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Should there be an i90 PvP realm?
Yes / if they can manage to keep both realms healthy and stable, why not
 61%  [ 109 ]
No (explain?)
 32%  [ 58 ]
Maybe (explain?)
 5%  [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 177

Author Message62204

[The Peacemaker]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 08:44:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I will talk from the assumption that you want to replace the current MoP realm with another full PvP one since a 3rd on is out of the question (don't bother fooling me, i've seen you trying to float the idea around here and i am telling you it won't set sail).

I don't agree with resetting the MoP realm. I put too much time and sweat into my main characters there just to see it vanish.
I am not willing to enter the realm ever again if i will lose the two cutting edge achievements i have (for Shek'zeer and Lei Shen).So many wipes and so much progress,literally days worth of farming to have money simply gone.Out of 50+ days i spent on my main characters 5-10 were spent for farming alone.And don't even get me started on the whole legendary questline.

70+ times i have entered Throne of Thunder,yet another few days spent doing progress on the raid.

Having to deal with ALL the bosses(yes,from all phases)in their unpolished forms,wiping and wiping and wiping until they got them to work decently.Protectors of the endless(or more commonly know to raid leaders as the DKP regulator boss),4 kings,Will of the emperor(which i couldn't even do it at the time since the raid leaders and guild master from Unstoppable,at that time, didn't even bother doing the boss),Sha of fear,Amber shaper,Horridon,council,Megaera,DURUMU,DARK ANIMUS (Basicly the best warden of Lei Shen he ever had),Protectors from SoO(H) (i remember when the boss was first added that night,my guild was the only one to down it with 40+ tries and more than 3 HOURS spent on that encounter alone).And you mean to tell me "*** YOUR WORK,i want a new realm from 0!".

This also means that anyone who donated money for gear and whatever items/professions will be gone.What are the people who donated 200$+ going to say?(i also helped with 40€ or 60€ so i think it's a bad idea)

I won't sit by,idly,while you decide the future of the server without giving you a piece of my mind!

Last edited by alex21112 on 03-07-2017, 11:27:26; edited 3 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 09:05:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dude... THIS v
Repitchx wrote:
I would at least play on a server that is different and looks fun. Sooner or later someone will make an i90 server, why do you not want to take this chance before someone else takes it?
If it's about donations, that's fine. We can figure out ways to make people donate. I can figure out something tomorrow. Idea I have is to just pay to reset weekly cap (3-5$ to reset for instance)

Or if someone TRULY cares about this server, should setup a gofundme page. I would donate there if I saw progression in this realm from you players and staff/admins.

So the question we have to ask ourselves is: Do I want to try to make this server get better, or do I want to just let it be as it is and with small population?

The only thing you want is an insta PvP server, you just mentioned various PvP working server yourself, go get one.

Back to topic...

As Alex well said there are some who only seek PvP and don't mind anything at all. But they don't consider the time and effort of those who play for PvE, besides the donations made for PvE purposes only. Even before legion there were no more than 30 to 40 people playing BG's all around, and post Legion there is barely enough people to call Bg's that often but the realm keeps getting 600+ around players sustaining PvE content as raids, farming, questing etc.

The reason that MoP lost that many players was in part because Legion and end game content not being available, so advanced players and/or guilds/friends chose to play legion for new content rather than repeat the same raids or getting stuck at some points.

PvE players play for achievments, ending soo will make people play hard to achieve the end game. That's why wotlk servers are that popular too, because they are complete and there is an objective which can be achieved. Right now MoP-Genesis lacks the final objective, and as GM's said it will get there eventually. Things take time, it's impossible to have a fully working MoP server, or legion but things take time.

PS: Expecting a PvP fan rage post...

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 09:53:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Just a few mentions before jumping to the point.

Because people are not interested in leveling and playing on blizzlike servers...

Wrong, that's what most players seek when joining the server if you gave so many examples for other servers. The fact that we let them change the rates for many things is just a feature that allows them to enjoy the gameplay in their own manners. Over the years, I've been told from many players that they actually enjoy the x1 rates.

You seem to me very anxious to jumping already to the instant things and ignore what other players might have still in progress to do on the current realm like enjoying the current content. From your posts, it would seem that what we delivered to them in terms of PvE content would be for nothing.

