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Post Posted: 10-01-2016, 20:33:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Upon defeating The Lich King (Arthas) on the Frozen THrone ic Icrown Citadel, Terenas Menethil says that there must be a Lich King because the Scourge would be left running unchecked and overwhelming Azeroth without anyone in command. There's intelligent undead out there. Liches, Death Knights, who can command undead.

With a Lich King, they are bound to him and forced to do his command.

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Post Posted: 11-01-2016, 16:31:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Here are the question:

"When did Naxxramas come?" (medium question - 1 point)

Bonus question:

"Why did Arthas chose the "dark side? explain all!" (hard question - 2 point)

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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Post Posted: 11-01-2016, 17:07:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

When Arthas found out that the grain had already been distributed in Stratholme, he knew that the villagers would soon become undead zombies. He ordered Uther and his knights to purge the entire city. Horrified, Uther rebuked him by saying that he would not follow such an order even if Arthas were already king. Proclaiming that Uther had committed treason, Arthas disbanded the Knights of the Silver Hand.
As Arthas began to slay the citizens of Stratholme, he was met by Mal'Ganis himself, who was working to claim the souls of the townsfolk. Arthas worked to destroy them before Mal'Ganis could reach them. Finally, Arthas demanded a final showdown with the dreadlord. Mal'Ganis slipped away, however, vowing to meet him in Northrend. Arthas then set fire to Stratholme. Something snapped in Arthas that day, his inability to stop the plague sent him down the cold lonely road he would soon follow. The fires burn to this day.

Arthas followed Mal'Ganis. They arrived in Daggercap Bay. As they searched for a proper place to set up camp, Arthas' men came under gunfire before being recognized by the dwarven explorers guild. Arthas was shocked to have come upon his good friend and former mentor, Muradin Bronzebeard.

As Muradin and Arthas went to search for Frostmourne, an emissary from Lordaeron arrived in a zeppelin and spoke to Captain Luc Valonforth. He bore orders from Uther and Terenas, instructing Arthas and his men to return home. When Arthas returned to his base, the men had abandoned their posts, and were making their way through the forest towards their boats. Arthas had no intention of leaving before Mal'Ganis was destroyed. With the help of some indigenous mercenaries, he managed to reach and burn his boats before his men got to them. When his men arrived, Arthas betrayed his mercenaries, accusing them of destroying the ships, and the Captain had them killed, much to the disgust of Muradin. Arthas told his men that they had no means of going home, and the only way they were leaving Northrend was through victory.

Arthas and his troops continued to press on to Drak'Tharon Keep in search of Frostmourne. As he arrived, Mal'Ganis appeared to him, and foretold his death. Arthas went to search for Frostmourne with Muradin, leaving his captain to defend the camp.

Using an ancient waygate, Arthas, Muradin, and a small group of men traveled to the vicinity of the fabled runeblade. Arthas was soon confronted by the Guardian, who tried to keep him from Frostmourne, apparently for his own protection. The Guardian fell, and Arthas and Muradin went forward to their prize. Muradin, reading an inscription, reported that the blade was cursed and pleaded "Oh, leave it be, Arthas! Forget this business and lead your men home!", but Arthas was adamant. Arthas asked the spirits of the cavern for the sword to be released from its icy prison, proclaiming that he would "give anything or pay any price, if only you will let me save my people." When the weapon broke free, Muradin was struck by a rogue shard of ice. Arthas moved to help Muradin, but was dissuaded by the call of Frostmourne in his mind. Arthas discarded his holy warhammer, Light's Vengeance, then picked Frostmourne up and returned to his base, leaving Muradin for dead. With Frostmourne in hand, Arthas defeated Mal'Ganis' minions and finally confronted the demon.

Mal'Ganis told him that the voice he was now hearing was that of the Lich King. However, Arthas replied that voice was instructing him to destroy Mal'Ganis, much to the dreadlord's surprise. Slaying the dreadlord, Arthas fled into the frozen north, leaving his troops to fend for themselves.
Arthas soon lost the last remnants of sanity, and all that he's been through made him have no choice, but chosing the dark side without even knowing it will ever happen.

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Post Posted: 11-01-2016, 17:42:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

An ancient Nerubian Necropolis, Naxxramas was torn free from the ground by agents of the Lich King to serve as Kel'Thuzad's base of operations as he spreads the plague throughout Lordaeron, being the endgame instance in vanilla.After the defeat of Kel'Thuzad in the Eastern Plaguelands, Naxxramas has returned to Northrend and now hovers above the Carrion Fields in eastern Dragonblight, where it lays siege to the Alliance stronghold of Wintergarde Keep.

