
Full 7.1.5 Shaman Guide (enh ele res) (PvP PvE)
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Post Posted: 14-07-2017, 01:00:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Select Your Specialization

overall, your main enhancements should be [Mastery:Haste] with ratio of [3:2] in all 3 spec.
(or maybe full mastery for AoE Elemental...)


i mean the pure number of it... you will see the number if you MouseOver the enhancements.

REMEMBER intellect/agility has priority over all enhancements...


Enhancement Macros

1-: Burst
simple burst macro...
i just want an easy one-button buff.
u can also add trinket "use" effects here.

remember: put all related spells on action bar so that you know which spells are going to be ready.
it might seems stupid but it helps a lot, since we are a bursty melee and we need every millisecond of our GCD to give pressure. so binding it to "F" would be wise.

#showtooltip Heroism(Honor Talent)
/cast [mod:ctrl,@party1][@player]Heroism(Honor Talent)
/cast Doom Winds(Artifact)
/cast Sundering

/cast spiritwalk (-optional)
/use <trinket name> (-optional)

2-: enhance - simple macro to tidy up the action bar... also, frostbrand is priority, because u need to snare and catch enemies.

#showtooltip Flametongue
/castsequence reset=12 Frostbrand, Flametongue

Enhancement PvP Burst Talents
------- lvl15:- Hot Hand: melee attacks with flametongue, have a chance to make your next LavaLash cost no Maelstrom and deal 100% increased damage. (About a 7% chance per each attack)

------ lvl30:- Feral Lunge: basically, a 25yd charge with little physical damage.

----- lvl45:- EarthGrab Totem: 35yd Range, roots target within 10yd... this will root targets is place, useful to catch enemies / root them to heal behind a wall / ...

----lvl60:- HailStorm: Frostbrand now also enhances your weapon's damage, causing each of your weapon attacks to also deal Frost damage.

--- lvl75:- Tempest: Stormbringer proc now affects the next 2 Stormstrikes. simply perfect.

-- lvl90:- Sundering: causing Physical damage and knocking enemies to the side. (which should also interrupt spells, but it's bugged)

- lvl100:- Earthen Spike: dealing Physical damage and increasing Physical and Nature damage you deal to the target by 15% for 10 sec.

Enhancement burst Honor Talents
Gladiator's Medallion:- when you are likely to be CCed when close to finishing off an enemy. (e.g. priest's fear when they're low on health)
Adaptation:- mostly for 2v2 but depends on enemy's CC ability (Also most good for BGs)
Relentless:- mostly for 3v3 when you are likely to get a chain CC

Reinforced Armor:- versus classes that their damage isn't physical melee.
Sparring:- versus Most Melee classes like WW Monk, Warrior or Survival Hunter.
Hardiness:- versus Sub rogues or versus Fire and Arcane Mages (this talent is proven worthy when fighting against sub rogues.)

Windfury Totem:- a totem that increases your allies' damage. recommend when you have a Unholy DK or demo warlock on your side.
Counterstrike Totem:- to redirect enemy burst and to give extra pressure.
skyfury:- a burst buff with short CD.

Ride the lightning:- when fighting against [2 or more] melee.
Forked lightning:- when fighting against [1 or more] ranged player.
Static Cling:- when fighting against fast-moving enemies. such as feral druids.

Shamanism:- use it all the way. haste will increase your AutoAttack speed also, and our AutoAttacks are really important for us.

Enhancement PvP burst Rotation

1- Feral Lunge or earthgrab totem (or windshear if needed to interrupt important cast, like demonic gateway, etc...)

2- [IfEnoughHonor] Windfury totem (use it on cooldown)

3- Rockbiter 3x or 4x

4- [macro: enhance] or simply apply enhancements, which are flametongue and frostbrand.

5- rockbiter 2x or more IF u did not get any Hot Hand or stormbringer proc.

6[IF 1#]- if StormBringer Proc: 1-use earthen spike 2-use [BURST MACRO] 3-use stormstrike 2x (use feral spirits / skufury here)
6[IF 2#]- if Hot Hand Proc, use lava lash. earthen spike will not affect LavaLash.
6[IF 3#]- if no Stormbringer or hothand Proc, then use rockbiter to reach 70-90 mael.

