
[EN] Shaman Restoration PvE Guide
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Post Posted: 04-10-2013, 13:57:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

All information in this guide is valid for the Freakz server .I shall update it weekly (I hope) .If you consider that a certain information is incorect or you have something to add please post in this thread with the proper argumentation .For grammatical mistakes please PM me. The guide is both for begginers and for more advanced shamans(nobody knows everything :p)


talent analysis
spec & glyphs
spell analysis
healing styles
gemming & enchanting
healing scenarios
encounter specific
starter gear


"Since the dawn of time our comarades have faced thousands of perils that threatened our existence on Azeroth...we however fight only one enemy every single time...we fight Death itself...and we prevail"-healers

Resto shaman is one of five healing specs available in Cataclysm .It is viable in both 10 and 25 man raids at any progression level and is generally accepted as one of the most versatile healing specs in the game.


Those who have played any tipe of healer in wotlk (the land of life without death and spamming without oom) will have to get used to the new healing mentality of cataclysm .As healers our fingers twitch instantly when we see a player's health drop below 100% (even if only by only a small amount) but we must learn to retain ourselves .We no longer have unlimited resources and mana managenent is once again one of our top concerns .The process of topping off players should dissapear from your habits with the except when you know a high dmg ability is soon to follow or you will not have range on a player for an extended period of time.

There are two main styles of resto shaman healing conditioned by the presence or absence of the telluric currents talent . It is inportant to note that both are viable at any level of progression but I would recommend the one without the above mentioned talent because it's easier.


high raid support
high versatility because although not recommended we can offer purges and interrupts in a desperate situation
very little ramp up time when changing from max single target healing to max aoe healing and vice versa
the most powerful mana cooldown in the game when looking at the collective manapool of all the healers in the raid-mana tide totem
probably the most overpowered cooldown in the game-spirit link totem
a second chance in case of faildeath-reincarnation

can't sustain max healing without periods of mana regeneration
weak movement healing because of the lack of a spammable instant cast heal


Raid healer-in general resto shamans are considered raid healers and not without reason ..Healing rain and chain heal along with earthliving procs provide the necessary hps (heal per second) for raid survival .

Tank healer-if in wotlk the paladin was considered the best tank healer in cata all healing classes cab fill this role and resto shamans are no exception ..Earth shield along with greater healing wave ,healing wave and riptide can keep a tank alive even through periods of high damage .

In reality you won't need to fill only just one of these roles but rather a combination of the two.

Talent analysis

----mandatory=mandatory for any resto shaman spec
----optional=good only in certain situations or in specialised specs
----sh*t=useless in the overwhelming majority of situations


ancestral resolve-optional
Because shamans are a class without a major personal survival cooldown any dmg reduction is great .A shaman with telluric currents will get better use out of this talent because he will spend more time casting

tidal focus-mandatory
Mana is extremely important in cataclysm and although 6% may not seem much ,trust me it adds up

spark of life-mandatory
A straight up 6% boost to all healing spells .The nice thing about this tallent is that it stacks multiplicatively with itself so selfheals are boosted by 21.9%

A better replacement for the old improoved water shield talent that allows mana regen to scale with critical strike. This talent is the main reason why you never want water shield to fall off you

totemic focus-obligatoriu
You save a bit of mana from having to recast your totems less often but the true value of this talent is that it increases the duration of your long cooldown totems manatide totem (from 12 sec to 16.8 sec) ,spirit link totem (from 6 sec to 8.40 sec) and although used less often fire elemental totem (from 2 min to 2.8 min)

focused insight-sh*t
The only thing that sets this apart from unleash life is that it also works with healing rain .However 3 talent points and a gcd are too high a cost considering that the interaction with healing rain is rather strange and not all ticks gain the benefit .Not to mention that it's a heal per mana loss .Just stay clear of it outside pvp situations.

nature's guardianuseless in pve situations /if you think you need this talent cause you die alot my advice is just learn to play better[/color]

ancestral healing-mandatory
Riptide on the tank will ensure the presence of this buff .It is especially useful when combined with certain defensive cooldowns based on HP such as enraged regeneration ,anti magic shell etc. It does not stack with the priest version called inspiration.

nature's swiftness-mandatory
Used in emergency situations combined with greater healing wave or healing rain .

nature's blessing-mandatory
Extremely useful when tank healing or single target healing in general

soothing rains-mandatory
Increases your aoe healing capacity and turns your healing stream totem into a lean mean healing machine (well not really but hey every bit helps).

