
Arena Solo Queue
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 10:03:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
1) Decreased rating discard timer to 3 min
3) Tank specs are no longer allowed in rated 3v3 (still allowed in skirmish 2v2)
Sumoo wrote:
"- players not accepting rated 3v3 invitations now receive 1 day deserter "
Tbh thats way too high. In any other game you get 15 mins restriction max! even on retail. Your net could crash or you would have to open doors or something sometimes so i don't think 1 day restriction is good idea...
Still even this way solo q is best thing ever
You get 15 min when you leave a bg which doesn't affect other players that much, another player instantly gets in. But in 3v3 RATED arena matches, if you don't accept the invitation you will simply cause the other 2 players assigned to your team to lose the arena + lose rating / MMR. As said, you only get deserter if you DO NOT ACCEPT THE INVITATION once a group has been formed

24h deserter is too high, i accidentally click on leave button and not the enter button because we are humans, i don't want to click on leave button i have 123 - 3s games played. And the annoying thing u can't do bgs with this deserter.
If u can change the deserter time for 1-2-3-4 hours but not 24h that would be great - .
P.S.: GJ for this soloq 3s , it's a great thing

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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 12:08:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- If you don't accept the rated solo queue invitation, you get 30 minutes deserter and rating/MMR decrease. The arena you were invited into converts to non-rated so the players already in the arena will not lose rating.
- Deserter was being ignored, you were still able to join even with Deserter
- You can no longer change specs while in the queue/waiting to join
- I'M READY crystal
- Arena Spectate no longer shows skirmish 2v2 matches in the list
(live after next restart)

Sumoo wrote:
Im not sure how matchmaking works atm but im almost 1800 mmr/1700 rating and ii keep getting queued with guys with 200~ rating, winning with them gets me 6 rating while losing -15.

This is the RATING DISCARD TIMER we were talking about above, this is perfectly normal. If either you (or those players with 200 rating) have been in the queue for too long, rating/MMR is ignored and you get in the same arena, this is PERFECTLY NORMAL
Sumoo wrote:
Also if you invite someone to party and you queue at the same time there are pretty good chances you will get into same game.

Doesn't have anything to do with party, this is how queue works: oldest valid players in queue are picked up first, if you guys join in the same time there's a high chance you will be the "oldest valid players in the queue", all good

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 12:37:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker what about Gladius? Is it hard to fix? Can we expect it any time soon ?

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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 13:08:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sumoo wrote:
Shocker what about Gladius? Is it hard to fix? Can we expect it any time soon ?
No, I can't get it to bug, it always works for me. I need to reproduce the issue to see what's happening

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 10:39:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sumoo wrote:
There are some more problems.
Im not sure how matchmaking works atm but im almost 1800 mmr/1700 rating and ii keep getting queued with guys with 200~ rating, winning with them gets me 6 rating while losing -15.
Also if you invite someone to party and you queue at the same time there are pretty good chances you will get into same game.
Also some people are exploiting specs. For example you can queue as mistweaver monk and then after que pops respec to WW so you get triple dps.
EDIT: Example

Another thing about mmr, i take my example, i have 1.8kmmr and are 2 healers in que, one with 1.6k mmr and one with 0mmr, it will get me 100% of the time with the guy of 0mmr. This thing shouldn't happen, i think. Idk but mmr try to balanced himself..last day when i que, 2 guys with 1.8k mmr put with 0 mmr, the conclusion, if you have too much mmr it will put you with the lowest mmr in que. Everyone who rush rate can confirm this.

Shocker, take in consideration this thing if it is true.

Last edited by Magicqtz on 01-06-2016, 15:04:26; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 13:14:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Is it possible to differentiate bg deserter from arena deserter? I left bg because of noob team and now I can't join solo que because of deserter... Normally you are able to play arenas even with bg deserter.

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 13:22:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There is one more restriction that needs to be added we all forgot about.If the player is not fully enchanted/gemmed/all items slots filled,don't allow them to queue.

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 17:48:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

compulsiv wrote:
Is it possible to differentiate bg deserter from arena deserter? I left bg because of noob team and now I can't join solo que because of deserter... Normally you are able to play arenas even with bg deserter.
Hawtydaboss wrote:
There is one more restriction that needs to be added we all forgot about.If the player is not fully enchanted/gemmed/all items slots filled,don't allow them to queue.
We already have item level requirement, should be ok -
Magicqtz wrote:
Another thing about mmr, i take my example, i have 1.8kmmr and are 2 healers in que, one with 1.6k mmr and one with 0mmr, it will get me 100% of the time with the guy of 0mmr. This thing shouldn't happen, i think. Idk but mmr try to balanced himself..last day when i que, 2 guys with 1.8k mmr put with 0 mmr, the conclusion, if you have too much mmr it will put you with the lowest mmr in que. Everyone who rush rate can confirm this.
No. You guys still don't understand how the rating discard timer works: if you have 1.8k MMR and there are 2 healers in que, one with 1.6k MMR and one with 0 MMR you will be matched with the healer with 1.6k MMR. But if the player with 0 MMR has been in the queue for too long, he will be matched up with ANYONE as soon as possible, that's perfectly normal, that's the whole point of rating discard timer. I already explained in the first posts why lowering the rating discard timer to 3 minutes will cause many situations like this one

LATER EDIT: Also fixed the ALT F4 exploit, will be ok after restart

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 21:43:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Raise the solo Q ilvl to 520 or let it be 522. There are many players that are playing with full tyrannical & items without sockets / enchants, because they just created their char, geared them through battlegrounds and they are q-ing solo for conquest, the thing is, they don't have ANY game knowledge, they are there just to annoy other people or to destroy their ratings / mmr's. Solo q purpose is to help the players with a minimum of base game knowledge to improve their team player or playing their class better, not for the ones with 0 knowledge to queue, their place is in BG's & duels, there they'll learn the basics, and then to come and do 3v3 solo.

