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Topic: Bataie de joc v.2 - Insta' cc breaking in Arena. |
Replies: 4
Views: 1609
Forum: Romanian Posted: 19-09-2014, 14:40:12 Subject: Bataie de joc v.2 - Insta' cc breaking in Arena. |
Asa deci,referitor la :
Bacchus,sunt probleme in legatura cu repararea lui,ok, a trecut o luna omule;Care'i faza? Realizezi ca daca joci H ... |
Topic: [FIXED] [Mage][PvP] Spellsteal vs. Predatory Swiftness |
Replies: 2
Views: 1849
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 13-09-2014, 13:15:13 Subject: [FIXED] [Mage][PvP] Spellsteal vs. Predatory Swiftness |
Ti-am zis sa nu explici asa,ca nu are relevanta:))
Bug-ul este urmatorul:
Dispel-ul este random. (aici totul e ok)
Singurul bug la spellsteal este:
Shocker cand a modificat Predatory Swiftness l-a ... |
Topic: Pentru mister Zohl |
Replies: 8
Views: 2448
Forum: Romanian Posted: 07-09-2014, 22:59:11 Subject: Pentru mister Zohl |
Well, Zohl, dupa cum observi nu eu sunt ''cel'' care are o problema cu regula ta impusa,ci mai multi playeri. Regula,referindu-ma la aia cu ''Daca ai deja un titlu,primesti next title,indiferent de ci ... |
Topic: Voting @ Show off your pet |
Replies: 86
Views: 17868
Forum: Politics & Social Posted: 31-08-2014, 09:56:20 Subject: Voting @ Show off your pet |
armand2oo2 |
Topic: Final Chapter - Server Status or not. |
Replies: 59
Views: 8299
Forum: Romanian Posted: 27-08-2014, 01:14:39 Subject: Final Chapter - Server Status or not. |
Ok,pentru ca totusi am fost cam singurul care a avut mai exact cele mai bune sugestii pe serverul/cat si pentru serverul asta,am sa las aici postul asta.Sper ca totusi sa fie tratat ca atare si sa nu ... |
Topic: Scoatem Dalaran Arena? |
Replies: 48
Views: 4295
Forum: Romanian Posted: 26-08-2014, 10:38:07 Subject: Scoatem Dalaran Arena? |
Wipe,in primul rand nu mai posta atat de ''defensive'' , unora chiar le provoaca sila un astfel de post type.
Also,2. Multi din topicul asta sunteti cam ...uhm...paraleli sincer;Situatia sta in felul ... |
Replies: 17
Views: 1747
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-08-2014, 18:27:12 Subject: BAN AZWRAITHZ [HACKS] |
[quote ascuns] Vezi ca e Dymatize. +1 pentru ban anyway. Opriti golanul. |
Replies: 17
Views: 1747
Forum: Trash Posted: 20-08-2014, 17:32:00 Subject: BAN AZWRAITHZ [HACKS] |
^ |
Topic: Cand se rezolva gainaria asta? E SUB ORICE CRITICA |
Replies: 13
Views: 3286
Forum: Romanian Posted: 11-08-2014, 18:15:15 Subject: Cand se rezolva gainaria asta? E SUB ORICE CRITICA |
[quote ascuns] Nu ai nicio legatura cu subiectul; Asta 1 la mana.
2. la mana nu stiu ce ma categorizezi tu pe mine in ultimul cuvant ca as avea vreo ''legatura'' cu turbo ; Nici eu nici bosutai nu avem.
3. Nu i-a facut nimeni nici o carte cu injuraturi; M-a deranjat doar fa ... |
Topic: Cand se rezolva gainaria asta? E SUB ORICE CRITICA |
Replies: 13
Views: 3286
Forum: Romanian Posted: 11-08-2014, 13:14:26 Subject: Cand se rezolva gainaria asta? E SUB ORICE CRITICA |
Ok,a mai fost postata idiotenia asta insa a ramas totul ''mort''. SE AFLA/REZOLVA totusi CE anume sau de la ce se primeste DMG RANDOMLY in arene si playerii ies din cc din cauza dmg-ului sau daca faci LoS mori prin LoS ca iei damage de la ceva ce nu apare in combat log?
Bugul a mai fost postat aici -> http://forum. ... |
Topic: Intrebare hunter bm pve |
Replies: 5
Views: 1672
Forum: Trash Posted: 06-08-2014, 13:19:39 Subject: Intrebare hunter bm pve |
1.6 cobra shot cast time? asta e o aberatie,asta inseamna prea mult haste stack,si pierzi reforgurile valabile in care poti da in crit.
Crit->haste ( 1.5 cast time la cobra shot,cu focus fire activat pe tine sa ai 1.5) ; Mastery nu conteaza,preferabil la end-gear o sa ai cam 13-15%;e useless momentan. |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Mage][PvE][PvP] Gladiator Impact |
Replies: 29
Views: 6250
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 06-08-2014, 13:14:47 Subject: [REJECTED] [Mage][PvE][PvP] Gladiator Impact |
[quote ascuns] Asta este motivul principal pentru care eu am refuzat sa mai las vreun post pe forumul asta,mai ales la bug report(prost am fost ca am postat iar acu 2 zile,iar 5 bugs);
Chiar de fiecare data trebuie sa faca tam tam cineva prin reply cuiva ? Suntem 3 bug reporteri in total(si ma refer la cei care au reportat multi-bugs) ; 2 persoane : Nerd/Mr.Faith ; pai oamenilor astia dupa ce ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Mage][PvE][PvP] Gladiator Impact |
Replies: 29
Views: 6250
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 05-08-2014, 18:09:57 Subject: [REJECTED] [Mage][PvE][PvP] Gladiator Impact |
[quote ascuns] Tocmai asta e si ideea,asa functioneaza atm; si asta e o problema relativ urata,pentru ca avantajeaza clasa groaznic. |
Topic: [Multiple] Glyphs that persist after changing with others |
Replies: 1
Views: 1368
Forum: CONFIRMED Class spells / talents Posted: 05-08-2014, 12:04:20 Subject: [Multiple] Glyphs that persist after changing with others |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description:
Dovada / Proof:
Death Knight:
Glyph : (Bone Shield)
Glyph : (Frost Armor)
Shaman: ( I tested it with /gm off too,same problem)
Glyph : (Healing Stream Totem)
Glyph : ( ... |
Topic: [REJECTED] [Warlock][PvE][PvP] Glyph of Voidwalker |
Replies: 1
Views: 1008
Forum: Fixed / Closed bugs Posted: 05-08-2014, 11:54:34 Subject: [Warlock][PvE][PvP] Glyph of Voidwalker |
Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: It doesn't work.
Dovada / Proof: |