improoved cleanse spirit-optional
It's either mandatory or useless depending if the fight requires dispell or not

cleansing waters-optional
transforms you into the best dispeller in the game(that is if the fight requires you to be the best dispeller in the game

ancestral awakening-obligatoriu
Increases the value of crit without increasing the chance to overheal because it is a smart heal .Thus your single target heals will crit for 260% instead of the usual 200%

mana tide totem-obligatoriu
The best mana regen cooldown when considering the colective mana of all the healers in the raid .

telluric currents-optional
Telluric currents is without doubt the most controversial resto shaman talent .Loved by many (*points to self*) hated by even more it offers a spammable way to regenerate mana that in my opinion fits perfectly with the shaman style of healing u "heal all out when needed 'conserv/regen mana when not".
I consider this talent extremely useful because almost all fights have downtime when there is very little to no healing required and why not use this time to regen mana?
We are the class with the highest spirit dependency.All other healers have intellect based cooldowns and our only mana regen cooldown mana tide is based on spirit
Suntem clasa cu cea mai mare dependenta de spirit.Telluric currents frees us from this dependency to a certain degree allowing us to focus more on output stats like mastery crit and haste .Many will ask "well why.should I do.dmg.when I'm a healer?" Because the choice is not between casting a lightning bolt and casting a heal but between casting a lightning bolt and doing nothing .

tidal waves-mandatory
Vastly increases the heal per second of healing wave and greater healing wave

blessing of the eternals-optional
Guarantees the aplication of earthliving on targets below 35% HP making it very useful in high.damage situations

Instant heal with a heal over time component that increases the power of.chain heals by 25%


elemental weapons-mandatory
Increases your spellpower and also increases the bonus healing granted by unleash life from 20% to 30%

improved shields-obligatoriu
Increases the passive mana regen of water shield and the amount healed by earth shield.

ancestral swiftness-optional
Ghost wolf becomes instant cast which is.great for mobility

totemic reach-optional
Useful when is.extremely spread out and you.want to ensure all raid members get the benefit of your totems.


Crit is much better for shamans in cataclysm and although other healers stay.away from it for our class it.can.surpass haste and mastery in certain situations

Spec & glyphs

/run t,p,a={3,12,23,33,42,52,82,91,103,112,143,151,162,171,183,201,1,13,2,12,33,62,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end


Glyph of Earthliving Weapon---Best used in 25 man raids because earthliving is a.good portion of our healing but it can also help in 10 man though to a smaller degree.

Earth Shield---the only situation where you might ignore this glyph is if there are multiple resto.shamans in a raid and you won't be able to keep earth.shield on one of the tanks.

Glyph of riptide Makes riptide one of your best hpm spells making it next to required in 10 man.It also increases the window of opportunity you have to cast chain heal on a target with riptide.

Glyph of Water Shield--- Again cata is an expantion where mana is scarce so this glyph may be useful especially for low gear shamans .The.downside is that this is a static bonus and does not.scale with gear unlike the other three glyphs
Glyph of unleashed ligtning---Only for shamans with TC (telluric currents) it is very useful in encounters with movement like morchok for.regenerating mana on the move.


Glyph of Chain Heal---increases the healing of your chain heal if it hits at least 3 targets.

Glyph of Healing Stream Totem---2 in 1 healing stream+resistence

Glyph of Healing wave---a very small amount of healing .It also looses value when the difficulty of the raid increases and shamans bypass healing wave in favor of stronger heals.

Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem---Provides a 16 k self absorb when you drop the totem that does not scale with gear. It is incredibly mana efficient if you do not need to recast another earth totem .


Glyph of Renewed Life--- The only glyph that is slightly useful for raiding .It helps you to not look like an idiot because you don't have reagents and also saves an inventory slot(yey!).


Primary stats

Intellect is the best resto shaman stat .Get as you.can.and then get some more .At lvl 85 with mail specialisation ,kings and the 10% spell power buff 1 point of intellect provides:

16.84 mana
1.15775 spell power
0.002105 % crit chance
0.0842 mp5 via replenishment
it also is.part of the passive mana regen formula boosting the power of spirit

In general you.will get intel from items (usually the higher the ilvl the higher the intellect) ,enchants and gems .Sadly you can't reforge to intellect .

//it affects TC by increasing the dmg of lightning bolts and thus the mana gained

Spirit--I'm perfectly aware that spirit is a secondary stat but until a.certain point it must be treated like a primary.It is part of the passive mana regen formula and our main way.of regenerating mana.The ideea is to get as much as you can.early on and.then stop when you feel comfortable .Acceptable levels of spirit start from 1800 and can go as.high as.3000 or more it all.depends on your personal preference .

