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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 07:08:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

After SERIOUS & long term debates we have come to the conclusion that we should merge Genesis and Exodus realms into a single realm. We will do this in one week or sooner (depending on how long it will take us to create the necessary scripts for the merge). Some of the important things you should know about:
  • In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login). So STOP CREATING LEVEL 1 CHARACTERS JUST FOR THE NAMES (don't even bother to level them, they will be forced renamed or even deleted). ALSO STOP POSTING ON THIS ISSUE WITH SUGGESTIONS / COMPLAINTS, THIS DECISION IS FINAL !
  • This is the same for guilds, but players won't be able to change the guild names by themselves, the guildmaster will have to create a ticket after the merge
  • We will have 2 global channels (global and global_en) as default depending on IP address. At first, romanians will be added automatically to the global channel and non-romanians to the global_en channel but players will be free to join/leave any of them anytime
  • Although the character creation limit per realm is 10, it won't matter if you will have more than 10 characters on one account after the merge (but you won't be able to create new characters when you have more than 10, so if you are planning to create new characters on your account, do it now until realms are merged). NO CHARACTER WILL BE DELETED, you will be able to have even 20 characters on the same account on the realm
  • Realm Firsts achievements won't be deleted from either realms, after the merge there will be 2 players for each Realm First achievement
  • Nothing at all will be deleted, not even the following: arena teams, guilds (with banks and everything) auctions, mails, pets, custom channels, groups
  • Only thing you might lose are some client settings and macros (since some of them are realm dependent)
  • When the merge occurs, realms will be offline for a medium period of time (hopefully not more than 1 day). Depending on the downtime, we might open a temporary fun instant 85 realm

More info will be posted in the following days. The decision was taken, please don't post 'dont do the merge'
BONUS: We will also start working on SPINE OF DEATHWING !

Dupa lungi & serioase dezbateri am ajuns la concluzia ca trebuie sa unim Genesis si Exodus intr-un singur realm. Vom face asta in o saptamana sau mai repede (in functie de cat ne ia sa cream scripturile necesare pentru merge). O parte din lucrurile importante pe care trebuie sa le stiti:
  • In caz de nume identice, caracterul cel mai important isi va pastra numele (importanta va fi data de level, played time, last login). Asadar INCETATI SA MAI CREATI CARACTERE DE LEVEL 1 DOAR PENTRU NUME (nici nu va chinuiti sa le cresteti in level, vor fi sterse/redenumite) TOTODATA INCETATI SA MAI POSTATI LEGAT DE CHAR NAMES CU SUGESTII CARE MAI DE CARE MAI GENIALE, DECIZIA E FINALA !
  • La fel va fi si cu guildele, doar ca playerii nu vor putea sa-si redenumeasca singuri guildul, guildmasterul va trebui sa faca ticket dupa unire
  • Vom avea 2 canale globale (global si global_en) in functie de adresa de IP. La inceput romanii vor fi bagati pe global iar strainii pe global_en, insa dupa aceea fiecare va putea sa intre pe ce canal global doreste oricand
  • Desi limita de caractere pe care le puteti crea pe realm e 10, nu va conta daca aveti mai mult de 10 caractere pe acelasi cont dupa unire (dar nu veti mai putea crea caractere noi daca aveti mai mult de 10, asadar daca aveti intentia sa va faceti caractere noi, faceti-o acum pana nu unim realmurile). NU SE VA STERGE NICI UN CARACTER, veti putea avea si 20 de caractere pe cont pe acelasi realm dupa merge
  • Achievementurile de Realm First vor fi pastrate, astfel dupa unire vor fi 2 playeri pentru fiecare Realm First achievement
  • Absolut nimic nu va fi sters, nici macar urmatoarele: arena teams, guilds (cu guild bank si ce mai tine de guilds), auctions, mails, pets, canalele de chat, groups
  • Singurele lucruri pe care e posibil sa le pierdeti sunt unele setari de client si macros (unele dintre ele sunt salvate pentru fiecare realm in parte)
  • Cand va avea loc unirea, realmurile vor fi offline pentru o perioada medie de timp (speram ca nu va dura mai mult de o zi). In functie de downtime, e posibil sa deschidem un realm temporar fun instant 85

Mai multe informatii vor fi postate in zilele urmatoare. Decizia a fost luata, va rugam sa evitati comentariile de genul 'nu uniti realmurile'
BONUS: Totodata vom incepe sa lucram si la scriptul pentru SPINE OF DEATHWING !

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook

Last edited by Shocker on 08-07-2014, 01:56:41; edited 4 times in total
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[Freakz owner]

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 01:42:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

  • In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login). So STOP CREATING LEVEL 1 CHARACTERS JUST FOR THE NAMES (don't even bother to level them, they will be forced renamed or even deleted). ALSO STOP POSTING ON THIS ISSUE WITH SUGGESTIONS / COMPLAINTS, THIS DECISION IS FINAL !
  • Although the character creation limit per realm is 10, it won't matter if you will have more than 10 characters on one account after the merge (but you won't be able to create new characters when you have more than 10, so if you are planning to create new characters on your account, do it now until realms are merged). NO CHARACTER WILL BE DELETED, you will be able to have even 20 characters on the same account on the realm