7[IF 1#]- if no available stormstrike, Use lava lash when u have more than 60 maelstrom.
7[IF 2#]- if no available stormstrike, use rockbiter when below 60 maelstrom


stay in [ghost wolf] form whenever the target is NOT in melee range.
Sundering can be used while in [ghost wolf] form
[ghost wolf] can be used while u are a ghost. [/color]

Enhancement PvP Sustain Talents

------- lvl15:- BoulderFist: it replaces rockbiter. it deals more damage, you get 5% damage boost and more maelstrom.

------ lvl30:- Feral Lunge: basically, a 25yd charge with little physical damage.

----- lvl45:- EarthGrab Totem: 35yd Range, roots target within 10yd... this will root targets is place, useful to catch enemies / root them to heal behind a wall / ...

----lvl60:- HailStorm: Frostbrand now also enhances your weapon's damage, causing each of your weapon attacks to also deal Frost damage.

--- lvl75:- Tempest: Stormbringer proc now affects the next 2 Stormstrikes.

-- lvl90:- Sundering: causing Physical damage and knocking enemies to the side.

- lvl100:- Landslide: gives a buff to your PvP agility, which is really good.

Enhancement sustain Honor Talents

Gladiator's Medallion:- when you are likely to be CCed when close to finishing off an enemy. (e.g. priest's fear when they're low on health)
Adaptation:- mostly for 2v2 but depends on enemy's CC ability (Also most good for BGs)
Relentless:- mostly for 3v3 when you are likely to get a chain CC

Reinforced Armor:- versus classes that their damage isn't physical melee.
Sparring:- versus Most Melee classes like WW Monk, Warrior or Survival Hunter.
Hardiness:- versus Sub rogues or versus Fire and Arcane Mages (this talent is proven worthy when fighting against sub rogues.)

Windfury Totem:- a totem that increases your allies' damage. recommend when you have a Unholy DK or demo warlock on your side.
Counterstrike Totem:- to redirect enemy burst and to give extra pressure.
skyfury:- a burst buff with short CD.

Ride the lightning:- when fighting against [2 or more] melee.
Forked lightning:- when fighting against [1 or more] ranged player.
Static Cling:- when fighting against fast-moving enemies. such as feral druids.

Shamanism:- use it all the way. haste will increase your AutoAttack speed also, and our AutoAttacks are really important for us.

Enhancement PvP Sustain Rotation

1- Feral Lunge or earthgrab totem (or windshear if needed, to interrupt important cast, like demonic gateway, etc...)

2- [IfEnoughHonor] Windfury totem (use it on cooldown)

3- boulderfist 2x

4- [macro: enhance] or simply apply enhancements, which are flametongue and frostbrand. (keep em applied)

5- boulderfist 1x or more IF u did not get any stormbringer proc.

6[IF 1#]- if StormBringer Proc: (use feral spirits / skyfury here)
//-use stormstrike 2x

6[IF 2#]- if no Stormbringer proc:
/-use boulderfist to reach full mael.
//-if your enhances are fresh and no available stormstrike/boulderfist, then use LavaLash

7[IF 1#]- if no available stormstrike, use BoulderFist.
7[IF 2#]- if no available stormstrike or boulderfist, use LavaLash.

dual burst trick (by Magicqtz)
1-Using DoomWinds exactly when Stormbringer procs, then spamming stormstrike. (using the artifact trait as the haste buff)
2-using BloodLust/Heroism exactly when stormstrike charges deplete, then spamming stormstrike. (boulderfist/lava lash otherwise)

you can also: remove [/cast DoomWinds] from burst macro, and then, use the macro when performing burst 2#.
(since sundering and Bloodlust/Heroism don't share a GCD)

Enhancement PvE Cleave/AoE Talents
[Mastery:Haste] [3:2]

------- lvl15:- Boulderfist, because u need a buffed AoE instead of a critical lava lash

------ lvl30:- RainFall, it helps healers and sometimes saves lives.

----- lvl45:- Lightning surge totem for Dungeons like [black rook hold] to interrupt Mob self-heals, EarthGrab Totem otherwise

---- lvl60:- HailStorm suggested, others can be used too, not much difference.

