
[WOTLK] 3.3.5 Hunter: PVP Guide

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Post Posted: 15-07-2011, 18:26:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hunter WOTLK PvP Guide

As long as freakz updated to 4.3.4. this guide will remain only available for ATR(Arena Tournament,LK realm 3.3.5).
I made this guide,especially for those new in this class and also for those that are playing it but using specs with bad priorities or some mistakes.


PVP1: If u want to use this spec u'll need at least 190 hit.
PVP2: This spec in case you have at least 150-170 hit.
PVP3: Battleground spec.
Revive Pet Spec(Mostly Disc/Hunter spec)

Beast Mastery: This is the best bm spec for pvp,because all hunters that played BM,they played without Improved Mend pet and,if their pet takes a cc and they have CD on bestial wrath..they dont know where to run.



Marksmanship Glyphs : Serpent Sting/Disengage/Aimed Shot/Scare Beast/Mend Pet/Feign Death.
Beast Mastery Glyphs: Bestial Wrath/Aimed Shot/Disengage/Scare Beast/Mend Pet/Feign Death.
Survival Glyphs: Explosive Shot/Aimed Shot/Disengage/Scare Beast/Mend Pet/Feign Death.


Marksmanship/Survival-> Ravager/Spider PET Spec
Beast Mastery PET-> Core Hound Spec

Pants: .
Shoulders: .
Head: (wowhead link) . (50 attack power and 20 resilience)
Gun/Bow/Crossbow: .
Weapon(2h): . In case of double 1hand use the same +
Belt: .
Bracers: .
Boots: .
Chest: .
Cloak: .
Gloves: .

PVP 2v2 GEAR(in 2v2 u will need as much ARP as possible).
ARP(armor penetration) was recently transformed into crit on items(but only on wowhead they appear like that,because of the update,so if u will play on an WOTLK server u will need the items i linked):

BIS(Best in Slot) PVP Gear(Only OFF-Parts because the set is just 1):
Trinkets: + (Or Medallion of the Alliance if u are Alliance)
Rings: 1.
1h Weapons: 2x

ARP will be useful only if u are Marksmanship.

REMEMBER: In 2s u can play with low resil and high stats,especially as hunter/healer,so u can easily be at 890-1000 rezil.

PVP 3v3 GEAR(in 3v3 u will need high agility)

Trinkets: (or Death's Choice if ur Horde) + (Or the A medallion.)
Rings: 1.
1h Weapons: 1.

REMEMBER: In 3s u will need a bit higher resilience,so u will need to stay at a number like 1150 or 1250.

Red -
Orange - or
Blue - 3x (This is the 25 spell penetration gem)
Meta -

Last edited by Azwraithz on 28-04-2013, 17:10:11; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: 16-07-2011, 19:48:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Parerea mea e ca guide e prea avansat din pct de vedere gear.
Fiti atenti ma astia care abia incepeti si naveti nici macar o arma cat de cat in primu rand clar te bagi BM pt ca la inceput nai nici pvp trincket corect ?
Glyphuri Bestial Wrath/Aimed Shot/Disengage/Scare Beast/Mend Pet/Feign Death.
Pet Chimera clar pt slow. faci ownage vs rogue, warr, pala, dk chiar si casteri sa fi increzator.
Apoi sa zicem ca BM e plictisitor pt unii ca nu se descurca sasi tina petu in viata, adoptati un MM atunci na
L&L pt a avea un boost mai mare de dmg sfatuiesc sal tineti chiar si cand prindeti gear mai bun.
Note : NU SFATUIESC builtu asta daca nai pvp trincket, arma de pos hc sa zicem si ~30% critikal.
Glyphs Serpent Sting/Disengage/Aimed Shot/Scare Beast/Mend Pet/Feign Death.
Pet ravager vas recomanda.
NOTE: Asta e cel mai important, NU UITATI sa dati roar of sacrifice la inceput de combat ca tio cam iei de numa.
Am uitat sa specific sa nu jucati ca mine la 2H indiferent de cat de mult va place arma - Jucati la 2x1h titanium wep chain pe una pe cealalta agility sfatuiesc (agility din motive de critikal pana prinzi si tu ceva critikal) apoi faci itemization cum vrea inima ta cand iti iei gear.

