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Post Posted: 06-01-2016, 15:52:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Dmg prea mare.

Freakz: Turbo are gear mult mai slab. Da 20k noncrits.

Blizz: Warr ala are gear muuuult mai bun si 20k+ crits.

Diferenta de gear se vede din HP, dmg a fost dat pe hpala in ambele cazuri, gearul este in favoarea celui de pe retail si totusi da dmg aproape la jumate cat da Turbo.

Ca sa comparati dmg:

Si blizz:

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Post Posted: 06-01-2016, 17:15:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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<-------- Xwow Tbc Warrior
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Post Posted: 06-01-2016, 17:32:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Reroll warr honourless nu te mai plange atat ca si feralu dadea 180k ravage la inceput de malev asa ca...
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Post Posted: 06-01-2016, 17:41:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ca era buguit cum e si warr acum. Orice orb o poate vedea , numai cei care joaca warr nu. Sa dai 60-70k slam on a regular basis si sa ceri la lume sa dea reroll , asta inseamna sa fi mafiot, este?
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Post Posted: 06-01-2016, 19:18:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

e damage imens la mai multe clase, nu numai la war. singurele clase care sunt relativ ok sunt feralul si spriestul, in rest, damage exagerat. cred ca e o problema generala, nu tine cont neaparat de o clasa anume. daca stai sa compari damage`ul, aici cu gearul actual ajungi sa dai damage cat dadeau aia pe blizz in prideful gear si nu e normal, nici macar full grevi nu suntem.

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 15:04:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Neverdierat wrote:
Ca era buguit cum e si warr acum. Orice orb o poate vedea , numai cei care joaca warr nu. Sa dai 60-70k slam on a regular basis si sa ceri la lume sa dea reroll , asta inseamna sa fi mafiot, este?

A, so a war should do a 40k dmg with slam right? and i should kill a healer in 5 hours, right? you don't get it? This is the warrior patch and about your "prof", crits are situational, they depend on trinkets proc, enrage proc, enchants, hands, back, gem, etc. You can't find the same proc in 2 situation, like in you post, and from all of this, it's about "lucky" in 50% of the time, this is why it's called "CRIT CHANCE", not crti for sure!


Patch 5.2.0:
"Slam now deals 220% weapon damage (was 190%) and now costs 20 rage (was 30 rage)."

Patch 5.4.0:
"Slam now deals 25% more damage, but the Rage cost has been increased by 25% as well. While Sweeping Strikes is active, Slam will deal 35% of damage dealt against the primary target to all other enemies within 2 yards, and targets affected by Colossus Smash receives 10% more damage."

Think about this:
24k dmg and slam does 275%.

24.000+24.000 (200%)+ 18.000 (75%=66.0000 (max proc only from slam) now add it some procs from trinket Tyrannical Gladiator's Badge of Victory, some back enchant, Mastery, enchants from all items (str,mastery) and STRENGTH from items, etc, then draw a line from this.

*only an imaginary calculation*

AND WE PLAY WITH 5.4.8 formulas, it's like i put you to play with Cataclysm pvp gear with 5.2 formulas, normal that some class will have some bonus damage, because some of them aren't at they full potential, and some of them are busted because of the formulas and Low pvp power/PvP rezil. from trinkets, etc etc etc.

Of, and this:
Diferenta de gear se vede din HP, dmg a fost dat pe hpala in ambele cazuri, gearul este in favoarea celui de pe retail si totusi da dmg aproape la jumate cat da Turbo.

You say it right, the pala from the blizz have PRIDEFUL gear, (more armour, pvp power, pvp rezil from trinckets) so why it shouldn't be ok? Turbo strike someone with Tyranical or maybe 2-3 griv items, => less armour, pvp, etc, so it's normal to strike a crit, it's all about the gear and formulas, but you guys don't get it...

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

Last edited by Evydence on 07-01-2016, 15:12:03; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 15:10:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@evydence tell me how can mastery affect the way a spel deals damage?
secondly, it`s not possible for a full grevious war to crit lower than a mostly tyranical geared + grevious. Don`t tell me that mith with "buffs" if you look closely they have exactely the same buffs(engi gloves + weapon proc + horn of winter/battle shout), also neither turbo's target, nor ayra got colossus debuff, but still it`s a big damage difference..

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 15:14:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Amnezx wrote:
@evydence tell me how can mastery affect the way a spel deals damage?
secondly, it`s not possible for a full grevious war to crit lower than a mostly tyranical geared + grevious. Don`t tell me that mith with "buffs" if you look closely they have exactely the same buffs(engi gloves + weapon proc + horn of winter/battle shout), also neither turbo's target, nor ayra got colossus debuff, but still it`s a big damage difference..

My bad with the mastery, i mistook with the fury's mastery, but the difference between gear?

Of, and this:
Diferenta de gear se vede din HP, dmg a fost dat pe hpala in ambele cazuri, gearul este in favoarea celui de pe retail si totusi da dmg aproape la jumate cat da Turbo.

You say it right, the pala from the blizz have PRIDEFUL gear, (more armour, pvp power, pvp rezil from trinckets) so why it shouldn't be ok? Turbo strike someone with Tyranical or maybe 2-3 griv items, => less armour, pvp, etc, so it's normal to strike a crit, it's all about the gear and formulas, but you guys don't get it...

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 15:15:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Evydence wrote:
Amnezx wrote:
@evydence tell me how can mastery affect the way a spel deals damage?
secondly, it`s not possible for a full grevious war to crit lower than a mostly tyranical geared + grevious. Don`t tell me that mith with "buffs" if you look closely they have exactely the same buffs(engi gloves + weapon proc + horn of winter/battle shout), also neither turbo's target, nor ayra got colossus debuff, but still it`s a big damage difference..

