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Topic: Legion 110 Arena Realm |
Replies: 8
Views: 5730
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-04-2017, 13:51:54 Subject: Legion 110 Arena Realm |
As a mainly pvp player, i still voted no. Two main reasons:
1) Legion pvp is garbage, while pve seems to actually be pretty good.
2) As already mentioned, it would cause population problems on a pri ... |
Topic: Launcher errors - possible fix, please test |
Replies: 30
Views: 8995
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-03-2017, 21:25:39 Subject: Launcher errors - possible fix, please test |
[quote ascuns] It was indeed the antivirus that for some reason literally didn't let me drop the launcher_freakz64.exe into the legion folder lol. Never happened before. Anyways, it all works fine now, thanks for the ... |
Topic: Launcher errors - possible fix, please test |
Replies: 30
Views: 8995
Forum: Trash Posted: 27-03-2017, 20:01:38 Subject: Launcher errors - possible fix, please test |
Hello, i'm having an issue while trying to log into the PTR.
I use your launcher, login into the server but after 15 seconds i get kicked out, saying that i didn't use your launcher to log in:
This is the error i get when the server ... |
Topic: Surv hunter for 2s why ? |
Replies: 6
Views: 635
Forum: Trash Posted: 29-12-2016, 22:40:13 Subject: Surv hunter for 2s why ? |
The reason why 3s is dead is because Freakz is a private server, so the population is low, on peak hours it's a miracle if there are 200 casual pvp players. 95% of them has absolutely no clue on how to play properly, they just play a bit of 2s for the lulz, to ... |
Topic: Surv hunter for 2s why ? |
Replies: 6
Views: 635
Forum: Trash Posted: 26-12-2016, 19:54:46 Subject: Surv hunter for 2s why ? |
I haven't played on Freakz for well over a year now so there are for sure bugs/differences from retail i'm not aware of, but the situation goes like this.
In 5.4.8 both MM and Surv were really viable in both 3s and 2s, with MM being slightly more popular than ... |
Topic: how do you guys see the rogue damage |
Replies: 17
Views: 4371
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-07-2016, 10:47:32 Subject: how do you guys see the rogue damage |
[quote ascuns] What does that mean? Other classes have different mechanics, bear form won't do much against a caster but will do a lot against every melee.
If you mean that other classes don't have bear form, well, no shit sherlock, they have other stuff to survive.
[quote ascuns] and he doesn't have blades/dance anymore...if you trink ... |
Topic: [5.4.8] Marksmanship Hunter Discussion |
Replies: 7
Views: 4423
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-07-2016, 10:36:48 Subject: [5.4.8] Marksmanship Hunter Discussion |
[quote ascuns] If you deterr when the cast is already over and the spell is flying, it WILL NOT be deflected, if you deterr during the cast the spell WILL be deflected. Same goes with istant spells, if you press deterrence before the istant spell is pressed you will deflect it, otherwise, it will go trough. For example if you see a stormbolt flying towards you and you press deterrence you will still get stunned. |
Topic: how do you guys see the rogue damage |
Replies: 17
Views: 4371
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-07-2016, 21:37:38 Subject: how do you guys see the rogue damage |
[quote ascuns] As i already said, it's perfectly in the realm of the possibilities of a rogue who is using all of his cds to kill someone in 10 seconds, even if he's using big defensive cds like the feral wall (and you can hardly call a kill which happens in 10 seconds a "one shot"). A rogue is blowing blades + vanish/dance and has all of his procs active? Then you need to trinket and peel him, or you die unless you have immunities like divine shield, iceblock or the warlock one. You weren't even in ... |
Topic: how do you guys see the rogue damage |
Replies: 17
Views: 4371
Forum: Trash Posted: 10-07-2016, 01:38:32 Subject: how do you guys see the rogue damage |
I haven't played on this server for months, stopped when the first grievous season began so i don't know what's the state of the server right now, i just heard that there are problem with pve trinkets.
Having that said, my dear OP, sorry to disappoint you but you have no idea how Sub Rogue damage works.
When i stopped i had 500 ilvl on my human rogue, 0 pve items, the right pvp profession (engi+tailoring), mastery enchants and sockets and only pvp gear from the previous season. And i could already crit 150k eviscerates in bg with buffs, 120-125k in are ... |
Topic: Interpolation settings |
Replies: 10
Views: 2962
Forum: Other Posted: 01-02-2016, 14:40:47 Subject: Interpolation settings |
[quote ascuns] Myeah my connection is bad indeed, even tho i've always been able to play on several servers (freakz included) with no problems with this very same connection.
Keep also in mind that my real latency while logged on the server is usually 3-4 times higher.
Anyway, i feel like there's not very much neither of us can do at this point, i guess i'll just kepp playing like this |
Topic: Interpolation settings |
Replies: 10
Views: 2962
Forum: Other Posted: 31-01-2016, 14:06:25 Subject: Interpolation settings |
screenshot of my r1 internet:
as you can see i don't really have such a high ping when i simply connect to a server located in romania
( richiesta scaduta = request timed out)
i have ran several traces in the past, that one is actually pretty good from a ms point of view, during the evening it's more towards 100ms (that value is the same i read in the game menu). |
Topic: Interpolation settings |
Replies: 10
Views: 2962
Forum: Other Posted: 28-01-2016, 17:10:23 Subject: Interpolation settings |
[quote ascuns] My fps are perfectly fine i could have them costantly over 100 in a 25 man raid if i wanted to, my pc is fine. The problem is on the connectivity side |
Topic: Interpolation settings |
Replies: 10
Views: 2962
Forum: Other Posted: 28-01-2016, 14:14:55 Subject: Interpolation settings |
[quote ascuns] I never play with youtube or anything open in the background, maybe sometimes ts but it doesn't really change much. At this point i'm not even trying to lower my ms, just to get people moving smoother on my screen |
Topic: Interpolation settings |
Replies: 10
Views: 2962
Forum: Other Posted: 28-01-2016, 11:07:19 Subject: Interpolation settings |
[quote ascuns] Hello OpTIXy, the game menu says that i have roughly 100 ms, but in reality i always have something between 300-500 ms (i litterally tested it casting a spell every 2 seconds for 1 hour and recording the real lag with quartz, repeted the experiment thrice in three differents weeks) but the most annoying thing are the frequent lag spikes which can reach even 1 second of delay (with frequent i mean at least one every 10 seconds).
Moreover, since a couple of months, i randomly get dced from the server, that can happen with a frequency of up 20 minutes (i always used to dc somtimes, but maybe once in 1 hour).
The teleporting movement thingie is something i've been experiencing since the realese of the MoP expansion on the server, i w ... |
Topic: Interpolation settings |
Replies: 10
Views: 2962
Forum: Other Posted: 27-01-2016, 16:16:35 Subject: Interpolation settings |
Hello, as the title says, is there any way to tweak the interpolation settings in the wow client?
Basically my issue is that i often see people not moving smoothly, but teleporting around (like if they did some 1 yard blink all the time just to let you understand) so, for example, when someone begins to pillar hump i can never touch them, while they can hit me.
This is for sure connected to the fact that i have a very high latency and a not so fast connection (even tho it's pretty stable when i browse internet or do other things), but i was wondering if i can do something to improve my game experience.
Do u think that could be a partial solution in the first place? I have no clue on the server or client refresh rates nor if the server already does something like that (movement interpola ... |