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Post Posted: 05-06-2015, 01:32:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shpace wrote:
1st of all, nu sunt GameMaster, sunt SuperModerator, trebuia sa postezi aici: . Dar daca tot ai postat, am sa iti raspund aici.

Tot eu sunt hater? Sa iti amintesc ca pana acum ti-am dat numai staff message si nu warn? Ce avertisment sa iti dau inainte cand tu ai luat warn pe acelasi motiv acum cateva zile si tot nu ai citit regulamentul ala. Daca voiai sa dai like aveai un buton acolo, nu trebuia sa postezi tu pentru +1.

Imi mai dai si PM ca sunt moderator de 2 bani and stuff, termina cu atitudinea asta cu mine si mai ales cu cei de pe forum, ca ma ia groaza cand ma uit in posturile tale.
Mai si minti. Primul Warn am luat ca am dat emote cu /facepalm, si nu ai dat nici un avertisment ci direct Warn... a2 oara mi-ai dat warn in alt post cu motivul "grija la limbaj" , iar cu ultimul warn ai demonstrat ca esti un nesimtit, "SuperModeHater" de 2 bani ce esti.

Last edited by Rep107 on 05-06-2015, 01:34:42; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 18-07-2015, 19:28:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

forum name: trollnnew
Gamemaster name: Shpace
Date and time: 8:15 -18.07.15
More information on the subject: Am primit 2 Warr pt ca dat replay la topic
Fara sa jicnesc sau sa folosec limbaj injurios la adresa nimanui,toata lumea stie ca ..... de Shpace nu ma supora pt ca mi-am batut joc de el in game si l-am umilt si acum incerca sa se razbune de fie care data cand are ocazia foarte matur din partea uni GM sa incerce sa baneze doar pt ca nu-i sunt simpatic -

Cer sa mi se scoata 2 Warr iar lui Shpace sa ii se scoata MOD pt ca abuzeaza ca un ratat pt as lua revansa pt umilinta de io dau in game e prea noob pt a ma face in game si razbuna ca un fraier pe form TRIST asfel de persoane

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Post Posted: 18-07-2015, 20:08:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ai primit si al 3-lea, iar ca un offtopic, eu nu am mai jucat wow de luni bune + nu sunt game master, so wtf?
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[ATN Attax]

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Post Posted: 28-08-2015, 19:14:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: Skadoodlexd, respectiv Perplexhero

Gamemaster name: unknown

Date and time: 28/08, pe la ora 2:00 PM

More information on the subject: Eram in arene, partenerul meu cazuse sub mapa, si dl. GM crede ca ar fi o idee buna sa-i dea kick ca sa pierdem noi arena din cauza unui fear care l-a bagat sub mapa, kit ca eu eram mort, putea macar sa-i dea teleport in arena ca se tinea si singur si ajungea la egalitate, si chiar daca pierdea, tot nu e normal sa-i dea kick asa, si poate parea un lucru banal la 1.2k rate si am pierdut vreo 12 dar mi-a luat tot cheful faza asta.

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Post Posted: 28-08-2015, 19:53:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nu a dat nimeni kick la charele alea.
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[ATN Attax]

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 28-08-2015, 20:42:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Adica a fost un random disconnect dupa ce au tipat aia 30 min pe global?
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Post Posted: 29-08-2015, 18:59:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cum am zis, nu a dat nimeni kick la charele alea. Nu stiu cine sau ce a urlat pe global, kick nu a fost.
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Post Posted: 23-12-2015, 18:51:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Gamemaster: ashool
gamenick: fair ( fake topic )

