
[FIXED] [Dragon Soul] Cluster Clutch
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Post Posted: 03-07-2014, 12:21:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: ->
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: These don't drop from Heroic bosses in DS, they should.
Dovada / Proof: <- Last night's Zon'ozz 10h kill, I've killed 3 other bosses on that character, those didn't drop either.
When I asked Cyad about it on Global chat, all (s)he said was "No."

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Post Posted: 03-07-2014, 15:23:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)
It only drops on Normal difficulty (10 or 25). This was the staff's decision.

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Post Posted: 03-07-2014, 16:22:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

That's a pain in the behind for us who raid mostly HC-only raids. But fine :/

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Post Posted: 03-07-2014, 19:08:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have made it this way due to multiple reasons.

1) I wanted the quest to last AT LEAST 8 raid lockouts (8 weeks, 2 months)
2) I wanted to give everyone the SAME chance to obtain them, not to give advantages to hard-core raiders that can do both 10 and 25 heroic, because that would mean either hard-cores would get them fasters, or "puggers" getting them way slower than 8 weeks.

I think it's fine as it is now.

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Post Posted: 05-07-2014, 11:18:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
As a reply to 1) and 3), here's a topic I made a couple of days ago -

And for 2), I can completely confirm that the number of Shadowy Gems dropping doesn't go pass 4, I killed 6/6 on Thursday, got 6 clusters, all 6 dropped 3-4. At least that should be blizzlike, or even a bit more 'freakzlike' because of the 2 missing bosses.

Thanks for showing me the thread.

Zohlomg wrote:
I have made it this way due to multiple reasons.

1) I wanted the quest to last AT LEAST 8 raid lockouts (8 weeks, 2 months)
2) I wanted to give everyone the SAME chance to obtain them, not to give advantages to hard-core raiders that can do both 10 and 25 heroic, because that would mean either hard-cores would get them fasters, or "puggers" getting them way slower than 8 weeks.

I think it's fine as it is now.

1) The quest will last 2 months IF you are getting the maximum drops of Clusters and Shadow Gems every single week, which won't happen. It wouldn't take that long on retail. And if things remain unchanged, the entire summer break won't be enough to get the daggers.

2) You are not giving everyone an equal chance, you're punishing people who are in raiding guilds. Everyone knows that DS Pugs BARELY manage to kill Ultraxion, much less WMB. Besides, there are plenty of guilds for non-hardcore players who do full DS 10n runs weekly, so I don't see what's the problem joining one.

3) The least you can do is fix the number of Shadow Gems dropped from a Cluster (current 3-4) and raise it to 5-9 (3-9 on retail) in order to compensate for the two missing bosses.

Zohl \ Zohll

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Post Posted: 05-07-2014, 18:51:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Taelan is mostly right... besides, Pugs BARELY manage to "EVEN" kill Zon'ozz -
Let rogues have fun, its their patch... why would you push players who don't enjoy raiding so much to farm months for a small weapon upgrade?
You gm's don't get that this patch is kinda dead, and most of people (if not all) wait for next expansion, they dont play this game as often as before.
Think about it, make the summer a bit more entertaining, not a waiting time how it is now.

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Post Posted: 06-07-2014, 02:24:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The fact that the last 2 bosses of DS are not even working, is making even more boring to farm this quest.

Really, 30% of the rogues in this server have bought the legendary daggers, what is the problem in making things a little bit blizzlike and make the cluster drop the right amount of shadow gems and add them aswell to the hc bosses.

If hardcore players get the dagger sooner than the other "not-hardcore" players, must be for a reason right? after all they are making their way through harder bosses to get more rewards.

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Post Posted: 06-07-2014, 20:05:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We all brought up valid arguements, yet they are ignoring this problem. Can we get a response from a staff member ?

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Post Posted: 06-07-2014, 22:07:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You do realise bosses ON BLIZZARD have 30% chance to drop one of that, right? And on FREAKZ they have 100%?

With 8 bosses a week, saying you get 3 clusters (which is almost 40% chance), on a average of 3-9 gems, that's 18 gems / week AVERAGE.

Currently on Freakz if you are doing both 10n and 25n, you will get between 36 and 48.

Say I'd make it 30% with 3-9 (Average 6), with 12 bosses (~4 clusters a week), that's 24 average / week. Even with HC, that would barely be 48 FOR THOSE MAKING BOTH NORMAL AND HEROIC.

I think you do not know how to calculate.

NaV wrote:
Taelan is mostly right... besides, Pugs BARELY manage to "EVEN" kill Zon'ozz -

Zon'ozz on normal? Since when is that hard for pugs?

