
Interpolation settings

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-01-2016, 16:16:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello, as the title says, is there any way to tweak the interpolation settings in the wow client?

Basically my issue is that i often see people not moving smoothly, but teleporting around (like if they did some 1 yard blink all the time just to let you understand) so, for example, when someone begins to pillar hump i can never touch them, while they can hit me.
This is for sure connected to the fact that i have a very high latency and a not so fast connection (even tho it's pretty stable when i browse internet or do other things), but i was wondering if i can do something to improve my game experience.

Do u think that could be a partial solution in the first place? I have no clue on the server or client refresh rates nor if the server already does something like that (movement interpolation).

So, if anyone has some knowledge over this topic i would love if they could shed some light upon me -

Anyway, ty in advance and cheers.

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Post Posted: 27-01-2016, 16:18:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


What is your normal ping? Do you always saw this type "teleporting movement"?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2016, 11:07:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

OpTIXy wrote:

What is your normal ping? Do you always saw this type "teleporting movement"?

Hello OpTIXy, the game menu says that i have roughly 100 ms, but in reality i always have something between 300-500 ms (i litterally tested it casting a spell every 2 seconds for 1 hour and recording the real lag with quartz, repeted the experiment thrice in three differents weeks) but the most annoying thing are the frequent lag spikes which can reach even 1 second of delay (with frequent i mean at least one every 10 seconds).
Moreover, since a couple of months, i randomly get dced from the server, that can happen with a frequency of up 20 minutes (i always used to dc somtimes, but maybe once in 1 hour).
The teleporting movement thingie is something i've been experiencing since the realese of the MoP expansion on the server, i was a player here when the server was runing on 4.3.4 and even though i had pretty high ms (but not as high as since the release of mop, more something like 250-300) i seldomly experienced such an issue, or at least not that badly.

Just a few examples of what happens in game:
-someone is pillar humping me, even if i spam my abilities i can never hit them, but they can hit me when coming in line of sight;
-on my hunter, expecially if i'm far from my target, it's basically impossible to counter shot a cast: reaction time+latency+travel time>cast time, so no way to kick that -
-on my rogue, sometimes i cheap shot someone, than i try to attack him while he's stunned but i get the "you are out of range" error, and a couple of seconds later i litteraly see him teleporting 10 yards away.
Same thing when i try to backstab/ambush someone, often it says i'm not behind the target even though on my screen i'm perfectly positioned to use those abilities.
-whenever someone casts something, usually i see the cast time interrupted halfway and the spell going off. If i try to kick it most of the times my kick just goes on cooldown but i get, let's say, polymorphed anyway.

I spoke with a good amount of people, and this problems (both high latency and caracthers position update) seems to be common to a lot of players coming from my geographical zone (not necessarily in the same country), regardless of the isp. I myself used to live in another city rouglhy 70 kms away from where i am now when mop was released on freakz, with a totally different isp and a fiber connection, yet i had the exact same issue.

I don't really know where in Romania the server is exactly located, but i'm pretty far from it, more than 2k kms i think, so that would of course explain some of the latency. It's mandatory to mention as well the fact that my current connection is dogshit compared to european standards (special thanks to my goverment for this - ) but i've always been able to play and browse internet without any problem, since after all it's a slow but really stable connection.

So, long story short, a good part of my problem is due to the fact that i'm quite far and to reach the server i probably have to pass through some nodes where a lot of packets get lost, another part of the issue is due to the new server core which seems to be not as efficient as it used to be, but i'm aware that with the progression of the patches and the add of neew content that's just inevitable.

That's why i was trying to find something to tweak in order to partly alleviate my pain xD
Sorry for the wall of text-ish, but i hope that it will give you a good description of what my problems are. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read all of this!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2016, 12:24:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The only thing u can do is to not browse the Internet or play YouTube. I play wow in same conditions as you and this is the only way to play wow with low ADSL connections. My ping is betting 90-200 ms in good days. If i play something on YouTube the ping goes at 500-1000 ms latency -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2016, 14:14:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

shielddmg wrote:
The only thing u can do is to not browse the Internet or play YouTube. I play wow in same conditions as you and this is the only way to play wow with low ADSL connections. My ping is betting 90-200 ms in good days. If i play something on YouTube the ping goes at 500-1000 ms latency -

I never play with youtube or anything open in the background, maybe sometimes ts but it doesn't really change much. At this point i'm not even trying to lower my ms, just to get people moving smoother on my screen -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2016, 14:20:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

How about ur fps?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2016, 17:10:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

shielddmg wrote:
How about ur fps?