S-a facut un topic , cum ca AFK BG eu si alti membrii ai guildei mele si anume:
Link facut de Fair , decizie luata de ashool.
- dupa cum putem vedea, s-a pus la denumirea topicului AFK GUILD BLASPHEMY .
Ce inseamna afk? - away from keyboard.
Esti AFK , primesti kick din bg , cu deserter de 15 minute.
Pentru ca noi chiar vorbeam cu FAIR , de una de alta in BG . Cum puteam fi AFK? este la mintea cocosului.
Probabil veti spune, pai da , dar nu faceai ``nimic``.
ba frate eu am ales sa intru in bg-ul ala si sa ma plimb prin graveyard ca asa vroiam eu si sa fac chat cu unu` cu altu`, UNDE ESTE PROBLEMA?
De cand sunt reguli ce anume sa fac in bg-uri?
De cand mi se impune mie de catre FAIR , ce sa fac in bg?
Nu asta conteaza, ci s-a facut topic pe AFK, vi se pare cumva ca in dreptul numelui meu , scrie AFK? sau a membrilor din guilda mea?
Deci din prima, este un motiv mincinios , neintemeiat, nefondat, eronat, concluzie ABUZ.
Numai prin simplu` fapt ca , faceam chat cu Fair , denota ca ala nu e AFK.
Nu stau sa mai argumentez ca fazele astea sa explic ce e cu afk si ce nu este, o faci pt copii din eprubeta, care nu inteleg.

Si acum adevarul!

Deodata apare si damage-ul , nu numai la mine, ci la toti membrii mei .
O fi oare vreun spiridus sau spiritul sarbatorilor pt aceasta minune?
Sau nu , este intr-adevar , ABUZ DE GM.
SI chiar asa, chiar daca nu avem damage si nici heal , atata timp cat botul freakz nu a depistat ca sunt afk si nu am luat kick , ESTE DECIZIA MEA CE SA FAC IN BG, DACA VREAU SA DAU DAMAGE, SAU DACA NU.!
Atata timp cat intru in bg si nu-mi apare pe monitor, ce anume sa fac si ce anume sa nu fac. ( decizia imi apartine ce sa fac in acel BG ).
Are logica , nu?

AStea fiind spuse, cer sanctionarea gm-ului Ashool si la fel si a lui Fair, pt postare falsa!,
Sanctionarea sa fie maxima.
Va salut, cu cel mai al dracu respect.
Zi/seara buna - Merry christmas

Ah , am uitat, ce este mai interesant este ca:
asta dupa ce facusem topic de scos deserter pt ca e ABUZ si ashool imi spusese, ca NU am dreptate si ca am stat afk in bg!
Pana cand a intervenit un GM corespunzator si adevarat , Rageless si a analizat problema si a vazut ca ashool comisese un ABUZ si s-a scos deserterul.
DUpa care, cum vedeti , si-a certu scuze ashool pt inconvenienta... ahh so cute.
Dar pana atunci era ferm convins ca eu AFK cu membrii guildei mele, odata prin topicul facut de FAIR si decizia luata de ashool si a 2-a oara , d upa ce am postat undeserter , primisem iara decizia de la ashool ca nu domnule eu am fost afk si ca asa ramane. dupa care si-a schimbat decizia, ? , cand a intervenit Rageless. Pai de ce ma fratele meu , de ce! de ce nu ai putut fi corect din prima si a fost nevoie de SEFUL tau sa vina ca sa-ti arate ca iei decizii proaste la cererea unui user!
.... Fara comentarii

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-12-2015, 19:41:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have examined this case and the proofs:

It seems there is a conspiracy against Blasphemy guild.
Both GM's abused with their power :
- Fair lied the staff " Afk in bg because they entered against their guild mates premade"
- Aschool didn`t checked the final score board and he say : "You refused to play because you ended up playing against your own guild mates. "
If true then where is that rule ? Also you checked the final score board ? If some deserter rules exists somewhere we want to see that rules.

According to the rules on Freakz there is no reason to punish: Mad / Jigsawjr / Voodooheals / Gizehl
But I expect to punish Fair (rule 2 :To lie to the staff this case ban ) and Aschool (remove GM power if he dont know to check the proofs ..also he closed a topic against him .. this is ridiculous)
As player on Freakz I dont want a GM to say tomorow : "I will ban you because I don`t like your face "
This is a an abuse ..Shocker please respond ASAP to this post ..