There's no fun into playing with players that don't even know which talents / glyphs to use, and their IQ is equal to a bottle of pepsi.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 23:23:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I know this might be "custom" but i would rather have 505 ilvl guy with 2.2k achievement rather than 525 pve guy with no PVP experience whatsoever just joining solo q to try it out until raid starts. So yeah it would be nice if you couldn't join without having 2.2k achievement .
Regarding mmr i do understand how discard timer works but im simply confused because lots of arenas yesterday i was getting people with 0 rating ( im on 1700~ ) and it was instant q. I could provide some screenshots if its needed.

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 23:27:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sumoo wrote:
I know this might be "custom" but i would rather have 505 ilvl guy with 2.2k achievement rather than 525 pve guy with no PVP experience whatsoever just joining solo q to try it out until raid starts. So yeah it would be nice if you couldn't join without having 2.2k achievement .
Regarding mmr i do understand how discard timer works but im simply confused because lots of arenas yesterday i was getting people with 0 rating ( im on 1700~ ) and it was instant q. I could provide some screenshots if its needed.

mmr q range is 300 so until you reach 1800+ you will get 1500 players.

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Post Posted: 01-06-2016, 23:37:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sumoo wrote:
I know this might be "custom" but i would rather have 505 ilvl guy with 2.2k achievement rather than 525 pve guy with no PVP experience whatsoever just joining solo q to try it out until raid starts. So yeah it would be nice if you couldn't join without having 2.2k achievement .

I repeat, adding too much restrictions will simply render this system useless. But yeah, the ilvl limit could be raised, let's discuss that exactly: what min ilvl and why
Sumoo wrote:
Regarding mmr i do understand how discard timer works but im simply confused because lots of arenas yesterday i was getting people with 0 rating ( im on 1700~ ) and it was instant q. I could provide some screenshots if its needed.
Doesn't matter you just joined, they were already in queue for too long => they get assigned to everyone

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Post Posted: 02-06-2016, 00:03:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:

I repeat, adding too much restrictions will simply render this system useless. But yeah, the ilvl limit could be raised, let's discuss that exactly: what min ilvl and why

I already explained it, let it be 520 or 522 until Prideful, then, we'll grow it again ( after some months until everyone gets full gear and so ). Regarding the PvE players, at least they'll do damage / heal instead of being useless.
The real reason? There are many players that are just creating a char, gearing it through BG's and they are joining soloQ to finish their conquest cap. The problem is, those players have 0 experience, some of them are missing enchants & sockets too, half of them don't even know which glyphs / talents to use and so on.


You could do the following thing: Make a custom script which requires the player to have the ''Grievous'' word in each item slot they wear. ( Yeah, sounds stupid but think about it a bit, it will work fine but it will restrict the players to only the ones full Grievous. )


Make a recuirement of 35.00% + pvp power for healers and 40% for DpS'ers. So, only those who meet those recuirements will be able to queue.

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Post Posted: 02-06-2016, 01:49:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Doesn't matter what restrictions you put there will always be noobs, this is not AT, at it will never be as far as PVP goes. I'm saying this cause most of you who want all those restrictions played there and only AT had Solo Q, so you expect players to be as good or at least decent. Just to be clear I also want a bit higher IL requirement and/or 2.2k ach (last few seasons in MoP you were able to get 2.2k ach within 1h while being drunk or stoned) so I don't think 2.2k is too much to ask for.
But we should make balance in rules so that inexperienced people could learn to play and most likely within few months server will have more good/decent players. -
*Also it would really help if those inexperienced people would listen when people tell them what to do or what they did wrong, instead of raging and flaming.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2016, 03:11:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mental^depress wrote:
Raise the solo Q ilvl to 520 or let it be 522. There are many players that are playing with full tyrannical & items without sockets / enchants, because they just created their char, geared them through battlegrounds and they are q-ing solo for conquest, the thing is, they don't have ANY game knowledge, they are there just to annoy other people or to destroy their ratings / mmr's. Solo q purpose is to help the players with a minimum of base game knowledge to improve their team player or playing their class better, not for the ones with 0 knowledge to queue, their place is in BG's & duels, there they'll learn the basics, and then to come and do 3v3 solo.

There's no fun into playing with players that don't even know which talents / glyphs to use, and their IQ is equal to a bottle of pepsi.

Raise to 520 - 522 ? . I have 514 ilvl - hunter and I have 1680 rating - , so maybe 510 ilvl that's means 1/2 grievous.

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