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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-11-2013, 16:32:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Carexia Nightelf warrior tank&dps

2. WoW Freakz: (
Retail: (i show retail since i stoped play wow 1 week be4 MoP did release so i have the Cata dps gear on. You can scroll down and see my progression in Cata.)

3. Have no im affraid, new to server but i have played retail. I dont have my old screenshots and i have been inactive for to long on retail so i got a 10 days trial so i could logg back on so you can see the gear i had.

4. I have been in Skyfall and Echoes II, have left due of inactivation of players. Want to get to know new ppl.

5. I am a 20 year old guy from Sweden, my name is Johan and i have pretty much exp from Cata, since FL and DS was my "Hardcore" raiding period. I have done 4/8 on the 25 HC and 8/8 25N, dont 100% how my 10 man progression was since we where a 25 man guild. I think i did clear it on normal and sone 3-4 on 10 HC. Not sure. I think i did all the bosses in the 20% nerf. But i also did raid mush in WotLK but more casually 10 man normal.

I have red the tacts for all 10 man HC bosses, and i have refreshed my memory after 3½ hours to look all bosses first normal, write down all the tacts in Word and then do it again on the HC and fill in the diffrance and new features & encounters. Just watching thees videos on "FATBOSS" brings old nostalgia and i rly want to be able to go back to the best expandtion ever.



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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-11-2013, 20:07:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Ceraxia - rejected, might want to read the first post instead just copy/pasting an application format from a different guild.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 02:31:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Combat rogue named ''Butchery'' my alts are a holy paladin. (application is for the rogue)
 Rogue full pve item level 398
 I cannot post a screenshot but i can assure u that i can do enough and i have all the requirements to get in that guild.
I got RaidCall and i know all tactics that i need to know for running any instance that needs experience, so im not bad.
I also like team plays.
I am 18 years old and i want to join ''Crysis'' because its a good PVE guild which can help me improve my experience and will help me in game, because not many guilds know how to do good raids. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 02:55:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Name: Carexia, i am a nightelf warrior tank,(pretty low) as mainspecc but i do have dps as offspec even tho im "shitty" geared.


Retail: i dunno how fast the armory uppdates but il lhave dps or tank gear on.

I do not have a screen shot, i did just get a 10 day trial from retail so i copuld link my old armory but if you want a screenshot i dunno how to send one. (sorry im not that good at computers) But if you know a way plz tell me.

Well, why do i wanna join Crysis? Well firt of all i love the game Crysis so when i did hear the title i was intrested of see what kinda guild it was, What i have understood its a mix of serious raiding guild and a social aspect with suits my style good since im a GM in a 25 man HC raiding guild in Eternal Wow. (WotLK server).

I do not know any one but i dont mind cus i love to get to know new ppl!

I am a dude from Sweden, i am 20 years old and my name is Johan Frode, i like to go to festivales since music is a HUUUUGE part of my life, and i like to bee with m,y friends, all from have a "LAN" part to go outside and take a few beers.

When it comes to WoW i did play retail 5 years more or less. Did start ½ be4 wotLK did release and i did quit be4 a week MoP did release. I did quit cus of i had not the time to be a hardcore raider anymore, schools last exames got into the way of dp progress. I did tho killed 4/8 DS 25 HC and i did clear it on 25 N. in 10 ma n im not sure cus the guild Cry Havoc or now days Ryze was into thr 25 man content.

I love Cata. I R L Y do!

I wanna say that im sorry that i used Whoracle as a "frame" for my lasty application. I Am actually sorry for that and im ashamed of doning that even tho it wasent my intention to somehow copy the apply. I hoe you can consider this as a fresh apply and judge it that way.

Thx From Johan Frode, Sweden!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 12:46:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@marto78 - Whisper me ingame for a raidcall interview (Switch/Mofu)
@Carexia - Whisper me ingame for a raidcall interview as well

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 14:43:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Class and Spec/Off-Spec you play,
I'm a paladin mostly play retri in pve but also have a lot on my back with holy!

 PvE Item level of your main character,
I still have some few pvp items but i want to think it wont matter cuz my highly raid priviliged from retail.

 A screenshot of recount of your damage/dps with at least 6 million damage done on the Boss Dummy
Loranthor is a friend of mine who didnt have dps meter therefore he was using me !
As soon as he buffed i tooked it away!

 Application part about why you want to join Crysis, a little bit about your self and the reasoning why you think we should invite you.

I want to join Crysis mosly beacause i really love the cata raids and i want to think i will do something inportant in the guild! I love to play with other ppl in bg's aswell or whatever i want to progress on my hc experience. I want to get an invite beacuse i whould love to start fresh with a new guild! I just switched to alliance side aswell so it whould be awesome to join you guys!

Last edited by Petzon95 on 16-11-2013, 14:48:11; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 14:47:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello there Crysis!

Main character Loranthor - Arms warrior (Prot Offspecc)
Fully PvP geared at this moment
Dps with 6million damage done, did it with a friend beacuse i don't have recount. -

I have a very high end game raiding experience through out Azeroth. I started raiding in Burning Crusade, cleared everything except BT and SWP as a resto shaman. I continued my journey in Wrath of the Lich King,
clearing ToC 25 man 150 in the world. I later switched guild and only succeeded in taking down 11/12 in 25man Heroic ICC. In Cataclysm I have have 1 feat and that is taking down 6/8 heroic in Dragon Soul as a rogue.

