
General PvP problem on server
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Post Posted: 05-11-2015, 06:04:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
dejakosmajac wrote:
I hope that Shockeru and others GMs will consider once more about PvP future..
What is there to consider? We had an open vote and much more players voted for "off with ability to toggle on", we can't ignore that vote -

As you can see Shocker already replied.
@Njurax nothing gets ignored. Don't get me wrong but sometimes you can't get what you want and if thats the case it doesn't mean that we ignore you, we simply decided not to ignore many more that wanted the opposite.

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Post Posted: 05-11-2015, 10:48:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ashcool wrote:
Shocker wrote:
dejakosmajac wrote:
I hope that Shockeru and others GMs will consider once more about PvP future..
What is there to consider? We had an open vote and much more players voted for "off with ability to toggle on", we can't ignore that vote -

As you can see Shocker already replied.
@Njurax nothing gets ignored. Don't get me wrong but sometimes you can't get what you want and if thats the case it doesn't mean that we ignore you, we simply decided not to ignore many more that wanted the opposite.

Oi, I didn't say that, you got the wrong man ... ye ye ... you did.
And btw, I like what you did there with the words, nice twist!

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Post Posted: 05-11-2015, 11:56:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I meant to trigger Sumoo's voicemail. My apology.

Ashcool - TEMPORARY UNAVAILABLE - Please contact Denim.

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Post Posted: 05-11-2015, 12:41:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sumoo wrote:
Its kinda lame that most of topics made by foreigners are mostly ignored (props to ash) . if we have to type in romanian NP but let us know.
The topic is not ignored. What I see here are 3-4 players that started to preach about the "apocalypse is coming to wow freakz / you will lose a lot of players / etc" just because they don't agree with some of our decisions. Even talking shit about "you see the population decreased? THIS IS THE REASON TRUST ME IM AN ENGINEER". We've said it a dozens of times (Njurax also said it now): we lost the most part of players when we were flooded and didn't have the proper protection, population went below half back then. To be honest it makes me sick when I see people trying to argument their interests with those arguments.

You guys continue to keep talking about YOUR INTERESTS, what YOU want, what best suits YOU, but you forget that there are thousands of other players that might / most likely want the opposite of what you want. This strategy is dead from the start. You need to find a middleground between what you want and what other thousands players want. If you want to do that, please open a new topic where you want do discuss in that manner.

Bad ideas / probably not going to be taken in consideration:
- fully disable cross faction once more
- enable world pvp
- etc...

Possible good / middleground ideas:
- ability to turn crossfaction off (although not sure this will help that much, other players from your faction would still have crossfaction on and you would still end up playing against them)
- rated battlegrounds for hardcore PVPers (we had rated battlegrounds on cata and NOBODY WAS QUEUE-ING THEM! it was a complete waste of time to script them, we would have to waste time again. but rated battlegrounds are crossfaction too, why so much hate about crossfaction now if rated battlegrounds were meant to be crossfaction too?)
- etc...

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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Post Posted: 05-11-2015, 13:29:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. World PvP ... debatable, can be fixed with a forced PvP on in PvP Areas and Contested Territories (Tol Barad, Capitals).
Also, a forced PvP off in PvE Areas (Shrines, Dalaran, Shattrath)

2. Cross-faction BGs are awesome, no need for Rated Battlegrounds since people do smaller rated battlegrounds everytime they queue for BGs as a Premade.

3. We still need to get people to play 3s, that's the main problem, somehow we need to promote 3s also, I've suggested some ideas, some were taken in consideration.

4. The way things are going right now, with all the fixes and good stuff happening, I suspect an increase in population in the following months.
Chill out with the Doomsdays, this is the most complete MoP Server I've seen out there, people will eventually come.

5. We and the Staff should Promote efficient ideas to deal with problems, simple if possible, since time is always of the essence.

6. Other suggestions to improve PvP can be found in my PvP Revival Project.

Positive mentality guys, positive mentality!!