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Post Posted: 11-01-2016, 20:13:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


We have the winners.

1) (BONUS QUESTION) First question, I'm really surprised if you wrote this all, or if you read it all and understand.

emzo wrote:
When Arthas found out that the grain had already been distributed in Stratholme, he knew that the villagers would soon become undead zombies. He ordered Uther and his knights to purge the entire city. Horrified, Uther rebuked him by saying that he would not follow such an order even if Arthas were already king. Proclaiming that Uther had committed treason, Arthas disbanded the Knights of the Silver Hand.
As Arthas began to slay the citizens of Stratholme, he was met by Mal'Ganis himself, who was working to claim the souls of the townsfolk. Arthas worked to destroy them before Mal'Ganis could reach them. Finally, Arthas demanded a final showdown with the dreadlord. Mal'Ganis slipped away, however, vowing to meet him in Northrend. Arthas then set fire to Stratholme. Something snapped in Arthas that day, his inability to stop the plague sent him down the cold lonely road he would soon follow. The fires burn to this day.

Arthas followed Mal'Ganis. They arrived in Daggercap Bay. As they searched for a proper place to set up camp, Arthas' men came under gunfire before being recognized by the dwarven explorers guild. Arthas was shocked to have come upon his good friend and former mentor, Muradin Bronzebeard.

As Muradin and Arthas went to search for Frostmourne, an emissary from Lordaeron arrived in a zeppelin and spoke to Captain Luc Valonforth. He bore orders from Uther and Terenas, instructing Arthas and his men to return home. When Arthas returned to his base, the men had abandoned their posts, and were making their way through the forest towards their boats. Arthas had no intention of leaving before Mal'Ganis was destroyed. With the help of some indigenous mercenaries, he managed to reach and burn his boats before his men got to them. When his men arrived, Arthas betrayed his mercenaries, accusing them of destroying the ships, and the Captain had them killed, much to the disgust of Muradin. Arthas told his men that they had no means of going home, and the only way they were leaving Northrend was through victory.

Arthas and his troops continued to press on to Drak'Tharon Keep in search of Frostmourne. As he arrived, Mal'Ganis appeared to him, and foretold his death. Arthas went to search for Frostmourne with Muradin, leaving his captain to defend the camp.

Using an ancient waygate, Arthas, Muradin, and a small group of men traveled to the vicinity of the fabled runeblade. Arthas was soon confronted by the Guardian, who tried to keep him from Frostmourne, apparently for his own protection. The Guardian fell, and Arthas and Muradin went forward to their prize. Muradin, reading an inscription, reported that the blade was cursed and pleaded "Oh, leave it be, Arthas! Forget this business and lead your men home!", but Arthas was adamant. Arthas asked the spirits of the cavern for the sword to be released from its icy prison, proclaiming that he would "give anything or pay any price, if only you will let me save my people." When the weapon broke free, Muradin was struck by a rogue shard of ice. Arthas moved to help Muradin, but was dissuaded by the call of Frostmourne in his mind. Arthas discarded his holy warhammer, Light's Vengeance, then picked Frostmourne up and returned to his base, leaving Muradin for dead. With Frostmourne in hand, Arthas defeated Mal'Ganis' minions and finally confronted the demon.

Mal'Ganis told him that the voice he was now hearing was that of the Lich King. However, Arthas replied that voice was instructing him to destroy Mal'Ganis, much to the dreadlord's surprise. Slaying the dreadlord, Arthas fled into the frozen north, leaving his troops to fend for themselves.
Arthas soon lost the last remnants of sanity, and all that he's been through made him have no choice, but chosing the dark side without even knowing it will ever happen.


DisCosmin wrote:
An ancient Nerubian Necropolis, Naxxramas was torn free from the ground by agents of the Lich King to serve as Kel'Thuzad's base of operations as he spreads the plague throughout Lordaeron, being the endgame instance in vanilla.After the defeat of Kel'Thuzad in the Eastern Plaguelands, Naxxramas has returned to Northrend and now hovers above the Carrion Fields in eastern Dragonblight, where it lays siege to the Alliance stronghold of Wintergarde Keep.

Last question is:

"What is the opposite side of the "bad dreams" (easy question - 1 point)

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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Post Posted: 11-01-2016, 20:34:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'll have to guess here, but my money is on the Emerald Dream. Dreams are the opposites of "bad dreams" or "nightmares". And since this trivia is related to WoW my mind went to the Emerald Dream, since it's the oposite of the "Emerald Nightmare" (or a REALLY bad dream).