//it does not generally affect TC /only with.the elemental precision talent which is not worth taking

Secondary stats

So you want to know which is the best secondary stat? There is no clear answer because all of them can be incredible in certain situations and each.has its drawbacks .

Crit--you need179.28 crit rating for 1% crit .It is a hybrid stat because it helps mana regen through the ressurgence talent and it boosts healing making our.heals crit for.200% and some of.our.heals for 260% with 3/3 ancestral awakening. also great for procking ancestral fortitude.

//it influences TC because lightning bolts will hit 50% harder so the mana gain will rise by more than 55% (strictly from a TC point of view it is the best regeneration stat)

Mastery--you need 179.28 mastery for pentru 1 point of mastery .It works in the following way - if the target is at 90% HP you will only benefit from 10% of your mastery whilst if your target is at 1hp you will benefit from 100% of your mastery. Basically your heals get stronger as your target's HP gets weaker.It is neutral from a mana point of view because it doesn't help regenerate mana and it doesn't make you loose more mana either .It is also noteworthy thatit affects all of your healing spells including healing stream totem .

//it does't affect TC in any way

Haste--you need only 128.057 haste rating for 1% haste (much less than for the other two secondary stats). Because of this it is considered the best output stat but because you cast more spells per unit of time you will also burn more mana.Cast time spells,instant casts and hots all benefit from haste and hots also have the capacity to gain extra ticks at certain haste levels increasing not only their hps but also their hpm.

It is recommended to reach the first haste breakpoint at 916 rating at which point riptide,healing rain and earthliving all gain an extra tick

//it affects TC by lowering the cast time of lightning bolt

Gemming & Enchanting


META --Burning shadowspirit diamond

RED--Brilliant queen's Garnet

BLUE--Purified shadow spinel

YELLOW--Reckless lava coral // Artful lava coral // Potent lava coral


Head--Arcanum of Hyjal

Shoulder--Greater Inscription of charged lodestone

Cloak--Enchant cloak greater intellect

Chest--Enchant chest peerless stats

Wrist--Enchant bracer mighty intellect

Hands--Enchant gloves greater mastery

Belt--Ebonsteel belt buckle

Legs--Powerful Ghostly Spellthread

Feet--Enchant boots mastery

Shield/OH--Enchant off hand superior intellect
Weapon-- Enchant weapon power torrent//Enchant weapon heartsong

In general you will use heartsong when you first start out and after your gear gets better upgrade to power torrent



*Severed Sagefish Head
*Seafood magnifique feast


*Flask of Draconic Mind


--Potion of Concentration--- (if you have 10 seconds of free time it will regenerate more mana than the alternative mythical mana potion-best used with a non-TC spec)

---Mythical Mana Potion---(best used with a TC spec because the 10 sec you would consume for potion of concentration can be used to spam lightning bolts)

---volcanic potion---(in case you do not need the mana potions you can use volcanic during a high damage phase.You could also prepot volcanic in order to maximize healing though usually it's not worth it because the beginning of fights is usually low dmg)


A)Healing spells

####Single target spells

--Riptide---A single target instant cast heal with a hot component that is our second most efficient spell after earth shield. Use it often as it procs tidal waves increasing the power our other single target to keep it on the tank at all time as it helps stabilise the tank .Also you could also put it up on as many targets as possible before an aoe phase so you have more targets for chain heal (which will be increased by 25%).Don't forget to use it when on the move.

--Earth shield--- Our most efficient spell must be kept on the tank at all times not only for the healing but also for the nature's blessing buff as tanks generally require more healing than other raid members.Optionaly in case that there are multiple resto shamans in a raid you can use earth shield on the person most predisposed to take dmg. (aka the guild's idiot)

--Healing Wave---our small cheap and efficient heal .you can spam it when you want to conserve mana but do not expect to keep a raid alive with it .Once you reach a certain mana regen lvl you will actually regen more mana than you spend casting it.

--Greater Healing Wave--- combined with mastery it is the strongest spammable single target heal in the gamecu .Use it in the presence of the tidal waves buff to heal targets who have taken major dmg

--Healing Surge---a fast ,average and pretty costly heal.It is generally considered useless in pve situations because greater healing wave with tidal focus is stronger and more mana efficientun heal while having almost the same cast time as healing surge.

--Unleash Life---it is usually a hps and hpm loss to use it but there are certain situations which favor it's use namely when you expect a certain target to take massive dmg and when moving for short periods of time.

####Aoe spells

--Healing Rain--- very efficient when healing more than 5 targets at a time.The positioning of the spell is very important so try to place it in a spot where you know the raid will stay.for its entire duration.

