
[FIXED] [Monk][Brewmaster][Passive] Swift Reflexes damage
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-10-2015, 07:32:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: The damage part isn't working correctly. Currently it deals the staggering 1-2k dmg,whereas it should deal a lot more. Currently looking for a formula,since Swift Reflexes was removed in WoD and most websites weren't kind enough to leave the ability in their database.

And yes,i'm aware that in the 2-nd video the tank has around 60-80k attack power,however on Freakz it's nowhere near anything in the video.



What it should be:

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-10-2015, 14:51:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Found the formula here:

Whenever you parry an attack, you reflexively strike back at the enemy for [0.3 * (1 * (1 * 0.898882 * (Mainhand Min DPS + 1 * (Mainhand Min DPS /2)) + (Attack power / 14) - 1))] to [0.3 * (1 * (1 * 0.898882 * (Mainhand Max DPS + 1 * (Mainhand Max DPS /2)) + (Attack power / 14) + 1))] damage. This effect has a 1 sec cooldown.

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Post Posted: 29-10-2015, 05:56:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I found similar formulas,but all of them result in one thing: 4-7k Swift Reflexes hits. To do the same damage as those in the retail videos(i've checked Siege of Orgrimmar videos as well,similar dmg) we would need 2mil attack power from Vengeance alone to reach that. Either something's wrong with the formulas posted or people really get that much. There also seems to be a problem when you dodge/parry,we don't get much attack power from it,but that's a story for another day.
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Post Posted: 29-10-2015, 19:23:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We have the correct formula (and by doing calculations everything is ok), I have no idea how he deals that much damage (124k damage, wtf), no idea if this is a valid bug report or not (maybe it was bugged on retail)

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Post Posted: 29-10-2015, 19:46:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
We have the correct formula (and by doing calculations everything is ok), I have no idea how he deals that much damage (124k damage, wtf), no idea if this is a valid bug report or not (maybe it was bugged on retail)

Probably because on freakz we don't get that much attack power from vengeance .

For those who don't know : On 5.1 vengeance was taking 2% of unmitigated damage and had no limit , But on 5.4 it takes only 1.5% and it's limited to your maximum health .

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Post Posted: 29-10-2015, 19:48:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No, that's not the issue. As Ronove said you would needs millions of AP to get that damage using the current formula

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-10-2015, 21:47:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I asked around about monk dps since it seemed low and everyone that played retail claimed it's really good and almost every video shows the same damage + the brewmaster damage is nerfed by 15% by default(probably because of that). I wish i could just cough up a proper formula,but most are either what we already have or non-existant(on databases). I'm equally confused as you are,believe me. The rest of the scalings seem to check out,just not this one.

Edit: did some simple math, with what we have right now(gear and attack power-wise), if we use
we get the resulting damage in the video...well 30k more,but sort of similar and i didn't account for the mentioned 15% nerf. Maybe someone messed up the original formula and it spread to the websites? Still,i have no proof to back this up,so feel free to call me names.

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Post Posted: 10-11-2015, 21:16:01 [Bad post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Confirm what? Where's your proof?

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Post Posted: 19-11-2015, 13:49:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

OK so idk what is the exact formula for this but today i spent some time watching videos of some fights from 5.4 and i noticed that on this video you can actually see the guys AT power down in the bottom left corner and if you watch hes battle scrolling text at times you can see how much hes Swift Reflexes hit... So at 1:19 you can see that he has around 160k AT power and hes SR hit for 65k non crit ...
I know this doesn't help over all but at least it shows that SR are buged -

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Post Posted: 14-01-2016, 15:51:21 [Bad post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Confirm what? Where's your proof?

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Post Posted: 05-02-2016, 17:46:32 [Bad post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Confirm what? Where's your proof?

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Post Posted: 10-02-2016, 17:34:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I found the proper formula while browsing the Simcraft 5.4.8 release 8 GitHub repository, which has extracted spelldata from client DBCs.

It can be found here

It contains 2 lines concerning Swift Reflexes:

spellid: 124334 which is the Passive ability
spellid: 124335 which is the actual attack

The fields 'Description' and 'Description Variable' contain the formula we need.


After some pretty printing this is what we get (including my comments and piecing the puzzle back together):

"Whenever you parry an attack, you reflexively strike back at the enemy for ${0.3*$<low>} to ${0.3*$<high>} damage.
 This strike has a 1 sec cooldown."