Not everyone likes PvP-ing and arenas, not even on retail PvP realms, but it would be nice to have a 50-50% balance on contents and more fun PvP events.

Take a serious note that MoP is the expansion where milions have quitted retail as well and we saw that on Freakz as well since we launched it, but we strive to maintain interest for everyone.

As for the server comparisons you've made, it's not about that all those you mentioned have in common the same thing, but which one can have and still maintain the interest that it offers for current and new players. Needless to say that if you have a great server but the staff sucks or great scripts and content but you have and endless queue and players get bored till they can actually login and play. You get the picture.

Now, back to the matter at hand. From all the posts until now, here's my personal toughts:

Classes and various other things still need to be fixed before starting this, otherwise it would be for nothing.

No @ creating another new realm, because it would be a second time to force players in creating new characters/lose the progress on current ones and I doubt that we will do again the mounts/achiev/pet etc transfer on the instant realm as we will do for the Legion realm.

Since there already are players PvP based and wish to continue playing on their characters, it would be awesome for PvE players also to start enjoying PvP as well adding more achievs and stuff to their beloved characters.

Now regarding the MoP community and those who remained playing there due to the above mentioned things:

Best option to please everyone would be converting the current MoP realm into the instant 90 (yes, modifications to it are required for what you are proposing) so all the hard work people have put into it for 2 years since MoP started and much longer before that is not lost entirely (guild achievs/pve & pvp rewards/collections etc). We have to take this in high consideration since we did focus on PvE content always and a lot of things need to be done carefully.

The good part is that we could offer more PvP experience for past time which the current realm lacks for some time now and players can still pursue the content they want.

I still have a hope that old PvP players would return to experience this out if it were to succeed, but let's see what happens till then.

Server side related

We always tried to be blizzlike, not implementing/having too many custom features so can't really say what and how that will impact on the current playerbase.

Regarding migrations and what to offer for new players, that would remain to discuss.

Donations would remain to discuss as well.

Staff related

Development on the current realm is still ongoing and will continue to add the content we want the players to experience (I'm talking about PvE content since we always did focused on that)

In the end, there are too few votes to actually tell a concrete yes or no concering what the players want and too many suggestions poiting at the same thing only.


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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 10:00:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@shockeru can u put this topic on main site ? more players will vote "yes" or "no"

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 18:33:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@alex21112 - No1 wants to shut down PVE realm, so don't worry.

@Denim - I think you are wrong, from my past experience PVP players hate leveling, crafting gear, farming bgs... All they want are arenas (3v3 mostly) and BGs (rated).
You also mentioned class bugs, I think we all can agree with you there. It doesn't have to be perfect but for start you can fix what's bugged the most.
As for the mounts/pets PVPers don't give a crap about that. So you don't have to do anything about it.

Repitchx said that it would be nice to make a cross-realm q system or w/e you call it. So that players from both realms can play vs each other. People from PVE realm can stay on their realm and keep all their characters.

I don't see the problem here, especially cause you have nothing to lose. All you have to do is open a new realm i90 with gear/prof/etc vendors, and make cross-realm q system. It's a win-win-win situation. PVE players get to keep their chars, pvp players get to make new ones and you (wowfreakz) potentially get hundreds of new players. All the new players can check out Legion and PVE realm.

If it doesn't work out you can just shut down i90 server.

Also Kindredz made a nice suggestion.

And for the end, don't you have tournament realm? I remember playing on it like a year ago.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 22:24:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Did someone just say most of the player enjoy x1 rates...what?

Thats only because most of the WoW player are PvE player and thats not a secret.

This is about a MOP Arena (PVP) realm and ive not the slightest clue why PvE player would leave just because theres an Arena realm opened Oo

This discussion should be for PvP player only imo. Theres no disadvantage at all for PvE player.

It's about to make a ream where all the R1's from retail and more people can play just to enjoy the PvP engame content. Same concept on P********, Fun = PvP and x100 = PvE. Don't tell me that doesn't work. I think i don't have to explain why a "only" PvP oriented player who just came from legion (Legion=grindy as f**ck btw) won't level and gear up on a private server.

You seem to me very anxious to jumping already to the instant things and ignore what other players might have still in progress to do on the current realm like enjoying the current content. From your posts, it would seem that what we delivered to them in terms of PvE content would be for nothing.

Why, i mean in what aspect does it affect the PvE player if theres a 2nd Arena realm opened? Obviously shutting down the main realm would be stupid but thats not the point.

