
News and updates: Instant 90 + crossfaction interactions and more, waiting for suggestions
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Post Posted: 12-12-2017, 16:52:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

) something like an OX event back from metin2, but with wow history question

I actually hosted such an event yesterday. It had few questions and a companion as a prize, because I was merely testing the waters. Something similar took place on the Freakz Discord a while ago. If you're interested, we'll do that on a larger scale.

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(January 2017 - February 2018)

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 17:48:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cross-faction for free would be nice, because all of the good alliance guilds are dead.

Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 Pathogen Forum

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-12-2017, 21:50:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vote points transmog gear items to have a maximum Item Level of 495, as starting free gear is 496 + items dropped on timeless are >496 495, with the restrictions needet for items like sun-lute or things that are in game only donated or by quests etc to be excluded. for example, i saw some items of ILVL 470-480 which are looking nice and i would like to have.

Update @ 22-12-2017, 21:50:21

Wedinn wrote:
) something like an OX event back from metin2, but with wow history question

I actually hosted such an event yesterday. It had few questions and a companion as a prize, because I was merely testing the waters. Something similar took place on the Freakz Discord a while ago. If you're interested, we'll do that on a larger scale.

yes i participated in it, it was very interesting and i would want to see more, maybe with even more questions, the prize was also interesting, and beside i just wanted to say that the hate i saw after is a common one, any event that will be ever made, will have some haters/hate, i was thinking when i wrote that sugestion, that for example, if there would be 60-85 players online, a gm would make a raid with max to 40 ppl and on /raid ppl who joined could participate, if more ppl -> more raids that being said only for making the job easier in my opinion. and i also though that there could be at least 2-3 corect answers.. like when there are on global/raid or ehre is the event made 2 corect answers the gm to announce, first ones to answer corect are: -name- cause being only 1 winner/question with a 5-6 question event is kinda hard for ppl to even participate when there are more ppl to know the lore

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-12-2017, 01:37:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Instant npc's level : 60 70 80 and 85 for twink players/those who want to learn their character but having a litle start, and cross faction guilds as mentioned before cause they would be a really good thing to pve, pvp and twinking also.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-12-2017, 20:28:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Instant Level 90 is actually a pretty good thing, but you should really add PVE gear as well.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-12-2017, 01:05:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Getting the option on vote shop to get a number of reputation with a choosen faction or to get exalted/revered instantly in the exchange of x VP. i think it would help some people thate are at least some kind of colectors as i am, and as many from the people who stayed are, for my example, i am hated with booty bay and all that goblin factions cause i made the bloodsail admirals achivment which made me hate, and these factions are around the whole azeroth, so i can t for example take fly from swamp of sorrows or booty bay cause im atacked by lots of guards, or for another example im hated with both scyers and aldors ( i don t know how i reached it either, i am stupid ) and its really hard only getting 500 reputation from hated to ealted or for another factions for achivments/fun items or mounts. OFCOURSE the mount and really hard/important factions as such in pandaria and ETC should be or HIGHER PRICE in VP or NOT at all.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-12-2017, 18:15:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Valor point and conquest point cap must be increased and raid cooldowns should reset 3 times per week
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-01-2018, 08:58:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vote Points. for more reasons: 1. 100 VP bags which is a lot to farm considering most of people get 15vp /2 days. i personally have one 100 votepoints bag, and 3 28 slot bags, and got almost no place in inventory, i would like to buy those 3 from vp with vp.
2. Farming pets for achivs/fun, some pets like the one from the opera event in kharazan or viscidus in ahn qirajii can be obtained only with VP.
3. Gear farming.
So i consider VP are important, and i though about a sistem that rewards people that get atleast 35 VP / 1 week as it is possible to get 70, -->with 10/15/20 votepoints / each week end on sunday as an extra reward for voting and keepin them voting not only the minimum for lotery on month, this being a low populated server where being colectors of things: achivs, tsmog, pets, weapons are one of the little things that can be funny & done anymore so i though it could be a little easier for us.

