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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-05-2012, 12:48:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

-1st i would like to suggest improvement in bug report system,not urgent, but...
It should be on english ( since you have english realm). And an interesting thought is to make bug report section like you did with item finder,well something similar - Having search option..type class,talent,quest or problem and you get all related topics. Ofc topics should be make by some pattern ([realm=name][class=name][talent/spell=name]or just[quest=name]).

-2nd thing...well hm.. 5 MAN HEROICS.
I understand existence of 3 realms- future expand ofc. You can support 2.5-3k ppl on each, as i saw on main page,right? I would not do any merging... So if you already have 3 realms why dont you give ppl something to do on those realms? I do not mind population(500+ ppl on both side on weekends is good-we do not count dos attack) but i was playing on exodus on start and after hitting 85 i could not do anything 'cept getting reputation gear and lvl proffession...after that nothing... Ilvl too small for any raid...AND heroic 5 man cannot be done unless you are good geared,as i saw very good(ppl who know what to do are ofc present),or at least you need to have some reeeealy good-geared ppl(usualy tank/heal), who ofc do not want to go to 5hc. Or even you need to have specific class in your group just to do one 5man hc
Everything you can do is farm gold and buy items for ~50-100-200k per piece. Why? That game-play sucks for ppl who just came to server and do not know anyone. Plus you have get bunch of people with epics in 10 man raids who do not know to move from simple aoe. You can get decent gear for dps...plater can get highest from reputation and thats it. If you think you are gonna heal or tank soon... Unless you have friends to take you to 10man or you find someone to take mercy on your undergeared soul...very monotonous life for PvE on freaks.

Bringing back 5man HC in game will improve life of players here. It wont be just brought back, it will be part of gearing-learning process. In 5man you can get to know someone better...even teach him some stuff easier(someone new on server or even expirienced man with new class). I see a lot PvE guilds and this will make life here much more ... prettier. And easier for serious pve guilds (cause of those stuff i mentioned above)-
Ofc that will draw some stuff with reducing rep gained(30x is a lot since you have done great job with quests...a lot q works,daily too -so why not?)
As healer i'm forced to wear half dps gear just to hit desired ilvl for raid. Ofc paladin can wear cloth from rep so he would be better geared.

So with rare epics from hc and voting + reputation epic items + epic profession items (yes again, we need 5hc for orbs) you will be ready and expirienced enough for 10man raids and you will spend almost same time like for farming gold in Tol barad.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-05-2012, 19:41:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

the bug report system is fine, if you want to search for some bug just do CTRL+F since all the bugs are on the same page, the problem is that many people report bugs that are not bugs there and its filled with many invalid reports or people asking for help.

about the 5mans i agree, its really weird to see people doing RDF here, i think its because you dont get the Valor points reward after you complete the RDF (similar to emblems of triumph on wotlk) and the gear you get from those instances is easily beaten by rep gear or trash epics, im sure if this reward gets fixed more people would do HCs. some people think the dungeon finder doesnt works, i have seen it working without a premade group, its just that people dont queue at all. would be good to have 1 or 2 more 5mans for new players, specially the easy ones like Vortex Pinacle.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-05-2012, 18:36:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I got one hell of a good suggestion.

Include click and buy payment option.

Why? Because paypal is annoying when u gotta wait several days before its on paypal, your money i mean.

With click and buy as payment option, its faster and easier to donate.

Specialy for us europian players, like from holland, belgium and germany.

I hope u guys will look into this, and i know for a fact it will be easy to set up, and easy done, since u guys make lots of money with all the donators xD

If any help will be needed how to set up or anything, feel free to ask.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-05-2012, 08:36:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

a small suggestion for the forums. would be good to have some option to allow you to hide your nationality, i dont think everyone here wants to let all the people here know where are we from -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-05-2012, 11:58:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Que arena and BG"s cross realms
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Post Posted: 31-05-2012, 12:56:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Is there a chance we could get some Raid Finder addon so we don't get spammed with "Random guy is looking m0ar members for his group..."