My fps are perfectly fine i could have them costantly over 100 in a 25 man raid if i wanted to, my pc is fine. The problem is on the connectivity side -

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Post Posted: 30-01-2016, 09:10:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Timur wrote:
OpTIXy wrote:

What is your normal ping? Do you always saw this type "teleporting movement"?

Hello OpTIXy, the game menu says that i have roughly 100 ms, but in reality i always have something between 300-500 ms (i litterally tested it casting a spell every 2 seconds for 1 hour and recording the real lag with quartz, repeted the experiment thrice in three differents weeks) but the most annoying thing are the frequent lag spikes which can reach even 1 second of delay (with frequent i mean at least one every 10 seconds).
Moreover, since a couple of months, i randomly get dced from the server, that can happen with a frequency of up 20 minutes (i always used to dc somtimes, but maybe once in 1 hour).
The teleporting movement thingie is something i've been experiencing since the realese of the MoP expansion on the server, i was a player here when the server was runing on 4.3.4 and even though i had pretty high ms (but not as high as since the release of mop, more something like 250-300) i seldomly experienced such an issue, or at least not that badly.

Just a few examples of what happens in game:
-someone is pillar humping me, even if i spam my abilities i can never hit them, but they can hit me when coming in line of sight;
-on my hunter, expecially if i'm far from my target, it's basically impossible to counter shot a cast: reaction time+latency+travel time>cast time, so no way to kick that -
-on my rogue, sometimes i cheap shot someone, than i try to attack him while he's stunned but i get the "you are out of range" error, and a couple of seconds later i litteraly see him teleporting 10 yards away.
Same thing when i try to backstab/ambush someone, often it says i'm not behind the target even though on my screen i'm perfectly positioned to use those abilities.
-whenever someone casts something, usually i see the cast time interrupted halfway and the spell going off. If i try to kick it most of the times my kick just goes on cooldown but i get, let's say, polymorphed anyway.

I spoke with a good amount of people, and this problems (both high latency and caracthers position update) seems to be common to a lot of players coming from my geographical zone (not necessarily in the same country), regardless of the isp. I myself used to live in another city rouglhy 70 kms away from where i am now when mop was released on freakz, with a totally different isp and a fiber connection, yet i had the exact same issue.

I don't really know where in Romania the server is exactly located, but i'm pretty far from it, more than 2k kms i think, so that would of course explain some of the latency. It's mandatory to mention as well the fact that my current connection is dogshit compared to european standards (special thanks to my goverment for this - ) but i've always been able to play and browse internet without any problem, since after all it's a slow but really stable connection.

So, long story short, a good part of my problem is due to the fact that i'm quite far and to reach the server i probably have to pass through some nodes where a lot of packets get lost, another part of the issue is due to the new server core which seems to be not as efficient as it used to be, but i'm aware that with the progression of the patches and the add of neew content that's just inevitable.

That's why i was trying to find something to tweak in order to partly alleviate my pain xD
Sorry for the wall of text-ish, but i hope that it will give you a good description of what my problems are. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read all of this!

I am sorry for this late response. Please provide me the results of tracking (in cmd). Also do a network speed test from your location to Romania (Bucharest).

I want to ensure you that every ban is always followed by a proper reason. If you wake up in a situation where your account is banned, feel free to make a proper post under Unban Request.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-01-2016, 14:06:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

screenshot of my r1 internet:

as you can see i don't really have such a high ping when i simply connect to a server located in romania


( richiesta scaduta = request timed out)

i have ran several traces in the past, that one is actually pretty good from a ms point of view, during the evening it's more towards 100ms (that value is the same i read in the game menu).

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Post Posted: 31-01-2016, 19:53:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Your ping is relatively around the same I have from UK to Ro.

The only visible difference which might drastically impact your gaming quality and experience is bandwide. As I can see you only have around 0.5mb of uploading bandwidth.

Look at my results. Same ping but 5 times more bandwidth. It might just be your network connection...

I want to ensure you that every ban is always followed by a proper reason. If you wake up in a situation where your account is banned, feel free to make a proper post under Unban Request.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-02-2016, 14:40:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

OpTIXy wrote:
Your ping is relatively around the same I have from UK to Ro.

The only visible difference which might drastically impact your gaming quality and experience is bandwide. As I can see you only have around 0.5mb of uploading bandwidth.

Look at my results. Same ping but 5 times more bandwidth. It might just be your network connection...

Myeah my connection is bad indeed, even tho i've always been able to play on several servers (freakz included) with no problems with this very same connection.
Keep also in mind that my real latency while logged on the server is usually 3-4 times higher.

Anyway, i feel like there's not very much neither of us can do at this point, i guess i'll just kepp playing like this -

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