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Post Posted: 04-01-2018, 09:23:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ezdots wrote:
Valor point and conquest point cap must be increased and raid cooldowns should reset 3 times per week

We will think about the increase of caps, but no @ raids. It's more than enough once a week for 4 difficulties. I believe it's posted somewhere also a slight increase for loot as well.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-01-2018, 16:54:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I´d suggest higher/better rewards for LFR so geared people are motivated to join it. I feel like there are many new players arround but they leave pretty quickly. A big reason for that might be the high ilvl requirements by the few pugraids so it´s really hard to get started.
It´s pretty common to ask for 550ilvl for a tot10n. I understand why and I don´t even want to change it. But new players have no real chance to even get close to it besides weeks and weeks of luck at celestial worldbosses or grinding conquestpoints without active battlegrounds or arena.

So maybe increase the amount of valorpoints you get for finishing a wing or combine it with a previous suggestion and increase the weekly cap for valorpoints but only obtainable in lfr (pls don´t hate me for that i just want more people on the server -).
Another way to bait people into lfr would be to give more bosses a 100% dropchance for legendary-quest items like Sha of fear.

Of course it would be nice to scale down the amount of players needed for a lfr, but i assume it would be much work also to retune it so maybe that´s an easier way to revive lfr-runs -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-01-2018, 16:15:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

One more thing as a sugestion: More fun items on vote points shop for colectors as i am. There are still people voting on mop server and besides gearing in my opinion fun items is the second thing chosed, there are not so many things to chose between.. half of those being elite pandaria drops anyway.. i mean on legion vote shop fun items there are tons of vanila/tbc/wotlk/cata/mop fun items.. maybe could be added some more here?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-01-2018, 22:00:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Gabor2444 wrote:
Make The Lion Roars quest click-to-compltete because on a server with 120player at max peak its almost impossible to get in a battleground and impossible to get in the wanted battleground not mentioning it has to be won.

What he said, these days its even impossible to get a scenario or random dungeon started due to the lack of players, let alone a BG.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-01-2018, 14:48:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sugestion: Bugged quest chains or those that requires 25/40 or just tons/lots of ppl to be completed/made, which is hard because if there are 100 people on its hard to get 25 for example only for what you need/want from before expansions or for making quests/achivs for you. Example: "Delegation" is a quest from lvl 85 legendary staff quest chain, which i interested in making, and you need to go in Firelands and keep some bosses on long time to spawn more mobs to drop some quest items etc is hard, so for shanox boss on it, you can t keep it on you even 2 minuts, cause it bursts tons of damage, insta 1 hitting almost any player remaining only an fire tomb alive. The sugestion is that when quests / achivs like these are found, with a ticket for help explaining the situation, to get help from a gm making it complete. Just an opinion, it would be easier for some people.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-01-2018, 03:53:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello everyone.

I was thrilled when i read the recent changes to the mop realm,also more thrilled when i read that the devs are open to suggestions regarding what to add/change in order to keep the mop server alive and i hope im not late.

Before i start,i would like to point out that im just expressing my opinion here not judging or insulting anyone, this is more of an overall review on the private server model that we have nowdays in general not just wow-freakz,again im not hating just expressing myself.

Ive been playing in private servers for over 10 years now,i always liked the idea of playing an easier or rather more quickly rewarding version of the official wow,aka achieve what you can achieve in retail in a shorter amount of time with the increased rates (pve raiding and gearing wise),so i join a private server,play in it for a while then quit,always thinking the same thing. "Why should i invest time playing in a private server when i can get the same effect playing in retail wow ?"

In retail wow :

-The game simply works better.
-More people online to play with/against.
-More people working and maintaining the game throughout its cycle.

As we all know,most private servers lack these important elements,wich leads to alot of frustration and wasted time/effort from both the players and the Devs,which leads to some very contradicting results and objectives.

-Whats the point of leveling from 1 to max level in a server that wants you to experience the endgame content anyways ?
-Whats the point of leveling all the way to max lvl in a server where its almost impossible to get a decent raid ready set with enchants/flasks/gems/professions/glyphs?

In the case of Genesis-mop,the population is at its lowest because of the release of the legion realm obviously,so here again it shows that most players would rather spend time playing the new expansion and are done with the older one.

So here is what i suggest:

-Make a clear and simple plan for the player who just joined the server to follow for example : spawn at level 90 > get a strong starter gear with a good ilvl > enchant/flask/gem/glyph/professions > join a raid group > earn interesting rewards > rinse and repeat.

-Make all the mop raids share the same level as siege of orgrimmar,it means that no matter what raid you are doing,it counts as if you are doing the last raid of the expansion(ilvl wise and loot),this should help with the starter gear aswell as make all the mop raids relevant and interesting to do.

