
[MULTIPLE] A more powerful spell is already active

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Post Posted: 23-10-2014, 16:23:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: below \/
Dovada / Proof:

This is not just about RIP, the druid ability, is about any and every spell that does dot, hot or absorb shield.

Every time when you try to reapply a dot/hot/absorb to overwrite another spell that is already present on the target the system should check if the new spell is more powerful or not than the one that's already on the target. If there is a more powerful spell already present than the new spell should fail, not triggering a gcd, just posting the warning "A more powerful spell is already active".

I honestly can't believe that there's no report about this bug, as far as I could search this forum. It's a wow mechanic that was present from the burning crusade and is common knowledge. There are a few discussions about it started by newbies that were wondering how the system works, but being already assumed as a part of the game people got along with it and played accordingly to how it works.

The trigger for me was this post:

Being common knowledge is hard to find a blue post on blizz forums or a patch note that could make a stronger statement for this mechanic.

Nu e vorba doar de RIP, abilitatea druidului, ci e despre orice spell care face damage over time, heal over time sau scut de absorb.

De fiecare data cand incerci sa reaplici un dot/hot/absorb care este deja pe target (sau pe tine) sistemul trebuie sa verifice daca noul spell pe care il aplici este mai puternic decat cel care este deja prezent. In cazul in care cel prezent deja este mai puternic atunci aplicarea/refreshul trebuie sa nu reuseasca, sa nu creeze global cd, doar sa posteze avertismentul "A more powerfull spell is already active".

Verificarea sistemului va lua in considerare, la RIP - de exemplu, dmg-ul per tick. Daca noul spell va avea un dmg/tick mai mare decat cel vechi atunci va trebui sa il inlocuiasca pe cel vechi, altfel va trebui sa nu se aplice noul spell. Cum RIP nu este influentat de haste atunci vor fi luate in considerare doar 2 lucruri: AP si mastery.
Cand vine vorba de un dot de caster care este influentat de haste atunci se va lua in considerare in felul urmator (cifre ca exemplu): daca mai ai 6 secunde din Insect Swarm cu 3 tickuri ramase si 3k/tick iar urmatorul are proc de haste iar in cele 6 secunde va avea 4 tickuri cu 2.5k/tick atunci il va inlocui pe primul pentru ca dmg-ul total pe cele 6 secunde este mai mare. Daca ar avea 2k/tick cel de-al doilea atunci nu il va inlocui.

Imi pare putin cam incredibil ca nu am gasit un report al acesui bug, atat cat am cautat pe acest forum, in afara de cel postat in linkul de mai sus privind recuperate de la rogue. Este o mecanica a wow-ului prezenta incepand cu burning crusade si e incadrat la cunostinte generale. Pentru o perioada, pe LK, a fost prezent si in "tips" care apar in loading screen, alaturi de binecunoscutul "Dont stand in the fire!" Sunt cateva discutii pe aceasta tema incepute de playerii noi care se intreaba de cum ar trebui sa mearga acest sistem dar fiind asumata ca o parte a jocului playerii au acceptat-o si joaca de atunci conform acestei mecanici.
E foarte greu, daca nu imposibil, sa gasesti un blue post sau un patch note care sa prezinte aceasta mecanica intrucat s-a considerat ca face parte din cunostintele generale. E ca si cum as cauta pe net daca atunci cand mananci ti se umple hp-ul.

Va rog sa nu inchideti acest topic fara sa ii dati importanta cuvenita, voi face tot posibilul sa aduc si alte tipuri de dovezi din random videos de pe blizz in care apare acest warning, luand in considerare toate buffurile procurile si tot asa.
Daca este cineva care poate ajuta cu dovezi in acest sens este binevenit sa le prezinte in acest topic.

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Post Posted: 29-10-2014, 16:27:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tocmai asta incercam sa fac acuma la cateva spelluri de la rogue ..

Spells affected: Recuperate, Slice and Dice.

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Post Posted: 29-10-2014, 17:15:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

La fel si pentru Inquisition @ Paladin (in caz ca se face vreo lista cu spells)

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Post Posted: 05-11-2014, 17:24:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sap and Polymorph are affected as well.

Example : You sheep a target and then you cast 2nd polymorph right after the first one with the idea the target will trinket it or will get dispelled,but none of this happens so it will just stop your cast and a warning with pop on your screen "A more powerful spell is already active"

Same with Sap.

Example : You're fighting two people in arena,you smoke bomb your main victim so the healer for ex.will leave combat so you'll be able to sap him out of bomb.While the main target is in smoke bomb the healer cannot heal it so you Vanish or Shadow Dance > Sap the healer then spam Sap again on the healer if you expect him to trinket(mostly happening when the main target is low and the healer is forced to trinket otherwise his mate is dead).

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