--Chain Heal--- chain heals remains our favorite spammable spell in aoe situations .In order to maximize its output try to hit targets with riptide.

B)Mana regen spells

--Water shield--- NEVER let this buff fall off you or your mana will drain from you like you have giant hole in your manabar .I strongly recommend that you get some sort of addon to remind you.
--Mana Tide Totem---I said it before and I'll say it again best mana regen cooldown in the game .Best used when at 75-85% mana and after that on cooldown.Do not stack spirit with the specific purpose in mind of helping out the regen of other healers you are not a f*cking mana battery.In most situations the water totem of choice will be healing stream so try to cast manatide when healing stream is not of use.

C)Other spells

--Earthliving Weapon--many underestimate this hot because of its unpredictability but in can in fact offer impressive amounts of healing especially in 25 man because unlike healing rain it has no position requirement and no diminuashing returns on multiple targets.

--Spiritwalker's Grace--used in periods of prolonged movement or in critical situations like getting knocked into the air.

--Ghost Wolf-- used usually with talents for instant cast only in situations where you are unable to heal (like being away from the raid) or in a situation that requires immediate movement.

--Stoneclaw Totem --used with glyph is a very effcu glyph este foarte eficient in a combate damage asupra shamanului daca puteti prezice cand va ve way to prevent dmg on the shanan.It is also very mana efficient if you do not need to recast a earth totem after it (someone else is providing the respective buff)

--Nature's Swiftness--the shaman's "oh shit" button best used with greater healing wave when someone is about to die or with healing rain in an aoe situatiob.

---Spirit link totem-- the most overpowered defensive cooldown in the game .It equalises the HP of all raid members in 10 yards and offers 10% dmg reduction .It can save raid members from situations that would otherwise mean certain death like 100% healing reduction, silence etc.If you want to maximize your healing during spirit link you should heal the person with the smallest total HP (not %)

Healing scenarios

(These are some of the more common healing scenarios but keep in mind that each fight will be different and you must make your own decisions on the spot)

1)Single target

Assuming the following scenario in which target A has taken serious damage and needs to be healed quickly:

In this situation if target A will not die in the next two seconds cast a riptide on him (for the tidal waves buff) followed by 2X greater healing wave and than a normal casted greater healing wave because riptide will be on cd.

If target A continues to take dmg continue the above mentioned "rotation" by casting riptide either on target A or B.

If target A will die in the next 2 seconds first cast an instantgreater healing wave with nature's swiftness .


a)Supose the next scenario where many raid members have taken light damage:

If the raid memebers are stacked together this is an ideal situation for healing rain .

If the raid is dispersed you can choose either to individually heal each person uson healing wave and riptide or you could choose to not heal them for the moment and wait for them to take more damage while you regenerate some mana (either by doing nothing or by spamming lightning bolts if you have TC)

b)In the following scenario some of the memebers in the raid have taken medium-light damage :

If the raid is stacked the best course of action is to place a healing rain and then use chain heal a few times to get everyone up .I

If the raid is dispersed single target heal the more damaged targets .

c)Next we have a raid where most of the raid has taken medium dmg and a few targets are badly wounded :

In case the raid is stacked use healing rain and then heal targets A,B and C using greater healing wave with tidal waves (from riptide or chan heal) //if there is heavy incoming damage just forget about the healing rain and focus on saving the most wounded targets using the single target "rotation" .

Encounter specific

will post videos when i have time to make them . No promises:D

Starting gear

Head->Echoing Headguard-->End Time

Neck->Firemind Pendant-->Justice points

Shoulder->Cataclysmic Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders->Conquest Points

Back->Flowing Flamewrath Cape-->Avengers of Hyjal rep

Chest->Erupting Volcanic Tunic-->Justice points

Wrist->Thundering Deathscale Wristguards

Hands->Erupting Volcanic Handwraps-->Justice points

Belt->Belt of Ghostly Graces-->Dragon Soul trash

Legs->Deathscale Leggings-->Leatherworking

Feet->Footwraps of Quenched Fire-->Leatherworking

Ring 1->Quicksilver Signet of the Avengers-->Avengers of Hyjal rep

Ring 2->Soothing Brimstone Cricle-->Justice points

Trinket 1->Darkmoon Card Tsunami-->Inscription

Trinket 2->Core of Ripeness-->Justice points

Main hand->Crescent Moon-->End Time

Off hand->Dragonfire Orb-->Dragon Soul trash

Relic->Singed Plume of Aviana-->Justice points

Resto shaman PVE

Last edited by soulkreep on 07-10-2013, 14:37:34; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 11:28:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Foarte bine facut din pct de vedere estetic, dar ai mici "contraziceri" ca sa spun asa.