World of Lorecraft

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Post Posted: 11-01-2016, 23:41:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


You are correct, indeed.
deadbite wrote:
I'll have to guess here, but my money is on the Emerald Dream. Dreams are the opposites of "bad dreams" or "nightmares". And since this trivia is related to WoW my mind went to the Emerald Dream, since it's the oposite of the "Emerald Nightmare" (or a REALLY bad dream).

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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Post Posted: 12-01-2016, 15:52:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Here is the first question:

"Who discovered the old god Yogg Saron, and how?" (easy question - 1 point)

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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Post Posted: 12-01-2016, 16:14:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Brann Bronzebeard led an army of troops into Ulduar in an effort to discover its secrets because noone knew what is hidden inside of Ulduar. But he was driven out by Kologarn, and he was the only survivor of his exploration expedition. He then went to Dalaran to deliver his report to Rhonin and Jaina Proudmoore. Reporting to the, Brann kept referring to a malevolent "presence" he felt within Ulduar, the presence of the unchained old god - Yogg-Saron.

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Post Posted: 12-01-2016, 20:23:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


emzo wrote:
Brann Bronzebeard led an army of troops into Ulduar in an effort to discover its secrets because noone knew what is hidden inside of Ulduar. But he was driven out by Kologarn, and he was the only survivor of his exploration expedition. He then went to Dalaran to deliver his report to Rhonin and Jaina Proudmoore. Reporting to the, Brann kept referring to a malevolent "presence" he felt within Ulduar, the presence of the unchained old god - Yogg-Saron.

We have a winner.
PM me with your next rewards and INGAMENAME!

Have a good time, Evy.

Posturi unite automat, 12-01-2016, 20:23:25


Here are the last question for today:

"Who was behind of all wars in Lordaeron?" (easy question - 1 point)

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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[Insane Loremaster]

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Post Posted: 12-01-2016, 20:34:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The Burning Legion was behind the wars that swept through Lordaeron.
In the First and the Second Wars, the horde, led from the shadows by Gul'Dan (the puppet of the Burning Legion) attacked the humans.
The Third War was between the Alliance of Lordaeron and The Scourge, who'se leader was the Lich King (also a puppet of the Legion).
As a conclusion, the Burning Legion orchestrated all the wars that Lordaeron's been through.

P.S. I hope that this does not count as "twice in a row" 'cause it's not, it's just "two days in a row". If it does, i apologise.

World of Lorecraft

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Post Posted: 12-01-2016, 23:27:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


You are correct.

deadbite wrote:
The Burning Legion was behind the wars that swept through Lordaeron.
In the First and the Second Wars, the horde, led from the shadows by Gul'Dan (the puppet of the Burning Legion) attacked the humans.
The Third War was between the Alliance of Lordaeron and The Scourge, who'se leader was the Lich King (also a puppet of the Legion).
As a conclusion, the Burning Legion orchestrated all the wars that Lordaeron's been through.

P.S. I hope that this does not count as "twice in a row" 'cause it's not, it's just "two days in a row". If it does, i apologise.

See you tomorrow.

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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Post Posted: 13-01-2016, 16:36:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)



"After Arthas become Lich King, what does Illidan do?" (medium question - 1 point)

Bonus question:

"Who was Varimathras, and how he influence the game?" (medium question - 1 point)

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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Post Posted: 13-01-2016, 16:54:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Once Arthas defeated Illidan at the gates of Icecrown Glacier,the demon hunter is found half-dead laying on the ground by his fellow servants, Lady Vashj and Kael'Thas who take him back to his previously conquered citadael of Black Temple.As he was recovering, he realized he has failed his so called ''master'' once again, and that this time he is going to face his wrath first-hand.So, he starts to reinforce his citadael, and, in the same time to bolster his forces across the entire of Outland to assure his own survival againist The Burning Legion and his eredar master, Kil'Jaeden.

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Post Posted: 13-01-2016, 19:56:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


We have a winner.

DisCosmin wrote:
Once Arthas defeated Illidan at the gates of Icecrown Glacier,the demon hunter is found half-dead laying on the ground by his fellow servants, Lady Vashj and Kael'Thas who take him back to his previously conquered citadael of Black Temple.As he was recovering, he realized he has failed his so called ''master'' once again, and that this time he is going to face his wrath first-hand.So, he starts to reinforce his citadael, and, in the same time to bolster his forces across the entire of Outland to assure his own survival againist The Burning Legion and his eredar master, Kil'Jaeden.

Last question:

"Name the lord who keeped Thrall in the arena of slaves." (easy question - 1 point)

Have a good time, Evy.

If you gonna hit the king you're better kill the king

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