-- stance 103985 = Stance of the Fierce Tiger

-- 108561 = 2h staff override

-- 115697 = 2h polearm override

-- BM scaling 120267 = Brewmaster Vengeance

-- 108561 = 2h staff override

-- 115697 = 2h polearm override

-- attack power coefficient? 120267 = Brewmaster Vengeance

-- 124146 = Dual Wield

-- 124146 = Dual Wield

-- low end dmg

-- high end dmg


MWB=(Mainhand weapon max base damage)
mwb=(Mainhand weapon min base damage)
MWS=(Mainhand weapon base speed)
mws=(Mainhand weapon base speed)


Now we take the character stats of my Brewmaster Monk:


   ATTACK POWER:               35442
   MAIN HAND MIN BASE DMG:         12708
   MAIN HAND MAX BASE DMG:         19063
   MAIN HAND WPN BASE SPD:         3.3
   WEAPON TYPE:              STAFF
   FREAKZ SWIFT REFLEXES:        1914-2492


Now we calculate the outcome with the right formula:


   low=           1* 7.5 * 0.4 * 1 * ((( 12708 / 3.3) + 0) + ( 35442 / 11 - 1)) = 21215.72
   high=   1* 7.5 * 0.4 * 1 * ((( 19063 / 3.3) + 0) + ( 35442 / 11 - 1)) = 26993

   CALCULATED SWIFT REFLEXES:   0.3 * low to 0.3 * high = 6364.71 to 8097.9 = ~6465 to ~8098

And compare the results:


Freakz:                         1914-2492
Calculated:                   6465-8098

Calculated values are over three times higher then on Freakz. Pretty sure a modifier is missing somewhere on Freakz.

Please let me know if you find any errors in my calculations!

Pastebin for easier reading:

My character stats:


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Post Posted: 01-03-2016, 00:36:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1) We already have the formula you found (with a small exception, I'll explain @3), it's the general monk spells formula.
2) You calculated the main part of the formula wrongly: you did

0.4 * 1 * ((( 12708 / 3.3) + 0) + ( 35442 / 11 - 1))

instead of

0.4 * 1 * (( 12708 / 3.3) + 0) + ( 35442 / 11 - 1)

The AP bonus is NOT affected by the 0.4 BM multiplier, check the original formula more carefully. This mistake of yours actually decreased the damage
2) The 7.5x multiplier is wrong, it shouldn't exist. Here are the "Description/Description Variable" formulas for
both 124334 passive spell and 124335 damage spell

As you can see, the passive spell 124334 DOES NOT HAVE THAT 7.5x MULTIPLIER ! The 124334 spell is the one that you see in your spellbook showing the spell tooltip (and the damage shown in the tooltip by the client). That 7.5x multiplier is only seen in the description variable of 124335.
If we were to include that 7.5x to the actually correct formula (as I explained @2) the damage would be 10k - 15k (while the tooltip barely shows 1.5k - 2k), that's just wrong. If the 7.5x multiplier should really exist, then blizz is retarded for not including in the actual spell tooltip formula, and the damage of Swift Reflexes will be 7.5x times bigger than the current damage -

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Post Posted: 01-03-2016, 07:56:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
If the 7.5x multiplier should really exist, then blizz is retarded for not including in the actual spell tooltip formula, and the damage of Swift Reflexes will be 7.5x times bigger than the current damage -

As i've said before,the damage from Swift Reflexes on freakz does not add up at all with the damage on retail. Truly it doesn't seem to scale with attack power and probably just weapon damage,it should deal at least a minimum of 20k normal hit with around 11k w.d.,as seen here:

This is a random guide i've pulled off of youtube that has combat in it(not just dummy whacking) and it's on the patch we're on,stat and formula-wise.
When i initially started looking for the correct formula i couldn't find it,because it was deleted from most websites,due to Swift Reflexes being removed in WoD aside from what we've already listed here,but i doubt that's the right one and i don't think we'll find it without keeping a Blizzard dev hostage for it. -
Please consider using a custom formula that has close end results to what we're looking at in the guides,i can provide pvp videos as well for referance,in case someone starts whining about it being op in bgs/arenas...not that there won't be any complaining ofc...

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Post Posted: 01-03-2016, 13:20:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ronove wrote:
Truly it doesn't seem to scale with attack power and probably just weapon damage
Please stop posting random shit without actually checking the posts before you that prove otherwise

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