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Post Posted: 23-12-2015, 20:32:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Am zis deja ca o sa fie scos deserter, nu e abuz ci greseala, stop drama.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-01-2016, 13:24:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: Donnis
Gamemaster name: Dreadfulx
Date and time: 07.01.2016
More information on the subject:
mi-am luat ban cu motiv ca am folosit hack in bg..este o greseala nu am folosit nimic,nici nu prea joc in bg.Puteti sa faceti cercetari orice,ma puteti verifica in pc eu nu am folosit nici un hack plus ca nu am vazut nici o dovada ca as fi folosit hack.
Vreau sa ii fac reclamatie GM-ului Dreadfulx din motiv ca mi-a dat ban 60 de zile fara motiv.
Sper sa se rezolve cat mai repede.

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Post Posted: 08-01-2016, 23:42:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aveai si fly si speed, nu mai incerca sa zici ca nu e asa. Nu se da ban fara motiv niciodata.
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Post Posted: 12-01-2016, 15:11:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: Sonydigital
Gamemaster name: bachus sau ceva nume aleatoriu asemanator
Date and time: nu mai stiu
More information on the subject: UNFAIR MUTE
I'm well aware that i'm no saint player and that i have made tremendous insults and shits in the past to some players who deserved it, buut as the mutes and restrictions grew larger i have made my "silly" habbits more rare & rare,

and actually started using global for it's main purpose , still made some crack jokes from time to time with my so other troll friends but as it seems, this guy bachus always gets out of nowhere and mutes ONLY ME, from all the players who swear and curse on that chat, which as i already stated, is just power abuse!

Now the last time i got muted was yesterday evening when i got a 24 hours mute for nothing, i was just chatting on global as usual when bachus as usual came out of the bushes to mock me and insult me calling me "player ratat " sau ceva asemanator to which i responded "abuzeaza de functia de gm pana mai poti" which he took it as a THREAT!?!?! seriosuly? that's how a threat sounds like? -)

THe main REASON why i told him this, and he pretty damn knows it, is dat more players became aware of this power abuse problems, and i know for sure that more of them will start filling complains like I DO, and ultimately his GM status will be removed - , that is what my statement was about

Now if u , the rest of the GM"s know that my statement was not a threat but if u support him and condamn me without a real justified reason then u are just like HIM, corrupt and abusing power! Now i don't have a print screen of the actual conversation but if u check the LOGS u will see that he insulted me while i said nothing provocative to him, as for his UNREAL fear of """"threat"""" to mute me is just.. silly -

I do have two printscreens made last month with the proof that he abused GM power - , if IT's NEEDED i will post them here,

look bachus or whatever ur name is,

i tried to reconcile i apologised if i upset you with anything yesterday and i said i'm sorry, to which ur respond was even harsher and UNCAREABLE, now you took a decision to not remove a UNFAIR MUTE from my favorite warrior character, so..

I TOOK the decision to FILL IN THIS REPORT and many more others if u don;t stop with the power abuse - When u will stop faking mute reasons and actual be useful to the server that's when the players COMPLAINTS WILL STOP, until then, don't try to pretend like you're a GOOD gm doing a good job on this server, coz we both know that's a lie, u are not that saint as the others think -

Aaah, and one last thing... where is your proof for the mute on SONYDIGITAL yesterday aka 1/11/2016????

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Post Posted: 19-01-2016, 23:45:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character Name: Azzet
Gamemaster Name: Bachus
Date and time: 1/19/2016 22:20

Prima data a zis ca eu am facut exploit dupa care mi-a zis sa-i zic ce exploit face rtb sau nu imi scoate banul ( de unde sa stiu eu ce exploit face rtb?). Apoi ii zic sa imi scoata banul si sa-mi arate motivul pentru care mi-a dat ban la care el zice" Nu trebuie sa-ti dau explicatii" . Eu nu am donat ca sa-mi dea Bachus ban pentru ceva ce nu am facut. Si sa nu aud ceva de gen "Stii ce ai facut , nu iti scot banul". Vreau clar proof cu logurile sau screenuri in care se vede clar ca fac vreun exploit. Si faza cu enchanturile nu are rost sa zic nimic. Toate twinkurile de pe blizz au acele enchants.

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Post Posted: 20-01-2016, 00:28:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Banul ramane fara nici o discutie. Continui sa faci spam iei ban si aici.
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