My bad with the mastery, i mistook with the fury's mastery, but the difference between gear?

Of, and this:
Diferenta de gear se vede din HP, dmg a fost dat pe hpala in ambele cazuri, gearul este in favoarea celui de pe retail si totusi da dmg aproape la jumate cat da Turbo.

You say it right, the pala from the blizz have PRIDEFUL gear, (more armour, pvp power, pvp rezil from trinckets) so why it shouldn't be ok? Turbo strike someone with Tyranical or maybe 2-3 griv items, => less armour, pvp, etc, so it's normal to strike a crit, it's all about the gear and formulas, but you guys don't get it...

actually the blizz players are fully grevious, not prideful

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 15:51:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Amnezx wrote:
Evydence wrote:
Amnezx wrote:
@evydence tell me how can mastery affect the way a spel deals damage?
secondly, it`s not possible for a full grevious war to crit lower than a mostly tyranical geared + grevious. Don`t tell me that mith with "buffs" if you look closely they have exactely the same buffs(engi gloves + weapon proc + horn of winter/battle shout), also neither turbo's target, nor ayra got colossus debuff, but still it`s a big damage difference..

My bad with the mastery, i mistook with the fury's mastery, but the difference between gear?

Of, and this:
Diferenta de gear se vede din HP, dmg a fost dat pe hpala in ambele cazuri, gearul este in favoarea celui de pe retail si totusi da dmg aproape la jumate cat da Turbo.

You say it right, the pala from the blizz have PRIDEFUL gear, (more armour, pvp power, pvp rezil from trinckets) so why it shouldn't be ok? Turbo strike someone with Tyranical or maybe 2-3 griv items, => less armour, pvp, etc, so it's normal to strike a crit, it's all about the gear and formulas, but you guys don't get it...

actually the blizz players are fully grevious, not prideful

CRIT CHANCE, again it's called CHANCE with a reason, you just take a ss where Turbo does a crit and a ss when that blizz player has the bad day with no crit on slam, it's happen always, you can't control a CRIT, because it's calculate to be a chance, not a sure fact.

There's nothing wrong with the warriors, and always when a class in "fix" in pvp, it's going wrong in PVE, and warriors in PVE it's just fine.

You don't see my posting about the Dragon Roar dmg on PvP (who is less of the less of the less then it should be, i mean you can see a dragon roar crit 100k-300k on players on blizzard in full burst, but on freakz it does like 60-80k in his fully crit stance)

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 16:12:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Actually ayra did a crit and turbo did not... but mehh i'll stop arguing with u,it's pointless

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 16:19:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Amnezx wrote:
Actually ayra did a crit and turbo did not... but mehh i'll stop arguing with u,it's pointless

My bad, but again, where is the problem? for real dudes, you just want to be number 1 without any work, all of you think that warriors are broken (yes they are on 5.4 LOL, what a big discover) but when i start to talk about a holy pala with infinite holy power or a dk with a 2 time my health absorb, you just going crazy, and start flamimng.

Again it's a crit, you can't control a crit, you can crit 5k,10k,100k, 50k, doesn't matter, you can't crit the same ammout 2 times in a row.
Don't get me wrong, but all of you think that your class should be OP, and the others should sucks, and when the other class beat you, most of your are just like this: "OMG, this can't be real, how does it do soo much dmg than me? freakz normal, class are bugged" You don't understand 1 thing, BLIZZARD HAVEN'T BEEN ONE TIME IN A PATCH WITH ALL CLASS BALANCED, there were always a better class then other, but of course you think that you are good/best/gladiator and no one can face you, until someone beat you and you start complaining about the server...pathetic in my opinion, you need to learn how to lose, you can't win all the time.

And if it does really big numbers then should be (don't say that a 23k normal hit per slam is big, or 41k deep wounds), when you will see a war with 80-100+ deep wounds per tick or 200k slam per crit or 100k slam non-crit, then and only then you can come and say that somethings work wrong, and maybe there's an exploit, not a formulas mistake, Did you think about this?

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 17:21:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This topic was made because i crited bossutai for 73k+83k 2x crit without barkskin on him in 2v2 with 24% crit and honourless was watching and they all went mad after 4 games and started to make warrior topics.

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 17:53:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@evydence If there is something to complain about, thats Death knights at the moment. Anyone who played retail or at least watched some retail pvp video can understand how *** up they are, they are dealing at least twice more damage than they should.. backpedaling dks are killing high rated healers like np. About warrioors, sure i agree that warrior slam&deep wounds should be fixed IF it turns out they are bugged but tbh a good healer can survive warrior with every healing class until like 50% dampening, as long as you can fakecast them you should be fine.
Btw who told you paladins got infinite holy power ? lol Holy paladins were always good at surviving melee classes but struggled against casters for example affliction warlocks. On the other hand there resto shamans for example and they are super good against Af locks. Even right now holy paladins aren't even best healers on freakz, they are just good in early game but super weak in deep dampening.
Btw respect for keeping this discussion in english.

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Post Posted: 07-01-2016, 18:16:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Actually on Freakz Slam hits pretty low compared to Blizz, anyway, here's another vid in Grievous 116k Slam Crit (on a Feral) in burst with only On-use trinket, no Avatar, no Insignia proc or Dancing Steel etc. (now, imagine if he had all procs up+Avatar???)

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