1. "nature's blessing-mandatory" => este optional(mai util pvp) pentru ca afecteaza numai direct healing spells pe earth shield

2. "blessing of the eternals-optional "=> este obligatoriu si chiar lifesaving (earthliving hot este al doilea sau al treilea hot din recount hps) +
- daca nu ai recomandat ca obligatoriu talentu, de ce recomanzi glypha?! (Glyph of Earthliving Weapon)
- "elemental weapons-mandatory" de ce este obligatoriu daca nu folosesti talentu?

3.nature's swiftness-mandatory=> defapt este optionala=> cat iti ia sa castezi nature swiftness+ greater healing wave, e cam atat cat iti ia sa castezi direct greater healing wave (vezi global colddown la spell). E utila numai daca esti in miscare si evident nu poti sa castezi ceva cu casting.

4. Este inutil si problematic "Glyph of unleashed ligtning-" te misti castand LB si trebuie sa dai un heal la urgenta cu riptide sau ceva si nu poti face asta pentru ca tre sa astepti sa se termine castingu la LB. (Ar trebuii sa iti faci macro cu "/Stopcasting /cast riptide )

5. in ciuda a tot ceea ce spui tu> Glyph of Healing wave- este obligatoriu pentru ca este spellu cu cea mai mare sansa de crit (vezi resurgence /Ancestral awakening) si pe deasupra te tine in viata in encountere de genu zon' ozz etc.

6. Ai uitat sa mentionezi ca mastery afecteaza absolut toate spellurile de heal, inclusiv Healing stream totem si trinketa de heal (Windward Heart) si maceul de la deathwing ( Maw of dragonlord )

Cum am spus la inceput, arata destul de bine fata de restu ghidurilor de pe aici -

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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 12:36:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Frist of all I would apreciate it if you could keep this an english only zone so foreign players can understand .If you want romanian post here .It's the exact same thing .Now regarding your observations

1 Nature's blessing is mandatory because it makes you an even better tank healer .18% increased healing on a tank (who usually takes a lot of dmg ) is not to be laughted at .

2 Blessing of the eternals is not mandatory because it has sh*tty interraction with aoe spells like chian heal and especially healing rain .You do not get the full 80% chance on thenbut only a small part .It can be very good in certain situation and completely useless when your raid never drops below 35% .I recommended the glyph because you will benefit from it under any circumstances while the talent is only usefull in certain situations
How exactly am I not using elemental weapons ?

3 Natrure's swiftness is a cooldown and should be saved for when you really need it .I can't tell you how many people I've saved using NS+ghw. The difference between casting a ghw and using NS+ghw is at least one second .People can easily die in 1 sec .It's not a hps boost it's a life saver in emergency situations .That's why i don't recommend using it when mooving unless you really need it

4 Shamans are weakest when moving so i presented the option of regenerating mana in this time so you can heal more when standing still .I generally don't like stopcasting macros and use esc but that's a personal preference

5 I've stopped using healing wave a long time ago and generally prefer to regen mana in a situation where healing wave could be used .It does not have the highest crit chance it has the same crit as any other spell .I prefer larger heals like ghw on high dmg encounters like zon;ozz

6 You have a point i will add the affects all spells part but I'm not shure about the trinket or mace (need to do some research and testing)

Resto shaman PVE
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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 13:22:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok, sorry about not writeing in english here, my mistake.
1. Nature's blessing is not mandatory because it only affects one target..the one with Earth shield on him, and only targeted healing spells. You as a shaman PVE, you are not a tank holder. This tallent does not effect the passive hots bonuses on earthshield (like healing stream totem, Awakening, etc), it only affects spells like healing wave, greater healing wave, healing surge, riptide, casted directly on Earth shielded tank.

2. You are restoration shaman, an IMBA AOE healer so blessing of the eternals is mandatory because it can proc from any healing spell ( healing rain, etc ) On targets below 30% HP you also get a major boost from mastery and that is why earthliving is maybe the 3rd or 4th spell in you recount.

3. Nature swifness is only usefull when u move to much and u have to save someone.
If my target is about to die, i wont use nature swifness because cast spell+ 1 sec gcd + cast spell, is like 1,5 sec casting to any spell.

my oppinion :Riptide(= instant).=> Low HP target =>/ high heal (see mastery)+ hot => less then one sec the target is saved.

4. You still dont understand the problem. Casting and canceling a spell is dead time. TC is very usefull for mana regen, but using
LB while moving, is like suicide. On elemental si dps conserving, but on resto is " like cast lb => oh wait someone is dying lets cancel lb and stop to cast any random healing spell..oh wait how do i cancel this? i have to use special macro spell"
When u are moving, you regen mana because you are not casting any spell -.