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Post Posted: 06-07-2014, 23:07:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
You do realise bosses ON BLIZZARD have 30% chance to drop one of that, right? And on FREAKZ they have 100%?

With 8 bosses a week, saying you get 3 clusters (which is almost 40% chance), on a average of 3-9 gems, that's 18 gems / week AVERAGE.

Currently on Freakz if you are doing both 10n and 25n, you will get between 36 and 48.

Say I'd make it 30% with 3-9 (Average 6), with 12 bosses (~4 clusters a week), that's 24 average / week. Even with HC, that would barely be 48 FOR THOSE MAKING BOTH NORMAL AND HEROIC.

I think you do not know how to calculate.

NaV wrote:
Taelan is mostly right... besides, Pugs BARELY manage to "EVEN" kill Zon'ozz -

Zon'ozz on normal? Since when is that hard for pugs?

Since the "freakz" version of Zon isn't entirely the same as the one in the Youtube guides, thus making it difficult for begginers to tank.

Why 8 bosses a week ? Wouldn't you be able to kill a total of 32 bosses (combined hc and normal) , even with 30% drop rate, it would still be better considering its 3-9.
My math skills are questionable, but I'm not pulling these numbers out my ***.
You are trying to level the playingfield by discouraging guilds farming for their rogues, then would you mind explaining how are we supposed to get these "36 and 48" shadow gems a week when there'll be like at least 5 other rogues in a 25n pug that won't even get to Ultraxion ? Because the way you explained it , it sounds that you are always getting the max drops from 25n pugs.
Making heroics drop clusters and putting a realistic non-bullshit drop rate different than 3-4 shadow gems is clearly for the best, and even though other people seem to agree with this, you just won't listen.

I won't bother argue anymore and I won't respond further to anything in this thread. I was just pointing out the flaws in your version of the quest in order to help you create a more enjoyable experience for the playerbase, but it seems that it's unlikely that this will change your mind.


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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 00:59:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

^What. You want PvE Weapons, you either donate or do PvE. It's THAT simple.

I will change the drop to 3-9 and 30% drop rate, all bosses N/HC will also drop it.

I will let this topic open for you QQ after to move to complain about how my first version was actually better/faster - .

The change will probably be live as of 07 July around 20:00 Server Time.

Overdozze wrote:

You see, Zohl, is the pinnacle of romanian evolution.You could waste ones lifespan explaining to Zohl why salt is salty....but if Zohl thinks otherwise, then....well, tough luck.

I've been told this IRL before, unless you have very good arguments not silly ones, my decisions/views upon something are very hard to change.

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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 05:38:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You could of made the life of non pve players a bit easier, but no... let's force them to raid on a private full of bugs, where most are dumb kids and where scripts are 80% harder... or again, spent some months to farm like crazy 400 ilvl pve gear otherwise you can't join a decent pve guild to be able and kill all 6 bosses ... see how that goes man -

Nowadays you rarely see 25 man DS raids going on, and even if you are lucky to find one, pugs will wipe at Zon or Ultra, after 1-2 wipes raid over, pve was never so enjoyable on freakz.

/Praise greedy zohl, /Hail freakz.

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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 09:09:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

/fail player who want pve weapons but without doing pve.

If you think our PvE is fail or "80% harder" you are a clueless kid.

I do not want to make the life of "non-pve-ers" easier.

You want PvE weapons, you do PvE.

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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 13:29:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Too many pvpers QQ-ing that they can't get pve weapons ...that's all.

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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 13:37:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zohlomg wrote:
/fail player who want pve weapons but without doing pve.

If you think our PvE is fail or "80% harder" you are a clueless kid.

I do not want to make the life of "non-pve-ers" easier.

You want PvE weapons, you do PvE.

Hell, I gotta agree with this.
PvP players have both 1.8 and 1.4 attack speed PvP daggers for Sub spec, why can't the PvE players have the same?
PvP rogues can get 410ilvl daggers if they try hard enough, but PvE rogues can't. So why not let them have at least the 406 ones (the Maw of Oblivion set)?

On-topic: If you're setting the 'real drop chance' of the Elementium Gem Clusters, set the stack drop rate too.
It's 1-3 per a boss, chance of more than 1 cluster, rate of more than 1 cluster depending on the boss.
Let's take Morchok (10h) for example (lowest chances of drop):
Stack of 1: 25%
Stack of 2: 4%
Stack of 3: 0.04%
Keep in mind that the 25-man modes have a bigger drop rate then the 10-man mode.

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