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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-05-2012, 19:42:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

datrunk2dunk wrote:
All other topics regarding connecting issues are redirected here by the gm's. For what joy? So people can continue crying and you dont have to see a new topic every day? Atleast fricking reply. Thats all the decency everyone asks for. Demoralizing if you guys dont say ANYTHING at all.

they are working on it, they have said its their highest priority there is no need for 20 different QQ threads and they dont have to update you every 10 minutes to satisfy your needs for information. Trust me when things like this happen to a server it aggrivates the staff more than any group of players, its their property , its been built on their hard work and they know players are abandoning it because they are too impatiant. So please stop sitting on the forums all day bitching about a service that YOU GET FOR FREE because the staff has a lot more invested in this server than you do and if you are "demoralized" by not being fed the same information every 10 minutes you have better things to worry about that are more important than WoW. There is no point in telling everybody how frustrated you people are, trust me they know it all you are doing is filling up the forums with the same posts. Now please go do something productive.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-05-2012, 21:31:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Copying part of my post from another topic that was closed in hopes of getting a response.

Noticed the new standard message the staff gives now. Try all the realmlists and wait patiently for the $150k anti-flood hardware if those do not work. Of course, since their ISP is the one that has to install the hardware and all that stuff, the staff cannot influence how long it will take.

Have yet to see any information on how long BTS Telecom has said it will take to get the hardware ready. Have they not shared the information with their customers? I would find it rather ridiculous if they just told their paying customers to not worry about it and just wait til it is up and running.

Or have they given reliable notice on how long the situation should take to be resolved? I would assume with all the push to rely on this fix that BTS Telecom is making it somewhat of a priority. Or does BTS Telecom not know how long it is expected to take either? Is it getting close to 2 weeks since we heard about this hardware change? I am no expert on setting up computer hardware, but how long is a reasonable amount of time to set up the equipment?

It has almost been a month since this has all started. A lot of questions and concerns have come up in this time. I myself wonder if this hardware change is even going to accomplish what it promises to. However, I am no expert. But I do have a lot of questions due to how I see the staff responding to the problems and justified outrages posted by many of the players.

If there is a set date for the hardware to be up and running (which I assume would have to be very soon considering how long this has been going on), then that would put a lot of my questions to rest. So someone please respond with that information if it is available. However, if there is no such date and we have an indefinite waiting period for the server to be playable for everyone again, I would like to know that is the case so I can plan accordingly.

Thanks for any information the staff can provide.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-05-2012, 17:13:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@ Brant Hi, i'll copy/paste something from the WoW Freakz Facebook page that Shocker said:
@Vajda Örs, what you linked there is a monthly rent, not buying your own hardware. Just like renting a car is 100$ but buying one is 10k$+. And on top of that, it's not me who's buying the hardware but my ISP, they're the one who can afford it. Also, that hardware is not like your microwave oven, you plug it, push one button and boom.
On a side note, I understand you would all like daily updates on the DDoS issue but unfortunately there isn't anything I could say to you every day except "the attack changes it's form everyday and new protections need to be set up", this is the reason it initially went worse, then better, and continuously fluctuating. I have no intention in keeping the realm unreachable obviously, I really can't understand why anyone would think otherwise. This is just a hump we have to get through, not everything is honey and milk. I understand everyone's frustration and hope you will eventually decide to stay here as you have already seen this is the best choice.
Thanks for understanding

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-05-2012, 12:33:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dear People, i haven't posted here for a while so i will now because i continually read such pointless posts...

Most of what i'm seeing is that you are all complaining about the GM's not working hard enough...

WHAT THE F*&% is actually going on:

1) It is no longer in the control of freakz to fix the server, simply it is up to their host and the speed of their shipment for the new hardware

2) Server is actually working fine with dc every day at the rate of 5 hours a day MAX!

3) I still am able to raid and get gear... WHY CAN'T YOU?

4) "I MAKE MOAR THREADS TO RAISE AWARENESS" well go on the main website and raise your own awareness to realize that freakz already are focusing on the DDoS attacks as it's priority.