--- lvl75:- Tempest, more stromstrike, more AoE from crash lightning.

-- lvl90:- Fury Of Air, (sundering is not good for PvE)

- lvl100:- Landslide, stronger AoE with more agility.

Enhancement PvE Cleave/AoE Rotation

1- cast rain fall, keep it as much as possible by using Stormstrike/LavaLash.

2- use boulderfist as much as possible to build maelstrom for enhances and crash lightning, also to keep fury of air Alive.

3- use fury of Air.

4- use [enhance macro]

5- crash lighning, use it on cooldown and keep it up always.

6- use stormstrike if possible.

7- use lava lash if stormstrike is on cooldown.

maintain enhances, boulderfist buff, fury of air and crash lightning.

1- crash lightning
2- BoulderFist
3- fury of air
4- stormstrike on proc
5- enhances
6- lava lash
7- normal stormstrike

Enhancement Artifact Rush

>Hammer of Storms
-> Gathering Storms
--> Wind Strikes
---> Spiritual Healing
----> Stormflurry
-----> Doom Wolves
------> Elemental Healing
--------> Raging Storms
---------> Spirit of the Maelstorm
----------> Unleash Doom


Elemental Macros

1-: icefury - simple macro to tidy up action bar.

#showtooltip Icefury
/castsequence reset=25 Icefury, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock

2-: Flame - simple macro to avoid re applying flameshock to save up mael, to tidy up action bar and use liquid magma totem on-time.

/castsequence reset=target/15 Flame Shock, Liquid Magma Totem

3-: Chain lightning - use it instead of the normal chain lightning and try to mouse over new targets each time to get [lightning Rod] debuff Up on as many enemies as possible.

#showtooltip chain lightning
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Chain Lightning

Elemental PvE AoE Talents
[Full Mastery]

------- lvl15:- Totem mastery - to increase overload chance, plus a small possibility of distracting critters to hit the totems instead of you.

------ lvl30:- Gust of Wind:- to survive mechanics and to dodge them on-time

----- lvl45:- EarthGrab Totem:- to escape melee mobs

---- lvl60:- Ancestral Swiftness:- you need haste for sustained damage and quicker chain lightning casts

--- lvl75:- Blast:- 12 second CD ability that gives 1or2 buffs for 10 second. that is a great spell

-- lvl90:- Liquid Magma Totem:- it makes some insane AoE plus single target damage

- lvl100:- Lightning Rod:- boosts damage by a great amount, stacking with the lightning macro i introduced.

Elemental PvE AoE Rotation

1- place [totem master] totems

2- Place liquid magma totem at the place you know the mobs will stand there... (4[IF#2] -> simply use macro] )

3- cast Elemental blast. CAST IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and keep it like that. never let it rest, use it when available

4[IF 1#]- if MORE than 4 targets, simply start casting chain lightning. use stormkeeper for chain lightning
4[IF 2#]- if 4 targets or less, cast flameshock on each of them, start casting chain lightning but use lava burst when available. use strormkeeper on lightning bolt

5[IF 1#]- if less than 5 targets, use earth shock at 80 maelstrom to spend maelstrom
5[IF 2#]- if 5 or more targets, use earthquake to spend maelstrom

suggested to invest maelstrom on applying flameshocks instead of earthquake.

Elemental PvE (Lazy Mode) SingleTarget Talents
Elemental PvP (Lazy Mode) Talents

[Mastery:Haste] [3:2]

------- lvl15:- Path Of Flame - to apply your [full duration flameshock] to other targets, which saves around 20 maelstrom each time it spreads.

------ lvl30:- Gust of Wind - to survive mechanics and to dodge them on-time/escape melee enemy players

----- lvl45:- EarthGrab Totem - to escape melee mobs/players

---- lvl60:- Ancestral Swiftness - you need haste for sustained damage and quicker lava bursts

--- lvl75:- Elemental Fusion - gives insane number of lava bursts when you have flameshock on 3+ targets.

-- lvl90:- Echo Of The Elements - gives a second chance to your lavasurge proc. definitely pick it, since you're highly likely to get 2 procs in less than 1 GCD.

