
[DUPLICATE] [Death Knight][Unholy] Ghoul claw damage in pvp

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Post Posted: 30-08-2017, 03:08:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This post is in regards to
I looked through some videos and I found out that actually on freakz sweeping claws is doing the correct damage
I said in the other thread that it does ~35k noncrit.

at 10:52 the transformed pet does 37k noncrit sweeping claw shadow damage on the fury warrior who had enrage so extra damage taken.
at 11:40 non-tranformed pet does 8k noncrit autoattack and 13k noncrit claw on the leather demon hunter (without blur)

So I think that the problem could be that the basic pet ..not transformed is doing too much damage.
That was the case when I made the bug report. I should test it to see how it is now.

And I was wrong regarding the dmg multiplier.
It isn't an adional 200% meaning 3x but just 2x.
cause as wee see in the video 13k noncrit claw on leather(20% dmg reduction from armor) from non-transfomed pet translates into ~16k on 0 armor
that's 125%
135% for sweeping claw should be ~17k
17k x 2 = 34k + the extra damage from mastery.

bottom line.
Sweeping claw should NOT be like I pressumed in my previous post ~ 35k x 3
how it is right now ~35k is ok and the not-tranformed ghoul damage should be looked at..

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Post Posted: 07-09-2017, 00:41:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The damage on PVE is not ok tho as it should do triple damage when transformed and transformed claw is doing less damage than transformed attack.

The transformed damage was recently fixed. Now if the damage of the pet in pvp is incorrect then it has to be fixed , but still the fact remains that it had to do triple damage when transformed , pvp or not.

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Post Posted: 07-09-2017, 00:51:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

kabutozero wrote:
The damage on PVE is not ok tho as it should do triple damage when transformed and transformed claw is doing less damage than transformed attack.

The transformed damage was recently fixed. Now if the damage of the pet in pvp is incorrect then it has to be fixed , but still the fact remains that it had to do triple damage when transformed , pvp or not.

Well @pvp uh is kinda low atm. And as far as I knew it should be better than frost regarding single target dps.

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