5) "ZOMG I CAN"T CONNECT TO EXODUS", go read the front page... or maybe read the hundreds of people that posted the same shit as before you

Peace out, i'm going to go back to studying for my IB exams. Anymore questions that is a repetition of shit that was answered will be IGNORED

See you all in game very soon

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-05-2012, 15:50:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ricky you are right about the connection - just people are not trying hard enough, but i don't know how u raid and get gear at the moment. Our guild usually start raiding at around 8pm server time and the lag spikes are too much to handle. Sometimes 2 secs,sometimes 5 secs, sometimes 10 secs, sometimes 30 secs ... and still counting. For example - Magmaw - mangle and after 5 sec spike - tank is dead instantly( or impossible to chain), ODS lighting conductor on someone - 3 ppl dead after the spike, Maloriak - can't interrupt because of spikes, Atramedes 2-3 ppl soak sonic breath and dies, Chimaeron - whole raid dead on caustic slimes - all of these because of spikes.
And straight on topic - just be patient on connecting keep pushing when u are stuck on login.
Maybe it is the ISP that cause the issue, but for so much time the staff here should know what to respond to our questions and if they are paying to this ISP then the staff as customer must be more persistent at fixing this or change the provider - its market economy after all.

Thank you for your time reading this -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-05-2012, 17:06:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rikkycurtis wrote:
Dear People, i haven't posted here for a while so i will now because i continually read such pointless posts...

Most of what i'm seeing is that you are all complaining about the GM's not working hard enough...

WHAT THE F*&% is actually going on:

1) It is no longer in the control of freakz to fix the server, simply it is up to their host and the speed of their shipment for the new hardware

2) Server is actually working fine with dc every day at the rate of 5 hours a day MAX!

3) I still am able to raid and get gear... WHY CAN'T YOU?

4) "I MAKE MOAR THREADS TO RAISE AWARENESS" well go on the main website and raise your own awareness to realize that freakz already are focusing on the DDoS attacks as it's priority.

5) "ZOMG I CAN"T CONNECT TO EXODUS", go read the front page... or maybe read the hundreds of people that posted the same shit as before you

Peace out, i'm going to go back to studying for my IB exams. Anymore questions that is a repetition of shit that was answered will be IGNORED

See you all in game very soon HARDCORE.
You are so cool...can we be friends ?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-05-2012, 17:16:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ye sure try to log in right now and try to kill even valiona on normal. GL

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2012, 02:52:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

no idea whats so wrong...its way better. We cleared bot 10h friday, bwd 10h today + all 25 normals completely....last week we 9manned valiona 10h....
Yes, there are almost none at all and overall not even close enough for not being able to raid....cause we clear everything every week as usual...

and for those that can't login, use different realm lists, try them all! and also try adding : set realmname "Exodus - International" to your realmlist....worked for me and some guildies that couldn't connect a few days ago

<Guildmaster of Eminence>

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2012, 03:20:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Okay, so our guild downed 25 man hc omnotron... so it proves that it is possible...

here is one solution you probably haven't tried.

I tried to log in today but it was not working so i changed my realm list from to and it was fine again. Just try different realm list. Some realm list are laggy and some are not working at different times. The realm list range from to so try them all before you qq about lag or qq about being unable to log in. The situation is much better.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2012, 11:05:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sometimes no realmlists work...
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2012, 11:47:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sometimes, but that would be properly considered downtime which is common in every server

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2012, 13:46:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

so? site doesnt work for me and icant login, its down actually? proxy and realmlist dont work
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2012, 13:51:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The lag seems to be gone, but still if you have lag during your raid times... simply move them a bit later. If we're able to make full clear of bwd25h then obviously there's a way to avoid the lag.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2012, 22:13:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We just finished our tries for BWD 10 hc - we couldn't even kill Magmaw because of lag spikes, so after so many tries we gave up. Try to imagine if we fail on the easiest boss what kind of spikes are these....
Basicly it was - tank dies on mangle, can't chain, can't move from spawning parasites, can't aggro blazing constructs properly, healers can't heal and parasites magically teleports on the rdps that must handle them .. After we stopped i went to genesis to check if there are spikes and guess what - there weren't so fix the realm or close it and give the people free transfers at least to evolution so both realms get populated enough.
I am really getting pissed of it and soon some GM will receive my nerd rage -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-05-2012, 01:16:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

raxxar wrote:
We just finished our tries for BWD 10 hc - we couldn't even kill Magmaw because of lag spikes, so after so many tries we gave up. Try to imagine if we fail on the easiest boss what kind of spikes are these....
Basicly it was - tank dies on mangle, can't chain, can't move from spawning parasites, can't aggro blazing constructs properly, healers can't heal and parasites magically teleports on the rdps that must handle them .. After we stopped i went to genesis to check if there are spikes and guess what - there weren't so fix the realm or close it and give the people free transfers at least to evolution so both realms get populated enough.
I am really getting pissed of it and soon some GM will receive my nerd rage -

Really? Because Crysis just finished doing a 25 man HC Magmaw, Maloriak, Artemedes, and Chimaeron. I don't understand why EG couldn't do it

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