- lvl100:- Ascendance - suddenly encountered a huge number of mobs/players? fear no more just spam lava beam and get rid of them. (lava beam is currently bugged)

Elemental PvP (Lazy Mode) Honor Talents

----- Mind Quickness:- extra haste comes in handy.

---- SkyFury:- Totem to buff your lava bursts even more.

--- Swelling Waves:- to heal yourself even more while the target is rooted /etc...

-- Fire and Ice:- to generate more maelstrom in order to earthshock more.

- EarthFury:- an additional CC always comes in Handy, Especially if it's passive.

Elemental PvE (lazy Mode) single target Rotation
Elemental PvP (Lazy Mode) Rotation

1- apply fameshock to the target (suggested to apply it with 20 maelstrom, gain maelstrom at the beginning by casting lightning bolt, use stormkeeper if available)

2- spam lava bursts... (spamming lava burst will spread your full Duration FlameShock to nearby targets also)

3- use ascendance when encountered AoE situation and/or you need a clean chain of lava bursts to take down targets

4- spend maelstrom on earthshock to deal damage & frost shock to escape melee

Elemental PvP HeavyCaster Talents

------- lvl15:- Totem mastery - to hide important totems like counterstrike totem

------ lvl30:- Gust of Wind - for kiting purposes

----- lvl45:- EarthGrab Totem - for kiting purposes

---- lvl60:- Ancestral Swiftness - you need haste for sustained damage and faster healing surges.

--- lvl75:- Elemental Fusion - just a passive to boost your lava surge proc chance

-- lvl90:- echo of elements, useful with Honor talents.

- lvl100:- IceFury, great Cooldown, use it when u have at least 75 maelstrom.

Elemental HeavyCaster Honor Talents

----- Mind Quickness:- haste is better

---- CounterStrike Totem:- useful to reverse a warrior's burst and focusing on healing/kiting

--- Swelling Waves:- to heal yourself even more while the target is rooted

-- (Heavy Caster): Control Of Lava:- will increase lava burst damage, but do not wait for 2/3 procs, just use it on first proc
[because in terms of damage: [2x lava burst > 1x buffed lava burst]]

- Lightning lasso:- can be cast while moving, for Kiting proposes; use lasso after that the enemy wasted trinket on HEX, then u peacefully walk while casting it and hide behind a wall, then start casting healing surges.

Elemental PvP HeavyCaster Rotation

1- place [totem master] totems, at the center of arena map, or just before counterstrike totem

2- apply Flame shock debuff on any target u see

3- use Stormkeeper if available, and cast 4 Lightning Bolt

4- use lava burst(s) as much as possible (lava burst has priority over all other spells)

5- use Icefury Macro when more than 70 mael, or simply: cast icefury, then cast 4 frost shocks

6- use earth shock at 100 mael when icefury is on cooldown

7- cast normal lightning Bolt when lava burst, icefury and stormkeeper are on cooldown.

i cannot teach kiting here... you gotta learn it yourself


how to use ChainHeal efficiently:
chain heal: Chain Heal (wowhead link)
[the first heal that is dealt to the original target : initiation]
it's a healing spell that will jump to nearby targets at the cost of [a partition of the initiation]

if the initiation is more, the chain heals for more also. so it will be wise to try to buff the initiation.

using riptide on your target will trigger [deluge] talent, using [unleash life] will also increase the initiation

2x buff to the initiation will give your overall chain heal a huge increase in healing

the overall healing can be also buffed again by placing [healing rain] which will trigger [deluge] on other friendly targets also, which increase the healing taken by your [non-target] allies.

Restoration PvE normal Talents
[Mastery:Haste] [3:2]

------- lvl15:- Undulation when in a dungeon which needs single target healing more, [unleash life to buff the chain heal]

------ lvl30:- Graceful Spirit, Gust of wind can be also useful to avoid mechanics.

----- lvl45:- Lightning surge totem, extra CC comes in handy.

---- lvl60:- Deluge. 20% increase on all 5 targets is huge.

--- lvl75:- Earthen shield totem, or ancestral vigor if group has low ilvl.

-- lvl90:- bottomless depths, you are less likely to go out of mana with this talent .

- lvl100:- High Tide for dungeons, use wellspring only in raid.

Restoration PvE normal Rotation.

1- cast healing rain, you must keep this buff UP at all times. also remember to [purify spirit] allies.

