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Author Message115806

[prin vacante]

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Post Posted: 20-05-2013, 15:32:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

dupa schimbarea hartii n-ar mai trebui sa apara problema. era rezervat din greseala authid-ul comun pe care-l au toti nonsteamerii, si anume VALVE_ID_LAN.

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(since 06-07-2020 17:51)
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Post Posted: 20-05-2013, 22:57:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Eu zic sa aflati rapid ce ratat a intrat iar in server si a dat kick-uri, a schimbat harta si ce dreacu a mai facut.
Daca aflu cine e, a belit-o.

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[Account disabled]

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Post Posted: 20-05-2013, 23:04:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I-am trimis pm lui ion cu o convorbire pe sv cu unu din astia in care zice "adminul" Keke ca el este shocker ...:

ADMIN Keke: ban N3LuTu permanently
popy dropped
popy has left the game
*DEAD* Gandac# : re all

^hiDDeN^^ dropped
^hiDDeN^^ has left the game
*DEAD* wTw - goD__Z|LA* : re

Eject ! connected
bUghi! killed Dnk * RuTH with m4a1
** War3 ** Alatura-te grupului nostru de pe Facebook!
bUghi! killed 9/11 And The Backstabbers with m4a1
Eject ! is joining the Terrorist force
bUghi! : -
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : voi sunteti owneri ?

1397 overflowed
1397 has left the game
yaBB.w0w killed bUghi! with awp
PTB: Transfering bUghi! to the Ts
*DEAD* xman_csp : bv fata

*** Boby killed Dnk * RuTH with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Boby killed Eject ! with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 50wow killed Boby with a headshot from ak47 ***
** War3 ** Pentru cereri, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
g-Un|t connected
] stop
Completed demo
*DEAD* bUghi! : aolo

g-Un|t dropped
g-Un|t has left the game
50wow : /me
*DEAD* bUghi! : fi-ti-ar awp-ul

*DEAD* g-Un|t : /server

UserX connected
UserX is joining the Terrorist force
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : keke

50wow : /me
** War3 ** Pastrati limbajul decent, in caz contrar veti primi gag/ban
bogd@n killed Gandac# with awp
*** sarmale killed kickorban with a headshot from m4a1 ***
wTw - goD__Z|LA* killed sarmale with deagle
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : keb

*SPEC* Keke : zi

50wow killed bogd@n with ak47
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : esti owner ?

(Spectator) Keke : zi

yaBB.w0w : /me
yaBB.w0w killed 50wow with awp
(Spectator) Keke : da

*DEAD* kickorban : omg

*DEAD* kickorban : /hp

wTw - goD__Z|LA* killed xman_csp with ak47
*DEAD* bUghi! : 9/11 nu mai joci pe war4?

*DEAD* kickorban : /me

omulroshu killed wTw - goD__Z|LA* with m4a1
9/11 And The Backstabbers killed George Bacovianus with m4a1
*SPEC* Keeb : da

*** omulroshu killed zipi with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : ce nick ai u ?

CM11 died
MirCiocu killed locoo with m4a1
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : ala normal

*DEAD* 50wow : qw

energy player connected
*DEAD* wTw - goD__Z|LA* : omg

energy player is joining the Terrorist force
9/11 And The Backstabbers killed yaBB.w0w with m4a1
Fck connected
(Spectator) Keke : multe vrei

Fck is joining the Terrorist force
9/11 And The Backstabbers killed GamaZ with m4a1
*** Afk-slay: CM11
** War3 ** Scrieti /livescore pe chat pentru a vedea scoruri live
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : doar atat

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : si ma duc la joc

Shadow and Dust killed 9/11 And The Backstabbers with m4a1
*DEAD* 50wow : /livescore

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : esti hacker dala ?

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : sau cva ?

You have no access to that command
** War3 ** Folositi comanda amx_page mesaj in consola daca aveti de reclamat un codat
xman_csp killed 9/11 And The Backstabbers with awp
bogd@n killed Eject ! with m4a1
wTw - goD__Z|LA* killed bogd@n with ak47
PTB: Switching KAJ with CM11.
(Spectator) Keke : da:))

50wow killed Boby with ak47
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : hai ma zi

(Spectator) Keke : da ma da

Boby dropped
Boby has left the game
(Spectator) Keke : dala sunt

(Spectator) Keke : -

Eject ! dropped
Eject ! has left the game
*** bUghi! killed GamaZ with a headshot from ak47 ***
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : numele de owner

50wow killed omulroshu with ak47
xman_csp killed wTw - goD__Z|LA* with awp
** War3 ** Scrieti /radio pe chat pentru a asculta radio
GamaZ dropped
GamaZ has left the game
50wow killed xman_csp with ak47
*** sarmale killed Gandac# with a headshot from m4a1 ***
(Spectator) Keeb : -

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : zi numele de owner

Shadow and Dust killed locoo with grenade
*** kickorban killed Shadow and Dust with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* wTw - goD__Z|LA* : clat

KAJ killed George Bacovianus with awp
Dnk * RuTH killed sarmale with awp
w w w . W a r 3 . F r e a k z . r o
* Password accepted
* Privileges set
*DEAD* wTw - goD__Z|LA* : c,ar

Dnk * RuTH killed Cata with awp
KAJ killed parjolitu with awp
*DEAD* wTw - goD__Z|LA* : *****

*DEAD* wTw - goD__Z|LA* : clar

CM11 died
MirCiocu killed bUghi! with m4a1
** War3 ** Alatura-te grupului nostru de pe Facebook!
*** Afk-slay: CM11
*DEAD* locoo : /radio

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : oricum, owner nu esti

kickorban : omg
*DEAD* bUghi! : /me

*SPEC* Keke : esti sigur?