Asta sfatuiesc eu pt incepatori acuma tine de voi ce alegeti.

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Post Posted: 16-07-2011, 19:58:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1.Core hound pe Bm,eu ma refer mai mult strict la arene cand am spus despre BM,read up.
2.L&L pe MM iti *** total gcd-ul este o mare prostie,am testat trucul asta numai ca sa arat ce defecte apar din el.
3. No imp barrage/Rapid recuperation pe Marks,fi serios cand ramai oom din 2/3 shots ce faci? o dai pe aspect of the viper,also am vazut multi care joaca fara Imp barrage si de acolo reiese ca vs Rogue -> Arena/bg/duel nu prinzi A.S(aimed shot) crit,no bleed,go restealth .
In legatura cu "Ownage cu chimera" asta o poti face la fel si cu core hound daca stii sa faci kite or sa tii max dist de target + concussive shot.
2h tii pana iei armele t2 1h(2200 @ 3v3) sau cele de la LK 25 hc(si 25 n sunt ok); Altfel nu isi au rostul deloc la ce stats scoti din ele daca stai sa calculezi si sa faci diferenta, Also pui weap chain pe 2h,da stiu ca e riscul ala "atat de mortal(NOT)" sa iti iei disarm De la spriest/s.a.m.d. si sa nu poti da Deterrence pentru ca porti 2h.

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Post Posted: 26-07-2011, 19:30:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

o intrebare ceva ca sa inteleg si eu ce se intamplat cu spec de BM pe server nu merge .... am incercat 10000 de feluri dar nu poti sa scoti mai mult de 7k dps in icc...

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Post Posted: 09-08-2011, 19:42:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mde Az ...Rapid recuperation am patit azi o faza in arena ...naspa taica. Am facut vs un warr&holy pala warru avea doar vreo 43k HP na si palacu doar vreo 35k si el -, de 2 ori am dus warru sub 2 ori nam avut mana sa dau kill shot si ia dat palacu heal..adica na sa terminat 1-0 pt ei normal -
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Post Posted: 10-08-2011, 00:05:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

MAna Maitanance la Hunter e cam greu la hunter.
Eu unu ca sa rezist mai mult cu mana imi dau rapid fire-ul de la inceput cu primu ciclu de CC-uri plasate bine fara medalion la adversar ...dupa daca sunt intre 80%-90% mana pool imi dau Roar of recovery de la pet dupa care trec pe aspect pe la 15% ca daca treb la prea low mp sa vezi ca pierzi multe ocazii de kill.

HotSteel wrote:
o intrebare ceva ca sa inteleg si eu ce se intamplat cu spec de BM pe server nu merge .... am incercat 10000 de feluri dar nu poti sa scoti mai mult de 7k dps in icc...

P.S Pai asta e nu ma plang dar e totusi private server asta e ...poate cand se va baga Cataclysm se va vedea o diferenta mai mare in dmg output.
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Post Posted: 10-08-2011, 01:31:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

o intrebare ceva ca sa inteleg si eu ce se intamplat cu spec de BM pe server nu merge .... am incercat 10000 de feluri dar nu poti sa scoti mai mult de 7k dps in icc...

Eu am scos 9-10k in togc 25 hc pe bm -, nu inteleg ce e asa de greu. In icc principala problema e ca nu ia petu buffu, pe langa asta niste talents bugged dar oricum trecem la cata.

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Post Posted: 12-08-2011, 10:05:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu am scos 10-12 k in icc constant dar mi s-a acrit de dmg-ul infect pe care il scoate .

Si eu nu sunt de acord sa te bagi BM , mai bine survival la inceput decat BM .

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Post Posted: 28-04-2013, 17:12:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Revamped and Edited.

Yes,the patch isn't anymore 3.3.5 but it still remains for those that are playing on a 3.3.5 server or will want to play.

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