2- use Riptide when possible. (THEN unleash life. remember to cast unleash life AFTER riptide. because you might waste the (unleash life's buff) on (riptide's initial heal))

3- Use [chain heal].... if necessary, cast healing wave only when u have [Tidal Waves] bufff // otherwise, cast healing surge.

4- cast [gift of the queen] [Earthen Shield Totem] [Healing Stream totem] always when possible.

5- cast Healing tide totem when your group is taking heavy AoE damage.

Restoration PvE Heavy Spread and MASS AoE Heal Talents
(for the situations when u need to heal the whole raid at once)

[mastery:crit] [3:2] or [2:3]

simply acts as Anti-Wipe with long cooldown. and nothing more.

------- lvl15:- Undulation...

------ lvl30:- Wind Rush Totem, to save your group from mechanics.

----- lvl45:- Lightning surge totem, extra CC comes in handy.

---- lvl60:- Ancestral Guidance.

--- lvl75:- Earthen shield totem.

-- lvl90:- CloudBurst Totem to get the most out of your AoE heal // [bottomless depths] otherwise...

- lvl100:- WellSpring for sustained mass heal // Ascendance For a strong Mass Heal, but with long CoolDown.

Restoration PvE Heavy Spread and MASS AoE Heal Rotation
simply ignore the part that is not related to your chosen talents...

there's too many possibilities, so, i cant give you a perfect rotation for this.
just forgive me and learn by experience.

1- cast [healing rain], [Gift Of the Queen], [Healing Stream Totem], [riptide] and [cloudburst] totem when available.

2- cast (if)wellspring / healing surge after activating [cloudburst]

2(if)- if you have ancestral guidance/ascendance available, use them and cast [(if) Wellspring] and spam healing surges.

Restoration PvP Talents

------- lvl15:- Undulation.

------ lvl30:- Graceful spirit, moving while casting is great.

----- lvl45:- Voodoo totem, to disable players in their burst, use earthgrab otherwise.

---- lvl60:- Crashing waves when in arena, deluge if you like using [chain heal] in BG.

--- lvl75:- Earthen shield totem or ancestral vigor.

-- lvl90:- bottomless depths, saves a ton of mana on long fights, especially in arena, since you cant eat or regain mana like monks.

- lvl100:- high tide for BG // ascendance for arena

Restoration Honor Talents

------ relentless, i suggest. as a Restoration shaman, we need to survive chain CC.

----- Calming water, to survive CC chain. use [defender of the weak] if you think you wont be targeted by melee.

---- windfury totem if u have a melee ally, skyfury for bursty warriors/monk, Counterstrike totem otherwise.

--- swelling waves, double healing surge stacking with undulation and critical

-- Voodoo mastery, is better overall.

- spirit link ONLY when you think you will NOT be able to heal through enemy burst. earth shield otherwise.

Restoration PvP Rotation

simply, there is no exact rotation for restoration shaman.
however, i made a priority list for ya.

1- astral shift and spiritwalker's grace

2- riptide

3- healing surge on yourself (cast [healing wave] if you dont have [swelling waves] yet)

4- healing wave on ally / in BG, chain heal when multiple targets are present. (in arena, use ascendance when both/all three of you are low on health)

5- keep earth shield/spirit link if you have them.

6- Healing tide totem, healing stream totem, earthen shield totem, healing rain etc...

good luck
edit log:
*changed spoilers into quote
*added fancy graphic
*fixed misspells
*added few more builds and rotation
*added @Magicqtz's suggestions and fixes
*added a ton of spoilers

the images and icons used are NOT MINE.
i do not take responsibility for any kind of problem that you will face upon using them.

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Last edited by nyevid on 07-12-2017, 18:54:53; edited 68 times in total
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Post Posted: 27-07-2017, 14:01:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Some comments and tips for Enha Sham

Part 1

Those are main Talents for pvp (also for bgs):

The Lightning Surge Totem can be switch with Earthgrab Totem depends what combo you play or what combo you encounter.
Sundering can be switch also with Fury of Air depends what combo you play or what combo you encounter.

In rest, those talents gives you most sustain dmg and burst dmg.