Some addon with list of instances going on, buttons to join/show info etc would be so nice.

GS Playlist -!/playlist/Architech/84418068/
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-06-2012, 20:54:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Setemotion wrote:
Do you have any suggestion which would make your game better?

Post it here!

We want more scripted PvP...

We have only 3 arenas and 5 bgs? PvPers are get borred of it......And u fixed Strand of the ancient...-.- do u know that 70% pf players LEAVE BG just in moment thy realise they get queued in SOTA? Worst BG ever maded no one want to play it....Give us Isle of conquest and Twin Peaks.

Give us Ring of valor arena, give us Dalarn arena....That is it....Do not neglect PvP please -

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Post Posted: 10-06-2012, 21:06:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Is it possible to cut down the number of announcements shown on the homepage? I'm not an expert but I think the truckload of announcements is making the homepage load very slowly at times(to people with low bandwith). My point is that 80-90% of those announcements should just be stored in a changelog and only 3-4(5 max) should remain on the actual home page.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2012, 01:55:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I got some suggestions

1 - Server wide Queues
Pretty self-explanatory, Battlegrounds, Arenas and Dungeon Finder (even if nobody uses DF) queues formed with people from all 3 realms. I'm not sure if it is at all possible on the current patch/private servers, but if so, that would be very welcome by everyone, no doubt.

2 - More Voting Sites. This is possibly the easiest way to advertise the server and get more people. Here are a few:

3 - Voting Rewards
3.1- Add cataclysm crafting materials and/or recipes as rewards for vote points. Something like this:
1x Chaos Orb - 20 vote points
20x (Full stack) of Whites * - 10 vote points
20x (Full stack) of Greens ** - 15 vote points
200x Volatile (air/water/fire/earth/life) - 10 vote points
* Embersilk Cloth, Savage Leather, (Obsidium, Elementium, Pyrite) Ore, (Cinderbloom, Whiptail, Azshara's Veil, Stormvine, Twilight Jasmine or Heartblossom), Cooking stuff, white recipes.
** Mostly jewelcrafting gems (Hessonite, Nightstone, etc), green recipes.

3.2- Reducing heirlooms' price from 20 to 10 (at least for the 1 - 80 ones) would also be a plus, since people would need just 1 full day of voting to get it, thus pretty much starting his/her first character with more ease.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2012, 13:31:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Setemotion wrote:
Do you have any suggestion which would make your game better?

Post it here!

Well...why not make Genesis Internatonal.....More players, more funn and English language? Exodus is only international realm with 500+ players and that sucks.....I thik it is much better to delete exodus but let us free transfer to Genesis and make genesis International english speaking realm.

I think it is much better....

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Post Posted: 13-06-2012, 23:53:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please make some suggestions on what sub-forums to make @ ENGLISH ZONE. Try to also convince me that it would be a nice/popular subforum.
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Post Posted: 14-06-2012, 02:16:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
Please make some suggestions on what sub-forums to make @ ENGLISH ZONE. Try to also convince me that it would be a nice/popular subforum.

General - Things about the server etc
Random - To talk about music, other gaemz, shit etc
Suggestions - To suggest shit
Pr0ns - To post pr0nz

GS Playlist -!/playlist/Architech/84418068/
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-06-2012, 02:18:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

for a start i think the same sub-forums from the General Chat section would be good, or at least the PvE, PvP and LF arena partner sub-forums

maybe a suggestions sub-forum would be better than leaving all of them in 1 topic, for more organization. and maybe some option to vote up/down on each suggestion if its possible, would be good as well

another sub-forum for questions and answers, so all the lags and dcs topics are together - but also for any other question or help needed

and some off topic sub-forum for non game related

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-06-2012, 05:32:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

english zone aka exodus forum sub-forums..

general chat [we all know this one would get used lol]
pvp [use the find arena partner as a sub-forum to this one]

personally don't really care for much else, so these are the ones i'd use -

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Post Posted: 14-06-2012, 10:14:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Made some.
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