5.Here is a hint about using healing wave spam. In yorsahj encounter on purple, you can spam healing wave on a pet to force ancestral awakening proc on raid + earthliving proc, and guess what?! no stacks on pet and ZEROO mana consumtion+ a lot of mana reg.
6. use wowhead comments ..

7. in the situation u shown before, were you have to use nature swiftness is more usefull to use Focused insight + GCD reduction glyph to get some OP one target healing with spells like riptide. (but you need macro for it)

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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 14:38:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. You are a tank healer (unless for some reason you are told not to heal the tank which would be stupid) .In fact you are the best sustained tank healer in the game . No other class in the game can (without using cooldowns) put out as much hps on tank simply because greater healing wave combined with mastery and the 18% increase is so good .It is true that healing stream or healing rain do not benefit from the talent but you don't keep a tank up with healing stream or healing rain during a high dmg situation do you? Oh and ancestral awakening does benefit from it if the crit that procked it was on the earth shield .

2. A resto shaman is a good aoe healer (pala is imba - ) Blessing of the eternals WAS mandatory back when healing rain and a 20% chance of procking earthliving and earthliving would autoproc when the target reached 35% HP . Healing rain now has about a 2-3% chance to proc eathliving and blessing of the eternals does not increase it by 80% but by a very small margin. Only single target spells can guarantee a earthliving proc below 35% HP so if you single target heal someone they won't be at low health so earthliving will get a smaller benefit from mastery.

3.If your target is at 10k HP and in the next second will receive 50k dmg a riptide won't save him while a greater healing wave will . In terms of hps yes it is the same thing because you have to wait for the gcd .The true value is the moment when the healing comes --instant vs after 1 sec. People can get killed in the time you take to cast a spell .

4. You press the escape key it's not rocket science...If you aren't capable of doing that than maybe you are just low skill level and this technique is not for you anyway .What do you do when you have spiritwalker's grace and you cast greater healing wave on a target that gets heald before you finish the cast do you still let it go off because you don't know how to stop it ? it's the same thing

5.that may work on normal difficulty where's little to no dmg but on heroic you have to pump out the big heals or people die .You can't just spam healing wave on a pet and pray to the shaman gods for crits .I prefer to use pets for unleash elements and then use greater healing wave on my targets

7 Again if you do that the healing will still come after 1 sec vs instant .Not to mention focused insight is just bad//so is the gcd reduction glyph

Posturi unite automat, 07-10-2013, 15:38:47

Added the "Affects all heals " to mastery and tested the windward heart--does not benefit from mastery .Maw of the dragon lord i don;t have it so can't test

Resto shaman PVE
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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 15:02:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. You really dont understand you? Tank holder is solo target spell caster (more like a pvp spec) As a shamy you need to boost your aoe casting. You need to keep the raid alive and not just the tank. The talent is ok, but is not mandatory unless you go pvp spec.

2. really? If u think that way, why do you bother playing resto shamy when you can play Pala holy?!
3. did u see those videos about a resto shamy in pvp arena were he was keeping his mate alive just by using riptide on low hp?! This patch mastery rules.

Posturi unite automat, 07-10-2013, 16:02:00

And about windward heath -> see comment :


By nikuito (1,773 – 3·29) on 2011/11/30 (Patch 4.3.0) Report
ICD 20 seconds.
Trigers from all crits from all shamy spells.
Trigers from all crits from all shamy spells. Changed again in 4.3.2
Afected by Shamy mastery and talents like Spark of Life
Greatly afected by SpellPower (short calculations indicate 130% of spellpower)
Proc does not stacks Yor'sahj the Unsleeping Yor'sahj the Unsleeping Deep Corruption Deep Corruption on heroic.

EDIT: yesterday they did a small patch and it stopped working from Healing Rain, which is indeed a shame since it crits quite a lot.
Edit 09/02/2012: Patch notes indicates that it will proc once again from Healing Rain, probably puting this trink into the indiscutible BiS for resto shamy again.

(i wrote in yellow because is a comment on wowhead and i dont know how to quote something that is not from freakz)

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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 16:16:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nowdays you don't need a dedicated tank healer like you did in wotlk .You need to fill both the role of tank healer and raid healer .Resto shamans are excelent at both .Please enlighten me as to how picking up this talent impairs your aoe healing .You seem to be stuck with the wotlk mentality that resto shamans are better at raid healing than tank healing which i can assure you is not the case .