I will talk from the assumption that you want to replace the current MoP realm with another full PvP one since a 3rd on is out of the question (don't bother fooling me, i've seen you trying to float the idea around here and i am telling you it won't set sail).

Read it again :

Today I had a talk with Shocker about creating a new realm. This realm will be for pvp purposes only.s only.

We are not talking about a new Server.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 22:54:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Denim wrote:
Just a few mentions before jumping to the point.

Because people are not interested in leveling and playing on blizzlike servers...

Wrong, that's what most players seek when joining the server if you gave so many examples for other servers. The fact that we let them change the rates for many things is just a feature that allows them to enjoy the gameplay in their own manners. Over the years, I've been told from many players that they actually enjoy the x1 rates.

You seem to me very anxious to jumping already to the instant things and ignore what other players might have still in progress to do on the current realm like enjoying the current content. From your posts, it would seem that what we delivered to them in terms of PvE content would be for nothing.

Not everyone likes PvP-ing and arenas, not even on retail PvP realms, but it would be nice to have a 50-50% balance on contents and more fun PvP events.

Take a serious note that MoP is the expansion where milions have quitted retail as well and we saw that on Freakz as well since we launched it, but we strive to maintain interest for everyone.

As for the server comparisons you've made, it's not about that all those you mentioned have in common the same thing, but which one can have and still maintain the interest that it offers for current and new players. Needless to say that if you have a great server but the staff sucks or great scripts and content but you have and endless queue and players get bored till they can actually login and play. You get the picture.

Now, back to the matter at hand. From all the posts until now, here's my personal toughts:

Classes and various other things still need to be fixed before starting this, otherwise it would be for nothing.

No @ creating another new realm, because it would be a second time to force players in creating new characters/lose the progress on current ones and I doubt that we will do again the mounts/achiev/pet etc transfer on the instant realm as we will do for the Legion realm.

Since there already are players PvP based and wish to continue playing on their characters, it would be awesome for PvE players also to start enjoying PvP as well adding more achievs and stuff to their beloved characters.

Now regarding the MoP community and those who remained playing there due to the above mentioned things:

Best option to please everyone would be converting the current MoP realm into the instant 90 (yes, modifications to it are required for what you are proposing) so all the hard work people have put into it for 2 years since MoP started and much longer before that is not lost entirely (guild achievs/pve & pvp rewards/collections etc). We have to take this in high consideration since we did focus on PvE content always and a lot of things need to be done carefully.

The good part is that we could offer more PvP experience for past time which the current realm lacks for some time now and players can still pursue the content they want.

I still have a hope that old PvP players would return to experience this out if it were to succeed, but let's see what happens till then.

Server side related

We always tried to be blizzlike, not implementing/having too many custom features so can't really say what and how that will impact on the current playerbase.

Regarding migrations and what to offer for new players, that would remain to discuss.

Donations would remain to discuss as well.

Staff related

Development on the current realm is still ongoing and will continue to add the content we want the players to experience (I'm talking about PvE content since we always did focused on that)

In the end, there are too few votes to actually tell a concrete yes or no concering what the players want and too many suggestions poiting at the same thing only.

Okay, listen here now. You wrote a whole sequel for J.K. Rowling for a new Harry Potter book, the only problem is, you didn't quiet say ANYTHING on topic to the whole matter. Now, I'm not really sure that mods like yourself, having blue post and all are allowed to be this paraplegic in their brain.

Not a single soul to day has ever said that they'd rather have a x1 server if the option of having higher XP rate is available. Not a single soul should care about their WoW progress, especially if it is on a private server which is unstable at times. Every single soul would GIVE their soul to have an I90 server with quality fixes like you guys actually have, but hey, I guess we're just plebs from running from another big private server to you guys in a plea for help. If you can't even muster up a good excuse/ a good *** statement as to why you DON'T WANT TO DO IT, just say so, just tell us to *** OFF.

You said you care about your player base.. :thinking: . Doesn't really look like it, I know it's hard to please all players, but the best anyone can do in your shoes is to try to please the MOST amount of players, and trust me, TRUST ME, PvP players are willing to transfer if the server is normal, which in your case, it is. It is not hard to be humane, it is not hard to be understanding, you just have to not be an idiot.