-Make raids easier than what they are just for flex and normal to accomodate the casual players and beginners and anyone who just wants to get in a random raid group and spam spells,leave the crazy performance requirements for heroic for the more serious and seasoned players who are looking for a challenge.

-Make the loot more interesting,add extra stuff like mounts or transmog items,valor pts for upgrades to make players wanna spam content over and over,if they cleared the raid already its ok they can just tag along with another group,help out and get extra valor points and maybe a cool mount or a cool transmog item,this simple plan makes all the online players at any given moment focus on doing the same thing and getting different statisfying results over and over,by the time they are tired,guess what,another group of players will get online to get their fix of the awesome rewards and content.

-Make raid gear easier to drop to make it more rewarding and satisfying,as i mentionned earlier make the player want to be online,if he is locked to a raid,he can go again and join another raid group because he wants to have fun with his class and other players and this time he gets valor pts to upgrade his gear and maybe some rare mounts or pets.

Overall the idea that i want to express here is this : in order to get players to join the server and keep coming back,you gotta offer them something fun,simple,easy and rewarding to go after over and over again. and hard content of course in case they want the challenge.

To me,the idea of a private server is for you to get the things that take alot of effort to get in an easy-fun way not the opposite,its supposed to be a fun relaxing experience that makes you wanna go back to it because you know it rewards you just by being online in the first place,not the stress and that feeling of working a full time job that you get playing retail wow when everytime you log on you cant help but think of all the things that you have to grind and farm just to be on par with others.

I hope you understand what im trying to explain here,you're better off making a simple server than trying to achieve with a handfull of people what blizzarrd achieved with thousands...its their game they designed it in way that is time consuming to stay relevant in the gaming businness,we are a private server community,let us come together and make ourselves an experience where we just log on have fun as much as possible with the game we all love minus the week long grinds and farms.then go about our daily lives and be excited for the next day where we log on once again and have fun together.

Thanks to everyone especially to the Devs who made this possible in the first place. Good luck.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-01-2018, 11:38:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Catanoob wrote:
Hello everyone.
Ive been playing in private servers for over 10 years now,i always liked the idea of playing an easier or rather more quickly rewarding version of the official wow,aka achieve what you can achieve in retail in a shorter amount of time with the increased rates (pve raiding and gearing wise),so i join a private server,play in it for a while then quit,always thinking the same thing. "Why should i invest time playing in a private server when i can get the same effect playing in retail wow ?"

Overall the idea that i want to express here is this : in order to get players to join the server and keep coming back,you gotta offer them something fun,simple,easy and rewarding to go after over and over again. and hard content of course in case they want the challenge.

To me,the idea of a private server is for you to get the things that take alot of effort to get in an easy-fun way not the opposite,its supposed to be a fun relaxing experience that makes you wanna go back to it because you know it rewards you just by being online in the first place,not the stress and that feeling of working a full time job that you get playing retail wow when everytime you log on you cant help but think of all the things that you have to grind and farm just to be on par with others.

I hope you understand what im trying to explain here,you're better off making a simple server than trying to achieve with a handfull of people what blizzarrd achieved with thousands...its their game they designed it in way that is time consuming to stay relevant in the gaming businness,we are a private server community,let us come together and make ourselves an experience where we just log on have fun as much as possible with the game we all love minus the week long grinds and farms.then go about our daily lives and be excited for the next day where we log on once again and have fun together.

So i read what you wrote, and i wanted to share my opinion about it, so it can be read by others on the same thinking as you.I understand what you have wrote here, but 1. there are LOTS of people, that play on private servers, Cause they don't play on retail, for diferrent reasons. I, for example, am one of the people i mentioned, never played on retail, and i have found a long time ago a private server of wow to play and think of it as retail. we spend lots of time and dedicated to it. You are sugesting for them to make this server completly instant with everything you want and just click get leave/join. This could have been done any time before and will be possible to be done in further, being very easy, i mean, there are lots of servers this kind, only for experiencing pvp/pve, training etc. This is a server that is running for a long period, in which dev put lots of work in it, not mention the players that spend so much time making everything they have done in so many years, and i don't think after this much work for any side, they would think of making it equal to 0. Sure i also think that that sugestion about rewards pets mounts etc is a good one though and worked of it good, but others are just not for this server..

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