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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2012, 18:53:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
We will drastically change to voteshop soon.

yea i see how u did it, u just facerolled the whole server with it, and they wont vote again, so gl with it.. -

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Post Posted: 14-03-2012, 22:02:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yoiteqt wrote:
Zohlomg wrote:
We will drastically change to voteshop soon.

yea i see how u did it, u just facerolled the whole server with it, and they wont vote again, so gl with it.. -

Now that's what I call feedback, not what Warmice replied -.

//pun intended.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-03-2012, 20:45:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hey all, first post here and I haven't even played on this server for an hour but I've been talking to the people on the chat. Asked them how everything is rolling and they told me there is not much contact with the developers here.

Myself I've been playing Retail for years and have cleared all normal raids in the game (except for the Dragon soul encounters because I decided to quit raiding). I have a lot of knowledge and if you have a few other persons from Retail as well you can have a lot of things fixed or scripted within a small amount of time. We will prepare and check a few videos and we can tell you how certain instances and dungeons work, what the mobs are doing and how we used to kill them (so how to script them that we can actually kill them that way). If the developers are willing to actually work together, or if they already do something similar, let me know because I've been told it's a quality server and any knowledge we players have that can improve the server within a fair amount of time should be used.

If you are interested try to get some other retail players and I guess we will make sure developers only need to script so we can actually do the thinking and research for them, because we have experienced most of it ourselves already.
Just let me know if you are willing to get some faster progression in scripting.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-03-2012, 21:59:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

How about setting up an Xtremetop100 account? If you wan't a larger population and more publicity that is the biggest WoW private server list out there. Just suggesting
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Post Posted: 22-03-2012, 22:21:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rikkycurtis wrote:
How about setting up an Xtremetop100 account? If you wan't a larger population and more publicity that is the biggest WoW private server list out there. Just suggesting

They banned us for no reason. We have reasons to believe that the competition paid them to do so. [We all know that big server with lots of money that can do whatever they want]. However, we do not blame anyone as we do not have any actual proof.

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Post Posted: 22-03-2012, 22:47:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
Rikkycurtis wrote:
How about setting up an Xtremetop100 account? If you wan't a larger population and more publicity that is the biggest WoW private server list out there. Just suggesting

They banned us for no reason. We have reasons to believe that the competition paid them to do so. [We all know that big server with lots of money that can do whatever they want]. However, we do not blame anyone as we do not have any actual proof.

Guys, many players from "We all know that big server with lots of money that can do whatever they want" moved to our server recently so you guys really need to get better DDOS protection or those players will leave soon Raised eyebrow

GS Playlist -!/playlist/Architech/84418068/
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Post Posted: 22-03-2012, 22:49:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You should know better that Shocker's is also aware of this stuff and is doing his best.
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Post Posted: 26-03-2012, 17:44:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I would like to suggest adding this item >>><<< to the vote shop's "Fun item" section.
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Post Posted: 26-03-2012, 19:55:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wtfhaxx wrote:
I would like to suggest adding this item >>><<< to the vote shop's "Fun item" section.

Not sure that one works, gonna test.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2012, 16:08:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

IamTyrick wrote:
...Or enable free faction transfers for a week or so. (Factions are imbalanced anyway.)...

So will this ever happen? I donated for faction transfer once already, but I changed my mind after some months (because none of my friends came with me)
I think it wouldn't be a huge loss to the server that enable faction transfer for some days.

PS: If I remember correctly this was activated on genesis or evolution. (After I started to play on this server) We were able to transfer limited amount of characters as the total number was like 500. (maybe)

So please think about it and don't just refuse D:

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-03-2012, 17:22:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i suggest you to raise the vote shop prices, but at the same time, register the server on more vote sites. I've been on this server, with many bugs and problems, but i've played it because its populated, and thats because they have 15 vote sites. This server has way too much potencial comparing to any other Cataclysm server, i dare to say is the best of them, but lacks of people, and thats because it lacks of popularity on sites. From all the 5 sites you have, the famous ones for me are Gtop and !00top, the rest are totally new for me, yet i do my effort to vote.

Please, make an effort on the population, stop the development because you are already way ahead than any other server, and focus on how to bring more people to the server, the votes idea is a start. Good luck.

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Post Posted: 01-04-2012, 18:52:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Warmice wrote:
Final topic: Server firsts
Since PvE is also very populair, and it is also a way to be really competitive (in a friendly and encouraging way), i thought it would be great if the staff could somehow recocgnize the first ~5 guilds to down certain bosses.
This would really stimulate PvE and also get others motivated to play here, see'ing guilds are doing so well.
Maybe even community members could make such lists instead of staff members.

Took me a while but...made that too -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2012, 08:28:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi guys . First i want to say that server is great ! Its the best one that i found . Me and my friends joined week ago . We play most PVP even only pvp but we found that there are not enough players even for 2v2 sometime..only 2 teams and each game you face same team.. its boring.but our main target is 3v3 team top and there is no even a team for 3v3 . Population cap is rly wow . My friends want to quit server but i dont want this cz its the best one ...So on the point i suggest to make one big EN realm to announce that other realms will be deleted and to open transfer so ppl can save their chars that way we will have one big realm with enough population and you will get more incoming new players . Because when ppl see your server banner on vote sites and click on it the first think he will see is the population of the realms and now its like 1600max 1kmax 1max ppl online and 500online 300online 300online. And if you want after a while when you get enough ppl you can make a ro realm and open transfer again for ro ppl but for all players its better to have bigger population . More bgs There will be 3v3 teams even 5v5 , main city raids and stuff to do ...but on exodus everything is so boring... sometimes is hard even to join bg cz hordes dont have enough ppl in que .
My idea is that this server should grow and grow but when the best realm for playing is RO and have only 500 ppl online ... other players wont join they want realm with more population and if possible to have global chat on eng but this is not the huge prob.
So if you do that i think you will win and players will win. Thank you for your time.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2012, 09:15:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No emulator can handle 5000 players without having lots of lag, dc´s or other issues.
~1000 players is the most optimal amount of connections without affecting server stability.
Maybe it possible to make a some sort of battlegroup where players from all realms are able to compete each other. I am not sure its doable but i think there might be a some sort of solution.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-04-2012, 12:50:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maxipad wrote:
No emulator can handle 5000 players without having lots of lag, dc´s or other issues.
~1000 players is the most optimal amount of connections without affecting server stability.
Maybe it possible to make a some sort of battlegroup where players from all realms are able to compete each other. I am not sure its doable but i think there might be a some sort of solution.

Yeah you are right ! I know that on retail when you que bg and arena it joins players from all realms which I've never seen on private server . If this men who made that server who i think are genius make something like that in the nearest future it will be great for us players and server will become unique and more players will join this community. but still i think 3 th realm is not needed.

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