Staff message (Denim):
+1 warn.Easy with insults/threats and advertising.

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 00:04:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Idk why u even trying to do that guys, this is an PVE server, and alwayse have been, i used to play here for like 3 years. Now PVP is dead here, its full PVE server now. Feelsbadman.

I voted yes btw. But i still think, shocker wont do that. So better stick to ur old servers boys.

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[The Peacemaker]

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 00:42:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Not a single soul should care about their WoW progress, especially if it is on a private server which is unstable at times.

I second that.As i mentioned above,when you spend this much time,effort and money into something,you do start to care,even more so if what you have done was out of pleasure or satisfaction.

New realm=more work+more staff+more time Shocker/Ashcool has to spare for keeping watch on the new realm (yes he checks both MoP and Legion)+more money to be spent on developers that can fix class related bugs.At the moment the only people who are able to do such things are Shocker,Quicksand and maybe Nexflame but his priority is adding the last bosses from Siege of Ogrimmar.

But from what we can see Legion has become the top dog,averaging 3000 players daily.The skepticism of the Staff on releasing a new realm can and should be understood both from a consumer and a financial standpoint.

They won't do it unless they will be sure the server will have 1000+ on average.It won't happen.The current playerbase has been earned through years of slowly but steadily bringing improvements to the server,PvP and PvE wise,therefore attracting more and more people.

Now let's talk reality and leave sentiments on the side.
Q:What did keep the MoP alive through about 3 years of it's life?
Q:Which branch of the server was the primary investor?
A:The PvE people.They payed more for BiS gear during every phase just to become the top dogs of the server.(there are also guild masters who invest now and then money to get guild achivements that couldn't normally be taken so there is a plus of money)

Let's say about 200 people had bought BiS gear,this results in about 40.000$ just from full geared people.There are also people (like me) who bought just 1-3 items to boost their stats for the price of 30$(and in this category there are more people).How beautifully this adds up.PvE Bosses were coming all the time so this kept people here to play more.
I won't talk about the difficulty of obtaining gear since we all know where the grind is holy in order to become top notch. (PvE)
(do i need to mention the people who spend money on mounts/proffesions/unmuting?)

Shocker has spent more time than any of us monitoring the player inflow on the server and,as he mentioned on so many occasions,he won't listen to any random saying "It will work,believe me!".
He realised that PvE and PvP on the same server works fine and that is what has kept this community alive and growing for so many years.

We don't get the final say on matters that involve wild speculations and limited data that we might find here and there.The staff decides.

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 07:01:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'll take a look into this topic maybe on 8/9th of July. I have some ideas
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 09:16:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So no one cares right? Millions of Player left Mop @ retail? On the risk that i get banned now, ill just post that:

(most of the ppl dont even play P******** anymore since they dont fix jack shit. But here you go:********-mop-private-server/page-1

Read all of it if you want.

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 13:32:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

alex21112 wrote:
Not a single soul should care about their WoW progress, especially if it is on a private server which is unstable at times.

I second that.As i mentioned above,when you spend this much time,effort and money into something,you do start to care,even more so if what you have done was out of pleasure or satisfaction.

New realm=more work+more staff+more time Shocker/Ashcool has to spare for keeping watch on the new realm (yes he checks both MoP and Legion)+more money to be spent on developers that can fix class related bugs.At the moment the only people who are able to do such things are Shocker,Quicksand and maybe Nexflame but his priority is adding the last bosses from Siege of Ogrimmar.

But from what we can see Legion has become the top dog,averaging 3000 players daily.The skepticism of the Staff on releasing a new realm can and should be understood both from a consumer and a financial standpoint.

They won't do it unless they will be sure the server will have 1000+ on average.It won't happen.The current playerbase has been earned through years of slowly but steadily bringing improvements to the server,PvP and PvE wise,therefore attracting more and more people.

Now let's talk reality and leave sentiments on the side.
Q:What did keep the MoP alive through about 3 years of it's life?
Q:Which branch of the server was the primary investor?
A:The PvE people.They payed more for BiS gear during every phase just to become the top dogs of the server.(there are also guild masters who invest now and then money to get guild achivements that couldn't normally be taken so there is a plus of money)

Let's say about 200 people had bought BiS gear,this results in about 40.000$ just from full geared people.There are also people (like me) who bought just 1-3 items to boost their stats for the price of 30$(and in this category there are more people).How beautifully this adds up.PvE Bosses were coming all the time so this kept people here to play more.
I won't talk about the difficulty of obtaining gear since we all know where the grind is holy in order to become top notch. (PvE)
(do i need to mention the people who spend money on mounts/proffesions/unmuting?)