KAJ killed yaBB.w0w with usp
*** MirCiocu killed Fck with a headshot from m4a1 ***
50wow killed MirCiocu with m4a1
)SLeepeR( connected
kickorban : fura fragu
*** locoo asculta Greu de difuzat. Asculta si tu tastand /radio pe chat
)SLeepeR( is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
UserX overflowed
UserX has left the game
x-pac connected
CM11 has left the game
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : foarte

ASDAF ! connected
x-pac is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
ASDAF ! is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Ady*Agent X connected
*DEAD* wTw - goD__Z|LA* : -

Ady*Agent X is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
50wow killed bogd@n with m4a1
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : doar ca grad esti

bogd@n dropped
bogd@n has left the game
** War3 ** Pentru cereri, sugestii sau reclamatii vizitati
*** Afk-kick: CM11
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : nu esti owneru adevarat

* ASDAF ! changed name to wzA
50wow killed x-pac with m4a1
< | Classic Server> -
Raikiri connected
(Spectator) Keke : esti sigur?

v@mpir@s connected
bUghi! killed wzA with ak47
*SPEC* Keeb : acu esti convins?

Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
v@mpir@s is joining the Terrorist force
Raikiri is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : foarte

*** 9/11 And The Backstabbers killed MirCiocu with a headshot from ak47 ***
** War3 ** Pastrati limbajul decent, in caz contrar veti primi gag/ban
*SPEC* Dragonu` ak47 : nu

)SLeepeR( killed 9/11 And The Backstabbers with famas
*** omulroshu killed locoo with a headshot from m4a1 ***
wTw - goD__Z|LA* killed Cata with ak47
50wow killed xman_csp with m4a1
Dnk * RuTH killed parjolitu with awp
*** wTw - goD__Z|LA* killed George Bacovianus with a headshot from ak47 ***
Ady*Agent X : /me
50wow killed Shadow and Dust with m4a1
Ady*Agent X killed bUghi! with famas
*DEAD* wzA : cap !

*DEAD* wzA : cap!

*** 50wow killed )SLeepeR( with a headshot from m4a1 ***
bUghi! : salut wza
Dnk * RuTH killed omulroshu with awp
(Spectator) Keke : dami id de mess

*DEAD* wzA : salut

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : daca nu ?

*DEAD* bUghi! : stie asta ma:|

kickorban killed yaBB.w0w with ak47
Ady*Agent X killed wTw - goD__Z|LA* with ak47
*DEAD* x-pac : nVIDIA HNS V3 Config Enabled- [GeForce]

Gandac# killed Ady*Agent X with ak47
*DEAD* x-pac : nVIDIA HNS V3 Config Enabled- [GeForce]

(Spectator) Keke : atunci pa

** War3 ** Scrieti /livescore pe chat pentru a vedea scoruri live
(Spectator) Keke : nu bag prosti in seama

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : ei na

yaBB.w0w killed 50wow with awp
*DEAD* x-pac : /top15

*** wzA killed Gandac# with a headshot from deagle ***
* x-pac changed name to HITLER
ovy1 connected
v@mpir@s killed omulroshu with ak47
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : zi macar numele de owner

Ady*Agent X : /me
ovy1 is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Spectator) Keke : sunt nou ma

*** parjolitu killed zipi with a headshot from awp ***
(Spectator) Keke : =)

)SLeepeR( : /me
** War3 ** Folositi comanda amx_page mesaj in consola daca aveti de reclamat un codat
*DEAD* 50wow : mama mea cu suflet bun...

Gandac# dropped
Gandac# has left the game
Gandac# dropped
kickorban killed HITLER with ak47
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : dai admine ?

yaBB.w0w killed bUghi! with awp
)SLeepeR( : /me
KAJ killed wzA with awp
Ady*Agent X : /me
nSk-R3PT1L@- connected
*** kickorban killed MirCiocu with a headshot from ak47 ***
Fck killed George Bacovianus with m4a1
)SLeepeR( : /me
Ady*Agent X : /me
*DEAD* bUghi! : si te vazusem..

yaBB.w0w killed locoo with awp
*** wTw - goD__Z|LA* killed parjolitu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
bgd^ dropped
sarmale is joining the Terrorist force
(Spectator) Keke : pricepi?