Though my main is a shaman i play all the healing classes and yes a properly played holy pala will wipe the floor with anyone .Should everyone just reroll pala ? Of course not because each class has it's advantages .

I am aware of how good mastery can be in certain conditions .However arena and pvp are two distinct worlds and should not be compared .

I said I just tested windwart heard on our server and it's not benefiting from mastery .I want my guide to reflect the reality of freakz not that of retail .Feel free to make a bug report about it

Resto shaman PVE
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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 16:17:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

gamer4life wrote:
And about windward heath -> see comment :
By nikuito (1,773 – 3·29) on 2011/11/30 (Patch 4.3.0) Report
ICD 20 seconds.
Trigers from all crits from all shamy spells.
Trigers from all crits from all shamy spells. Changed again in 4.3.2
Afected by Shamy mastery and talents like Spark of Life

But does it work properly on Freakz?
I'm one of those shamans that loves to spam Healing Rain when everyone is stacked together even if the raid doesn't take that much damage, just to keep the HP buff on. In all those healing rain crits, on any DS fight (not including Hagara), Windward Heart doesn't proc more than 5-10 times per a fight.

Anyway, this is a good PvE guide, and I agree about Focused Insight and Nature's Guardian being sh!t in PvE, and I agree that Nature's Blessing is mandatory because not everyone can pull 90k+ heals when it's needed like a Shaman can.

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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 16:20:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Double post.

Last edited by Macedo931 on 07-10-2013, 17:52:04; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 07-10-2013, 16:36:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

gamer4life wrote:
Foarte bine facut din pct de vedere estetic, dar ai mici "contraziceri" ca sa spun asa.

1. "nature's blessing-mandatory" => este optional(mai util pvp) pentru ca afecteaza numai direct healing spells pe earth shield

2. "blessing of the eternals-optional "=> este obligatoriu si chiar lifesaving (earthliving hot este al doilea sau al treilea hot din recount hps) +
- daca nu ai recomandat ca obligatoriu talentu, de ce recomanzi glypha?! (Glyph of Earthliving Weapon)
- "elemental weapons-mandatory" de ce este obligatoriu daca nu folosesti talentu?

3.nature's swiftness-mandatory=> defapt este optionala=> cat iti ia sa castezi nature swiftness+ greater healing wave, e cam atat cat iti ia sa castezi direct greater healing wave (vezi global colddown la spell). E utila numai daca esti in miscare si evident nu poti sa castezi ceva cu casting.

4. Este inutil si problematic "Glyph of unleashed ligtning-" te misti castand LB si trebuie sa dai un heal la urgenta cu riptide sau ceva si nu poti face asta pentru ca tre sa astepti sa se termine castingu la LB. (Ar trebuii sa iti faci macro cu "/Stopcasting /cast riptide )

5. in ciuda a tot ceea ce spui tu> Glyph of Healing wave- este obligatoriu pentru ca este spellu cu cea mai mare sansa de crit (vezi resurgence /Ancestral awakening) si pe deasupra te tine in viata in encountere de genu zon' ozz etc.

6. Ai uitat sa mentionezi ca mastery afecteaza absolut toate spellurile de heal, inclusiv Healing stream totem si trinketa de heal (Windward Heart) si maceul de la deathwing ( Maw of dragonlord )

Cum am spus la inceput, arata destul de bine fata de restu ghidurilor de pe aici -

1. Every time on yor'sahj 10/25, you're usually assigned in a group with a tank (I'm assigned with 1 tank and 3 hunters, cause yolo). You can't afford wasting too much time healing the tank, since you also have to keep your group alive, and maybe help the other healers/cast healing rain. You MUST have earth shield on the tank at all times, and again since you don't have too much time healing the tank, you can easily pull 150k crits on tank with this talent and GHW. Also, usually because of this talent, a riptide can heal more than 150k+ overall in one cast, if the tank takes too much damage. So this talent is mandatory, helps the tank a lot, and makes riptide so much more efficient when casting it on tank with Glyph of Riptide and this talent.

2. I'd still chose this talent indeed, even though it scales AWFULL with AoE healing spells, but i'd rather choice this over 2% crit through acuity or any other talent. Earthliving hot isn't 2nd on the recount since this talent was fixed (used to interract with healing rain and chain heal), it usually ends up on 4th place on my recount. It is still a good talent, and because you don't really have any other choice (at least in my opinion), yeah, you should get it indeed. But some people prefere playing with focused insight and crazy talents like that, and this is the place you should drop 1-2 points, if you wanna get another talent.