  • In caz de nume identice, caracterul cel mai important isi va pastra numele (importanta va fi data de level, played time, last login). Asadar INCETATI SA MAI CREATI CARACTERE DE LEVEL 1 DOAR PENTRU NUME (nici nu va chinuiti sa le cresteti in level, vor fi sterse/redenumite). TOTODATA INCETATI SA MAI POSTATI LEGAT DE CHAR NAMES CU SUGESTII CARE MAI DE CARE MAI GENIALE, DECIZIA E FINALA !
  • Desi limita de caractere pe care le puteti crea pe realm e 10, nu va conta daca aveti mai mult de 10 caractere pe acelasi cont dupa unire (dar nu veti mai putea crea caractere noi daca aveti mai mult de 10, asadar daca aveti intentia sa va faceti caractere noi, faceti-o acum pana nu unim realmurile). NU SE VA STERGE NICI UN CARACTER, veti putea avea si 20 de caractere pe cont pe acelasi realm dupa merge

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 01:57:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dupa aceasta unire ar exista posibilitatea de un armory pt cata care sa arate reforge, talente?
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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 02:22:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Banuiesc ca vor fi backups in caz ca ceva nu merge bine? sa nu ne trezim cu totul pierdut. Multa bafta la merging, au cam plecat din playeri si personal cred ca este necesara unirea realmurilor. Sper totusi sa reziste realmul, adica sa nu ne intoarcem la zilele negre de unplayable lag dupa 8 seara -
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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 02:27:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

odes wrote:
Banuiesc ca vor fi backups in caz ca ceva nu merge bine? sa nu ne trezim cu totul pierdut. Multa bafta la merging, au cam plecat din playeri si personal cred ca este necesara unirea realmurilor. Sper totusi sa reziste realmul, adica sa nu ne intoarcem la zilele negre de unplayable lag dupa 8 seara -

Genesis' player peak time is not the same as Exodus' player peak time due to different time-zones. We might as well not see an enormous increase in the total of players at a given time, but in the average players online at any time.

aka - 2 AM might just as well now be the same as ~5 PM.

We shall see.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 03:15:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Someone in global chat brought up an interesting question,is the merged realm going to be EU or US.Are we gonna have to change anything in our game folder if we are from the US as well?

Doe's anybody know the answer to my question please?Would really be nice to know before the merge is done? -

Last edited by PlayToy on 08-07-2014, 21:49:25; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 03:41:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
In case of a name collision the most significant character will keep his name (significance will be based on level, played time, last login).

Thank you for hearing us out.

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              Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  Lockkar 
Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 05:02:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

O alta chestie ar fii sa pui race change gratis si sa balansezi cele 2 factiuni, ma refer dupa mutare.
ex: horde 1400 players
alliance 940 players
Sau invers
Sa fie vreo 300-400 race change-uri gratuite de la A > H , H > A .
Foarte buna ideea , inca odata (y) .

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 07:37:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Isn't this merge going to affect the server's overall performance?

Best ban from Freakz staff:
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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 08:48:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mai stiti cand ati facut o curatenie printre chare? Ati dat delete la cele pe care nu s-a mai intrat de nu stiu cate luni de lvl 85, si x timp de lvl mai mic. Cred ca ati putea sa faceti si acum la fel inainte de unire. Ar simplifica lucrurile putin si s-au strans si multe chare inactive plus ca exista posibilitatea ca unii sa aiba played time mai mare ca un alt char cu acelasi nick dar sa fie inactivi. Nu stiu exact cum functioneaza sistemul asta de prioritati dar cred ca o curatenie n-ar strica

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 09:27:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
BONUS: We will also start working on SPINE OF DEATHWING !

Nu vreau sa fiu nerecunoscator, dar mai bine ai scripta inca un boss in Firelands decat spine. Asta daca nu cumva vrei sa vezi "LFM DS10N Need all minim 409 ilvl"

Referitor la ideea cu realm merging, BIG LIKE. De cand s-a deschis realmul international Exodus am vrut sa joc acolo, dar toate resursele mele erau pe Genesis, iar asta insemna ca trebuie sa-mi transfer toate charele acolo - si implicit sa accept ideea de low population. Asa e mai bine pentru ambele comunitati: si pentru cei de pe exodus, si pentru genesis players.

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 09:32:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mistique. wrote:
Mai stiti cand ati facut o curatenie printre chare? Ati dat delete la cele pe care nu s-a mai intrat de nu stiu cate luni de lvl 85, si x timp de lvl mai mic. Cred ca ati putea sa faceti si acum la fel inainte de unire. Ar simplifica lucrurile putin si s-au strans si multe chare inactive plus ca exista posibilitatea ca unii sa aiba played time mai mare ca un alt char cu acelasi nick dar sa fie inactivi. Nu stiu exact cum functioneaza sistemul asta de prioritati dar cred ca o curatenie n-ar strica

Atunci nu s-a dat delete ci doar nu s-au importat de pe CORE-ul vechi. Si nu se vor sterge chars.
La momentul in care se va face tranzitia vom afla si care au fost regulile luate in calcul pentru nicknames.

Raman totusi la parerea ca realm transfer gratuit ar fi fost mult mai simplu decat toata nebunia asta -

Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,
Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 10:17:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nazzgull wrote:

you would be amazed to see how many romanians were on exodus,it will be an increase at peak 100%

I find it amusing that you think you know the player pop overall better than me. Of course it will be an increase at peak, but not as high as if we would've merged Genesis and Evolution back in the time.

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[Bulgarian Lions]

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 10:20:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I hope u gonna think about the grinding 2 because server will be FULL of ppl online 3000+ and u dont know who s minner or herbalist - , i think will be so hard to farm mining ores and herbs because of their respawn time + 2 many miners and herbalists !

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Post Posted: 08-07-2014, 12:48:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What about forums? will you rework it since we will have only one realm? Also, you might consider promoting the server and by promoting i don't mean videos/ingame images but a bit more artwork around the site.
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