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Replies: 1
Views: 354
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 28-05-2019, 14:16:44 Subject: LYRELLE! CHECK BEFORE REJECTING! |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: impossible to complete the quest
I opened three in-game tickets and a bug report here. STOP ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] rethu's lesson |
Replies: 1
Views: 443
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 14-05-2019, 11:55:22 Subject: rethu's lesson |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: not can complete.
Proof: ... |
Topic: suramar quest line not started |
Replies: 0
Views: 357
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 22-03-2019, 01:33:32 Subject: suramar quest line not started |
The Suramar quest line for my pg horde Cosobrutto server Felsong has not started. I searched all over Suramar and in Dalaran but found nothing to start it. Shouldn't Khadgar be starting the quest line ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Relieved of Their Valuables |
Replies: 3
Views: 540
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-01-2019, 21:18:06 Subject: Relieved of Their Valuables |
Pg: Deleterius
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Find and open cheasts but the quest counter does not go ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Lost in crash |
Replies: 1
Views: 352
Forum: Trash Posted: 28-12-2018, 23:21:01 Subject: Lost in crash |
Character Name:Deleterius
Item Name & ID:
Armory Link:
Details: Lost item dropped in Maw of soul. ... |
Topic: Artifact power not spent before 7.2.5 |
Replies: 1
Views: 551
Forum: Trash Posted: 22-12-2018, 15:52:29 Subject: Artifact power not spent before 7.2.5 |
I needed an answer to my doubt. If I keep artifact power in the bags without spending it now to use it with the new 7.2.5 patch, can I do it or is it deleted? |
Topic: Maeby wrong section |
Replies: 1
Views: 537
Forum: Trash Posted: 12-12-2018, 16:06:52 Subject: Maeby wrong section |
Name Bananamagic Felsong
Details: Good morning. I know this is the wrong place for my question, but I have searched and I have not found a section for my doubts. I want to change name to my pg using ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Wrong item |
Replies: 1
Views: 309
Forum: Trash Posted: 07-12-2018, 17:37:07 Subject: Wrong item |
Character Name: Bananamagic
Item Name & ID:
Details: I accidentally disenchanted an item for the feet at approximately 5:25 pm on 12/07/2018. It was a big mistake. Can you help me? Thank you. |
Topic: [REJECTED] item dropped just before the crash and lost |
Replies: 1
Views: 620
Forum: Trash Posted: 04-12-2018, 00:58:46 Subject: item dropped just before the crash and lost |
Character Name:Bananamagic
Item Name & ID: Manatoxic gland 895
Armory Link:
Details: Due to the crash of about 10:50 pm on 12/03/2018 I lost my Manatoxic Gland 895 dropped in Nighthold heroic R ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Strange situation |
Replies: 1
Views: 454
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 24-11-2018, 04:16:05 Subject: Strange situation |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: strange situation
The problems started with the equipment manager who started to no longer save my choices. Now I can not even do a World Quest. I tried everything ... |
Topic: Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher |
Replies: 0
Views: 429
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 19-09-2018, 16:24:37 Subject: Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher |
WoW Freakz item link:
Bug description: "Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher" does not buy "Conqueror's Kirin Tor Hood". PALDESSE in Dalaran Legion, wants from may mage "HELM of ... |
Topic: Problem with my pg. |
Replies: 6
Views: 1053
Forum: Trash Posted: 11-09-2018, 17:15:37 Subject: Problem with my pg. |
Please! Check my pg. It is not possible to make half of the dps of other players with 10/20 points of itemlevel lower than mine! I tried everything! Guides, gear, legendaries, rotations, items, stats! ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] Heart of the Nightmare chain interrupted |
Replies: 0
Views: 300
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-09-2018, 17:25:09 Subject: Heart of the Nightmare chain interrupted |
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Tyrande Whisperwind did not give me the next quest that is THE HEART OF THE NIGHTMARE. How can I solve this problem? Thank you for your time.
Pg: bananamagic realm ... |
Topic: Mage low dps |
Replies: 5
Views: 1807
Forum: Trash Posted: 05-09-2018, 01:48:04 Subject: Mage low dps |
I have problems with my mage. I tried to fix everything. gear, stat, talent, rotations, everything seems fine but the magician does not do dps. I followed guides, I studied the armory, I checked the m ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [REJECTED] lost achievement |
Replies: 1
Views: 401
Forum: Rejected bugs Posted: 07-02-2018, 15:40:31 Subject: lost achievement |
Bug description: I researched the whole story of my artifact but I have not unlocked the achievement and appearance of the artifact. Other players with my class have this achiement. Can you help me? T ... |