stones (instant ress), EXP boosts, and you'll have to collect GOLD (after each match) in order to buy more heroes.

ID: phalanx999

There you go. Please add me up, or leave your ID here.
Hopefully you can suggest some good games also.


PS: I don't think this is advertising - technically, these are vastly different games/computer platforms compared to a WoW private server; basically they aren't in direct competition.

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Post Posted: 19-12-2012, 21:52:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Screw iOS...
Android ftw!

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