This is mostly what I have to come with. I'm a very outgoing person and I've never had troubles with my officer/guildies. I have alot of knowledge in the game and play every class exceptionally good, I'm a very good source of information.

Well I hope to see a response from you in the near future. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 15:57:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Trollerimix - try to get some PvE gear and apply again then. Rejected for now.
@Petzon95 - whisper Mofu/Switch ingame for a RaidCall interview.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-11-2013, 22:00:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

marto78 wrote:
Combat rogue named ''Butchery'' my alts are a holy paladin. (application is for the rogue)
 Rogue full pve item level 398
 I cannot post a screenshot but i can assure u that i can do enough and i have all the requirements to get in that guild.
I got RaidCall and i know all tactics that i need to know for running any instance that needs experience, so im not bad.
I also like team plays.
I am 18 years old and i want to join ''Crysis'' because its a good PVE guild which can help me improve my experience and will help me in game, because not many guilds know how to do good raids. -

correct format for the win

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-11-2013, 21:10:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all, i want to say that i do not meet one of your basic requirements,maybe the most important...I do not have a microphone, but i said to myself that i should give it a try and, who knows, maybe i`ll get an invite. I thought that may not be such a big problem since i can hear you out on RC during the raid and obey your orders.

Class and Spec/Off-Spec you play:
Main-Boogieman, Night elf priest, holy-pve/disc-pvp.
I also have 2 alts: Bbullseye-survival hunter; Brotherhood-Resto shaman.
PvE Item level of your main character:
Pve-399 ilvl;
Pvp-402 ilvl;
Why you want to join Crysis?
Well, i`ve seen that you guys adopt a very serious attitude when it comes to raids, wich is the main reason i want to join your guild. I noticed that most of your guild members are very well geared wich means that noone gets left behind.When i`m not raiding i like to do premades and i`ve seen that some of you do the same.
Something about myself:My name is Cristi, i`m from Romania and i`m 19 years old.I`m currently studying for some incoming high priority exams but i`m sure i can find some time to hang with my guild mates and raid with them as well. I`m a sociable guy, i`ve got the sense of humour and i like to chit-chat with my guild mates.
Hmm...that would be all. I hope that i got your attention and i also hope that i`ll be hearing some good news from you guys.

Thanks for reading this.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-11-2013, 09:31:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Boogieman contact me for more info.I will probably be on Winterz.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-11-2013, 18:52:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


I have several characters - mostly tanks.
I'm unsure yet about your guild raid times nowadays with the new boss - but I am on GMT+8 timezone.

My characters are mostly tanks, and a couple of healers with DPS offspec.

DK Tank

Druid Tank

Paladin Tank

Shaman Resto / Enhancement

Priest Disc PVE / Shadow

Warlock Destro / Demo

The average ilvl for these characters is 395 or so.
Like I mentioned, I'm heavily invested into playing as a tank - I'm most comfortable this way - ever since Burning Crusade private servers, lol.
I am willing to change into a different spec if needed.

Previously, I've had heroic Morchok and Yorsahj achievements, but was inactive when Hagara and Zonozz were added.
I've been able to clear the new bosses on normal mode, including Ultraxion - for now.
As for heroic modes, I've mostly viewed videos and read guides on the net.
I learn quite fast though - you won't need to rage at me for making mistakes twice (I hope, LOL).

I don't have a recount of my healing done (since as a Disc priest, Skada/Recount don't show the absorbs properly; as for the Shaman, I generally use it when multiboxing, although it does a decent amount of damage and healing, even when dual or tripleboxing in PUGs).

I'm a fairly sociable guy. I like joking around, trolling in a friendly way and singing during raids as well.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-11-2013, 21:13:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@MrCats whisp one of the officers for a raidcall interview
Officers : Mofu/Winterz/Repentance/Rarss

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-11-2013, 21:28:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In-game Name:


Class and Spec/Off-spec you play:
Holy Pala

PvE item level of your main character:


Application part about why you want to join Crysis, a little bit about your self and the reasoning why you think we should invite you:


Raiding guild with a focus on the social aspect of the game as well from what I can observe. In general prefer this over anything else it really improves my gaming experience.

About me

Reasonably diverse individual with a wide range of interests, enjoy playing competitive sports as well and that somewhat translates into gaming. Have moved around in my life quite a bit so have learnt to make friends easily and blend in with different cultures and races. Grew up in the post-soviet States.

Finished my Degree in finance, looking at a few job prospects currently. Coach kids rugby on the weekends and have played myself for a while. Play a few games now due to having a lot of free time.

Have played wow for a couple years, mostly played healer classes (Holy Pala being the class I put the most time into).

Willing to learn if opportunities arise and take criticisms positively.

Why invite me?

Can bring intangible benefits qualities along with tangible ones.

As I said above, am easygoing and a social person by nature, value any social relationship that I have very highly. Not always serious but know when to put the "game face" on. Put in effort into what I do and take pride in the work that I complete. I believe that these are accepted to be good qualities to have. Enjoy doing content with other people whether it's BGs or Raids.

Tangible things which I can bring in are obviously my character and his function, also have several professions which might come of use to someone.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-11-2013, 00:41:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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