
[FIXED] [Warrior] Rage
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 20:00:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bigblackjoey dupa tine nu ar trebui sa se repare acest bug doar pentru ca nu faci/nu stii sa faci tu rage in arene. -
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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 20:36:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

proof wrote:
bigblackjoey dupa tine nu ar trebui sa se repare acest bug doar pentru ca nu faci/nu stii sa faci tu rage in arene. -

Tu nici nu stii despre ce se vorbeste aici dar comentezi si tu. Mi-ar face placere sa te intalnesc in arena/duel si sa iti arat ce nu stiu ! /w me ingame !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 21:00:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bigblackjoey wrote:
arnisgd wrote:
Ok guys dont start oftopic here. The prombleim is that warrior rage gain is *** up and they are rage starving becouse of some bug!

Dude , MrFaith said that the warrior is generating 200% more rage when he crits. I dont know about that , but i cant agree with him, because i am rage starving a lot in arenas , and i dont know why.

You are not the one trust me. I'm also with you, rage gain is definately some how bugged, couse even in raids some of my guild mates said that they rage starv.

That thing with double rage on critical is real. It shouldnt be double and it wasnt after that rage fix I mentioned in my earler posts. Rage gain was perfect back then. Thing is that warriors dont get enough rage as they should!

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 21:32:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

arnisgd wrote:
bigblackjoey wrote:
arnisgd wrote:
Ok guys dont start oftopic here. The prombleim is that warrior rage gain is *** up and they are rage starving becouse of some bug!

Dude , MrFaith said that the warrior is generating 200% more rage when he crits. I dont know about that , but i cant agree with him, because i am rage starving a lot in arenas , and i dont know why.

You are not the one trust me. I'm also with you, rage gain is definately some how bugged, couse even in raids some of my guild mates said that they rage starv.

That thing with double rage on critical is real. It shouldnt be double and it wasnt after that rage fix I mentioned in my earler posts. Rage gain was perfect back then. Thing is that warriors dont get enough rage as they should!

Well you don't know what you're talking about.The last fix for rage was that when u gained rage for missed attacks.That's why you waren't rage starv untill now.Now you don't gain that rage,but the double rage gainig it's not real and u are talking s**t.U don't know what u are talking about sry.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 22:17:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tamaie wrote:
arnisgd wrote:
bigblackjoey wrote:
arnisgd wrote:
Ok guys dont start oftopic here. The prombleim is that warrior rage gain is *** up and they are rage starving becouse of some bug!

Dude , MrFaith said that the warrior is generating 200% more rage when he crits. I dont know about that , but i cant agree with him, because i am rage starving a lot in arenas , and i dont know why.

You are not the one trust me. I'm also with you, rage gain is definately some how bugged, couse even in raids some of my guild mates said that they rage starv.

That thing with double rage on critical is real. It shouldnt be double and it wasnt after that rage fix I mentioned in my earler posts. Rage gain was perfect back then. Thing is that warriors dont get enough rage as they should!

Well you don't know what you're talking about.The last fix for rage was that when u gained rage for missed attacks.That's why you waren't rage starv untill now.Now you don't gain that rage,but the double rage gainig it's not real and u are talking s**t.U don't know what u are talking about sry.

I don't know what i'm talking about? stfu... first of all learn to read!!!

The fix i mentioned was this!
[b]- Rage generated when dealing damage (it was wotlk formula, it has been decreased on cataclysm)[/b]

And it have nothing to do with misses. Couse you never miss in pvp if hit capped but still ragestarv! You stop telling me i dont know the things?

Double rage gain is real havent you seen the screens? you get double rage when you crit and you shouldnt but yoiu should get averraged rage which is about 35 rage. Why the hell are you confronting yourself? or maybe you just dont know english...

And as I said that fix got borken even before the "miss fix" so misses has nothing to do with rage starv!

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 23:32:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You guys rage starve because you don't have enough hit, or you aren't using your abilities efficiently. I have tested on one of my warriors(low gear) and the rage gain it's absolutly insane: i can rollover on the keyboard, using an ability every GCD and i'm at 100 rage, the lowest rage that i have reached was 30 or 40.

You should have seen how it was on blizzard with low gear or low hit - you prayed for rage and sometimes all you could do was to spam bloodthirst.

Stats priorities according to EJ:

Q: What are my stat priorities?
A: Get 8% Hit (including Precision), 26 Expertise. After that, TG prioritizes Strength > Crit > Hit > Mastery > Haste. SMF prioritizes Strength > Crit > Hit > Haste > Mastery.

As you can see Hit is on 3-rd place, even after you have 8% and this is untill the hard cap of 27% (including precision).

PS: This is for pvp there are ways and ways to make a warrior rage starve: the most easy part is being a healer and the single minded warrior chasing you. You dont damage the warrior he wont gain rage, and if you are carefull using los he wont hit you that much(low rage income). This is the most common mistake of a failed warrior

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-02-2012, 23:43:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mr.Faith wrote:
You guys rage starve because you don't have enough hit, or you aren't using your abilities efficiently. I have tested on one of my warriors(low gear) and the rage gain it's absolutly insane: i can rollover on the keyboard, using an ability every GCD and i'm at 100 rage, the lowest rage that i have reached was 30 or 40.

You should have seen how it was on blizzard with low gear or low hit - you prayed for rage and sometimes all you could do was to spam bloodthirst.