As for Honor Talents (i don't have all tiers available to put a SS):

Tier1: Adaptation/Relentless

Adaptation -> for 2v2 but depends how much CC has the encounter team. (Also most good for bgs)
Relentless -> for 3v3 100% up of the time

Tier2: Reinforced Armour/Sparring

Reinforced Armour -> vs classes that don't do physical dmg 100%
Sparring -> vs classes WW Monk, Warrior or Survival Hunter.

Tier3: Windfury Totem/Counterstrike Totem

Windfury Totem -> used only in combos you play as cleave dmg (Warr/Enha, DK/Enha, Survival Hunter/Enha) This totem doesn't affect you!
-> for 2v2 combos you play, only with hpala but also depends what combo you encounter

Counterstrike Totem -> most of the time used to counter enemy burst and preferred as main talent

TIPS: Counterstrike Totem is very op vs Thorns from druids! (The druid will die by own Thorns)

Tier4: Ethereal Form/Spectral Recovery

Ethereal Form -> only used vs double cleaves
Spectral Recovery -> main honor talent because you will be kited a lot, and your main ability to reach the targets when Feral Lunge is on cd is Wolf.

Tier5: Ride the Lightning/Static Cling/Forked Lightning

Ride the Lightning -> main talent vs every close combat, main vs every melee class. Use it if you encounter combos healer/dps (some particularities vs mist monk, w me ingame for this).
Static Cling -> only vs rdruids and mist monk, i will tested soon as i reach 110, but this should be because you need to have mobility
Forked Lightning -> only vs casters but also depends on the combo you play, i mean if you have combo that can provide good mobility you go main talent Ride the Lightning

Tier6: Shamanism all the way

Part 2

Basic rotation: Boulderfist->Frostband->Flametongue->Stormstrike

Tips: always use Frostband before Flametongue
Stormstrike is main dmg at enha, use it on cd but to have up Boulderfist/Frostband/Flametongue/Landslide up before <- this is very important

Vs aoe don't forget Crash Lightning before Stormstrike, only vs 2 or more targets, don't use it vs 1 target.

Part 3

Personally i prefer to play on 2 bursts:

1. Using the rotation above (prepare the Stormstrike procs which as number is 3x with tempest talent) and after use Heroism/Bloodlust and spam Stormstrike, your Stormstrike will do a huge instant burst with those buffs up and buffs from traits.

2. To have all buffs up as the rotation said above and most trickiest thing is to proc Trait Wind Strikes 30% haste for 3 sec and use Doomhammer and you will have time for using 1xStormstrike in this 3 sec, you need a lot of practice to do this. This 3 sec will do the second burst which is a second Heroism/Bloodlust.

Tip: Trait Wind Strike provide procs of Stormstrike!

To track all your buffs and be efficient and op you need to have addon WeakAuras.

Part 4

What i said above, for combos with healer 100% of the time.

Enha is a squishy spec, so you need a healer.

Part 5

Artefact Rush:

Hammer of Storms -> Gathering Storms -> Wind Strikes -> Spiritual Healing -> Stormflurry -> Doom Wolves -> Elemental Healing -> Raging Storms -> Spirit of the Maelstorm -> Unleash Doom

This is main rush for artefact.
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Post Posted: 03-09-2017, 20:43:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Post Posted: 03-11-2017, 15:21:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have some explanations to make about your guide to the elemental shaman.

1. You must have somewhere at 86% mastery, then crit for ascendance build.
2. You use Earthgrab totem only in mythic plus when you have skittish, for the rest of the mythics the best choice is Lightning Surge totem.
3. The Liquid Magma totem has too many ticks on freakz and that's why it's a good solution for aoe. But to have an aoe and a good single target, you'd use more Echo of the elements than liquid magma totem

Linked to the layout of the guide, I can only say it does not make me read it. Try to edit it, make it more animated, enjoy reading

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[Banned user]


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Post Posted: 03-11-2017, 19:32:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Granz wrote:
I have some explanations to make about your guide to the elemental shaman.

