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Topic: [RO] Arms Warrior 5.4.8 PvP Guide |
Replies: 36
Views: 48785
Forum: Trash Posted: 25-01-2015, 04:09:35 Subject: [RO] Arms Warrior 5.4.8 PvP Guide |
[quote ascuns] Nu mai manca iute inainte sa te culci, visezi urat. |
Topic: [RO] Arms Warrior 5.4.8 PvP Guide |
Replies: 36
Views: 48785
Forum: Trash Posted: 02-01-2015, 00:54:53 Subject: [RO] Arms Warrior 5.4.8 PvP Guide |
[quote ascuns] Pentru ca damage retardat si 25% reduced incoming damage. |
Topic: [RO] Arms Warrior 5.4.8 PvP Guide |
Replies: 36
Views: 48785
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-12-2014, 15:56:35 Subject: [RO] Arms Warrior 5.4.8 PvP Guide |
Ce prostie, in 5.4.8 Heroic Strike pentru Arms e total nefolositor, damage il faci cu CS+4 slamuri la full rage, de preferinta cand targetul e sub stun, sa nu iei parry sau dodge, in rest iti construiesti oportunitati cu overpower si CC.
Double time e folositor doar in caz de kiting extrem, in rest Juggernaut e mai bun tot timpul ca iti da rage pe fiecare cast. Piercing Howl ... |
Topic: [4.3.4] Best Warriors on Freakz |
Replies: 165
Views: 41374
Forum: Trash Posted: 08-12-2014, 00:48:54 Subject: [4.3.4] Best Warriors on Freakz |
Eu este nomber juan |
Topic: How to rank one |
Replies: 57
Views: 13184
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 27-10-2014, 11:10:08 Subject: How to rank one |
[quote ascuns] Ai o tinta in frunte, pe care scrie 'Tryhard Champion 2014'. |
Topic: Poze facute pe server |
Replies: 2443
Views: 404632
Forum: Romanian Posted: 25-10-2014, 21:47:52 Subject: Poze facute pe server |
[quote ascuns] Dezgustator. |
Topic: How to rank one |
Replies: 57
Views: 13184
Forum: WoW Movies Posted: 25-10-2014, 19:34:55 Subject: How to rank one |
[quote ascuns] E vreo problema cu asta? Sunt filme de WoW, si cu astea a aratat populatiei Freakz cu ce se mananca PvP-ul pe oficial. |
Topic: Warrior Fury Vs. Arms question |
Replies: 28
Views: 5017
Forum: Trash Posted: 21-10-2014, 14:05:27 Subject: Warrior Fury Vs. Arms question |
[quote ascuns] Mda, suferi de oligofrenie cronica, nu exista tratament. |
Topic: Suggestions @ PVE/PVP/Regarding the server etc. |
Replies: 357
Views: 42571
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-09-2014, 16:07:22 Subject: Suggestions @ PVE/PVP/Regarding the server etc. |
[quote ascuns] Esti prost sau te faci? E realizabil cu minim de efort, dar ma rog, ce sa ceri unui urangutan. |
Topic: Suggestions @ PVE/PVP/Regarding the server etc. |
Replies: 357
Views: 42571
Forum: Romanian Posted: 22-09-2014, 12:09:17 Subject: Suggestions @ PVE/PVP/Regarding the server etc. |
Eliminate restrictiile la weapon transmogrification, gen MoP Sword-->Mace/Axe etc, posibil si pe Polearms (Blizzard failed!!) |
Topic: Truegold & cooldown |
Replies: 12
Views: 917
Forum: Romanian Posted: 27-08-2014, 11:08:11 Subject: Truegold & cooldown |
[quote ascuns] E adevarat, scrie CD resets at midnight, nu zice nicidecum 24h. Asta pe FRE@KZ |
Topic: Suggestions @ PVE/PVP/Regarding the server etc. |
Replies: 357
Views: 42571
Forum: Romanian Posted: 25-08-2014, 02:56:30 Subject: Suggestions @ PVE/PVP/Regarding the server etc. |
Daca vreau eu sa intru in 'pelea' goala sa distrag atentia inamicului pana voi luati flag/dati cap/luati baza etc, care e problema? |
Topic: Senior game designer |
Replies: 7
Views: 878
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-08-2014, 11:20:26 Subject: Senior game designer |
Vad ca sunt si altii care sunt de acord cu mine.
Inainte sa uit, completely unrelated title? Wat wat wat in the butt. |
Topic: Senior game designer |
Replies: 7
Views: 878
Forum: Trash Posted: 24-08-2014, 06:08:45 Subject: Senior game designer |
Nu a fost postat de mai mult de 25 de ori cred. Nu mai fa umbra pamantului degeaba. |
Topic: New Expansion! |
Replies: 230
Views: 42731
Forum: Romanian Posted: 23-08-2014, 20:10:33 Subject: New Expansion! |
Categoria Pro, știi? |