Shocker has spent more time than any of us monitoring the player inflow on the server and,as he mentioned on so many occasions,he won't listen to any random saying "It will work,believe me!".
He realised that PvE and PvP on the same server works fine and that is what has kept this community alive and growing for so many years.

We don't get the final say on matters that involve wild speculations and limited data that we might find here and there.The staff decides.

Why are you just repeating what has been said? You only look at the negatives, besides, the "negatives" you say aren't even like remotely bad, like has to look out for the realm? need more staff members? lol?... but I can also repeat myself? O.o

new realm = more players, more donations, more time for Shocker/Ashcool to look back to the moment I started this thread and say "Wow, he really did something for us. He really made many people play here"

You talk like Legion will be the big thing forever. Sooner or later, it will die. Not right now, but in the future it will, trust me. We all saw what happend with all the WoD servers. It was so hyped at first, shit ton of people strated playing WoD private servers, but what happend? It started dying. Why? Because it ran out of content quickly.

Yes I know I know. "Repitch, are you dumb? How can you compare Legion to WoD? Also, an i90 realm has way less content then Legion or blizzlike servers"

I know you guys will say something along those lines. Thing is, MoP is fun and the majority of people enjoyed it. Yes, i90 servers obviously has less content, no one can say otherwise. HOWEVER, people still play P******** that has been out for 4 years now and YET, more people joined. You have around 1.5-2-2.5k players on fun realm alone at peak, let alone cross-server where you fight x100 players.

What does that say? Why do P******** get more and more players while you have i90? That is really weird to me guys, I'm sorry. I just start to question your decision here and just start to think most of you are completely selfish and don't care what others think and wants to do at all.

I also know you guys will say that people started leaving in MoP, but that was throughout the beginning of MoP till s13-14 (late 2013/early 2014) if I remember correctly. People actually enjoyed season 15, because it was very balanced. Honestly, not much even comes close to its balance. s8 and s15 were the most balanced patches imo, due to how classes worked and you could play any class to glad/r1 if played right.

and for the who supported MoP Freakz part, Alex, that is true, but the population is dropping, isn't it? So how long do you guys want to keep this "PVE PVE, SCREW PVP" idea running?

You all live in a fairytale if you think this will work for much longer. You have to be realistic about it.

"Let's say about 200 people had bought BiS gear,this results in about 40.000$ "

???? How does that make any sense? I hardly believe anyone would donate that. You will probably say people do for the sake of the server, but I really don't think so. Who the hell pays 200 for 1 character?

I can also say if 500 people donated for weekly cap reset (5$ per person) server would get 2500$, but I don't get the logic behind saying stuff like this. Your argument is weak.

Again, people need to stop thinking that we want to replace the CURRENT realm. We want to create A NEW ONE FOR PVP-ERS. Pve-ers won't even be f***ing affected... you can still PvE, YOU can still do your thing in Siege of Orgrimmar...

I won't quote everything Shocker told me as it's private, but even he told me that he has to do something for MoP.

So please, stop with this nonsense "higher XP rate, drop rate" shit, because PvP-ers don't want that, we want to PvP. Yes, it's up to you guys and this is a discussion thread. Sorry if I come off as arrogant, not the point, just want to let you guys know that freakz mop will not stay alive forever like this and that's a FACT. You have to try something new.

I also already told you guys about if you have 3 servers with the same goal, why would anyone play on freakz when the other server has MORE players has BETTER scripts? I would not swap to a server if it's worse script wise, BUT, if it had i90 I would literally nerd the SHIT out of this server and many others too.

P******** has SHITTY scripts, w****** dominates bug-wise. BUT, people play P******** because it's instant 90 PvP. THE PROOF IS THERE!

For Christ sake, people would donate for this shit, YOU JUST NEED TO GIVE IT A CHANCE

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 18:47:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why is @Shocker exposing us?

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Post Posted: 04-07-2017, 19:16:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Got a message literally just now LUL

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Post Posted: 06-07-2017, 11:40:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Denim, instead of just disliking my post, maybe explain why?
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