Fck killed xman_csp with m4a1
Dnk * RuTH : /me
KAJ killed Shadow and Dust with awp
** War3 ** Scrieti /radio pe chat pentru a asculta radio
*DEAD* wzA : sta cu awp in baza

nSk-R3PT1L@- dropped
nSk-R3PT1L@- has left the game
locoo dropped
locoo has left the game
*DEAD* wzA : proboss

energy player killed )SLeepeR( with ak47
Ady*Agent X killed energy player with awp
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : ce ?

locoo connected
Ady*Agent X killed Fck with awp
(Spectator) Keke : am donat

yaBB.w0w killed v@mpir@s with awp
*** KAJ killed Raikiri with a headshot from usp ***
bgd^ connected
*** wTw - goD__Z|LA* killed yaBB.w0w with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Powered by
Shocker, ion.mzk, SiLe, FreaKz * Bobby, El3Na, Freakz * Ese
locoo is joining the Terrorist force
bgd^ is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* locoo : /

*** KAJ killed Ady*Agent X with a headshot from awp ***
anonim dropped
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : cat ?

** War3 ** Alatura-te grupului nostru de pe Facebook!
George Bacovianus dropped
George Bacovianus has left the game
CM11 dropped
George Bacovianus connected
George Bacovianus is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
(Spectator) Keke : sunt shocker ma..

9/11 And The Backstabbers killed Cata with awp
*DEAD* 50wow : ce lag are cata asta

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : my ***

*DEAD* bUghi! : 9/11 nu mai joci pe war4?

(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : ce bou sunt

PTB: Switching 50wow with xman_csp.
*** v@mpir@s killed Cata with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** Fck killed ovy1 with a headshot from ak47 ***
(Spectator) Dragonu` ak47 : doamne

Ady*Agent X killed Fck with m4a1
9/11 And The Backstabbers killed HITLER with awp
** War3 ** Pent

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[Faraon intergalactic]

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 20-05-2013, 23:17:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

a dat si *** hackeru ala, ne-a schimbat configu la cativa dupa aia schimbase hartile din 5 in 5 secunde.

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[Account disabled]

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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 06:07:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dar nu ati putea schimba parola la consola serverului? Poate nu o mai afla...

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lOl ^_*


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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 06:44:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

totusi am impresia ca nu e asa prost pe cat ma pricep in a sparge sv de cs sau alte tampenii da cred ca iti trebuie ceva minte
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[The Chosen One]

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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 06:57:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sa spargi un server de CS....trebuie sa ai probleme la creier ca sa iti pierzi timpul, doar sa iti dai admin si sa banezi playerii.

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(since 31-08-2018 01:11)
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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 12:35:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Paragon wrote:
Sa spargi un server de CS....trebuie sa ai probleme la creier ca sa iti pierzi timpul, doar sa iti dai admin si sa banezi playerii.

Voi nu vedeti cauza? vor sa destabilizeze serverul, war3 e o concurenta mare pentru alte servere,mai tot timpul full.... asta a deranjat probabil ... si prin acest mod incearca sa "goleasca" serverul
Acel raiz0 care aparea din cate am inteles si m-am interesat e unul din fondatorii/ownerii faradungi...

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[The Chosen One]

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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 12:42:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zau asa....ii un server de CS, nu Pentagonul si NASA. Ii un joc vechi de 15 ani, joci de placere, atata suferinta pe hackerii aia.

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(since 31-08-2018 01:11)
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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 15:53:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Paragon wrote:
Zau asa....ii un server de CS, nu Pentagonul si NASA. Ii un joc vechi de 15 ani, joci de placere, atata suferinta pe hackerii aia.

ce sa le ceri? cap au....minte la ce sa le foloseasca...

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D a n g e R


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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 17:03:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Joci de placere,dar cand cineva de plateste sa floodezi un server,pentru ca totusi vorbim despre war3
Unul dintre cele mai bune servere din Romania
Si cand alti owneri platesc 10-20 euro,logic ca asta il floodeaza

Ps. cosmin,ala nu era Shocker
Sunt multi ani de cand Shocker nu a mai intrat pe war3,deoarece nu cred ca mai joaca cs 1.6 de catva ani

Casuta vocala: DangeR
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(since 05-11-2014 16:58)
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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 21:51:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) si uite de cine am dat pe facebook de raiz0 -

Pyro is not a crime

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 21-05-2013, 22:08:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ti-a luat cam mult, e de cateva luni pe forum contu lui

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Post Posted: 22-05-2013, 00:16:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Esti pasionat de tuning vizual? Stii jocul NFS Underground 2? Stii ca este cel mai complet joc de masini din punct de vedere al tuningului vizual, nu?
Daca ai raspuns cu DA la 2/3 intrebari, atunci vino sa te inscrii intr-un concurs dedicat, unde concurentii isi pun imaginatia la incercare prin modificarea vizuala al masinilor alese de catre organizator.

Trebuie doar sa dai un CLICK si ai ajuns in pagina unde "te dai mare si tare" cu masina ta.

Freakz NFS U2 Championship: Visual Car Tuning te asteapta!

P.S.: Nu am creat un topic nou ca sa nu umplu acest forum inutil.

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[The Chosen One]

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Post Posted: 22-05-2013, 11:50:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mastermind wrote:
Ar putea fi chiar admini+slot-uri daca nu se strang adminii..

Eu unul zic ca ar merita macar incercat, de test, sa vedem cum decurge treaba.

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