Stats priorities according to EJ:

Q: What are my stat priorities?
A: Get 8% Hit (including Precision), 26 Expertise. After that, TG prioritizes Strength > Crit > Hit > Mastery > Haste. SMF prioritizes Strength > Crit > Hit > Haste > Mastery.

As you can see Hit is on 3-rd place, even after you have 8% and this is untill the hard cap of 27% (including precision).

Yes you are right but the thing is my guild mate have 13%hit + precision which in fact is probably not working and still rage starvs but this is not the point.

The point is he rage starvs in pvp with hit cap on arms! and this is showing that something is worng! Why?

Becouse thats why in cata rage gain was normalizes so that no matter of the gear you would never rage starv! I already postede the source and i'm gonna do that again. besides have you ever seen any cataclysm video with warior where he rage starvs? NO this is no longer WOTLK!

Rage is being normalized so that its generation is no longer based on damage done by auto-attacks. Each auto-attack will provide a set amount of Rage, with off-hand weapons granting 50% of the rage main-hand weapons do. Haste will allow Rage to generate more rapidly by increasing attack speed. In addition, while taking damage, the amount of Rage generated will now be based on the warrior's health rather than the opponent's level. The essence of this change is to improve the scaling that occurs with warrior gear. With warriors balanced around the top tiers of items, we've found that the class tends to underperform more drastically than others in lower-quality items. These changes should correct that.

and here ir the whole article:

By analising your screens and from what I've tested myself I suspect that somehow wotlk formula got reverted back and thats just it!

Last edited by arnisgd on 10-02-2012, 12:21:49; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-02-2012, 10:28:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

MrFaith esti prost de puti , da-ti 2 palme si apoi revino. Tu postezi ca rage regeneration e buguit in sensul ca faci prea mult cand de fapt e aproape invers.Dai cu praf de mers s@L.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-02-2012, 12:10:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ma da ati ramas fixati pe warrior fury de parca ar da 1 hit si va sparge teamu de arene, mereu aud faze de genu " warr fury bug" , warr fury 2 butoane", dar mai gandestete ca unii oameni fac si PVE cu warrul fury. Acum hai sa terminam de tot warrul ca nu sunt X si Y in stare sa ii faca kite cat are un ***** de burst.
Am ajuns sa ma faca hunteru si shamanu la dmg done.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-02-2012, 15:10:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tamaie wrote:
De cand a bagat cata aici si pana sa se faca 2-3 fixuri la warr rage era bug da..luam rage mult..dar akum daca nu da cva constant in mine nu am rage APROAPE DELOK...deci si in raiduri trebuie sa iau cva dmg constant sa pot sa am rage...deci nu mai trola aiurea pe aici.

+1 tamaie,am/avem aceeasi problema cu rage in PvE

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-02-2012, 15:29:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu prea imi vine sa cred ce spun baieti aici.... 200% in + rage ? hmm, nu cred, in arena joc arms, iar dak nu fac spam de charge, sau dak nu ma loveste nimeni.. nu am rage nici macar de un reflect sau un piercing howl, dar sa mai dau si dmg ? de unde ? Traiasca deadly calm ....
Nu stiu de unde ai scos tu chestile astea... da prea mult rage :-ss nu cred ca ai jucat clasa, si doar iti dai cu parerea.

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Post Posted: 10-02-2012, 18:12:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Furyel wrote:
Nu prea imi vine sa cred ce spun baieti aici.... 200% in + rage ? hmm, nu cred, in arena joc arms, iar dak nu fac spam de charge, sau dak nu ma loveste nimeni.. nu am rage nici macar de un reflect sau un piercing howl, dar sa mai dau si dmg ? de unde ? Traiasca deadly calm ....
Nu stiu de unde ai scos tu chestile astea... da prea mult rage :-ss nu cred ca ai jucat clasa, si doar iti dai cu parerea.

+1 !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-02-2012, 07:53:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nui buguit nimic mai ales in dummy ca nu faci rage mai de loc si tu zici ca da 200% mai mult , incercare fara succes la slabirea warrului
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Post Posted: 19-02-2012, 02:22:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Berserker wrote:
Tamaie wrote:
De cand a bagat cata aici si pana sa se faca 2-3 fixuri la warr rage era bug da..luam rage mult..dar akum daca nu da cva constant in mine nu am rage APROAPE DELOK...deci si in raiduri trebuie sa iau cva dmg constant sa pot sa am rage...deci nu mai trola aiurea pe aici.

+1 tamaie,am/avem aceeasi problema cu rage in PvE

Eu nu vreau sa fiu rau, dar ar cam trebui sa va invatati clasa. Warrior-ul face rage cat trebuie acum, inainte era foarte mult...credeti-ma ca am simtit o schimbare uimitoare cand am trecut pe Blizz, si am vazut cum e rage generation acolo, unde nu mai merge spam Heroic Strike + RB/BT/Execute/Slam pentru ca ramai fara rage instant, acolo se vede skillul. Inainte de fix, aici, urcam in 70-80k DPS in burst daca foloseam potiune...acum dupa fix abia daca mai atingi 50k, si daca stii sa faci rage management te mentii in 30-35k.

Va rog urmariti acest comparati damage-ul si rage generation-ul warriorului de pe Freakz, cat si frecventa folosirii HS-ului:

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-02-2012, 12:22:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

confirm iau aproximativ 20-24 rage la melee hit si 50-55 la critical hit

apropo iceboy nozkills si compania de warriori aduceti dovezi ca trebuie sa dea dublu rage la crit daca nu go la super mario galaxy

Cat dps guide
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