3. Nature's Swiftness is MANDATORY, it can save someone, or even the whole raid (if used clutch with healing rain), since I sometimes use it right after using spirit link totem for mass AoE healing. Doesn't matter if you lose HPS or not with this talent, since your job is to keep the whole raid alive, and this helps if you can save someone with it.

4. It is optional, I don't find it's use either, since at the moment you can cast a bunch of lightning bolts on every boss in dragon soul (even on zon'ozz if used properly).

5. It isn't mandatory since it heals you for around 3k, which isn't much. I still use it, just because I don't like using glyph of chain heal, and I don't have any other replacement for it. It's ok, but overall it heals me for around 30k/fight, which again, it isn't much, but that's also because you should rarely use healing waves. (I mostly use it on yor'sahj too, to avoid overhealing).

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Post Posted: 08-10-2013, 10:05:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Something that most of you dont understand is that Nature's Blessing is tank support only skill so is somenthing mandatory only when you dont have a DK blood tank or dudu feral (all other tanks takes dmg like shit..)

yes roshkatul, that is why i pick it, but is not mandatory for all..and the soulcreep example for using it is kinda wrong. It is not mandatory because i use this ability in one from 3 raids i can live without it very easy.

ps: we dont use your strategy. In yoursaj in black pahse with purple, i use healing rain when raid starts to fall under 80% HP (one stack on all) and then we use greater healing wave on diffent players (you can see the number of stack on raid frame, so no blind heal. When someone in the raid starts to fall under 50% HP and already has 4 stacks, i use earthshield on him, or spirit link totem.

Soulcreep if you think the trinket is not affected by mastery on our server, just look in recount after a DS raid like zon ozz or yoursaj. You have diffent values then you are used to.

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Post Posted: 08-10-2013, 11:11:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

gamer4life wrote:
ps: we don't use your strategy. In Yor'sahj in black phase with purple, i use healing rain when raid starts to fall under 80% HP (one stack on all) and then we use greater healing wave on different players (you can see the number of stack on raid frame, so no blind heal. When someone in the raid starts to fall under 50% HP and already has 4 stacks, i use earthshield on him, or spirit link totem.

Healing rain doesn't give stacks.

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Post Posted: 08-10-2013, 13:01:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
gamer4life wrote:
ps: we don't use your strategy. In Yor'sahj in black phase with purple, i use healing rain when raid starts to fall under 80% HP (one stack on all) and then we use greater healing wave on different players (you can see the number of stack on raid frame, so no blind heal. When someone in the raid starts to fall under 50% HP and already has 4 stacks, i use earthshield on him, or spirit link totem.

Healing rain doesn't give stacks.

pe ce planeta traiesti?! Primu tick pune un stack la toti cei afectati. PLS STOP blowing up the players -

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Post Posted: 08-10-2013, 13:50:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

gamer4life wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
gamer4life wrote:
ps: we don't use your strategy. In Yor'sahj in black phase with purple, i use healing rain when raid starts to fall under 80% HP (one stack on all) and then we use greater healing wave on different players (you can see the number of stack on raid frame, so no blind heal. When someone in the raid starts to fall under 50% HP and already has 4 stacks, i use earthshield on him, or spirit link totem.

Healing rain doesn't give stacks.

pe ce planeta traiesti?! Primu tick pune un stack la toti cei afectati. PLS STOP blowing up the players -

He lives on freakz, where Healing rain doesn't add stacks at your'sahj. Get your info right.

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Post Posted: 08-10-2013, 14:22:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Roshkatul wrote:
gamer4life wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
gamer4life wrote:
ps: we don't use your strategy. In Yor'sahj in black phase with purple, i use healing rain when raid starts to fall under 80% HP (one stack on all) and then we use greater healing wave on different players (you can see the number of stack on raid frame, so no blind heal. When someone in the raid starts to fall under 50% HP and already has 4 stacks, i use earthshield on him, or spirit link totem.

Healing rain doesn't give stacks.

pe ce planeta traiesti?! Primu tick pune un stack la toti cei afectati. PLS STOP blowing up the players -

He lives on freakz, where Healing rain doesn't add stacks at your'sahj. Get your info right.

good then, i hope you both get in the same raid and spam healing rain together in purple... is sure going to be a blast -. (use mana potions for a better effect)
If u cast healing rain and everybody gets one stack, that dosent mean the next healing rain is not going to ad another stack.. is just that that raid is mana dry so probably u can cast another healing rain after 2-3 LB when u get enough mana for it..or for spirit link totem or for 2-3 greater healing wave to save some player without class rezistance ability knowledge.

Healing Rain gives 1 stack, and 1 extra stack each time a player leaves and re-enters the AoE heal.

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