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 04:55:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Few days ago there was an event , pvp event where some of GMs (sorry forgot his name) was looking for 30 horde (i think it was 30) for like 1 hour, to /w him for that PVP event. Only horde, without alliance. It was "last man standing". Since i have huge experience with any kind of pvp events i found them on my own where they wanted to play it. And guess what? there were around 20 horde only.
This server havent PvP players, because when ppl asks "how is that server?" the answer is " its very good,raids are working pve working fine, but BGs are horrible, horde cant win anything, low geared ppl everywhere, Tol Barad is questing zone, and its Pve server ",
"oh OK (thinking what im gona do with raids, i cant use pve gear to pvp anymore, so ill have to wait for Bgs where i have no challenge to play)".
Its not "Trust me im an engineer" its trust me because i have more experiance than you do obviously.
Im not crying to get what i want, im crying to make more pvp players come on this server so i have somebody to play with.
Shocker said "You guys continue to keep talking about YOUR INTERESTS, what YOU want, what best suits YOU"
ok, let us vote again, as i said "it was new patch, players wanted to explore and level upwithout anyone attacking them around"still the difference between pvp/pve was silly. im lasy to count votes but on 1st pages i saw 3 guys voting like 2-3 times each for Pvp off.
If you are not afraid to make voting again, inform players on global in game , because as somebody said "half players dont give a s...t about forums, they are here to play", and dont be like "if PvP is on, somebody will camp you 24/7, and you wont be able to do anything about that", be honest and let them know benefits too.
1st, You will be able to defend your quest mob and to do quests faster if you kill opposite player that is doing the same quest and killing/taking you quest items.
2nd You can kill/stun opposite player that is trying to take your ore/herb and take it before him
3rd You can kill/stun player that is trying to take your rare spawn (Sulik Shor, Krol the blade, Aeonaxx etc.)
4th overall you can fight for yourself, not just to stand and watch how opposite faction players taking your resources because their class have better abilities than your.
- Ye you can be camped, but even with 2 hours playtime in total, and more than 1 death in game, you should be able to escape if you have at least 2 fingers and 1/10 of proper human brain. this isnt vanilla anymore, we can fly anywhere, we have tons of spells that are used to escape from something.
-Ye somebody can come and kill you, and take your ore/herb rare spawn mob, but thats where you get geared to defend your own.
And for the end,
Its extremly stupid (sorry but i cant find the word more proper than this one) to make classic PvP zone, where players farming HONOR, as questing zone. Tol barad, wintergrasp. Why the hell are we farm honor if we wont play pvp??? Is there anything that this "let me farm, i dont want to fight" , "girl-like" farmers (that wanted pvp off, because somebody killed them and they were unable to escape (!?!?!?)) players need from there and pvp will distract them? No, the only thing we are all there for is HONOR.

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 05:28:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You are killing pvp for sake of some "famer" not skilled enough to fight back, even to run away...
you made this sever unattractive to pvp players and you are expecting better pvp?
im ok with it, there isnt any better panda server around , but at least make pvp zones -pvp zones... you took the world, ok why the hell you took our pvp zones? even on retail pve servers Tol barad,wintergrasp and asharan are pvp zones..

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 09:53:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The pvp event u talk about was cancelled because some world pvp problem. The GM started to invite horde first but didn't do anything because of that bug. The GM also said it on a server message that the event is cancelled until a fix

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 14:13:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lmao i am not preaching or anything i am just trying to bring your attention to PVP, mainly 3s. And one of things you should consider is removing arena spectate npc as we gain no benefit from it except from flexing with it and how we are one of few servers that have it. But its okay, if you see this as another QQ topic then i guess we should really stop trying/crying, after all you earn money from it , not me.

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 15:48:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello guys, i give you a list of players from my guild who left server in last 24 hours because new xfaction battleground politics:
1. Xpixi
2. Smukic
3. Arhitekta
4. Looti
5. Jadulja
6. Dukader
7. Ratafa
8. Skalisha
9. Uba
10. Zuumby

Keep in mind that those players are potential Donors, some already are, they are active players with more then 500.000 HK on lolten, and more then 100k on Gamer.

Other players from my guild are very disappointed like Demaestro, Nenaeva, Macanone, Yrella, Profesorka.. ect, but they are still here... Ajsi as well...
I want to say that we were largest active guild on Lolten with more then 500+ active players, and Gamer District as well.
So we are talking about a pretty large amount of players...
I hope that owners of Freakz will stop making fun server here, and start creating blizzlike as much as they can.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 16:47:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@dejakosmajac I really don't get why are you complaining about Cross-faction battlegrounds, it only helps PVP situation. It was one of best things they did for PVP lately and iv noticed much more people playing battlegrounds lately. Before alliance teams were waiting 15 + mins in queue just to get an easy win against ungeared/pve hordes. This way u get what you want and that is PVP action. You didn't lose anything when they implemented cross-faction battlegrounds so don't know whats the problem.

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 17:09:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Actually Mercenary mode is blizzlike option and its not even close to fun server.

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Post Posted: 06-11-2015, 17:24:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There is one annoying issue with PvP Off: if a player enters combat with another player of opposing faction he should not be able to flag PvP OFF for at least 5 minutes, this seems to work only untill one relogs/altF4 or enters a Dungeon... after coming/logging back his PvP flag is instantly set to OFF without waiting those 5 minutes, a lot of players are abusing this thing.
I hope Shocker can fix this problem.

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 00:02:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

xfaction BG is blizzlike, but not on this server, we should be able to chose if we want to do it or not. I dont want to play on horde "omg run and hide" side becasue they cant win anything.
One question- What will you lose if world PvP is enabled, and WHY (dont skip this WHY, part of question like you always do)
, but please dont make stupid answers like "players will leave becasue somebody killed them", ofc they wont its just baby cry.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 02:29:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

One more thing what you need to know:
He wont tell you, but i will:

When you chat with Ajsi, you chat with best and extremely experienced PvP player from 3.3.5 4.3.4 5.4.8 and retail expansions.

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