1. You must have somewhere at 86% mastery, then crit for ascendance build.
2. You use Earthgrab totem only in mythic plus when you have skittish, for the rest of the mythics the best choice is Lightning Surge totem.
3. The Liquid Magma totem has too many ticks on freakz and that's why it's a good solution for aoe. But to have an aoe and a good single target, you'd use more Echo of the elements than liquid magma totem

Linked to the layout of the guide, I can only say it does not make me read it. Try to edit it, make it more animated, enjoy reading

Im trying, okay?


Update @ 03-11-2017, 19:32:57

Granz wrote:
I have some explanations to make about your guide to the elemental shaman.

1. You must have somewhere at 86% mastery, then crit for ascendance build.
2. You use Earthgrab totem only in mythic plus when you have skittish, for the rest of the mythics the best choice is Lightning Surge totem.
3. The Liquid Magma totem has too many ticks on freakz and that's why it's a good solution for aoe. But to have an aoe and a good single target, you'd use more Echo of the elements than liquid magma totem

Linked to the layout of the guide, I can only say it does not make me read it. Try to edit it, make it more animated, enjoy reading

ah sorry, but which build are you referring to?

this is not some copy-pasta guide. :3

Protecting Game Settings - Shaman Guide - Rogue Guide - Sneaky Macros
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Post Posted: 21-11-2017, 12:01:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

apparently... this guide is not easy to understand for many players...

it's too 'nerdy'... they say?

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Post Posted: 21-11-2017, 13:15:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nyevid wrote:
apparently... this guide is not easy to understand for many players...

it's too 'nerdy'... they say?

Doesn't seem to me. It has the exact info for each spec depending on player desires for gameplay.


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Post Posted: 21-11-2017, 16:05:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

thanks denim,

but i'm not going to make a rogue guide anymore...

[asa sub out] [pvp pve] rogue guide would be even more complicated and 'nerdy'...

i just give up...

guides here are all about racial buffs, best in slot legendaries and artifact relics, item enchants and potions...
but it's all about 1 spec, and they just have 1 rotation and 1 build... and people seem to like it more...

it's just... sad...


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Post Posted: 21-11-2017, 16:11:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yeah, it's an issue and not just here.


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Post Posted: 21-11-2017, 16:33:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Last edited by nyevid on 30-11-2017, 14:15:17; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 23-11-2017, 13:53:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

it looks like you need some appreciations from other people. Well, it helped me very much to chose my talents for each spec, create some macros and learn the rotation for each spec. I don't like to play only one spec, so i have them equally grown.(40 artifact trait) -877 ilvl on each spec.
Good job for the guide

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Post Posted: 05-12-2017, 16:23:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


this is a nice friendly user guide. In a bigger picture its a great start for a newbie. Allthough for some medium users is kinda poor. Maybe if u decide to work on an indeepth guide for elemental shaman i can gladly help. BTW, the Mastery cap is somewhere around 73% with the Elemental Blast talent, because of the mastery proc chance that can hit the 86.5% mastery cap. The rotation for AoE opener i think is outdated, the best one is Elemental Blast>Stormkeeper>Flametongue Totem>3 x Chain Lightning>Elemental Blast and repeat with chains and EB. If u can use a potion before all that, u rock.

Cheers and great nice work

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Post Posted: 05-12-2017, 21:27:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

this is legion.

what is Flametongue Totem...

some stuff i failed to mention:

yes. this guide is for beginners... For AoE Elemental you need to get Crit/more haste after 70% mastery cap. people with experience will know this anyway. i suppose, no need to mention.



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Post Posted: 16-12-2017, 23:38:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

any bis gear list ?
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Post Posted: 17-12-2017, 17:43:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Flamestalker wrote:
any bis gear list ?

as i tried to say,

someone who does not know how to play a spec, has nothing to do with BIS stuff yet.

and if you finally learn to try different talents and experiment with the class over time, you will find your own BIS anyway.

also, best in slots differ from build to build.

if you see a copy pasta guide with one build and one rotation, that's all it has!

are just not necessary.

one should UNDERSTAND what he/she is doing. just copying another one's exact set up and doing damage SHOULD NOT BE enjoyable.

all those in my mind, also:

PvP is pretty much balanced and does not need specific gear-relied shit to be the best.


i mean... i WOULD add PvE-elusive crap to this guide, if people asked.

and.... there's plenty of other guides out there.

Update @ 17-12-2017, 17:43:44

like this full legendary guide:

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